Where did node-awssum go? - node.js

I'm using a Node.js library called node-awssum which has been around for quite some time. But now it seems that the library has been taken down from Github. Does anyone know what happened to it and where I can find a replacement repository or a fork?

Note: I'm the author of AwsSum.
AwsSum now has a new plugin architecture and it also now has a GitHub organisation:
The package currently on NPM is 1.0.0-alpha so if you want the old version, you should explicitly state that you want v0.12.2 in your package.json file.
In the new way of doing things, if you are only using S3, then you'd just put awssum-amazon-s3 in your package.json and awssum and awssum-amazon will be pulled in as peerDependencies.
Also note that the http://awssum.io/ site is still there but needs updating.
Finally, if you want to find plugins for AwsSum, do this to find what's available:
$ npm search awssum-plugin

You mean awssum, node-awssum has been discontinued. See here :
Github link
npm link


Is there an option that can show me what semantic versions of a particular npm package will resolve to?

For instance, say I have "foo: ^1.0.0" listed in my package.json and that project's released versions are [1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.2.0, 2.0.0]. I want to find out what ^1.0.0 resolves to without installing or looking it up manually. Does a tool for this exist? I would expect it to be something like npm resolve foo#^1.0.0
Yes there is!
If you're using npm use view
npm view foo#^1.0.0
Otherwise you could use yarn with info
yarn info foo#^1.0.0
And in case you want even better statistics check out bundlephobia. It gives size estimations for the given version as well as the others and also an analysis of the exports.

Fork node_module react and install not working

I tried to fork this react native module to make some corrections, because the author abandoned the project and he was the only tool I found and meets my need, so reading an article I found out about the fork, I did this procedure, then I cloned and did necessary correction, only when having to add the module to my react project with the
yarn add lucassouza16/react-native-svg-uri
I get this error:
error Couldn't find the binary git
I'm new to this forking function, is there anything else I need to do?
My bifurcated repository:
Original repository:
To add it via npm or yarn you will need to add this firstly to npm registry. Here you have more information about it https://docs.npmjs.com/packages-and-modules/contributing-packages-to-the-registry
You can also add via github doing like this:
yarn add git+https://github.com/lucassouza16/react-native-svg-uri.git
You can read more about it here:
How to install an npm package from GitHub directly?
In the end all responses resulted in the same error, yet thanks to everyone who tried to help me, but it worked when I added the release version, this is the correct format:
yarn add lucassouza16/react-native-svg-uri#1.2 .4

How can I use a custom version of a npm package in my project?

I use Primus in my project. Primus is a wrapper for websockets libraries like sockjs, which I use.
At server boot, primus creates a script, that will then be downloaded by our client, as the client part of the socket. This script embeds the source code of sockjs. Problem, it uses the 1.1.2 version of sockjs, that contains a bug, fixed in version 1.1.4, but not in Primus yet.
I asked the maintainers of Primus to change it but the are too slow to do it.
So I forked Primus, and I replaced the wrong file by the good one.
Now, I want to use this package instead of the wrong one, declared currently in my package.json.
I don't know what the good practice is in this case, the only solution I can think is to npm-publish my modified package under a different name, like amplement-primus, and then do npm install --save amplement-primus to insert it in my project. I have no idea of it breaks a rule of npm.
Do you think it's a good idea, or do you have something better in mind ?
Thank you !
I used the github url of the project to reference it in package.json:
"dependencies": {
"primus": "git+https://github.com/amplement/primus.git",
"sockjs": "^0.3.19"
You can use forked repo to install the package.
like :
npm install github_url_of_your_repo
For more details:
See this.

npm: find out which dependencies use a given package (indirectly)

I'm currently working on a node.js-project and I've been keeping up with the most recent node releases during development. Now that node 6 is out, I wanted to see if I could make that decision as well.
It turns out some of the modules I use are dependent on older versions of graceful-fs which doesn't support node 6. I get warnings when installing and executing my application, but I can't determine where the graceful-fs package is being used (indirectly).
How can I find out?
I am fairly certain this is what you want:
npm ls graceful-fs
See documentation here.
Copying from #Soufiane Ghzal's comment and the npm-ls docs:
To get a "bottoms up" view of why a given package is included in the tree at all, use npm explain.

How can I unflatten the node module?

My current npm version is 3.7.3 . Previously, only the required packages were getting installed in my node modules. But right now they have all flattened and have 100 + folders visible when I look into node modules. I prefer the older way where you could go into individual folders and see their dependencies.
here is a similar thread:
Why does npm install many packages into "/node_modules" instead of only one?
I tried running npm uninstall without much success.
Basically, you are out of luck... NPM does not provide any configuration options regarding this. It will nest dependencies if it must in order to resolve version conflicts, but only in this case. Your only option is to downgrade NPM (not recommended). However, if you just need to see the dependencies nested for informational reasons, you can use npm ls. It will draw you a graph.
See this relevant NPM issue for more discussion: https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/9809
Now that node js' LTS doesn't include an NPMv2 I found myself stuck with this issue again.
For those of you also caught out, the link that #KevinBurdett mentioned, also has some answers.
You can force downgrade npm using npm itself (using sudo or equivalent for this). From https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/9809#issuecomment-179702479:
as root I simply do npm install -g 'npm#<3' on my system every time I
a new version of Node comes out; your mileage might vary, but it's
fairly trivial to "downgrade" :-)
Another alternative is to use the Node Version Manager (NVM): https://github.com/creationix/nvm. Your mileage may vary depending upon personal config/preferences/platform.
That said, npm 3 and the issue of flat dependency trees will be with us from hereafter... It's probably high time to start accepting that change.
My personal grudge with this is that it makes the node_modules folder incredibly difficult to work with in an IDE, especially when you need to look at the implementation of your immediate dependent modules, without first wading through 100's of sub-sub modules that are irrelevant to me. It seems that I'm not alone in this matter when you read the comments in the issue. It only leads me to question the viability of npm itself when such changes are made without a proper migration from old to new systems. For me, npm2 will always be king.
