I'm using NancyFX and I added it to my solution via Nuget.
When I publish the solution to Azure, the solution is compiled and the nancy dlls goes to Azure without problem.
I am also a Bitbucket user, so I give a try to the continuos deployment, but the problem arises because no Nancy.dll is on the server.
Do I need to push the bin dlls to bitbucket?
Can Azure use the Nuget package information to download the external refs?
Im trying to setup a selenium testproject in azure devops, so i can run it in a pipeline.
I created a project in Visual Studio 2017 and everything works fine. When i try to publish my local code into the azure repository, it doesnt upload my nuget packages and selenium doesnt run without them. How can i solve this? I dont have access to Azure Artifacts btw
Im following these tutorials:
You need to either manually(via command line) or automatically (a pipeline) publish your Nuget package to Azure Artifacts. Checkout Publish a NuGet package.
Once you publish your Nuget package, you won't be able to change its version, or overwrite. Just take in mind.
How can i solve this? I dont have access to Azure Artifacts btw
As a workaround, you can set up self-hosted agent and use it to run the pipeline.
Then set the path to install the package to the path where the local package is located in the nuget.config file.
nuget.config reference
I'm trying to deploy an Angular app to Azure Web App using VSTS Continuous Integration.
My repository doesn't contain any .sln .pdb, it's just a static web site.
I have define my build to run npm, gulp, but I don't know how to create an artifact without building the the vs solution.
I would also need to create a release task to publish the web site to azure.
Does anybody has a build definition that would work for this deployment?
You can add "Copy and Publish Build Artifacts" task to copy and publish the deployment files to artifact folder that can be used in "Release Management".
And then you can enable "FTP Deployment" for your Azure Web App and use "FTP Uploader" task to publish the files to Azure.
I've solved this a few ways:
Use azure git deploy. https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/web-sites-publish-source-control/ I bake the git credentials into a script, and force commit and publish the site to the azure url.
Use Publish-WebApplicationWebsite.ps1 from the Azure SDK https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/vs-azure-tools-publish-webapplicationwebsite-windows-powershell-script/ I recall handing it a folder, but it appears the current version takes in an MSDeploy package.
Am new to Azure and Websites.
On Boarded to Azure Cloud Services with CSPKG file.
Am looking to create a package for Websites from the Build and use it later to deploy in my Azure Subscription.
Was wondering if i can have CSPKG file for a Website and how to generate it.
Or is there a better way to package your Azure Website contents ( Without knowing the target where it will be deployed).
Please Note: I am aware of FTP, GIT and Deploy directly from Visual Studio.
Want to know the process of getting the package out of MSBuild without targets and Deployment.
Azure Websites does not support CSPKG.
An alternate approach would be a WebDeploy package.
Visual Studio 2013 has a publish wizard for Cloud Service projects that packages and deploys a cloud service based on settings persisted in a .azurePubxml file.
I'm setting up automation of this process on a CI server, and want to leverage this functionality within MSBuild, but I'm unsure if it's even possible.
I have found a lot of articles that talk about shelling out to a PowerShell script and using a custom MSBuild target file to do the deploy, but that seems like a duplication of information that I'd rather not delve into.
Given that I have the Azure subscription credentials installed on the build machine, VS 2013, and Azure SDK 2.2, can I invoke the same mechanism that VS 2013 uses in the publish wizard to package and deploy my cloud service?
Currently, using MSBuild with the publish target, I can package the service into a .cspkg file, but I cannot figure out how to trigger to package/deploy based on a profile (.azurePubxml file) that defines the VS build config, and all of the Azure settings.
So, as you pointed out, the default targets will only give you a package. From there, Visual Studio is publishing things using their own infrastructure. Publishing the build from a CI server is considered something external to actual build process and rather something that is part of the deployment process.
If your CI technology has support for PowerShell then it's as easy as automating the Windows Azure PowerShell cmdlets to do your bidding. There's a nicely detailed article on how you might do this with Team Builds in TFS here on MSDN.
Im new to Azure and wanted to create a Continuous Integration build using TFS. I created a build definition but building my Cloud App with simple website using a hosted buildserver in the build definition fails with error:
C:\a\src\myAzure\myAzure\myAzure.ccproj (70): The imported project "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\Windows Azure Tools\2.0\Microsoft.WindowsAzure.targets" was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk.
I can however build locally, and manually Publish to Azure and it will deploy fine.
Im suspecting that the hosted buildserver of TFS does not support Azure 2.0?
Is there a way around this problem or will I have to forget the idea of using CI?
Seems to be so since the Build is a preview feature of the Team Foundation Service. There was the same thing with Azure SDK 1.8, but they updated the Build Servers in a couple of days. Hope that it will not take long this time.
"No, TF Service hosted build machines do not have the new SDK 2.0 at this time. We expect all users to have Azure SDK 2.0 support post June 1st. In the meantime you will need to use an on-prem build controller with the bits you need and deploy to Azure from there."
(C) Trevor Hancock from Microsoft
I've managed to complete a successful build using TFS build servers with SDK 2.0 So I think this problem is resolved for now. In future I recommend not to do updates to new versions of Azure SDK until the TFS build servers are ready.