Spotify pagination controls for app API 1.0 [closed] - spotify

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Closed 9 years ago.
I am missing the views and stylesheets for pagination in the documentation for Spotify App API 1.0. Where can I get the pagination controls from?

In the Spotify API 0.X there was a component called Pager to accomplish that (see How to create a "carousel"-like widget in spotify apps API?). However, that component had never been publicly documented, and only the "What's New" page made use of it.
In the API 1.0 that component has finally been deprecated.


Why IndexedDB is not available in node.js? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
IndexedDB API on node.js will be very useful for some app.
Why IndexedDB is not available in node.js?
IndexedDB API does not depend on DOM, even though it does use some DOM error and event style.
It's possibly because IndexedDB is part of a different body of standards. Node.js is just ECMAScript (via Google's V8) along with their own API. Also, it may not help that IndexedDB is still in "Draft."
But, more likely it's for the same reason Node.js doesn't offer any database drivers: it's not trying to solve those problems. It's just trying to offer the APIs that assist someone who does want to solve and implement them.
And, for that, it appear at least one such project has already started: indexeddb-js. But, also have a look through IndexedDB in the NPM Registry.

Why not RESTful JSF? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Struts2 is having built-in support for REST and so Spring MVC.
Ruby on Rails on the other hand is having a strong built in support for REST.
But JSF 2.2 specification does not contain any such support, and it seems that this is not an agenda in future JSF specifications as well!.
Why JSF team is simply ignoring REST?

Strange Web App [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I would like to create a web app (desktop and mobile versions) that can work with and without Internet connection but synchronizes data when Internet connection is available. The web app must be highly secure (transmission encryption and data encryption). I have though of Adobe Flex and Air as tools for development. Any other suggestions?
HTML 5 is the technology for you. Local storage is supported too.

Spotify App publishing [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I could not find anywhere on google information about Spotify Apps that would say anything about the future plans of this expansion, in particular, if it would be possible to publish your own app somewhere on the future Spotify App Store or something similar to that. Does anybody know if this feature is in the future development plans of the company?
The process for getting your application published on the App Finder is here:
Specifically, we request you submit a concept to us first so we don't end up with duplicate apps, then once that's approved the process is fairly standard - you make the app, we make sure it's good enough for the App Finder, then it gets published.
If you've already started to make an app, no matter - just submit it as a concept anyway and we can work from there.

JSF in Enterprise Applications [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Is JSF being used in the enterprise, or at least growing in use?
We're using it at my company in an 'Enterprise' way, I know the previous two companies I've worked at have used it in various projects. The only other framework which was more popular was Struts 1.
This page gives some 'real world' JSF links.
Yes, it's being used.
Is the use widespread? I don't think so. It's probably being used more than Wicket but less than Spring MVC, at least from conversations with my own peers.
