Is to possible to read from cassandra cluster even at any node failure - cassandra

I have a Cassandra cluster with 4 nodes, is it possible to read the data only from the available nodes, except the node that is down, is this possible? or is there any configurable property to handle this type of scenario.

You can do this with replication, yes. There are a few things you need:
Set replication factor at least 2. The more replicas, the more failed nodes you can cope with. However, the more replicas you have the worse your performance is since more nodes duplicate the work.
Choose an appropriate consistency level. The consistency level (CL) determines how many nodes need to be involved with a read or write operation. CL.ALL means use all replicas so you can't tolerate any failures. CL.ONE means use just one node. CL.QUORUM means a majority of replicas (RF/2+1)
You can read and write data from any node, not just ones containing that data. If you use a client library like Hector, you should tell it about all nodes and it will avoid ones that are down, as well as load balance amongst the available nodes.


Why cassandra is considered as partition tolerant by CAP theorem despite we can isolate the coordinator?

Here is the definition of partition tolerance by Gilbert and Lynch
When a network is partitioned, all messages sent from nodes in one
component of the partition to nodes in another component are lost.
Let's divide the cluster into two partitions: the first one contains only the coordinator, the second one contains all other nodes. This way coordinator will not be able to contact any replicas and will respond with error. Is it allowed for partition tolerant systems?
More specifically I think the question is which of the other two CAP attributes does Cassandra retain in the face of such a Partition.
The answer is dependent on the configured consistency level. For writes there is the ANY consistency level. At this consistency level, so long as hinted-handoffs are enabled, the coordinator will record the write and maintain Availability. Clients connected to other coordinators will not be able to see the udpated value until the partition is resolved, so reads will not be Consistent. If a stronger consistency level is chosen, then the client is explicitly configuring Consistency over Availability.
So can Cassandra (given that it does not necessarily replicate all data to all nodes) be considered AP when a read coordinator is alone in a partition? If it responds with an error that sounds like Consistency to me, if it responds with an empty result set because the data is not in its partition, then that would be Availability. Since the weakest read consistency level is ONE - requiring at least one replica to respond, Cassandra opts for the former: If the coordinator is not itself one of the replicas owning the requested data then the read will time out and not be Available. As with writes, any stronger read consistency level explicitly configures Cassandra to behave more Consistently at the expense of Availability.
So the "coordinator" node isn't a long-lasting or "leader"-like definition. It changes with practically every query. If there was a non-token-aware operation which needed a coordinator node, and that coordinator was suddenly partitioned-off from the rest, then that one query would fail.
The next query (or a retry) would pick a new node as a coordinator. The only issue, would be that some data rows will be short by one replica (data stored on the partitioned node). But as long as you're querying by ONE and have a RF >= 2, the cluster will continue on like nothing happened.
So "yes," Cassandra is definitely partition-tolerant.
Note: This is why it's important to use a token-aware load balancing policy. That way the driver picks one of the nodes containing the required data as the "coordinator." At consistency ONE, the operation is completed locally, and a network hop is taken out of the equation.

How to determine the sync status is up to date for particular node in a Cassandra cluster?

Suppose I have two node cassandra cluster and they are reside on physically different data-centers. Suppose the database inside that cluster has replication factor is 2 which means every data in that database should be sync with each other. suppose this database is a massive database which have millions of records of its tables. I named those nodes centers as node1 and node2. Suppose node2 is not reliable and there was a crash on that server and take few days to fix and get the server back to up and running state. After that according to my understating there should be a gap between node1 and node2 and it may take significant time to sync node2 with node1. So need a way to measure the gap between node2 and node1 for the mean time of sync happen? After some times how should I assure that node2 is equal to node1? Please correct me if im wrong with this question according to the cassandra architechure.
So let's start with your description. 2 node cluster, which sounds fine, but 2 nodes in 2 different data centers (DCs) - bad design, but doable. Each data center should have multiple nodes to ensure your data is highly available. Anyway, that aside, let's assume you have a 2 node cluster with 1 node in each DC. The replication factor (RF) is defined at the keyspace level (not at the cluster level - each DC will have a RF setting for a particular keyspace (or 0 if not specified for a particular DC)). That being said, you can't have RF=2 for a keyspace for either of your DCs if you only have a single node in each one (RF, which is how many copies of the data that exist, can't be more than the number of nodes in the DC). So let's put that aside for now as well.
You have the possibility for DCs to become out of sync as well as nodes within a DC to become out of sync. There are multiple protections against this problem.
Consistency Level (CL)
This is a lever that you (the client) have to be able to help control how far out of sync things get. There's a trade off between availability v.s. consistency (with performance implications as well). The CL setting is configured at connection time and/or each statement level. For writes, the CL determines how many nodes must IMMEDIATELY ACKNOWLEDGE the write before giving your application the "green light" to move on (a number of nodes that you're comfortable with - knowing the more nodes you immediately require the more consistent your nodes and/or DC(s) will be, but the longer it will take and the less flexibility you have in nodes becoming unavailable without client failure). If you specify less than RF it doesn't mean that RF won't be met, it just means that they don't need to immediately acknowledge the write to move on. For reads, this setting determines how many nodes' data are compared before the result is returned (if cassandra finds a particular row doesn't match from the nodes it's comparing, it will "fix" them during the read before you get your results - this is called read repair). There are a handful of CL options by the client (e.g. ONE, QUORUM, LOCAL_ONE, LOCAL_QUOURM, etc.). Again, there is a trade-off between availability and consistency with the selected choice.
If you want to be sure your data is consistent when your queries run (when you read the data), ensure the write CL + the read CL > RF. You can ensure that's done on a LOCAL level (e.g. the DC that the read/write is occurring on, say, LOCAL_QUORUM) or globally (all DCs with QUORUM). By doing this, you'll be sure that while your cluster may be inconsistent, your results during reads will not be (i.e. the results will be consistent/accurate - which is all that anyone really cares about). With this setting you also allow some flexibility in unavailable nodes (e.g. for a 3 node DC you could have a single node be unavailable without client failure for either reads or writes).
If nodes do become out of sync, you have a few options at this point:
Repair (run by "nodetool repair") - this is a facility that you can schedule or manually run to reconcile your tables, keyspaces and/or the entire node with other nodes (either in the DC the node resides or the entire cluster). This is a "node level" command and must be run on each node to "fix" things. If you have DSE, Ops Center can run repairs in the background fixing "chunks" of data - cycling the process repetitively.
Similar to repair, this is a DSE specific tool similar to repair that helps keep data in sync (the newer version of repair).
Unavailable nodes:
Hinted Handoff
Cassandra has the ability to "hold onto" changes if nodes become unavailable during writes. It will hang onto changes for a specified period of time. If the unavailable nodes become available before time runs out, the changes are sent over for application. If time runs out, hint collection stops and one of the other options, above, need to be performed to catch things up.
Finally, there is no way to know how inconsistent things are (e.g. 30% inconsistent). You simply try to utilize the tools mentioned above to control consistency without completely sacrificing availability.
Hopefully that makes sense and helps.

Possible to take half of Cassandra nodes down without affecting the application?

If there is a 4 node Cassandra cluster, is it possible to configure Cassandra in a way to have half of the nodes down (two in this case) without affecting the applications?
Also how long can nodes be down without Cassandra cancelling the write queue?
This depends on the client CL and DC replication factor.
Let's assume the RF is 4 (all), if the client has a CL=ONE or LOCAL_ONE, the application would not notice any issues. Any other client CL would have problems (e.g. cl=local_quorum of 4 is 3, allowing only a single node to be down).
Let's assume the RF=1 or 2. If CL=ONE or LOCAL_ONE, the application would be unaffected by queries that only manipulate data on the available nodes. However, any access to rows that only exist on the unavailable nodes would be impacted. In other words, CL=ONE or LOCAL_ONE only works if you're manipulating data that has at least one node available to return the response (You only need ONE to respond in this scenario). If the rows you're querying are on both of the unavailable nodes, you'll get an error stating something like: Expected response of 1, received 0.
Many applications configure CL to be some sort of quorum (local or not) - so in that case, the application would certainly fail unless you had RF=5 (so at least 5 nodes). Quorum of 5 is 3, allowing for 2 nodes to fail.
Hopefully that makes sense.
Yes, assuming you are talking about all four nodes in one data centre, if you set your replication factor to 3 or greater and your read and write consistency level to ONE.
For writes the nodes that are up will store hints for the nodes that are down, so when they come back up they can write the data. How long the nodes store these hints can be set in cassandra.yaml.

How does Cassandra partitioning work when replication factor == cluster size?

I'm new to Cassandra and still trying to wrap my mind around the internal workings.
I'm thinking of using Cassandra in an application that will only ever have a limited number of nodes (less than 10, most commonly 3). Ideally each node in my cluster would have a complete copy of all of the application data. So, I'm considering setting replication factor to cluster size. When additional nodes are added, I would alter the keyspace to increment the replication factor setting (nodetool repair to ensure that it gets the necessary data).
I would be using the NetworkTopologyStrategy for replication to take advantage of knowledge about datacenters.
In this situation, how does partitioning actually work? I've read about a combination of nodes and partition keys forming a ring in Cassandra. If all of my nodes are "responsible" for each piece of data regardless of the hash value calculated by the partitioner, do I just have a ring of one partition key?
Are there tremendous downfalls to this type of Cassandra deployment? I'm guessing there would be lots of asynchronous replication going on in the background as data was propagated to every node, but this is one of the design goals so I'm okay with it.
The consistency level on reads would probably generally be "one" or "local_one".
The consistency level on writes would generally be "two".
Actual questions to answer:
Is replication factor == cluster size a common (or even a reasonable) deployment strategy aside from the obvious case of a cluster of one?
Do I actually have a ring of one partition where all possible values generated by the partitioner go to the one partition?
Is each node considered "responsible" for every row of data?
If I were to use a write consistency of "one" does Cassandra always write the data to the node contacted by the client?
Are there other downfalls to this strategy that I don't know about?
Do I actually have a ring of one partition where all possible values
generated by the partitioner go to the one partition?
Is each node considered "responsible" for every row of data?
If all of my nodes are "responsible" for each piece of data regardless
of the hash value calculated by the partitioner, do I just have a ring
of one partition key?
Not exactly, C* nodes still have token ranges and c* still assigns a primary replica to the "responsible" node. But all nodes will also have a replica with RF = N (where N is number of nodes). So in essence the implication is the same as what you described.
Are there tremendous downfalls to this type of Cassandra deployment?
Are there other downfalls to this strategy that I don't know about?
Not that I can think of, I guess you might be more susceptible than average to inconsistent data so use C*'s anti-entropy mechanisms to counter this (repair, read repair, hinted handoff).
Consistency level quorum or all would start to get expensive but I see you don't intend to use them.
Is replication factor == cluster size a common (or even a reasonable)
deployment strategy aside from the obvious case of a cluster of one?
It's not common, I guess you are looking for super high availability and all your data fits on one box. I don't think I've ever seen a c* deployment with RF > 5. Far and wide RF = 3.
If I were to use a write consistency of "one" does Cassandra always
write the data to the node contacted by the client?
This depends on your load balancing policies at the driver. Often we select token aware policies (assuming you're using one of the Datastax drivers), in which case requests are routed to the primary replica automatically. You could use round robin in your case and have the same effect.
The primary downfall will be increased write costs at the coordinator level as you add nodes. The maximum number of replicas written to I've seen is around 8 (5 for other data centers and 3 for local replicas).
In practice this will mean a reduced stability while performing large or batched writes (greater than 1mb) or a lower per node write TPS.
The primary advantage is you can do a lot of things that'd normally be awful and impossible to do. Want to use secondary indexes? probably will work reasonably well (assuming cardinality and partition size doesn't become your bottleneck there). Want to add a custom UDF that does GroupBy or use very large IN queries it'll probably work.
It is as #Phact mentions not a common usage pattern and I primarily saw it used with DSE Search on low write throughput use cases that had requirements for 'single node' features from Solr, but for those same use cases with pure Cassandra you'd get some benefits on the read side and be able to do expensive queries that are normally impossible in a more distributed cluster.

Understand cassandra replication factor versus consistency level

I want to clarify very basic concept of replication factor and consistency level in Cassandra. Highly appreciate if someone can provide answer to below questions.
RF- Replication Factor
RC- Read Consistency
WC- Write Consistency
2 cassandra nodes (Ex: A, B) RF=1, RC=ONE, WC=ONE or ANY
can I write data to node A and read from node B ?
what will happen if A goes down ?
3 cassandra nodes (Ex: A, B, C) RF=2, RC=QUORUM, WC=QUORUM
can I write data to node A and read from node C ?
what will happen if node A goes down ?
3 cassandra nodes (Ex: A, B, C) RF=3, RC=QUORUM, WC=QUORUM
can I write data to node A and read from node C ?
what will happen if node A goes down ?
Short summary: Replication factor describes how many copies of your data exist. Consistency level describes the behavior seen by the client. Perhaps there's a better way to categorize these.
As an example, you can have a replication factor of 2. When you write, two copies will always be stored, assuming enough nodes are up. When a node is down, writes for that node are stashed away and written when it comes back up, unless it's down long enough that Cassandra decides it's gone for good.
Now say in that example you write with a consistency level of ONE. The client will receive a success acknowledgement after a write is done to one node, without waiting for the second write. If you did a write with a CL of ALL, the acknowledgement to the client will wait until both copies are written. There are very many other consistency level options, too many to cover all the variants here. Read the Datastax doc, though, it does a good job of explaining them.
In the same example, if you read with a consistency level of ONE, the response will be sent to the client after a single replica responds. Another replica may have newer data, in which case the response will not be up-to-date. In many contexts, that's quite sufficient. In others, the client will need the most up-to-date information, and you'll use a different consistency level on the read - perhaps a level ALL. In that way, the consistency of Cassandra and other post-relational databases is tunable in ways that relational databases typically are not.
Now getting back to your examples.
Example one: Yes, you can write to A and read from B, even if B doesn't have its own replica. B will ask A for it on your client's behalf. This is also true for your other cases where the nodes are all up. When they're all up, you can write to one and read from another.
For writes, with WC=ONE, if the node for the single replica is up and is the one you're connect to, the write will succeed. If it's for the other node, the write will fail. If you use ANY, the write will succeed, assuming you're talking to the node that's up. I think you also have to have hinted handoff enabled for that. The down node will get the data later, and you won't be able to read it until after that occurs, not even from the node that's up.
In the other two examples, replication factor will affect how many copies are eventually written, but doesn't affect client behavior beyond what I've described above. The QUORUM will affect client behavior in that you will have to have a sufficient number of nodes up and responding for writes and reads. If you get lucky and at least (nodes/2) + 1 nodes are up out of the nodes you need, then writes and reads will succeed. If you don't have enough nodes with replicas up, reads and writes will fail. Overall some QUORUM reads and writes can succeed if a node is down, assuming that that node is either not needed to store your replica, or if its outage still leaves enough replica nodes available.
Check out this simple calculator which allows you to simulate different scenarios:
For example with 2 nodes, a replication factor of 1, read consistency = 1, and write consistency = 1:
Your reads are consistent
You can survive the loss of no nodes.
You are really reading from 1 node every time.
You are really writing to 1 node every time.
Each node holds 50% of your data.
