I am using Sample App of Bluetooth Chat.I want to search only those devices on which "BluetoothChat" is installed - bluetooth

I am using Sample App of Bluetooth Chat.I Have one problem I want to search only those devices on which "BluetoothChat" is installed. Please help I am new in android.

It can't be done. All you can do is try connecting them all, if the connection is refused, you will know that this device is not running your app.

That is not possible.because you did not check package name of your application in another device before connectivity via bluetooth.If you want to connect only tab or mobile device then this can easily possible.


Need help trying to make BLE device be discovered

I am trying to create a custom device to connect to an app via BLE. The device can be discovered using nRF connect and other BLE scanners, but not with the app i'm trying to use. Any idea what the issue is? Could it be something with the UUID?

app inventor. Application communication via WI-FI

Good afternoon. Please help in creating the application.
A project is being created to control the air suspension of the car through Arduino. The application is written in App Inventor. The connection must be established via Wi-Fi.
Q: how do I do this in App Inventor? What are the blocks? So that when you start the application, it is immediately connected to Wi-Fi.
I don't think it's necessary to auto-connect your Android device to WiFi. The connection over WiFi method is much user-friendly to connect it manually. But, if you intent to do this, you could use TaifunWiFi.
hope this help.

Connecting to a custom device via Bluetooth when its SDK is unavailable

I am building an Android app in which I need to connect to an custom device over classic Bluetooth (preferably). My problem is SDK for that device is not created to facilitate the connection. Now I am stuck onto the part where I need to create a Socket which will be opened by the custom device which is acting as a server and other Android devices will act as clients and connect to it.
I am stuck at the part where we need to have identical UUIDs at both client and server for the socket connection to work. I am following the BleutoothChatApp as reference for this but I cannot always make sure that both my app and custom device will have identical UUIDs. Because I may or may not be able to hard code the UUID in custom device.
What can I do in such case.?
Also when I try to use BLE and search for services, I discover only one service which has no description or anything.
What can I do in such cases. What will be the best approach to create a connection to that device.?
You get multiple UUIDs for the same device because the devices offer multiple services. Base UUID for Bluetooth is "00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB".
If you find this UUID in a device, it means it supports Bluetooth Service. Use the UUID for connecting to the device.

Tizen XMLHttpRequest via bluetooth

I am writing a Tizen app (web app/Javascript) for Samsung Gear S2. I am trying to send XHRs, and this works fine as long as connected via WiFi. However, when connected to my phone via bluetooth, there is an error and the connection can't be established.
I have read different information that this might not be possible at all / not be possible due to an SDK bug / only possible when routing the information through an Android app on the phone / etc.
Does anyone of you know what the issue is and how it may be solved?
The bluetooth interface is managed by the SAP (Samsung Accessory Protocol) and you could the SAP SDK to achieve what you want.

Paired with hc 05 but not connected

Main Problem
My mobile phone is already paired with my HC-05 bluetooth module. But the problem is it is not connected.
Do you have any solution about this kind of problem guys?
Need help. Thank you.
It will connect only when requested, for example, while using a bluetooth terminal application. Try searching for a bluetooth terminal app in the google play store, install, then you should be able to connect.
