Using a SharpDevelop library, how do I add a reference to a project? - sharpdevelop

I'm using ICSharpCode.SharpDevelop libraries for my project. I'm trying to figure out how to construct an instance of DefaultProject so that it has all necessary references. So, I need something like
projectContent.AddReferencedContent(_projectContentRegistry.GetProjectContentForReference("System.Core", "System.Core"));
Except that it doesn't work -- GetProjectContentForReference(..) always returns null, whatever I'm trying to provide for the arguments.

It looks like a bug in the ProjectContentRegistry class in SharpDevelop 4.x. If you debug the GetProjectContentForReference() method then you can see it is looking in the wrong GAC folder. It is looking in the folder
when it should be looking in the folder
I suspect this bug has not been noticed since SharpDevelop now uses MSBuild to work out the location of assembly references. With System.Core for example it will find the assembly in the reference assemblies folder based on the project's target framework:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.0\Profile\Client\System.Core.dll
What you can do instead is find the filename using the GacInterop class that is part of the ICSharpCode.SharpDevelop.Dom assembly. The code below should return a non-null project content object.
var reference = new DomAssemblyName("System.Core");
reference = GacInterop.FindBestMatchingAssemblyName(reference);
string fileName = GacInterop.FindAssemblyInNetGac(reference);
var registry = new ProjectContentRegistry();
IProjectContent pc = registry.GetProjectContentForReference("System.Core", fileName);


RoslynPad: could not load file or assembly exception

I am using RoslynPad project to test how external plugins (Class libraries) could be used in the script.
I have created Class Library with a single class and method.
In roslynPad project i have added "plugin_demo" into RoslynHostReferences NamespaceDefault structure.
I have also added reference to plugin dll:
MetadataReference newref = MetadataReference.CreateFromFile("G:\\projects\\demos\\plugin_demo\\plugin_demo\\bin\\Debug\\plugin_demo.dll");
MetadataReferences = MetadataReferences.Add(newref);
Now i see that my new class is seen by diagnostics and autocomplition also works.
The code with a method call compiles fine.
But when i run it i get exception:
Could not load assembly or file. File not found.
I have copied plugin_demo.dll into directory where compiled roslynPad dll resides. Still no result.
I have checked that class library and roslynpad use the same .Code version.
What can be the problem?
What is correct way of adding assemblies to roslyn project?
I have solved the problem after debugging. The roslynPad project generates file nams_deps.json when editor is launched. It must be deleted and after that the assembly is found.

Finding the default project settings file

I'm trying to write a plugin for 3ds max, I went through the entire sdk installation process to the letter as described in the help files.
The problem I'm facing though is intellisence complaining about an invalid macro definition
"IntelliSense: command-line error: invalid macro definition:_CRT_SECURE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NAMES_COUNT =1"
I found the definition in project settigs -> c/c++ -> preprocessor definitions as inherited from parent or project default.
I tried disabling the inherited definitions and re-entered them, this time without the space between the name and the = and all works fine so I'm guessing its a typo on their part?
Anyway, I want to change the default project or whatever to not repeat it every time i start a new project. The project is created with a wizard which required me to copy over some files to appear and after which I had to enter the sdk path.
The files I copied are plain text with some fancy extensions and not much in them so I'm guessing the defaults are described in the sdk directory.. somewhere. Does anybody know what kind of a file I'm looking for?
EDIT: I found a file called root.vcxproj_template and it has a section for preprocessor definitions but all it contains is
and no mention of the broken one
EDIT2: in another part of the file there was a path to a property sheet (maxsdk\ProjectSettings\propertySheets\ which included the faulty definition. I fixed it an no more complaints from VS.
_CRT_SECURE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NAMES_COUNT = 1 means that compiler should replace all old C run-time routines such as sprintf, strcpy, strtok with new versions such as strprintf_s, strcpy_s, strtok_s and similar. It goes in pair with following definition _CRT_SECURE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_NAMES = 1.
More you can find here: (MSDN) However I tried to use this but without success. It says that you can use this only for statically allocated buffers like char buffer[32], but compilers was still complaining bout unsecure strcpy.

adding .dll external file reference to my project doesn't work

I'm trying to add an External Reference to my Windows Forms project. I have the file named "ExtendedRichTextBox.dll" externaly from another project I downloaded from
I added it, by browsing for it from Add reference dialog, and did also another time by copying the file to the debug folder of my project and adding the reference then from extensions.
Either way, the reference's proper function is not working. (I added "using ExtendedRichTextBox" to directive usings)
help !
Yes, thank you.
I managed to handle the problem it was on because the richtextbox I'm using was declared as this.richTextBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.richtextbox where it should be declared as an extendedrichtextbox extention:
What should've been done was declaring "this.richTextBox1 = new ExtendedRichTextBox.RichTextBoxPrintCtrl();"

How to get .exe file version number from file path

I am using .Net 3.5/4.0 with code in C#.
I am trying to get a version number of an exe file on my C: drive.
For example path is: c:\Program\demo.exe. If the version number of demo.exe is 1.0.
How can i use this path to grab version number?.
You can use FileVersionInfo.FileVersion to fetch this from a path.
var versionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(pathToExe);
string version = versionInfo.FileVersion; // Will typically return "" in your case
Updated and modernized 2018 (e.g. string interpolation of C#6):
The accepted answer is partly not correct (ProductVersion is not typically returning three-part version) and a bit misleading:
Here is a more complete answer. To get the main text not too lengthy I splitted it in a short(er) summary which may be "enough" for a lot of people. You are not obliged to read the detailed second part, so please no tl;dr :-)
Short summary:
There are different versions (assembly version, file version, product version) of each file, but normally you will have them all equal to not get "version hell" already on file level (it will come early enough).
The file version (which is visible in Explorer and used in setups/installations) is, what I would name the most important to bother.
To achieve this, simply comment out fileversion in AssemblyInfo.cs file as below. This assures that the three possible different versions of one file are the same!
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.1.2.")]
//[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("1.1.2.")]
E.g. for Semantic versioning you want to get only 3 version parts out of possible 4 :
Having an automatic build counting for every Visual Studio build is useful. But this build counting is not always useful to tell your customers, internal or external. So for mentioning the file version to windows, in title dialogs, I would advice to show only three parts v1.2.3 (and of course with semantic versioning):
using System.Diagnostics;
var versInfo= FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(pathToVersionedFile);
string fileVersionFull = versInfo.FileVersion; // No difference here for versinfo.ProductVersion if recommendation in AssemblyInfo.cs is followed
string fileVersionSemantic = $"V{versInfo.FileMajorPart}.{versInfo.FileMinorPart}.{versInfo.FileBuildPart}";
string fileVersionFull2 = $"V{versInfo.FileMajorPart}.{versInfo.FileMinorPart}.{versInfo.FileBuildPart}.{versInfo.FilePrivatePart}";
FileVersionFull2 is just showing how to handle all 4 parts, except the "V" it contains the same as FileVersionFull .
First is a cheat sheet about how to get and set the three versions:
File version: [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion(..)] => System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.FileVersion
Product version: [assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion(..)] => System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.ProductVersion
Assembly version: [assembly: AssemblyVersion(..)] => System.Reflection.Assembly.Version
Especially the defaulting may be confusing. Recommended SO link to understand details: FileVersionInfo and AssemblyInfo
EntryAssembly vs. ExecutingAssembly
For fully considering every case for getting the version of the running app, search elsewhere for more details, e.g. here:
Which is better for getting assembly location , GetAssembly().Location or GetExecutingAssembly().Location
Especially, there can be confusion, if EntryAssembly or ExecutingAssembly should be used. They both have advantages and caveats.
If you have the following code not in the same assembly as the .exe, e.g. in a helper assembly, things get more complicated. Usually you would use EntryAssembly then, to get the version of the .exe.
But: For unit tests in Visual Studio to test routines in a parallel .exe project, GetEntryAssembly() doesn´t work (my env: NUnit, VS2017). But GetExecutingAssembly() doesn´t crash at least, only during unit test you get the assembly version of the test project. Fine enough for me.There may be situations which are not as simple.
If wanted, you can omit the declaration as static making it really possible to get versions of several different assemblies in one program.
public static class AppInfo
public static string FullAssemblyName { get; }
static AppInfo()
Assembly thisAssembly = null;
thisAssembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly();
if (thisAssembly is null)
thisAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
FullAssemblyName = thisAssembly.Location;
var versInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(FullAssemblyName);
Product version vs. file version:
ProductVersion of a file is shown in Windows Explorer too. I would recommend to maximally differentiate ProductVersion and FileVersion in the most "customer-visible" file (mostly the main .exe of application). But it could be of course a choice to differentiate for every file of the "main" app and let them all have them all the "marketing" ProductVersion which is seen by customer.
But experience shows that it is neither necessary nor cheap to try to synchronize technical versions and marketing versions too much. Confusion doesn´t decrease really, costs increase. So the solution described in the first part here should do it mostly.
History: Assembly version vs. file version:
One reason for having different versions is also that one .NET assembly can originally consist of several files (modules)- theoretically. This is not used by Visual Studio and very seldom used elsewhere. This maybe one historical reason of giving the possibility to differentiate these two versions.
Technically the assembly version is relevant for .NET related versioning as GAC and Side-by-side versions, the file version is more relevant for classic setups, e.g. overwriting during updates or for shared files.
In the accepted answer a reference is made to "pathToExe".
This path can be retrieved and used as follows:
var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
var fvi = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(assembly.Location);
var version = fvi.FileVersion; // or fvi.ProductVersion
Hope this saves someone from doing some unnecessary extra steps.
Where Program is your class name:
Console.WriteLine("Version = " + typeof(Program).Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString()) ;
I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for, but:
It says,
// Get the file version info for the notepad.
FileVersionInfo myFileVersionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Environment.SystemDirectory + "\\notepad.exe");
// Print the file name and version number.
Console.WriteLine("File: " + myFileVersionInfo.FileDescription + '\n' + "Version number: " + myFileVersionInfo.FileVersion);
Use this, it works:
using System.Reflection;
string v = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName("Path/filename.exe").Version.ToString();
This works good and returns the version provided in AssemblyVersion:
using System.Reflection;
infoFileVersionInfo versInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo("path.exe");
string version = $"v{versInfo.FileMajorPart}.{versInfo.FileMinorPart}.{versInfo.FileBuildPart}";
Solution 1
Dim fileVer As FileVersionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\yourExe.exe")
yourLabel.Text = fileVer.FileVersion
Solution 2
Get File Version Number
yourLabel.Text = Application.ProductVersion
Both solutions will give

Not able to find AssemblyFactory class using Mono.Cecil

I am using the Mono.Cecil DLL file and writing this code:
AssemblyDefinition sourceAssembly = AssemblyFactory.GetAssembly(assemblyPath);
My project is not getting compiled, because it is not able to find the class "AssemblyFactory". As if this class is not present in the DLL file at all. I have added the mono.cecil.dll file as a reference to my project. Is this class present somewhere outside the DLL file, maybe in some other DLL file at the .NET level?
This simply means that you're using an up to date version of Mono.Cecil where this deprecated type has been removed.
Please have a look at the migration page on Cecil's wiki to know how to convert code for Cecil 0.9. You'll see that you just have to change this line to read:
var assembly = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(assemblyPath);
