I'm trying to simulate key presses using XHB and XTest, using this example code as a reference. Unfortunately, whatever I do, the resulting program has no effect. No exceptions, no warnings.
Any ideas?
I'm using XHB 0.5.2012.11.23 with GHC 7.4.1 on Ubuntu 12.04.
Here's what I've got so far:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import Graphics.XHB
import Graphics.XHB.Gen.Test
main = do
Just c <- connect
let keyCode = 38 -- A
forever $ do
fakeInput c $ MkFakeInput (toBit' EventMaskKeyPress) keyCode 0 (fromXid xidNone) 0 0 0
threadDelay $ 1 * 1000
fakeInput c $ MkFakeInput (toBit' EventMaskKeyRelease) keyCode 0 (fromXid xidNone) 0 0 0
threadDelay $ 1 * 1000
toBit' :: (BitEnum a, Integral b) => a -> b
toBit' = fromIntegral . toBit
The issue here is a bit subtle. If you look at the XTest protocol you'll find that the FAKE_EVENT doesn't expect an EVENT_MASK but instead expects a FAKE_EVENT_TYPE. KeyPress is FAKE_EVENT_TYPE 2 whereas KeyRelease is 3. Things work as expected after these values are used in place of EventMaskKeyPress and EventMaskKeyRelease (moreover, you don't need the nasty toBit coercion, which was the smell that pointed me towards this being incorrect).
I am trying to write a custom functionality for my xmonad window manager.
I am not very comfortable with functional programming yet and still am trying to wrap my head around it. In python etc. this would be an easy task for me.
I have the light utility installed on my system.
$ light -S 40.0
for example sets the backgroundlight to 40% brightness.
$ light -G
returns the current brightness.
I have a list with values I like to advance through (and a start index)
screenBrightnessIndex :: Int
screenBrightnessIndex = 9
screenBrightnessSteps :: [Float]
screenBrightnessSteps = [0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 2, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100]
I wrote the following function:
changeBrightness :: Int -> Int
changeBrightness i
| sBI + i < 0 = 0
| sBI + i > length screenBrightnessSteps - 1 = length screenBrightnessSteps - 1
| otherwise = sBI + i
sBI = fromMaybe screenBrightnessIndex (elemIndex (???) screenBrightnessSteps)
It should check the current output of "light -G" and find the index. Then it either increases or deceases the index by the provided value.
Calling the functions should work like this:
spawn $ "light -S " ++ show (screenBrightnessSteps !! changeBrightness 1)
spawn $ "light -S " ++ show (screenBrightnessSteps !! changeBrightness -1)
My problem is that I don't understand how I would get the current screen brightness as a float.
I tried the following (with XMonad.Util.Run):
read (runProcessWithInput "light" ["-G"] "") :: Float
But this gives me errors. I know it has to do with the fact that the function return a MonadIO String and not a String. I also found several answers for similar problems. Most of them said it isn't possible to extract a String because of exceptions that may occur in Monads and security. But Monads are still very confusing to me. Also I don't believe there is a programming problem without a solution. I just don't know how.
I hope I explained my problem sufficiently.
It would be nice if someone could help me with this.
It would be even better if there is a better/more simple approach to the problem I am not thinking of.
Thanks alot.
The signatures can help here:
runProcessWithInput :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> [String] -> String -> m String
read :: Read a => String -> a
read expects a String type and not a MonadIO m => m StringSource type. So your goal should be to get a String from that first and then pass it to read. This might be usefull: https://wiki.haskell.org/Introduction_to_Haskell_IO/Actions
I have simple command line interface with insertion records in DB and
now it writes a lot of info to stdout, like this:
record 856/1000: 85%
record 857/1000: 85%
record 858/1000: 85%
but I want to have 1 dynamic line with updating current string parameters
status |T | C | A | E
inserting |1000 | 857 | 85% | 96
How can I achieve that?
If it's just one row, you can use \r to rewind the cursor to the beginning of the line.
Here's an example:
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import Text.Printf
main :: IO ()
main = do
forM_ [10, 9 .. 1] $ \seconds -> do
printf "\rLaunching missiles in %2d..." (seconds :: Int)
threadDelay $ 1 * 1000 * 1000
putStrLn "\nBlastoff!"
Joey Hess's concurrent-output library is designed for progress output like this (and more complex variations).
I am in the midst of porting the amqp package from using GHC.IO.Handle to using Network.Connection.Connection. The motivation for this is to gain transparent SSL/TLS support to allow for encrypted AMQP communications from Haskell.
The trouble is that my Connnection-based implementation doesn't work. I was running into some fairly surprising (to me) differences when I packet trace the alternate implementations.
It became evident that Network.Connection.connectionGet and GHC.IO.Handle.hGet are very different (non-blocking vs blocking):
Network.Connection.connectionGet acts like GHC.IO.Handle.hGetNonBlocking.
I was replacing GHC.IO.Handle.hGet with Network.Connection.connectionGet thinking it was a drop-in replacement which it isn't.
How do I use Network.Connection.connectionGet in a blocking manner like Data.ByteString.Lazy.hGet?
I wouldn't call this a blocking vs non-blocking thing as that thought lead to the async IO concept which a different concept then what is happening in these APIs.
The difference here is that in hGet when you ask for x number of bytes to be read, it will try to read and wait till it gets that number of bytes from the connection OR the connection get closed, where as the connectionGet function will return whatever bytes it can read from the connection buffer but the count of these bytes will be less than or equals to requested bytes i.e x.
You can make connectionGet behave like hGet using a simple recursion as shown below, NOTE: below has been verified to work :)
import qualified Network.Connection as Conn
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
-- ... intervening code
connectionGet' :: Conn.Connection -> Int -> IO BC.ByteString
connectionGet' conn x = do
bs <- Conn.connectionGet conn x
let diff = BS.length bs - x
if BS.length bs == 0 || diff == 0
then do
return bs
else do
next <- connectionGet' conn diff
return $ BC.append bs next
I want a program that will write a sequence like,
to a file. What's the simplest code one can write, and get decent performance? My intuition is that there is some lack-of-buffering problem. My C code runs at 100 MB/s, whereas by reference the Linux command line utility dd runs at 9 GB/s 3 GB/s (sorry for the imprecision, see comments -- I'm more interested in the big picture orders-of-magnitude though).
One would think this would be a solved problem by now ... i.e. any modern compiler would make it immediate to write such programs that perform reasonably well ...
C code
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int len = 10000000;
for (int a = 1; a <= len; a++) {
printf ("%d\n", a);
return 0;
I'm compiling with clang -O3. A performance skeleton which calls putchar('\n') 8 times gets comparable performance.
Haskell code
A naiive Haskell implementation runs at 13 MiB/sec, compiling with ghc -O2 -optc-O3 -optc-ffast-math -fllvm -fforce-recomp -funbox-strict-fields. (I haven't recompiled my libraries with -fllvm, perhaps I need to do that.) Code:
import Control.Monad
main = forM [1..10000000 :: Int] $ \j -> putStrLn (show j)
My best stab with Haskell runs even slower, at 17 MiB/sec. The problem is I can't find a good way to convert Vector's into ByteString's (perhaps there's a solution using iteratees?).
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
import Data.Vector.Unboxed (Vector, Unbox, (!))
writeVector :: (Unbox a, Show a) => Vector a -> IO ()
writeVector v = V.mapM_ (System.IO.putStrLn . show) v
main = writeVector (V.generate 10000000 id)
It seems that writing ByteString's is fast, as demonstrated by this code, writing an equivalent number of characters,
import Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
main = B.putStrLn (B.replicate 76000000 '\n')
This gets 1.3 GB/s, which isn't as fast as dd, but obviously much better.
Some completely unscientific benchmarking first:
All programmes have been compiled with the default optimisation level (-O3 for gcc, -O2 for GHC) and run with
time ./prog > outfile
As a baseline, the C programme took 1.07s to produce a ~76MB (78888897 bytes) file, roughly 70MB/s throughput.
The "naive" Haskell programme (forM [1 .. 10000000] $ \j -> putStrLn (show j)) took 8.64s, about 8.8MB/s.
The same with forM_ instead of forM took 5.64s, about 13.5MB/s.
The ByteString version from dflemstr's answer took 9.13s, about 8.3MB/s.
The Text version from dflemstr's answer took 5.64s, about 13.5MB/s.
The Vector version from the question took 5.54s, about 13.7MB/s.
main = mapM_ (C.putStrLn . C.pack . show) $ [1 :: Int .. 10000000], where C is Data.ByteString.Char8, took 4.25s, about 17.9MB/s.
putStr . unlines . map show $ [1 :: Int .. 10000000] took 3.06s, about 24.8MB/s.
A manual loop,
main = putStr $ go 1
go :: Int -> String
go i
| i > 10000000 = ""
| otherwise = shows i . showChar '\n' $ go (i+1)
took 2.32s, about 32.75MB/s.
main = putStrLn $ replicate 78888896 'a' took 1.15s, about 66MB/s.
main = C.putStrLn $ C.replicate 78888896 'a' where C is Data.ByteString.Char8, took 0.143s, about 530MB/s, roughly the same figures for lazy ByteStrings.
What can we learn from that?
First, don't use forM or mapM unless you really want to collect the results. Performancewise, that sucks.
Then, ByteString output can be very fast (10.), but if the construction of the ByteString to output is slow (3.), you end up with slower code than the naive String output.
What's so terrible about 3.? Well, all the involved Strings are very short. So you get a list of
Chunk "1234567" Empty
and between any two such, a Chunk "\n" Empty is put, then the resulting list is concatenated, which means all these Emptys are tossed away when a ... (Chunk "1234567" (Chunk "\n" (Chunk "1234568" (...)))) is built. That's a lot of wasteful construct-deconstruct-reconstruct going on. Speed comparable to that of the Text and the fixed "naive" String version can be achieved by packing to strict ByteStrings and using fromChunks (and Data.List.intersperse for the newlines). Better performance, slightly better than 6., can be obtained by eliminating the costly singletons. If you glue the newlines to the Strings, using \k -> shows k "\n" instead of show, the concatenation has to deal with half as many slightly longer ByteStrings, which pays off.
I'm not familiar enough with the internals of either text or vector to offer more than a semi-educated guess concerning the reasons for the observed performance, so I'll leave them out. Suffice it to say that the performance gain is marginal at best compared to the fixed naive String version.
Now, 6. shows that ByteString output is faster than String output, enough that in this case the additional work of packing is more than compensated. However, don't be fooled by that to believe that is always so. If the Strings to pack are long, the packing can take more time than the String output.
But ten million invocations of putStrLn, be it the String or the ByteString version, take a lot of time. It's faster to grab the stdout Handle just once and construct the output String in non-IO code. unlines already does well, but we still suffer from the construction of the list map show [1 .. 10^7]. Unfortunately, the compiler didn't manage to eliminate that (but it eliminated [1 .. 10^7], that's already pretty good). So let's do it ourselves, leading to 8. That's not too terrible, but still takes more than twice as long as the C programme.
One can make a faster Haskell programme by going low-level and directly filling ByteStrings without going through String via show, but I don't know if the C speed is reachable. Anyway, that low-level code isn't very pretty, so I'll spare you what I have, but sometimes one has to get one's hands dirty if speed matters.
Using lazy byte strings gives you some buffering, because the string will be written instantly and more numbers will only be produced as they are needed. This code shows the basic idea (there might be some optimizations that could be made):
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as ByteString
main =
ByteString.putStrLn .
ByteString.intercalate (ByteString.singleton '\n') .
map (ByteString.pack . show) $
([1..10000000] :: [Int])
I still use Strings for the numbers here, which leads to horrible slowdowns. If we switch to the text library instead of the bytestring library, we get access to "native" show functions for ints, and can do this:
import Data.Monoid
import Data.List
import Data.Text.Lazy.IO as Text
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as Text
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Int as Text
main :: IO ()
main =
Text.putStrLn .
Text.toLazyText .
mconcat .
intersperse (Text.singleton '\n') .
map Text.decimal $
([1..10000000] :: [Int])
I don't know how you are measuring the "speed" of these programs (with the pv tool?) but I imagine that one of these procedures will be the fastest trivial program you can get.
If you are going for maximum performance, then it helps to take a holistic view; i.e., you want to write a function that maps from [Int] to series of system calls that write chunks of memory to a file.
Lazy bytestrings are good representation for a sequence of chunks of memory. Mapping a lazy bytestring to a series of systems calls that write chunks of memory is what L.hPut is doing (assuming an import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L). Hence, we just need a means to efficiently construct the corresponding lazy bytestring. This is what lazy bytestring builders are good at. With the new bytestring builder (here is the API documentation), the following code does the job.
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Builder (toLazyByteString, charUtf8)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Builder.ASCII (intDec)
import Data.Foldable (foldMap)
import Data.Monoid (mappend)
import System.IO (openFile, IOMode(..))
main :: IO ()
main = do
h <- openFile "/dev/null" WriteMode
L.hPut h $ toLazyByteString $
foldMap ((charUtf8 '\n' `mappend`) . intDec) [1..10000000]
Note that I output to /dev/null to avoid interference by the disk driver. The effort of moving the data to the OS remains the same. On my machine, the above code runs in 0.45 seconds, which is 12 times faster than the 5.4 seconds of your original code. This implies a throughput of 168 MB/s. We can squeeze out an additional 30% speed (220 MB/s) using bounded encodings].
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Builder.BasicEncoding as E
L.hPut h $ toLazyByteString $
((\x -> (x, '\n')) E.>$< E.intDec `E.pairB` E.charUtf8)
Their syntax looks a bit quirky because a BoundedEncoding a specifies the conversion of a Haskell value of type a to a bounded-length sequence of bytes such that the bound can be computed at compile-time. This allows functions such as E.encodeListWithB to perform some additional optimizations for implementing the actual filling of the buffer. See the the documentation of Data.ByteString.Lazy.Builder.BasicEncoding in the above link to the API documentation (phew, stupid hyperlink limit for new users) for more information.
Here is the source of all my benchmarks.
The conclusion is that we can get very good performance from a declarative solution provided that we understand the cost model of our implementation and use the right datastructures. Whenever constructing a packed sequence of values (e.g., a sequence of bytes represented as a bytestring), then the right datastructure to use is a bytestring Builder.
I just started with Haskell and tried to do write some tests first. Basically, I want to define some function and than call this function to check the behavior.
add :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
add a b = a+b
-- Test my function
add 2 3
If I load that little script in Hugs98, I get the following error:
Syntax error in declaration (unexpected `}', possibly due to bad layout)
If I remove the last line, load the script and then type in "add 2 3" in the hugs interpreter, it works just fine.
So the question is: How can I put calls of my functions in the same script as the function definition? I just want to load the script and be able to check if it does what I expect it to...I don't want to type them in manually all the time.
Others have said how to solve your immediate problem, but for testing you should be using QuickCheck or some other automated testing library.
import Test.QuickCheck
prop_5 = add 2 3 == 5
prop_leftIdentity n = add 0 n == n
Then run quickCheck prop_5 and quickCheck prop_leftIdentity in your Hugs session. QuickCheck can do a lot more than this, but that will get you started.
(Here's a QuickCheck tutorial but it's out of date. Anyone know of one that covers QuickCheck 2?)
the most beginner friendly way is probably the doctest module.
Download it with "cabal install doctest", then put your code into a file "Add.hs" and run "doctest Add.hs" from the command line.
Your code should look like this, the formatting is important:
module Add where
-- | add adds two numbers
-- >>> add 2 3
-- 5
-- >>> add 5 0
-- 5
-- >>> add 0 0
-- 0
add :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
add a b = a+b
HTH Chris
Make a top level definition:
add :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
add a b = a + b
test1 = add 2 3
Then call test1 in your Hugs session.
How can I put calls of my functions in the same script as the function definition? I just want to load the script and be able to check if it does what I expect it to...I don't want to type them in manually all the time.
In short, you can't. Wrap it in a function and call it instead. Your file serves as a valid Haskell module, and having "flying" expression is not a valid way to write it.
You seem to come from a scripting language background, but don't try treating Haskell as one of them.
If you have ghc installed, then the runhaskell command will interpret and run the main function in your file.
add x y = x + y
main = print $ add 2 3
Then on the command line
> runhaskell Add.hs
Not sure, but hugs probably has a similar feature to the runhaskell command. Or, if you load the file into the hugs interpreter, you can simply run it by calling main.
I was trying to do the same thing and I just made a function that ran through all my test cases (using guards) and returned 1 if they all passed and threw an error if any failed.
test :: Num b => a->b
test x
| sumALL [1] /= 1 = error "test failed"
| sumALL [0,1,2] /= 3 = error "test failed"
| otherwise = 1