f:setPropertyActionListener doesn't set the value however action is triggered - jsf

I need to set a boolean field whenever p:fieldset is toggled. I tried out following code but the field is never set by f:setPropertyActionListener although p:ajax listener is invoked on toggle. I tried out following code.
<p:fieldset legend="(Optional) Link.." toggleable="true">
<p:ajax event="toggle" listener="..">
<f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{viewScope.rendrUsrProjctsList}" value="#{true}"/>
However when I tried modifying the code as below then field is successfully set:
<p:fieldset legend="(Optional) Link.." toggleable="true">
<p:ajax event="toggle" listener="#{view.viewMap.put('rendrUsrProjctsList', true)}" />
<p:ajax event="toggle" listener=".."/>
I want to ask:
Why 1st way doesn't work ?
Is it bad attaching multiple p:ajax to
single parent as done in 2nd way ?

The <f:setPropertyActionListener> works as being an ActionListener implementation only on components implementing ActionSource interface, such as UICommand, i.e. <h:commandXxx>, <p:commandXxx>, etc. The <p:ajax> does not implement this interface and therefore the <f:setPropertyActionListener> is basically completely ignored.
As to your workaround, you could do so although I'd rather just use a concrete view scoped bean or wrap it in a composite with a backing component.


Reset inputText after Button Click with JSF

Is it possible to reset the value of an inputText after clicking on the commandButton in JSF? The inputText UIElement provides the method ResetValue so I tried something like this:
<h:inputText id="measurementadd" binding="#{inputTextMeasurement}">
<f:validateRegex pattern="[a-zA-Z ]*"/>
<f:ajax event="keyup" render="measurementaddmessage submit" execute="#this"/>
<p:commandButton id="submit" action="#{Bean.addMeasurement(inputTextMeasurement.value)}"
value="submit" update="dataTable measurementadd measurementaddmessage"
disabled="#{empty inputTextMeasurement.value or facesContext.validationFailed }" >
<f:ajax event="mouseup" execute="#{inputTextMeasurement.resetValue()}" />
<h:messages for="measurementadd" id="measurementaddmessage"/>
But after clicking the Button the inputTextMeasurement doesn't reset it's value.
Does someone know a good workaround for this?
I'm searching for a solution without JS and JAVA, so a realization in JSF would be very cool.
Your mistake is here in the execute attribute:
<f:ajax event="mouseup" execute="#{inputTextMeasurement.resetValue()}" />
The execute attribute should represent a space separated collection of client IDs to include in the process/decode of the ajax request. However, you specified a listener method there.
You need the listener attribute instead:
<f:ajax listener="#{inputTextMeasurement.resetValue()}" />
(and I omitted event as it defaults here to click which is already the right one)
Interesting detail is that the other <f:ajax> in the same piece of code used the exeucte attribute the right way.
Unrelated to the concrete problem, have you looked at <p:resetInput>? This saves an ajax listener method in the bean. Replace the whole <f:ajax> with
<p:resetInput target="measurementadd" />
Why dont we just use
<input type="Reset"/>
This one is works fine for me! ???
I have solved my problem as below
<p:commandButton id="submit" action="#{Bean.addMeasurement(inputTextMeasurement)}">
Sending back bean UIInput component. Get and Reset value in back bean.
public void addMeasurement(UIInput
String msr = (String) inputTextMeasurement.getValue()

Pass parameter to f:ajax inside c:foreach loop

I am trying to pass a parameter to an ajax event, this is an example of what I mean:
<h:panelGrid id="pictures" columns="3">
<c:forEach items="#{createProduct.pictures}" var="picture">
<h:graphicImage value="#{picture.source}" />
<h:inputText value="#{picture.alt}" />
<p:commandButton value="Remove">
<f:ajax execute="#form"
render="#form" />
I know this code won't work because you cannot pass a parameter through the ajax listener. Though this is merely an example of what I am trying to accomplish. I have tried using <f:param id="picture" value="#{picture}" /> allong with the ajax tag, though this results in a duplicate component ID form:picture since it is in a loop.
I need this parameter inside the method in order to determine which picture to remove.
How can I solve this with ajax?
I am using a #ViewScoped CDI-bean.
First, I suggest replacing c:forEach with ui:repeat tag. Second, as you are using Primefaces, you should use all its strength. So, commandButton can be more easily written:
<p:commandButton value="Remove" process="#form" update="#form" action="#{createProduct.removePicture(picture)}"/>
and that's it. Don't complicate.
By the way, primefaces commandButton is sends AJAX request by default, you don't need (and you must not use) f:ajax tag.

Losing inputs submitted in composite component

I have a problem with submitting composite components.
Most of my composite components contain both the input components and the "submit" button.
When I tried to put the button still in the same h:form but not in the same composite component, the submitted value seemed to be "lost" somewhere. And, for instance, my validators got called on original values.
Example :
<composite:attribute name="titreContext" required="true"/>
<p:outputPanel id="selectionTitreDetailsPanel" styleClass="selectionTitreDetails">
<p:outputPanel id="selectionTitreDetailsPanelInner" rendered="#{not empty cc.attrs.titreContext.selected}">
<p:panelGrid columns="2" id="panelId">
<h:outputText id="idLabel" value="Id :"/>
<h:outputText id="id" value="#{cc.attrs.titreContext.selected.titeluid}"/>
<p:tooltip for="id" value="Identifiant unique"/>
<p:panelGrid columns="2" id="titelePanel">
<p:outputLabel for="selectTitele" value="Titre :"/>
<p:selectOneMenu id="selectTitele" value="#{cc.attrs.titreContext.selected.titele}" effect="fold" styleClass="fullWidth">
<f:selectItems value="#{constants.getTitelesForTypman(cc.attrs.titreContext.selected.titele.typman)}" var="titele" itemLabel="#{titele.titelelil}" itemValue="#{titele}" styleClass="fullWidth"/>
<p:column styleClass="fullWidth">#{titele.titelelil}</p:column>
<p:commandButton id="confirmerModifications" icon="small_edit" type="submit" value="Confirmer les modifications"
action="#{elutersEditionContext.confirmeModifsSelection}" process="mandatsTerritorial"
update="mandatsTerritorial #{cc.attrs.notifUpdates}"/>
But putting the p:commandButton out of the composite :
<mylib:mycomponent /*parameters *//>
<p:commandButton /*parameters*/ />
does not work. When I debug my validators, I can see that the modified values where not even submitted. Neither getLocalValue, getSubmittedValue nor getValue is changed.
Is there a syntax in composite component declaration to use to correct this situation ?
By the way : when I was writing my components as composite components rather than custom components, retrieving #{asen} in the backing bean just worked.
Thanks in advance.
I am using :
PrimeFaces 3.4.1
CODI 1.0.5
OpenWebBeans 1.1.6
MyFaces 2.1.9
Tomcat 7.0.32
(update) This very strange problem was caused by h:form nesting.
Very strange because h:form nesting did not perturbate the processing of the first level of composite components, but caused this strange "input lost" in nested composite.
Nesting looked like this :
<p:tabView ...>
<my:composite ....>
You're using a relative client ID in the process attribute of the <p:commandButton>:
<p:commandButton ... process="mandatsTerritorial" />
A relative client ID is relative to the parent NamingContainer component. It will be searched as direct child of the NamingContainer component. If the child is by itself a NamingContainer, then its children would not be searched.
Composite components are by itself in fact also NamingContainer components. If the button is placed in the composite, then this will be searched as direct child of the <cc:implementation>. In your particular case, only the component with id="mandatsTerritorial" will be processed on form submit, including all of its children (note that this component is nowhere visible in the code posted so far, but I'd imagine that you omitted it for brevity).
If the button is placed in <h:form>, then this will be searched as direct child of the <h:form>. However as this is apparently been placed inside the composite (which is, as said, another NamingContainer component), it wouldn't be found and hence basically nothing would be processed. You'd need to fix the process to point to the right client ID. E.g.
<mylib:mycomponent id="mycomponent" />
<p:commandButton ... process="#this mycomponent:mandatsTerritorial" />
This way it will process itself (mandatory to invoke the action!) and the component with id="mandatsTerritorial" inside the <cc:implementation> of the composite with id="mycomponent".
As a completely different alternative, which would work just fine in this particular construct, is to remove the process attribute altogether. It defaults to #form already which will thus process the entire form.
Update as per your question update: nesting forms is invalid in HTML. Using the JSF <h:form> representation doesn't change that; you'd still end up with nested forms in HTML. The browser behaviour is unspecified as to which data would be submitted to the server. Make sure that you don't nest <h:form> in JSF as well.

Update form from value change of Primefaces spinner

I am trying to update my form on the basis of changes of the spinner
<p:spinner id="spin1" min="1" max="#{editPhoto.max}" size="1"
value="#{editPhoto.page}" validator="#{editPhoto.validator()}"
valueChangeListener="#{editPhoto.refreshForm()}" />
<p:commandButton value="Insert" action="#{editPhoto.insertImage()}" />
<p:commandButton value="Delete" action="#{editPhoto.deleteImage()}" />
I've put break points in the value, setPage as well as in the validator and valueChangeListener and it hits them only when I press the commandButton. I've tried immediate="true", but that adds nothing. What I really want is to know when the value has been changed, but without having to hit the commandButton.
In a previous question BalusC suggested the use of
<f:event type="preRenderView" listener="#{nextpageBacking.onPreRenderView}" />
I suspect that I need something similar here, but what sort of event should I be looking for? Maybe not, so what do I need to do to get changes in the spinner without having to press on the commandButton? Thanks, Ilan
My bean is view-scoped. Perhaps the answer is to use another request scoped-bean and have the request scoped-bean operate on the view-scoped bean? I will try this if this looks like the correct direction.
You should use f:ajax or p:ajax.
The valueChangeListener will only fire when the whole form or the spinner is submitted.
<p:spinner id="spin1" min="1" max="#{editPhoto.max}" size="1"
value="#{editPhoto.page}" validator="#{editPhoto.validator()}">
<p:ajax listener="#{editPhoto.refreshForm()}"
update="#form" process="#this" />
The valueChangeListener attribute of the spinner is not the best place to fire your method. You should better put it in the listener attribute of p:ajax. The valueChangeListener should be used if you are interested in the old and the new value.

JSF immediate=true to Skip Validation

Shouldn't the immediate="true" of the commandLink skip validation? I'm still getting the "password is Required" message when I click that link, any ideas?
<h:inputSecret id="j_password" autocomplete="off" value="#{authenticationBean.password}" required="true" requiredMessage="Password is Required" />
<p:commandLink action="#{authentication.forgotPassword}" ajax="false">
<h:outputText value="#{bundle['login.forgotpassword.TEXT']}" immediate="true"/>
You've put it on the <h:outputText> instead of the <p:commandLink>. The immediate attribute has no effect on UIOutput components (and would yield a XML validation error on some environments as well), it has effect on UIInput and UICommand components only. Move the attribute to the <p:commandLink> component.
The immediate attribute does not skip any validation. It moves the component and all its events, validators etc to the APPLY_REQUEST Phase. So that you have an opportunity to process inputs and commands before all other non-immediate inputs and commands.
If you want to skip validation with immediate, you will have to take an appropriate action in the event of the immediate action to avoid further processing of inputs and theirs events, like a FacesContext Redirect.
The <o:validateBean> allows the developer to control bean validation on a per-UICommand or UIInput component basis, as well as validating a given bean at the class level.
The standard only allows validation control on a per-form or a per-request basis (by using multiple tags and conditional EL expressions in its attributes) which may end up in boilerplate code.
The standard also, despite its name, does not actually have any facilities to validate a bean at all.
<o:validateBean disabled="true"/> that command will skip Validations
icon="fa fa-refresh"
styleClass="refresh-button btn-blue"
update="phone_1 #form:htmlView">
<o:validateBean disabled="true"/>
The <o:skipValidators> taghandler allows the developer to entirely skip validation when executing an UICommand or ClientBehaviorHolder action. This taghandler must be placed inside an UICommand or ClientBehaviorHolder component (client behavior holder components are those components supporting <f:ajax>).
icon="fa fa-refresh"
styleClass="refresh-button btn-blue"
update="phone_1 #form:htmlView">
If you want to know more just look here :
