node.js REST api authentication and oauth2 - node.js

I have several questions:
1) Is it a good practice to use REST API both for external API usage and as a server side for a backbone (or plain js) frontend?
I think it's much easier to code one REST API server and use it as a backend.
2) If I write my webapp authentication with oauth 2 standard is it a good way to store my secret token in cookie? I think this will cause CSRF vulnerability.
As i see passport.js uses cookies to store secret token for example for Facebook or twitter...
What's about CSRF in this case?

This is a very interesting question, I'm surprised nobody answered yet.
1) To the first question, my answer is definitely yes ! You don't want to write 2 times the API logic.
What you could do is to use different URLs.
Eg. For the public api, you use whereas concerning the internal one, you could use or whatever you prefer.
Then you use the same logic, but with different authentication strategies. Public one with authentication token, like many popular APIs (Twitter, Facebook etc.) and Private one using passport.js's logs.
The good thing about separating is :
You separate security issues
You can control access bandwidth if your app transfers a lot of data (and you want to give a higher priority to you app ... well probably !)
Or simply you can control authorizations (Eg. no DELETE through public API)
2) I'm not a security guru, but I would definitely trust passport.js authentication system, as it is widely used when using node as a backend.
You could refer to this question for implementing CSRF security in express : How to implement CSRF protection in Ajax calls using express.js (looking for complete example)?
Or another strategy is to use a refresh token if you use FB or Twitter connect strategies.
Hope it helps.


How do I protect my App API from external exploitation?

I don't know if this is the right platform to ask this kind of question,
but I have an app that is separated between frontend (Angular) and backend/API (Nodejs). Now the API exposes public endpoints to be used by the frontend. Now how do I protect the API from being used or exploited by other parties and only keep it to my Angular app? I thought of using an HTTP only cookie but it seems its visible when someone opens the developer's tools on the request's headers.
I am completely out of ideas, thanks in advance.
There is no way to make your site 100% secure but you can slow attackers down, or convince them on to a less secure site if you cover the owasp top 10 and have some transport protection.
Transport protection
HTTPS: either use a solution with https already configured, like heroku or or use
Authentication - There are loads of solutions and you would need to figure out how important the data is you are trying to secure. JWT is a good starting point as it is the easiest and relatively secure.
OWASP attacks.
The OWASP top 10 is here:
You can cover the majority of the list by using a library such as JOI, and setting up the schemas so you only allow input that is absolutely necessary. Use whitelists of valid parameters rather than allow any string.
The only other precaution I would take is to use the npm library helmet, This covers most of the XSS points
Those are probably the main points you need to cover, that will deter most opportunistic crackers
You can secure your API with a token using OAuth2, I don't know in angular to much but the best practice is to secure the nodejs with JWT Token.
Helpful link Creating an API authenticated with OAuth 2 in Node.js
Beer Locker: Building a RESTful API With Node - OAuth2 Server

Security for React front-end and Node back-end

I'm relatively new to the modern JavaScript web development world. I've built a very simple Node/Express back-end and a separate React front-end. My vague plan is to have users that will have permission to access certain areas of the front-end, and then have the front-end make requests to the back-end. Can the front-end and back-end share the same authentication/authorization scheme? Can they both use something like Auth0? How can I make these two secure?
I'm a little stuck and would appreciate any advice or a nudge in the right direction. I'm mostly stuck because these are two separate applications but the same "user" would technically have permissions to certain React views as well as certain Express endpoints - how they moosh together?
Although seems not directly related to your topic, but I would actually suggest you try Meteor if you are not planning to immediately start working on large projects (not pressing too hard on scalability).
Meteor has a builtin support for Accounts and interacts with MongoDB nicely, and it also has its own DDP protocol that simplifies API call massively. It also interacts nicely with React.
If you think Meteor might not be a good choice for yourself, you could still learn from its design policies of authorization, etc. It has quite a bit package source code that are not too difficult to understand, and should be helpful for you to learn the basic idea. (Actually, Meteor's Accounts package already implements the basic idea mentioned by another answerer, you can learn from its design principles)
When users log in to your site, issue them with an access token that they keep client side. On front-end, check if user has token and correct permissions before rendering components. On back-end, send the token as request headers to the endpoints.
I have implemented a similar case, but with the spring boot kotlin at the backend instead. My solution is using JWT token to validate the authentication and authorization.
User logins by input login form and send POST method to backend via a REST API.Backend validates credential and returns the JWT token including encrypted user_role, expiration date, etc... if valid or 403 exception
Front-end decodes the JWT (using jwt-decode lib or something else),
save it to validate the access permission to specific page in the
website based on user_role. Eg: role='ADMIN' can access to admin dashboard page, role='USER' can access user profile page, etc.
If you use express as the backend, I suggest to use the feathersjs. It has backend solutions for this and an optional front end version. Refer:
Secure Front end (React.js) and Back end (Node.js/Express Rest API) with Keycloak follow this

Authentication middleware in Express NodeJS - Best practice

I'm writing my first Express NodeJS app and I want to know what is the best practice when it comes to authentication middlewares?
I'm using access tokens and cookies (which are composed from user id and some random bytes) for each new user, and for some routes I want only given users to have access to it.
Is a good idea to access database from a middleware? Or where should I check if a given user has access to a given resource?
Thank you!
There are many modules built for authentication purpose for nodejs applications. However, the most commonly used module for nodejs/expressjs is Passport. If you wish to stay isolated from such libraries, nodejs has built-in libraries for encryption etc, for example, check this out.
For sessions and cookies, using signed cookies is always a good practice. Check out this SO post. There are many good practices for maintaining security (say, using https over http, token based authentication, etc.) followed throughout the development grounds, which you'll learn as you go on. Here is a short tutorial of JWT(JSON Web Tokens) for a good introduction to token based authentication in JSON you can check out.
Happy coding :)

NodeJS/express - security for public API endpoint

I'm developing my web-site project based on NodeJs/Express, and for some UI parts I'm using Jquery ajax request to fetch secondary data.
How can we handle some basic control on our Rest API end-points that are used for ajax calls by the browser?
I was thinking about some kind of token authorization , but it can be also used by other clients (scripts etc.) once it has been intercepted , so how can we protect our server from unwanted requests? What other controls should be used in this cases (recognize too many request from same client, clients black list,etc)?
There are three main topics Authentication, Authorization, Security. I will give links and only shortly answers. Subject is enough big to write few books.
Authentication - who is the one who is making request. There are many 'strategies' to authentication user. Please check most pupular module for this :
Of course you can inplement one or more of this strategies alone.
For stateless authentication jwt tokens are very convenient. If you want to code it yourself (Passport has this strategy) check this link (one of many in web)
How to prevent from token interception? Use always https and set token expiration time short.
Where to store your token client side? for detail look at this In short don't store in web storage because of XSS attacks. Use cookies, when they are correctly configured they are safe (more in attached link), if not configured they are very exposed to threats.
Authorization : we know user, but he has access only to some resources. Please check
There is gist with node_acl and passport :
In short passport authenticate user. We now who want what. We setup roles and resources and define roles and resources relation. Then we set for each user roles. Module will check for us user permission.
Security: please look for this subject in documentation of sails framework they describes attacks and how framework prevent form them. I write about express:
DDOS: (part of your question "too many request from same client") "At the API layer, there isn't much that can be done in the way of prevention". This is subject most for servers admins. In short use load balancer. If it is one IP (not hundreds) then blacklist or deley response (for start look at this but I thing that solution must be more sophisticated).
CSRF: "type of attack which forces an end user to execute unwanted actions on a web application backend". Look at this module
XSS: "type of attack in which a malicious agent manages to inject client-side JavaScript into your website" don't trust any data from user. Always validate, filter, santize. Look at this
In documentation of sails, there is more attack types but above are most popular.
Use express session + passport (
Basically you should have a login to the website and than only authenticated users can call the REST apis.
now... if you don't want a login, than you can't really protect the APIs as the website by design is open.
You didn't specify much info so it is hard to say more than that.
Also DoS attacks can't be protected by your code, and usually its not the responsibility of the app server (in your case node.js express) to provide such protection. If someone wants your website down by doing DoS attacks, than without other layers (see which mostly mean it is up to a router/switch/so on... to implement.

JSON Web Token Auth Service - checking status on separate server to protect routes. NodeJS

For a project I’m working on currently I am developing an API using Node/Express/Mongo and separately developing a website using the same tools. Ideally I want to host these on separate servers so they can be scaled as required.
For authentication I am using jsonwebtoken which I’ve set up and I’m generally pleased with how it’s working.
On the website I want to be able to restrict (using Express) certain routes to authenticated users and I’m struggling a little with the best way to implement this. The token is currently being saved in LocalStorage.
I think I could pass the token through a get parameter to any routes I want to protect and then check this token on the website server (obviously this means including the jwt secret here too but I don’t see a huge problem with that).
So my questions are
Would this work?
Would it mean (no pun intended) I end up with ugly URLs
Would I just be better hosting both on the same server as I could then save the generated token on the server side?
Is there a better solution?
I should say I don’t want to use Angular - I’m aware this would solve some of my problems but it would create more for me!
First off, I'll answer your questions directly:
Will this work? Yes, it will work. But there are many downsides (see below for more discussion).
Not necessarily. I don't really consider ugly urls to include the querystring. But regardless, all authentication information (tokens, etc.) should be included in the HTTP Authorization HEADER itself -- and never in the URL (or querystring).
This doesn't matter so much in your case, because as long as your JWT-generating code has the same secret key that your web server does, you can verify the token's authenticity.
Yes! Read below.
So, now that we got those questions out of the way, let me explain why the approach you're taking isn't the best idea currently (you're not too far off from a good solution though!):
Firstly, storing any authentication tokens in Local Storage is a bad idea currently, because of XSS (Cross Site Scripting attacks). Local Storage doesn't offer any form of domain limitation, so your users can be tricked into giving their tokens up quite easily.
Here's a good article which explains more about why this is a bad idea in easy-to-understand form:
What you should be doing instead: storing your JWT in a client-side cookie that is signed and encrypted. In the Node world, there's an excellent mozilla session library which handles this for you automatically:
Next up, you never want to pass authentication tokens (JWTs) via querystrings. There are several reasons why:
Most web servers will log all URL requests (including querystrings), meaning that if anyone gets a hold of these logs they can authenticate as your users.
Users see this information in the querystring, and it looks ugly.
Instead, you should be using the HTTP Authorization header (it's a standard), to supply your credentials to the server. This has numerous benefits:
This information is not typically logged by web servers (no messy audit trail).
This information can be parsed by lots of standard libraries.
This information is not seen by end-users casually browsing a site, and doesn't affect your URL patterns.
Assuming you're using OAuth 2 bearer tokens, you might craft your HTTP Authorization header as follows (assuming you're representing it as a JSON blob):
{"Authorization": "Bearer myaccesstokenhere"}
Now, lastly, if you're looking for a good implementation of the above practices, I actually wrote and maintain one of the more popular auth libraries in Node: stormpath-express.
It handles all of the use cases above in a clean, well audited way, and also provides some convenient middlewares for handling authentication automatically.
Here's a link to the middleware implementations (you might find these concepts useful):
The apiAuthenticationRequired middleware, itself, is pretty nice, as it will reject a user's request if they're not authenticating properly via API authentication (either HTTP Basic Auth or OAuth2 with Bearer tokens + JWTs).
Hopefully this helps!
