Invoke Windows Form Thread and Sleeping - multithreading

I have a managed c++ application that I start a new thread to do some stuff and update some text boxes, it loops and sleeps at the end of every loop. Because of it sleeping I needed to have it in a new thread so the UI doesn't crash. Then I realized I need to invoke the thread that created the UI to access the textboxes, but now I'm back in the main thread so the sleeping crashes it. How should I approach this.
private: System::Void buttonStartCamera_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
ThreadStart^ threadStart = gcnew ThreadStart(this, &UserInterface::SetText);
Thread^ newThread = gcnew Thread(threadStart);
void SetText()
if (this->textBoxCameraOneX->InvokeRequired)
MyDel^ del = gcnew MyDel(this, &UserInterface::SetText);
int count = 0;
srand (time(NULL));
for (count = 0; count < 20; ++count)
for each (Camera^ camera in cameraList)
textBoxCameraOneX->Text = count.ToString();

The best option is likely to refactor this so your Sleep doesn't occur within the SetText method. Your background thread could use a separate method that performs the sleep, and then invokes the proper method to set the text (for one text box at a time) in a loop.
In general, you should keep the methods you use with Control::Invoke as short as possible - they should only include the logic required for your UI work, and not the other functionality.
That being said, in this case, it seems like a System::Windows::Forms::Timer would be more appropriate. You could set the interval to 300, and update a text box one at a time in the timer's Tick event.


[C++, windows form]How do I make the main thread wait for the called thread to finish?

I created 2 buttons, one for start a new thread, the other to end it. The actual calculation inside the new thread involved new[] and delete[] so I don't abort the thread directly, but using a flag to end it. It may take some time to end the delete[] and result-saving, so I want the main thread to wait for the new thread to end. But however I tried, I find the new thread doesn't run(though its ThreadState is running) until the command lines for the stop-button are conducted. System::Threading::Thread works quite different from thread to me. Is it how it should be?
#include "stdafx.h"
ref class Form1 : System::Windows::Forms::Form
//define a thread name and a flag to terminate the thread
System::Threading::Thread^ th1;
static bool ITP1=0;
System::Windows::Forms::Button^ ButtonStart;
System::Windows::Forms::Button^ ButtonStop;
System::Windows::Forms::Label^ Label1;
void InitializeComponent(void)
this->ButtonStart = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button();
this->ButtonStart->Location = System::Drawing::Point(20, 20);
this->ButtonStart->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::ButtonStart_Click);
this->ButtonStop = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button();
this->ButtonStop->Location = System::Drawing::Point(120, 20);
this->ButtonStop->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::ButtonStop_Click);
this->Label1 = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Label();
this->Label1->Location = System::Drawing::Point(20, 80);
void ThreadStart()
for (int idx=0;idx<999999999;++idx)
if (ITP1) break;
this->Label1->Text = "finished";
System::Void ButtonStart_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
th1 = gcnew System::Threading::Thread(gcnew System::Threading::ThreadStart(this,&Form1::ThreadStart));
this->Label1->Text = "running";
System::Void ButtonStop_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
if (th1->ThreadState==System::Threading::ThreadState::Running)
//use the flag to stop the thread
//the wait method using while+sleep doesn't work
while (th1->ThreadState==System::Threading::ThreadState::Running) System::Threading::Thread::Sleep(1000);
//replacing the wait method above with "th1->Join()" doesn't work either
int main()
Form1^ A1 = gcnew Form1();
return 0;
You have to join() the called thread in the main thread. Then the main thread will wait until the called thread is finished.
See the documentation for Join to know how it is to be called.
Finally I found the cause. It's just the "this->" pointer in the new thread. Removing it makes everything OK.
I suppose it's because the Form allows operation on only one element at the same time. I ask the button-click to wait for the new thread, and the new thread tries to edit the other form element. They wait for each other to end and cause a dead loop.

C++/Cli synchronizing threads writing to file

I am trying to synchronize threads writing data to a text file in a class by using Monitor, but in my code it seems that the else statement is never evaluated, is this the correct use of monitor for thread synchronization?
void Bank::updatefile()
Thread^ current = Thread::CurrentThread;
bool open = false;
while (!open)
if (Monitor::TryEnter(current))
String^ fileName = "accountdata.txt";
StreamWriter^ sw = gcnew StreamWriter(fileName);
for (int x = 0; x < 19; x++)
open = true;
You're passing an object to Monitor::TryEnter that is specific to the thread in which it is executing (i.e. Thread^ current = Thread::CurrentThread;). No other threads are using the same object (they're using the one for their own thread). So there's never a collision or locking conflict.
Try creating some generic object that's shared among the threads, something higher up in the Bank class. Then use that for your TryEnter call.
Your use of Monitor is partially correct. The object you're using for locking is not correct.
Monitor::Pulse is unnecessary here. Just Exit the monitor, and the next thread will be able to grab the lock.
Monitor::Wait is incorrect here: Wait is supposed to be used when the thread has the object already locked. Here, you have the object not locked yet.
In general, Pulse and Wait are rarely used. For locking for exclusive access to a shared resource, Enter, TryEnter, and Exit are all you need.
Here's how your use of Monitor should be written:
Object^ lockObj = ...;
bool done = false;
if(Monitor::TryEnter(lockObj, 500)) // wait 500 millis for the lock.
// do work
done = true;
// Check some other exit condition?
or if the else is empty, you can simplify it like this:
Object^ lockObj = ...;
Monitor::Enter(lockObj); // Wait forever for the lock.
// do work
There is a class that Microsoft provides that makes this all easier: msclr::lock. This class, used without the ^, makes use of the destructor to release the lock, without a try-finally block.
#include <msclr\lock.h>
bool done = false;
msclr::lock lock(lockObj, lock_later);
if (lock.try_acquire(500)) // wait 500 millis for the lock to be available.
// Do work
done = true;
} // <-- Monitor::Exit is called by lock class when it goes out of scope.
msclr::lock lock(lockObj); // wait forever for the lock to be available.
// Do work
} // <-- Monitor::Exit is called by lock class when it goes out of scope.
The object to lock on
Thread::CurrentThread is going to return a different object on each thread. Therefore, each thread attempts to lock on a different object, and that's why all of them succeed. Instead, have one object, created before you spawn your threads, that is used for locking.
Also, instead of opening & closing the file on each thread, it would be more efficient to open it once, before the threads are spawned, and then just use that one StreamWriter from each of the threads. This also gives you a obvious object to lock on: You can pass the StreamWriter itself to Monitor::Enter or msclr::lock.

Terminating a Worker thread from a Parent thread - MFC

I've just started with learning MFC and I'm writing one dialog based application for better understanding of Multi-Threading.
The main dialog has a progress bar, a Start button and a Cancel button.
On click of the start button, i'm creating a worker thread to do some processing(through API call) and the main thread takes care of Progress bar.
I've defined a couple of Windows Messages to update and stop Progress bar status
Below is the code that i've created so far
HWND* phObjectHandle;
CWinThread* thread;
void CprogCtrlDlg::OnBnClickedStart() {
phObjectHandle = new HWND; // Set object handle for Worker thread
*phObjectHandle = GetSafeHwnd();
// create worker thread
if(NULL == (thread = AfxBeginThread(ThreadFunc, phObjectHandle))) {
AfxMessageBox(L"Thread started");
// Set Progress bar to marquee
void CprogCtrlDlg::OnBnClickedCancel() {
// kill the Worker thread
UINT CprogCtrlDlg::ThreadFunc(LPVOID pParam) {
HWND *pObjectHandle = static_cast<HWND *>(pParam);
CprogCtrlImpDlg* threadDlg = (CprogCtrlImpDlg*) pParam;
return threadDlg->ThreadFuncRun(pObjectHandle);
UINT CprogCtrlDlg::ThreadFuncRun(HWND* pObjectHandle) {
::PostMessage(*pObjectHandle, WM_UPDATE_CONTROL, 0, 0);
// repetitive API CALL in a loop
::PostMessage(*pObjectHandle, WM_STOP_CONTROL, 0, 0);
AfxMessageBox(L"Thread completed");
return 0;
I want to terminate the Worker thread from a Parent thread, if a Cancel button is clicked.
I tried using TerminateThread()(though it wasn't a suggested one) but I couldn't kill the thread.
Please comment and share your thoughts on terminating a worker thread from a parent thread.
I'm using visual studio 2010 on Windows 7
I would amend your code something like this.
Have some member variables in your dialog class to hold the thread handle and an event handle (initialise to NULL in the constructor):
CWinThread* m_hThread;
HANDLE m_hKillEvent;
Use a static function as your thread entry point, pass the dialog this as the parameter, then delegate the call back to the class instance so you have access to all of the dialog's variables:
UINT ThreadFunc(LPVOID pParam)
// static thread func - delegate to instance
CprogCtrlDlg* pDlg = static_cast<CprogCtrlDlg*>(pParam);
return pDlg->ThreadFuncRun();
When you start the thread, create an event too:
void CprogCtrlDlg::OnBnClickedStart()
// create worker thread
m_hKillEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
m_hThread = AfxBeginThread(ThreadFunc, this);
AfxMessageBox(L"Thread started");
To kill the thread, just set the event and wait on the thread handle, which will get signaled on death:
void CprogCtrlDlg::OnBnClickedCancel()
// kill the Worker thread
// wait for it to die
DWORD dwRet = WaitForSingleObject(m_hThread->m_hThread, 5000);
if (dwRet == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
// thread failed to die after 5 seconds
// error handling (maybe TerminateThread here)
In the thread function (now in the dialog class) you can post messages to yourself to indicate progress and use a wait on the event to catch a kill request:
UINT CprogCtrlDlg::ThreadFuncRun()
// instance thread func
PostMessage(WM_UPDATE_CONTROL, 0, 0);
// main loop
while (true)
// check kill
DWORD dwRet = WaitForSingleObject(m_hKillEvent, 0);
if (dwRet == WAIT_OBJECT_0) break;
// do a little work here and update progress
// ... so this is part of your working loop ...
PostMessage(WM_UPDATE_CONTROL, 0, 1 /*2,3,4,...*/);
// normal thread exit
PostMessage(WM_STOP_CONTROL, 0, 0);
return 0;
I've left out initialisation, cleanup of pointers, handles etc. but you get the general idea I hope.
There are several ways you can code the thread loop, you can do it like above where you periodically check to see if the event is signaled, or you can wait on the event to get signaled to do the work. Both are common patterns and often used together with two events - one for triggering work and the other for killing. See this answer for some important points to note if waiting on multiple events.
For a simple progress bar update, you can put the event check inside the work loop, something like this:
UINT CprogCtrlDlg::ThreadFuncRun()
// instance thread func
PostMessage(WM_UPDATE_CONTROL, 0, 0);
// main loop
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
// check kill
DWORD dwRet = WaitForSingleObject(m_hKillEvent, 0);
if (dwRet == WAIT_OBJECT_0) break;
// do a little work here and update progress
// normal thread exit
PostMessage(WM_STOP_CONTROL, 0, 0);
return 0;

WinForm Disappears in Multithreaded C++/CLI Application

I'm currently working on an application that needs to utilize a form to block the user from using the main form for a few seconds. Although running the code on the main thread seems to be okay, the labels on the pop up form don't render for about a second when the form first appears. I thought that if I ran that form on a separate thread, the rendering would be a lot smoother. The rendering is now so smooth that the form disappears immediately after rendering. The timer is set for five seconds, with a label on the screen counting down. Here's the relevant code calling the new thread and form:
System::Void MainScreen::runGame(int playerTurn) {
Thread ^ t = gcnew Thread(gcnew ThreadStart(gcnew MainScreen(),
System::Void MainScreen::showModalDialog() {
GetReady ^ gr = gcnew GetReady();
And here's the code inside the form:
System::Void showModalPopup() {
private: System::Void timerPrep_Tick(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
ts = ts->Subtract(TimeSpan(0, 0, 1));
if (ts->TotalSeconds <= 0) {
} else {
lblTimer->Text = ts->ToString("mm\\:ss");
System::Void startTimer() {
array<String ^>^ minSec = gcnew array<String ^>(2);
minSec = lblTimer->Text->Split(':');
ts = gcnew TimeSpan(0, Convert::ToInt32(minSec[0]), Convert::ToInt32(minSec[1]));
System::Void finishTimer() {
lblTimer->Text = "GO!!!";
My ideal solution would be to use a thread to generate the new form, so that rendering in both the main form and the pop up form is smooth.
Things I've tried:
Moving this->Show() every where I can think to put it.
I've added t->Join() to see if the main thread was trying to bring the main window back into focus. Thread t still executes and the timer still runs appropriately with the Join, blocking user input for five seconds - but there is nothing to block the screen.
I've read a few questions on SO, I think the most relevant one is WinForms multithreading issue - although I feel like that might be overkill for this situation.
If you have any ideas on what I need to do to have smooth rendering for both forms, please let me know. Thanks!
Displaying UI on a worker thread is filled with traps and surprises. The chief problem you are having here is that the thread doesn't pump a message loop. Required first of all to ensure that the window can receive Windows messages and to ensure that the thread doesn't immediately terminate. Beyond Jairo's recommendation to use ShowDialog(), the boilerplate solution is:
System::Void MainScreen::showModalDialog() {
Application::Run(gcnew GetReady);
There's more, a thread that displays windows should always be an STA thread. An implementation detail for COM and required to get stuff like the clipboard, drag+drop and shell dialogs operating correctly:
Thread ^ t = gcnew Thread(gcnew ThreadStart(this, &MainScreen::showModalDialog));
And you generally have a Z-order problem with windows that are displayed on the main thread. With a nasty habit of your window disappearing behind a window owned by the main thread. No good solution for that.
The problem is showModalPopup uses Show method instead ShowDialog. The thread starts, shows the form (it doesnt block execution), starts the timer, ends and joins to the main thread. The thread where the form was created has been finished and it's here where the winforms multithreading issues comes.
Start the timer first and then show the modal window with ShowDialog. Something like this:
System::Void showModalPopup()

boost::thread execution

I have a class ChunkManager that has a few (supposed to be) asynchronous methods. These methods handle tasks in my game engine such as loading the map blocks (similar to Minecraft) on a different thread so as not to completely halt the main thread (they are lengthy operations)
Here is one of those methods:
void ChunkManager::asyncRenderChunks(){
boost::thread loadingThread(&ChunkManager::renderChunks,this);
Where renderChunks looks like:
void ChunkManager::renderChunks(){
for(int z=0; z < CHUNK_MAX; z=z+1)
for(int y=0; y < CHUNK_MAX; y=y+1)
for(int x=0; x < CHUNK_MAX; x=x+1)
This should work, right? However it crashes when this runs. I have a feeling it has to do with what I do with the thread after it's created, because if I put
in the aforementioned method, it works fine, but the main thread is halted because obviously its just waiting for the new thread to finish, effectively bringing me back to square one.
Any advice?
Sorry if this is a retarded question, I am new to the concept of threads.
Update (4/9/2013):
I found this gem:
..and solved my problem!
If you can join the thread, it must be joinable.
As it says in the documentation:
When the boost::thread object that represents a thread of execution is destroyed the program terminates if the thread is joinable.
You created a local thread object and immediately let it go out of scope: it is destroyed when ChunkManager::asyncRenderChunks returns.
make it a detached (non-joinable) thread
void ChunkManager::asyncRenderChunks() {
boost::thread loadingThread(&ChunkManager::renderChunks,this);
or create the thread object elsewhere and keep it alive
class ChunkManager {
boost::thread renderingThread;
bool renderChunkWork; // work to do flag
Chunk activeChunks[CHUNK_MAX][CHUNK_MAX][CHUNK_MAX];
boost::mutex activeChunksMutex;
boost::condition_variable activeChunksCV;
bool shutdown; // shutdown flag
void renderChunks() {
for(int z=0; z < CHUNK_MAX; ++z)
for(int y=0; y < CHUNK_MAX; ++y)
for(int x=0; x < CHUNK_MAX; ++x)
void renderChunkThread() {
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> guard(activeChunksMutex);
while (true) {
while (!(renderChunkWork || shutdown))
if (shutdown)
doRenderChunks = false;
: loadingThread(&ChunkManager::renderChunkThread, this),
renderChunkWork(false), shutdown(false)
~ChunkManager() {
{ // tell the rendering thread to quit
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> guard(activeChunksMutex);
renderChunkShutdown = true;
void asyncRenderChunks() {
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> guard(activeChunksMutex);
if (!renderChunkWork) {
renderChunkWork = true;
NB. In general, creating threads on-the-fly is less good than creating your threads up-front, and just waking them when there's something to do. It avoids figuring out how to handle a second call to asyncRenderChunks before the last one is complete (start a second thread? block?), and moves the latency associated with thread creation.
Note on object lifetime
It's important to realise that in this code:
void ChunkManager::asyncRenderChunks() {
SomeType myObject;
the instance myObject will be created and then immediately destroyed.
It crashes, because in the current version of Boost.Thread, you have to either join() a thread or detach() it - otherwise ~thread would terminate the program. (In earlier versions ~thread used to call detach() automatically.)
So if you don't want to join the thread - just detach it:
boost::thread loadingThread(&ChunkManager::renderChunks,this);
