How to add File attachment in campaign Form in CRM 2011 - dynamics-crm-2011

My CRM is configured in outlook , and i need to add File attachment in campaign form , I tried Customize->Form... But i cant find File attachment in Field Explorer..
So how to add this, as shown in image...

In CRM Dynamics 2011 there is no control for file explorer. You have to add a control like that through a Webresource (HTML5 or Silverlight) or Iframe that points for an aspx page.

Your screen shot looks like a custom development that isnt a standard control. That said you will probably achieve what you want by just adding the notes grid to your form. A note can have attachments and has a standard file explorer.
Go back into customising the form, click the insert tab on the ribbon, click notes.

It’s not that hard to knock something up in Silverlight. The annotation entity is just a normal entity and can be written to just like any other. Here is a screen shot of it integrated into a normal CRM form. The control allows you to drag and drop files or click the upload button to be presented with a file dialog box
Oh and one last helper point, the document is stored in the attribute “DocumentBody” as a base64 encoded string. You can then read that and convert it into a byte array to save to disk etc


How can I add a button to Request Tracker GUI that triggers a custom action?

I'm working with Request Tracker and I would like to add a button when you visualize an open ticket that triggers a POST call to an external Java Server and it returns a PDF file with a report about the ticket. What is the best workaround?
There are many different ways to add this sort of customization. The easiest might be to write some Javascript to add the button by looking at the divs and ids RT writes to the ticket display page. You can drop the Javascript right in the styling box on the Theme Editor page.
If you can request the PDF via GET, you can just add a link in the Links section. Or, depending on what you're trying to do, you can also do dynamic things with custom field values as described in the External Custom Field docs.

Attachment download from view

Is there a way to list all documents in a view control (or a repeat control) and have a download button / link that will allow the user to download multiple attachments that reside in a rich text field?
I have found options using the #AttachmentName, however this lists all attachments on the document and does not restrict the attachments to just one the RTF.
I have a work around using a dialog box, which does work well, just not as clean as the option I was looking for.
In a view you can have a computed column. Any code you place into a dialog could be placed into a computed column. The getDocument() method of the XSPviewEntry gives you access to the document (recycle wisely).
To use a download control, use a repeat with the view as datasource and a panel per row. The panel has the data source pointing to a document. Use tr as tag for the panel.
This is only needed if you have attachments in other fields you don't want to show

Creating a ribbon custom button when inserting content to Sharepoing 2010

I want to create a button to popup a window and display a list that it's being requested to an external source. Then the user would click on one of the items to insert and iframe on the body of the post.
For this I think best way is to create a ribbon custom button right? How can I make it only appear when inserting content such as posts?
You need to create a custom action in your project. It's a small xml file that gets installed in the farm and dislays what ever you want. Check How to add a ribbon item using CustomAction in sharepoint 2010? for a sample and here for extended information on all the possibilities you have

Xpages File Upload Control does nothing

Background: One xpage bound to document1. On this xpages is a tabbed table contain several tabs. Each tab contains an panel bound to other data sources incl document2. Document2 is created and made a child of document1. In each panel is a table to allow the user to create the new document, as well as two view controls. Everything works beautifully...until...
Problem: I was asked to add a way to upload an attachment to the child document. I first created an rich text field on the bound document called "ScannedInvoice". I then create a File Upload Control from the core controls and bound it to document2/ScannedInvoice. By rule, I only want a single attachment, otherwise I would consider the openNTF upload control.
I cannot figure out why nothing appears on the back end when I upload a file and create a new document. Everything else works, but there is no attachment in the ScannedInvoice field and also no $FILE fields attached to the document either.
Thanks in advance for any tips. I have searched quite a bit and have not found any answers. - Steve
<xp:fileUpload id="fileUpload1"
value="#{document2.ScannedInvoice}" useUploadname="false"
style="font-size:8pt" filename="scannedinvoice.jpg"
Note: The field ScannedInvoice on the Invoice form is rich text.
Code to save button:
Document2 has scope=request and ignoreRequestParam=true. Both of these have to be set like this in order to work. parentID=# document1.getNoteID()
a file upload needs a full refresh of the page to be able to upload the file. Make sure that you are doing that.
Update Domino 9.0.1 supports partial refresh uploads

Default content editor in list form doesn't allow image alignment

I need to be able to adjust the alignment of an image in an "Enhanced Rich Text Field" in an announcements list in MOSS 2007. However, the default content editor in the edit form for the list doesn't provide a way to do that. What's the fastest way for me to make sure users can align images? My first thought was to customize the DispForm.aspx and EditForm.aspx pages, but they just have the ListForm web part in the content region and as far as I know, you can't customize the ListForm web part from the designer.
You can't customize the LisForm web part, but you can add a "custom list form" to create a custom edit form. Maybe you haven't seen this article:
Then you could do some javascript hackery to insert your own button which then calls something similar to existing RTE_InsertImage function to call a pop-up window and do whatever you need (you'll find this function in 12\template\layouts\1033\form.js)
I fail to see (or understand) your issue. I created a new announcements list, created a new item, inserted an image, aligned it to the right, viewed the item and it worked.
Then I proceeded to create a new custom column, choose multiple lines,enhanced rich text field, edited my list item, added an image, centered it, viewed and it was also working.
The only thing I noticed is that the "rich" control does not appears on non-IE browsers.
