I am using VIM as my text editor and Yeoman to help me with my webapp development workflow.
I am already using vim-jshint to help me lint my javascript files from within VIM and I would like to use it in sync with my Yeoman setup.
My problem is that every time I run grunt, the jshint task founds lots of errors that vim-jshint couldn't find.
I am aware vim-jshint looks for a .jshintrc file in two possible paths: the HOME path and the current working directory but, in its current state of development, vim-jshint seems to be unable to find the .jshintrc that Yeoman uses, which is located in the base directory of the webapp.
Has any of you found a solution or workaround for this?
Please, switching to Sublime Text is not an option.
Got it! I was using the wrong vim-jshint plugin.
I should have used the one that's listed in JSHint's site from the beginning, but somehow I was misled to the wrong plugins. Stupid me.
Finally, having pathogen.vim installed, I just had to copy and paste this:
cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone git://github.com/walm/jshint.vim
As stated in its own github README file, This plugin is a front for the jshint NodeJS cli module which ensures that running :JSHint inside VIM will always report the same errors as grunt's jshint task. At least if you run VIM from the same folder where JSHint's options file (.jshintrc) is located.
It may be a dumb question but I feel that I'm floundering around attempting to edit the wordpress plugin that I downloaded from github repo: https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg-examples.
Right now, I'm following the block tutorial from https://developer.wordpress.org/block-editor/how-to-guides/block-tutorial/.
So what I did:
download the pre-built plugin in zip folder
upload it to wordpress site that I created in docker (https://developer.yoast.com/blog/set-up-wordpress-development-environment-in-docker/)
open the zip folder and move it to my plugins directory
open, for example, "01-basic-esnext" folder inside the gutenberg-examples folder and edit in block.build.js. The changes I made would be shown in the block editor in the wordpress post that I created.
However, what I'm confused about is the npm stuff that's mentioned in "Development" section.
For each of the examples that include an esnext example the following
commands are required to build the plugins:
To install the node packages
npm install
To build the production version of the plugin
npm run build
To build a development version, change to the local
directory of the block you are working on, and run npm start to watch
for changes and automatically rebuild as you develop.
cd 01-basic-esnext/
npm start
Before that, the "Development" section already mentioned building a docker/wordpress environment for the plugin right inside the gutenberg-examples folder.
However, the way I set up my stuff is different. I already have a docker running in my wordpress folder like what I followed in https://developer.yoast.com/blog/set-up-wordpress-development-environment-in-docker/ and this plugin is already in my plugins directory. I can easily edit the files in visual studio code and see the changes in my local wordpress site.
So should I be doing something to install the npm stuff or leave it alone?
npm is used for these WordPress plugins because the -esnext versions of the examples get built from Javascript modules. The build process runs on npm and nodejs. That means, if you work on that -esnext code, that you're living in a hybrid world -- you have php and apache running your development web server, and you have nodejs and npm handling your builds.
The WordPress team carefully rigged a docker setup to support the process of edit / run for you. So if you use your own docker setup, you won't get the benefit of theirs.
When you have finished your development effort, you can use npm run build to build a .zip file which you can then install in your own WordPress instances using the Upload Plugin button at the top of the Add Plugins page.
Code is poetry, for sure. But development environments are not.
I want to lint my node.js code when saving the file (so I don't have to to run npm run eslint manually). If I were to write the frontend, I'd use webpack to bundle and lint my files on save. However, as I currently don't need to bundle my Node.js code (or do I?), I'm not sure if this is the way to go or if I have any other alternative?
How is this usually done with Node.js? I wasn't able to find any answer to that question using Google's or Stackoverflow's search but I might have looked for the wrong thing.
You could use gulp or grunt or any other build tool to watch your project and run es-lint on save.
Or you could just use a text-editor or ide with a js-lint plugin.
I know that could be multiple answers for this question but I would know how i can fast setting up project with Bootstrap and Sass.
I had never used node, npm, grunt or bower, I've installed all already but i can't really find a good tutorial for:
Setting up the project structure
Auto compile sass files on save
(Maybe) Live reload in chrome?
I would suggest not using any boilerplate for your first project as you want to get into the "guts" of it, and once you are familiar with basics, then you can try boilerplate and see what they can do for you.
Few tools you would need to setup a project from scratch includes: Node's npm, Bower, Gulp (for example).
After you have those installed, you can dig in into creating your first project.
1) Initialize your npm project
2) Pull the packages with Bower (Bootstrap scss for starters)
2a) Pull the Specific Bootstrap 3 SCSS port
3) Configure Basic Gulp-scss config for your SCSS needs.
Basic idea behind Bower is that you have unmodified source of plugins/3rd party js/css in bower_components folder, and you use those files to compile a production ready files (js/css). What this means is that your bower_components folder is a "src" folder, and you have to add your "dist" or distributable files. Gulp helps with this part.
For the project structure, further readings and improvements on gulp tasks.
Once you have basic working project, you can try expanding your gulp-config with, like you mentioned Browser Sync and others.
I did compile a "general tasks" gulp file that i use from project to project. You can take a look here and use it if you find it fits.
Hope it helps.
You can try using Aldryn's boilerplate:
I am starting a new Theme from scratch and have a file called 'Assets.json' in the root directory.
It maps the LESS file from the 'Assets' directory to a CSS file in the 'Styles' directory - great.
Can anyone point me in the right direction as to how I can make use of this, as it's exactly what I want but can't find any information on how to use it.
The Assets.json file is a way to plug into the default gulp script that is provided with Orchard. This script is able to process .less files (and others) in order to generate minified and non-minified versions of scripts or stylesheets, and bundle your grouped assets. This way you don't have to create your own gulp file for each module, just describe the assets you want to be processed and it will do it automatically.
It will also watch the files you described and re-process them when they have changed. The simplest way to use them is to copy-paste one from the core modules, and place them in your own module or theme. Then just run the main gulp file, or enable its support in Visual Studio. You can run npm install from the root folder for this.
So I have created a pretty default keystoneJS project and the first error that appeared was that when ran locally the website's default css won't load.
It's looking for site.min.css but in the folder there is only site.scss
After I compiled the scss via sublime text 2 sublimeBuild and renamed the file to site.min.css (from site.css) it ran perfectly but what worries me is why does the default installation have this error.
Where should I change this? Is there an scss builder included so I have to change folder naming or is there some other issue?
My guess is that it has something to do with some step skipped. I remember the keystone installation asked me whether I wanted to use sass so I suppose everything should be ok.
Is the problem because I did not use grunt somehow?
I recall reading somewhere that this grunt tool has to be used instead of node when running a server and I see a Gruntfile in my folder but when installed grunt-cli the grunt just loads and terminates the server right after that.
You don't have to do anything, sass-middleware is included and automatically generates CSS files from your SASS source files when they're requested.
The issue you were experiencing with site.min.css not being found was an error in the yeoman generator, from when the SASS support was added. The LESS middleware automatically compresses generated CSS when a request is made for a file ending in .min.css, but the SASS middleware doesn't do the same, so the request was 404'ing.
The problem with the yeoman generator has been fixed as of version 0.2.9, for existing projects the simple fix is to change your layout file so it refers to site.css instead of site.min.css.
Once you do that the middleware will automatically detect the presence of site.scss and generate an up-to-date version of site.css for you.