SockJS multiplexing example 404 index.html not found - node.js

Looking at SockJS multiplex example
I got the server running. When I go to I see a welcome message "Welcome to SockJS!"
When I try to browser to index.hmtl I get 404 message "Cannot GET /index.html"
The 'index.html' is in the same directory as the server.js is running. Why can't the server find this file?

Please double check if you're using good express version. Express 3 changed API's and code may require some tweaking. See sockjs-node/examples for examples.

Installed express 3.1.1 and made some code updates to server.js. Now when I go to it serves me index.html as specified in server:
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
res.sendfile(__dirname + '/index.html');
Not sure why but still doesn't give me the file.


Express server serving index.html instead of chunk files, in a React app

I'm trying to serve a production build of a React app(Typescript), booted with create-react-app.
I'm following the official guide:
There's nothing unique about my setup. This is the server.js file, located in the root directory(above src):
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'build')));
app.get('/*', function (req, res) {
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, 'build', 'index.html'));
The production files are created within a folder called build. An example of the paths generated:
<script src="./static/js/main.0ae46692.chunk.js"></script>
When i navigate to localhost:8000/, everything is served fine. The initial request serves the index.html, and the script requests serve the correct files.
But, when i try to navigate(from the browser) to something like localhost:8000/todos, all script requests return index.html.
I do not see anything "special" about my setup, and do not understand what's going on. Am i missing something in the guide? It clearly states that app.get('/*',...) fixes the issue.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Copying the comment into an answer here so it can be marked.
This sounds like the issue is the script tags are generated with relative paths, because it works when you make a request to the root /, but not anything else. Could you try setting the "homepage" to "localhost:8000"

How to serve static files on Openshift from Express?

I need an Openshift person to answer this. Local server working serving files from /static folder on root. Once ported up to Openshift, "404 not found". There is something in Openshift that is changing my routes. I'm using the lines:
const repoDir = env.OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR || __dirname;
app.use(express.static(repoDir + '/static'));
What step am I missing?
I am user of OpenShift‎.
Recently I have came across the similar issue.
Please refer the below to check if it resolves the issue.
1. Check if you get the below error.
TypeError: Object #<ServerResponse> has no method 'sendFile'
- try Upgrading expressJS version
2. Use the below approach to serve the static files including js. Working sample
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, '/public')));
app.get('/', function(req, res){
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, '/views/index.html'));
express - version is 4.14.0

How to configure the page the / path goes to in a tiny express app?

I'm using a simple node express server which is wrapped in the Webpack Dev Server (
I'm starting an express app from a top level directory where the static files are in a directory called "public".
I've got this line of configuration: + '/public'));
If I type, all is good.
How but the URL of produces a directory listing of the top level.
What is the proper way to configure to go to the index.html file?
add'/', function(req, res) {
See the docs
The solution involved setting the contentBase proper of the WebpackDevServer plus telling the + contentbase);
Per this diff
The docs are here:

How to access to the application through browser?

How can I access my server through the browser once I've set up the server ?
In PHP I simply have to put my files in the www/ folder and then go to, but how can I do that with NodeJS ?
My server's code is from a tutorial :
var app = require(‘express’).createServer();
app.get(‘/’, function(request, response){
response.send(‘Hello Web Designer’);
But whenever I go to i get a "Problem loading the page". So either my server is not running correctly (hard to tell when the NodeJS console shows "...") or I am not accessing it correctly.
What can I do please ?
you have to send a http head and end the response.
Try this code.
var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
res.write('hello world');
(Pseudo Code)
Also don't use any frameworks to learn how node works.
You can run you index.js now and call localhost:8888
Did you start the server? The apache server runs php, in the nodejs world, there is a javascript runtime that needs to be started.
Try node server.js from the command line (or whatever your file is called) to get it to listen and serve incoming requests.

http server listening in old port

First i installed the node js with webmatrix and ran a sample node js app. the app was assigned a random port. http://localhost:62369/. After that i installed the express module. As said in their doc. i wrote,
var app = express();
app.get('/',function (req, res) {
res.send('hello world!!');
Then i restarted the server. The launched browser was still pointing to http://localhost:62369/ instead of port 3000. Moreover http://localhost:3000/ was not working.
I suggest you to run this code so you can see if you have any problem on saving the code with your IDE:
var app = express(),
port = 4555;
app.get('/',function (req, res) {
res.send('hello world!!');
console.log("Server is running on " + port);
After that, you need to change the port variable only. It's helpful if you comment what you see after running this code on the console.
make sure that you've saved your code in your file (open it with another editor, maybe something's wrong with your editor), close the command line window and open it again. try to run server. I'm sure the problem is not because of node or express. Try to check everything again.
And also run your server with command line:
cd path/folder
node myFile
I don't know what are you using to run server, but if it's something with UI (in comments you mentioned a click) it can cache your code or something like that. So it's safer to run with commend line.
