From CompModule to Alloy - alloy

Using the Alloy API, it is possible to get from an alloy file a CompModule that contains all the things you need in order to play around with that given alloy module.
This is easily achieved using : CompUtil.parseEverything_fromFile(...)
My question now is the following. Is there a way to go from a CompModule to alloy language ?
Or to go from a list of sigs, and facts to alloy model. ( I guess I could do it brute force, but I'd rather like to know if there's an utility existing.)
Thanks for your support !

I don't think there is already some kind of a visitor (or something) that takes a CompModule and produces a textual Alloy file. Implementing such a printer should be pretty straightforward, but also time consuming.


Comparing a concrete execution trace with an Alloy Model

I'm using Alloy to model a system. I would like to check the implemented system matches the Alloy model by comparing log traces from a concrete execution of the actual system with the model.
The way I see this working is:
Add logs to the implemented system at points that correspond to the high level concepts modelled in Alloy, such as "Receptionist checks in guest G1"
Pre-process these into a form understood by Alloy
Give this to Alloy (or some other tool) and say 'Does this model admit this trace?' (this question)
This would be run over the operational logs of the system (or maybe subsets if performance is a problem) and continuously validate that the system was operating 'to spec'.
Is that possible / reasonable?
Possible yes.
Reasonable I'm not quite sure.
To me, Alloy shine at finding unknown unknowns, i.e. pitfalls, in your specifications.
Once the specification is fool-proofed using Alloy analysis, I don't see the point of encumbering your program with unnecessary translations and analysis steps. It's not only error prone, but you might also find yourself limited with the scalability of the analyzer if the traces you want to validate are substantial...
But again, it's doable. So if you want it, sure, do it ... :-)
I'm using Alloy to model a system. I would like to check the implemented system matches the Alloy model by comparing log traces from a concrete execution of the actual system with the model.
Yes, I think that is a bit of work but it should be doable. I would be very interested in getting this to work. I have been thinking about this for a long time.
Loïc argues correctly that Alloy shines in finding solutions but to keep this manageable, Alloy must keep the scope small. Although this is true, Alloy is also a specification language. The timing issue is only in finding a solution. However, the problem you sketch is different, you already have the solution in the log. Each event specifies a transition in the state.
If you're familiar with the Alloy Evaluator then you should be aware that once you have a solution, you can run any Alloy code on that instance. Inside Alloy, there is a full set of classes to simulate an instance and run Alloy code against it.
So I think you can start with an initial instance and use your log event to create a secondary instance and then use Alloy to verify this is a valid transition. This will be very fast and I do not see why this could not handle a very large number of objects. Surely thousands and with a bit of caching wizardry millions.
We are currently working hard on Alloy 6, which will be integrate Electrum, where we will have full temporal logic that will make the rules easier to express.
I've been looking for a customer for a long time that would like to develop the necessary code to bridge Alloy & the trenches. If this works as I think it can work, it would be very interesting for the software industry.

What is the easiest way to query some input values in Haskell

What is the easiest way to get some values (yes/no, numbers) into a Haskell program. The values should be bound to some variables and other questions should be asked based on previous inputs.
I am trying to solve a little problem for which I think Haskell is best suited. Especially for extending the functionality afterwards. An addition I am also trying to learn this language (I am new to Haskell but have some experience with Prolog, so have some idea about functional programming).
I was checking all he stuff relatd to GUI development, but this is actually an overkill to what I need. The input should be in response to some questions which are dependent on the state of the execution.
I hope this is clear enough.
I would like to have some "po-ups" like these. Not all at once, but just as a pop-up when needed.
It feels a little bit like your assumption is that Haskell is like Javascript here.
That is, it's very simple in Javascript to get a "popup" to display in a browser such as Chrome by using prompt("Are you hungry or thirsty?"), but that's only because the prompt function is built on top of the window object which the browser provides to allow developers to hook into the windowing stack of the operating system that the browser is built in.
Haskell, by default, provides far less functionality "for free". That is, if you want to display a pop up, you'll have to use some library that allows you to display some pop-up.
This is a much bigger question than it possibly seems. It's very similar to the same question in any other batch-style programming language. How would you do this in Java, or in Ruby? Well, you need to find a library that supports it.
One such library for many languages and that is cross platform across operating systems is wxWidgets. It's built in C++, but there are bindings/libraries for Haskell and many other languages. The Haskell library is called wxhaskell:
Good luck, and don't expect it to be an easy path necessarily.
If you have interest in learning Haskell basics, feel free to take a look at this tutorial I helped author:

Has Alloy ever been used to specify itself rigorously?

I would like to know if somebody has ever fully specified the Alloy language in Alloy.
If such a metamodel exists, is it publicly available?
Do you mean you'd like a reference like!/api but then based on the Alloy XML tags instead of the Ti. Javascript namespace? That's something I'd very much like to see happening as well, but I cannot give an estimate of when we'd have that atm.

Is there a program which can help understand another program?

I need to document the software I'm currently working on. The software consists of several programming languages and scripts which got me thinking. If a new developers comes along and needs to fix something, they might know Java but maybe not bash scripting. It would be nice if there was a program which would help to understand what
for f in "$#" ; do
means. I was thinking of something that creates a static HTML page with the code plus syntax highlighting and if you hover over something (like the "for"), it would display a pop-up with an explanation:
for starts a loop which iterates over all values that follow in. In the loop, you can access each value via the variable $f. The loop body is between do and done
Does something like that already exist?
[EDIT] This is just an example. You'll get another help for f, in, "$#", ; and do, i.e. each and every element of the line should be explained. Unknown elements (like command names) should link to Google. So you can understand what it does even if you're missing some detail.
[EDIT2] I'm aware that you can't write a program which understands what another program does. What I'm looking for is a simple tool which will do "extended syntax highlighting" in the sense that it will color an expression and give a short explanation what it means (plus maybe a link to some in-depth reference).
This is meant for someone who knows how to program but maybe hasn't seen some obscure construct before. Say
echo "Error" 1>&2
Every bash programmer knows what this means but a Java developer might be puzzled by the 1>&2 despite the fact that they can guess that echo == System.out.println. A simple "Redirects stdout to stderr" will clear things up and give that instant "AHA!" which allows them to stay in their current train of thought.
A tool like this could be built using ANTLR, i.e. parse the code into an abstract syntax tree using an ANTLR grammar for that language, and write an HTML generator which produced the annotated code.
It sounds like a useful tool to have for language learning, or exploring source code of projects you're not maintaining -- but is it appropriate for documentation?
Why is it important to help the programmers of other languages understand the code at this level of implementation detail? Anyone maintaining the implementation at this level will obviously have to know the language and will probably have an IDE to do most of this.
That said, I'd definitely consider a tool like this as a learning aid.
IMO it would be simpler and more effective to just collect links to good language-specific references and tutorials on a Wiki page.
For all mainstream languages, such sources exist and are maintained regularly. If you try to create your own reference, you need to maintain it too. Fair enough, bash syntax is not going to change very often, but other languages do develop faster, so it is going to be a burden.
If you think about it, it's not that useful to have a tool that explains the syntax. Developers could just google for keywords instead of browsing a website in a similar fashion to .
I believe that good comments will be by far more useful, plus there are tools to extract the documentation by using the comments (for example, HappyDoc does that for Python).
It is a very tricky thing. First of all by definition it can be proven that program that will "understand" any program down't exist. However, you can still use existing documentation. Maybe using tools like Doxygen can help you. You would need to document your code through comments and the documentation will be generated from them.
A language cannot be explained only through its syntax. The runtime environment plays a great part, together with the underlying philosophy of the language and libraies.
Moreover, syntax is not that complex for most common languages (given that code has been written with maintainability in mind).
Going on with bash example, you cannot deeply understand bash if you know nothing about processes & job control, environment variables, a big list of unix commands (tr, sort, cut, paste, sed, awk, find, ...) and many other features that don't appear in syntax.
If the tool produced
for starts a loop which iterates over
all values that follow in. In the
loop, you can access each value via
the variable $f. The loop body is
between do and done
it would be pretty worthless. This is exactly the kind of comment that trainee (human) programmers are told nver to write.

Programmatic parsing and understanding of language (English)

I am looking for some resources pertaining to the parsing and understanding of English (or just human language in general). While this is obviously a fairly complicated and wide field of study, I was wondering if anyone had any book or internet recommendations for study of the subject. I am aware of the basics, such as searching for copulas to draw word relationships, but anything you guys recommend I will be sure to thoroughly read.
Check out WordNet.
You probably want a book like "Representation and Inference for Natural Language - A First Course in Computational Semantics"
Another way is looking at existing tools that already do the job on the basis of research papers:
I've used this tool once, and it's very nice. There's even an online version that lets you parse English and draws dependency trees and so on.
So you can start taking a look at their papers or the code itself.
Anyway take in consideration that in any field, what you get from such generic tools is almost always not what you want. In the sense that the semantics attributed by such tools is not what you would expect. For most cases, given a specific constrained domain it's preferable to roll your own parser, and do your best to avoid any ambiguities beforehand.
The process that you describe is called natural language understanding. There are various algorithms and software tools that have been developed for this purpose.
