Can run program from Qt but can't run it from konsole - linux

I have a a problem sounds pretty wierd. I compiled a program in Qt and it ran successfully.
But when I navigated to the release folder in the konsole and ran the program (even with super user), it reported :
If 'HelloWorld' is not a typo you can use command-not-found to lookup the package that contains it, like this:
cnf HelloWorld
I checked the permissions, all users can read it.The path is right. I'm out of way.
Please help me!
Note: I use Qt 4.74 on OpenSuse 12.1. Just switched from windows few days ago
I think this ain't relate to the source code, since even a simple HelloWorld program can't run either

If the program is in the current directory, make sure you run it with a prefix indicating so:


environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not working until I reassign it

I have a strange behavior on an embedded linux system. It is created from an image file and has been used on many system for about a year without any issues. But a new system that I installed just now fail to work.
I have an app that is started by one of the boot scripts, and is dependent on a library in a special path.
So the script sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH to foopath.
But after boot I can see that the app was never started and if I try to start it manually it complains that it can't find the library.
The strange thing is that I can get it to work by setting the same path again by just copying the path using the clipboard, like this:
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=foopath
After this my app will find the library and executes correct.
But if I reboot the system the problem is of course back again.
What could be wrong, and what can I do to solve the issue?
As seen in the comments I got it to work by changing my script like this, but I still can't understand why it works on some systems, but not all.
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=foopath

groovysh not working in Groovy version 2.2.0

I recently downloaded and installed the Groovy-2.2.0 windows binary, configured my system, i.e., Java is installed and functioning properly, etc. My GROOVY_HOME variable is set to C:\groovy-2.2.0, my path is set to C:\groovy-2.2.0\bin and C:\groovy-2.2.0\lib. However, unlike Groovy 2.1.9, the groovysh command generates a flood of errors (too long to post here) about an inability to run groovystarter. I'm using a WinXP (sp3) machine with Groovy-2.2.0 installed. Oddly, I can compile and run groovy programs. It is only the groovy shell that isn't functioning.
Thanks to a few helpful individuals, i.e., Guillaume, Cédric, and Pascal, the posted issue has been solved. There was a subfolder in my root directory, C:\, named C:\jline. I copied its contents to an unused subdirectory (as a backup) then deleted the C:\jline folder. After doing so, the groovysh command worked perfectly. I felt compelled to post the solution in the event another programmer experienced the same or perhaps highly similar and related problem.

How do i resolve the procedure entry point_impure_ptr error in cygwin/opencobol?

Whenever I try to run my .exe cobol file, i get this error..
fileName.exe Entry Point Not Found
The procedure entry point_impure_ptr could not be located in the dynamic link library cygwin1.dll
I am using OpenCObol and cygwin ver1.7.15.thanks
You'll need to specify the proper path for the command below, but Cygwin seems pretty persnickety with entry point addresses and updates, The system includes a rebaseall command to help fix this problem. Most times I've witnessed it is after a setup.exe pass, while the Cygwin system was still active (and perhaps only in the background and not visible).
C:\Users\btiffin\cygwin\bin\dash -c '/usr/bin/rebaseall'
Run that from a Windows CMD shell (while Cygwin isn't active, say after a clean boot and before running the Cygwin shell. Basically cygwin1.dll can't be open). You'll need to use the proper Windows path to dash for your particular install. Google Cygwin rebase for detailed articles.
I had a similar error message after upgrading from cygwin version 1.5 to 1.7. I solved it by completely removing and reinstalling 1.7 from scratch. I was told there might have been a problem with multiple versions of dlls.

unable to symbolicate crash log from a MonoTouch program

I have a MonoTouch app that I built in debug and uploaded to the device. I ran the app in the debugger and the app died without the debugger catching anything. I have a .crash log for it. I ran:
symbolicatecrash myapp.crash myapp.dSYM
It got symbol information for Apple stuff like CFRunLoopRunInMode and UIApplication, but not for anything in my program.
Is there a different way I need to symbolicate MonoTouch crash logs?
We had this same problem and we created a work around...
When we ran symbolicatecrash with the -v parameter (verbose) we saw it was complaining about not having a binary file inside the dSYM package. So we manually copied the binary file from within the app package into the dSYM package and that worked. Something like [MyProject].app/[MyProject] to [MyProject].app.dSYM/[MyProject].
We then created this as a Custom Command to run After Build:
cp ${TargetDir}/${ProjectName}.app/[MyProject] ${TargetDir}/${ProjectName}.app.dSYM/${ProjectName}
Note the [MyProject] portion as the binary created in the app package is a different name than the project name for us for some reason.
Now all builds symbolicate fine from terminal and within Xcode organizer. I hope there's a less band-aid way, but we were in a time crunch and this worked.
I had this problem and posted a patched version of symbolicatecrash to github. Replace /usr/local/bin/symbolicatecrash with this and you should be back in business.
tholsens answer is correct but when using Xcode >=4.3 (which is installed as an application) you need to run xcode-select first:
sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/
Otherwise you'll get strange errors like 'does not contain slice armv6', etc.

Problem between PyQt5 and Cocoa under MacOSX with PyInstaller

I installed OSX Mavericks to make sure that the application I'm developing can run on this system. I compile with PyInstaller (my build script that uses PYInstaller runs without errors).
The problem is that when I double-click on the executable, I get this error:
Last login: Wed Jan 16 22:56:18 on ttys004
Mac-Pro-de-angelo:~ angelo$ /Users/angelo/miniconda3/envs/apsc/apsc_1_0_0_onefile_mac_osx/apsc ; exit;
objc[5125]: Class RunLoopModeTracker is implemented in both /var/folders/t0/s6_p_gn15798z_8m8w5f6vjm0000gn/T/_MEIWgQ7yV/libQt5Core.5.dylib and /Users/angelo/miniconda3/envs/apsc/lib/libQt5Core.5.6.2.dylib. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[5125]: Class NotificationReceiver is implemented in both /var/folders/t0/s6_p_gn15798z_8m8w5f6vjm0000gn/T/_MEIWgQ7yV/libQt5Widgets.5.dylib and /Users/angelo/miniconda3/envs/apsc/lib/libQt5Widgets.5.6.2.dylib. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[5125]: Class QCocoaPageLayoutDelegate is implemented in both /var/folders/t0/s6_p_gn15798z_8m8w5f6vjm0000gn/T/_MEIWgQ7yV/libQt5PrintSupport.5.dylib and /Users/angelo/miniconda3/envs/apsc/lib/libQt5PrintSupport.5.6.2.dylib. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[5125]: Class QCocoaPrintPanelDelegate is implemented in both /var/folders/t0/s6_p_gn15798z_8m8w5f6vjm0000gn/T/_MEIWgQ7yV/libQt5PrintSupport.5.dylib and /Users/angelo/miniconda3/envs/apsc/lib/libQt5PrintSupport.5.6.2.dylib. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
QObject::moveToThread: Current thread (0x7f9362f5b620) is not the object's thread (0x7f93640b2370).
Cannot move to target thread (0x7f9362f5b620)
You might be loading two sets of Qt binaries into the same process. Check that all plugins are compiled against the right Qt binaries. Export DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES=1 and check that only one set of binaries are being loaded.
This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "cocoa"
in "".
Available platform plugins are: cocoa, minimal, offscreen.
Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
Abort trap: 6
[Opération terminée]
If I refer to this post:
pyinstaller + pyqt5: could not find or load "cocoa"
I encounter the same problem but the proposed solution does not work not at my house.
That's how my PYInstaller script is run:
/Users/angelo/miniconda3/envs/apsc/bin/pyinstaller --clean --windowed --onefile --runtime-tmpdir /var/folders/t0/s6_p_gn15798z_8m8w5f6vjm0000gn/T --icon=logo_apsc_256x256.icns --distpath apsc_1_0_0_onefile_mac_osx --name apsc
For accuracy my software works fine under MacOSX when launched directly from Python.
Can you help me find a solution?
These are my specifications:
MacOSX 10.9.5
Python 3.4.5, qt-5.6.2, sip-4.18 and pyqt-5.6.0 under Miniconda3-3.8.3
... After ...
I would really like to solve this problem, it's been several days ... and I can not do it.
It has evolved a little but I still have errors and it is still impossible for me to launch my software (the, generated app) under MacOSX after compilation with PyInstaller,
That's what I did:
A symbolic link between libpython3.6m.dylib and libpython3.6.dylib (the latter did not exist in the bin directory of the environment created in miniconda3):
ln -s /Users/angelo/miniconda3/envs/test/lib/libpython3.6m.dylib /Users/angelo/miniconda3/envs/test/lib/libpython3.6.dylib
Then I placed the order:
It should be noted that I find myself with the error:
21966 ERROR: Can not find path ./libtbb.dylib (needed by /Users/angelo/miniconda3/envs/test/lib/libmkl_tbb_thread.dylib)
The result is a little better but I always find myself with the errors:
objc[2619]: Class RunLoopModeTracker is implemented in both /private/var/folders/t0/s6_p_gn15798z_8m8w5f6vjm0000gn/T/_MEIqjVaY5/libQt5Core.5.dylib and /Users/angelo/miniconda3/envs/test/lib/libQt5Core.5.6.2.dylib. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[2619]: Class NotificationReceiver is implemented in both /private/var/folders/t0/s6_p_gn15798z_8m8w5f6vjm0000gn/T/_MEIqjVaY5/libQt5Widgets.5.dylib and /Users/angelo/miniconda3/envs/test/lib/libQt5Widgets.5.6.2.dylib. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
QObject::moveToThread: Current thread (0x7ff483848540) is not the object's thread (0x7ff48385ab60).
Cannot move to target thread (0x7ff483848540)
... which I can not get rid of.
If anyone could help me, I'd be really happy,
Help me please.
