With the LambdaCase I am able to filter out if a dir does not exist. However: if a user is prompted and hits enter (empty) I still get an exception.
I think Maybe or Either can help me here, but I have a hard time figuring out how to set this up.
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
import System.Directory
import System.IO
dirExist = do
a <- prompt "Directory:> "
doesDirectoryExist a >>= \case
True -> getDirContent a
_ -> putStrLn "Directory does not exist or invalid value specified."
getDirContent :: FilePath -> IO ()
getDirContent dir = do
result <- getDirectoryContents dir
mapM_ putStrLn $ result
prompt :: String -> IO String
prompt x = do
putStr x
a <- getLine
return a
The problem is that doesDirectoryExist "" returns True, but whatever is in your getDirContent function (which you'll need to post if you want a more detailed answer) doesn't work when passed "".
There's no need for Maybe or Either to fix it. Just wrap the block in an if construct, and put something like putStrLn "You must enter a directory name" in the else.
You can replace the line:
doesDirectoryExist a >>= \case
((&&) <$> (pure $ not $ null a) <*> doesDirectoryExist a) >>= \case
This is called "applicative style" (in case you didn't know it ;-)); I am combining two IO operations that return a boolean using the AND (&&) operator.
The (pure $ not $ null a) expression checks that the string isn't empty, and uses "pure" to lift a pure operation into an IO (so we can combine it with doesDirectoryExist into an expression that checks for both conditions).
As Joseph noted, the above executes doesDirectoryExist whether it is needed or not; you usually want to avoid that (unless you somehow rely on its side effects); you can avoid it with bradrn's suggestion; you can also do this:
(if null a then pure False else doesDirectoryExist a) >>= \case
Alternatively, since you dislike if-then-else notation (as do I):
(case null a of True -> pure False; False -> doesDirectoryExist a) >>= \case
Not really cleaner, though; you can import Data.Bool and do this:
-- import Data.Bool
(bool (doesDirectoryExist a) (pure False) $ null a) >>= \case
("bool" is just a more functional-like notation for the good old if-then-else)
I was wondering if it is possible in Haskell to define a function which upon calling gives the next element of an (infinite) list, so for example:
Prelude> func
Prelude> func
Is it possible to have such a function in Haskell, and if there is, can you give me an example?
You could do a Stateful thing like this:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
-- This is not a function! The misleading name func comes from the question text.
func :: MonadState [a] m => m a
func = state (fromJust . uncons)
exampleUsage :: State [Int] (Int, Int)
exampleUsage = do
x <- func
y <- func
return (x, y)
You can try it in ghci:
> evalState exampleUsage [1..]
(1, 2)
However, at a high level, I would suggest rethinking your requirements. func is not very idiomatic at all; simply working with the infinite list directly is generally going to be much clearer, have lower (syntactic) overhead, and lead to better generated code. For example:
exampleUsage' :: [a] -> (a, a)
exampleUsage' (x:y:_) = (x,y)
N.B. this is two lines of code with no extensions or imports, compared to the previous 11 lines of code including a language extension and three imports. Usage is also simplified; you can drop the call to evalState entirely and be done.
> exampleUsage' [1..]
(1, 2)
You can use mutable references and the IO monad (or other stateful monad). This can be made rather pretty via partial application:
Prelude> import Data.IORef
Prelude Data.IORef> ref <- newIORef 0
Prelude Data.IORef> let func = readIORef ref >>= \r -> writeIORef ref (r+1) >> return r
Prelude Data.IORef> func
Prelude Data.IORef> func
Or closer to what you requested:
Prelude Data.IORef> ref2 <- newIORef [0..]
Prelude Data.IORef> let func2 = readIORef ref2 >>= \(x:xs) -> writeIORef ref2 xs >> return x
Prelude Data.IORef> func2
Prelude Data.IORef> func2
It sounds like you are looking for something like other languages' Iterator or Generator constructs. If so, this seems like a good use case for the conduit library. Note that there are options (e.g. pipes); however, conduit may be a good starting point for you.
If you are trying to operate only over lists, using the State Monad may be a simpler answer (as Daniel suggests); however, if you are looking for a more general solution, conduit (or the like) may indeed be the answer.
The func you are searching for is therefore most likely the await function.
Here's a simple example -
import Prelude
import Conduit
import Data.MonoTraversable
main :: IO ()
main = runConduit (source .| consume) >>= print
source :: Monad m => Producer m (Element [Integer])
source = yieldMany [0..]
consume :: Monad m => ConduitM i o m (Maybe (i, i))
consume = do
mx <- await
my <- await
return $ (,) <$> mx <*> my
And its output -
λ main
Just (0,1)
I need to count the number of Pat in a haskell Module. I know the simplest way is to pattern match on each level of the AST, which will result in a huge function that looks like the entire AST. I believe there's some way to take advantage of typeclasses like Functor or the State Monad to lean on some existing function that walks the tree (like prettyPrint) and trace a counter along, but I'm not sure how it works exactly.
It's very easy using uniplate:
import Data.Data
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data
import Control.Monad
import Language.Haskell.Exts
findPats :: Data a => a -> [Pat]
findPats = universeBi
test = do
content <- readFile "Simple.hs"
case parseModule content of
ParseFailed _ e -> error e
ParseOk a -> do
forM_ (findPats a) $ \p -> do
putStrLn $ "got a pat: " ++ show p
Essentially it's just the universeBi function.
I'm fairly new to Haskell and have been trying to find a way to pass multiple IO-tainted values to a function to deal with a C library. Most people seem to use the <- operator inside a do block, like this:
g x y = x ++ y
interactiveConcat1 = do {x <- getLine;
y <- getLine;
putStrLn (g x y);
return ()}
This makes me feel like I'm doing C, except emacs can't auto-indent. I tried to write this in a more Lispy style:
interactiveConcat2 = getLine >>= (\x ->
getLine >>= (\y ->
putStrLn (g x y) >>
return () ))
That looks like a mess, and has a string of closed parentheses you have to count at the end (except again, emacs can reliably assist with this task in Lisp, but not in Haskell). Yet another way is to say
import Control.Applicative
interactiveConcat3 = return g <*> getLine <*> getLine >>= putStrLn
which looks pretty neat but isn't part of the base language.
Is there any less laborious notation for peeling values out of the IO taint boxes? Perhaps there is a cleaner way using a lift* or fmap? I hope it isn't too subjective to ask what is considered "idiomatic"?
Also, any tips for making emacs cooperate better than (Haskell Ind) mode would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Edit: I stumbled across https://wiki.haskell.org/Do_notation_considered_harmful and realized that the nested parentheses in the lambda chain I wrote is not necessary. However it seems the community (and ghc implementors) have embraced the Applicative-inspired style using , <*>, etc, which seems to make the code easier to read in spite of the headaches with figuring out operator precedence.
Note: This post is written in literate Haskell. You can save it as Main.lhs and try it in your GHCi.
A short remark first: you can get rid of the semicolons and the braces in do. Also, putStrLn has type IO (), so you don't need return ():
interactiveConcat1 = do
x <- getLine
y <- getLine
putStrLn $ g x y
We're going to work with IO, so importing Control.Applicative or Control.Monad will come in handy:
> module Main where
> import Control.Applicative
> -- Repeat your definition for completeness
> g :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
> g = (++)
You're looking for something like this:
> interactiveConcat :: IO ()
> interactiveConcat = magic g getLine getLine >>= putStrLn
What type does magic need? It returns a IO String, takes a function that returns an String and takes usual Strings, and takes two IO Strings:
magic :: (String -> String -> String) -> IO String -> IO String -> IO String
We can probably generalize this type to
> magic :: (a -> b -> c) -> IO a -> IO b -> IO c
A quick hoogle search reveals that there are already two functions with almost that type: liftA2 from Control.Applicative and liftM2 from Control.Monad. They're defined for every Applicative and – in case of liftM2 – Monad. Since IO is an instance of both, you can choose either one:
> magic = liftA2
If you use GHC 7.10 or higher, you can also use <$> and <*> without import and write interactiveConcat as
interactiveConcat = g <$> getLine <*> getLine >>= putStrLn
For completeness, lets add a main so that we can easily check this functionality via runhaskell Main.lhs:
> main :: IO ()
> main = interactiveConcat
A simple check shows that it works as intended:
$ echo "Hello\nWorld" | runhaskell Main.lhs
Applicative in the Typeclassopedia
The section "Some useful monadic functions" of LYAH's chapter "For a Few Monads More".
You can use liftA2 (or liftM2 from Control.Monad):
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
liftA2 g getLine getLine >>= putStrLn
I'm writing a shell script (my 1st non-example in haskell) which is supposed to list a directory, get every file size, do some string manipulation (pure code) and then rename some files. I'm not sure what i'm doing wrong, so 2 questions:
How should i arrange the code in such program?
I have a specific issue, i get the following error, what am i doing wrong?
Couldn't match expected type `[FilePath]'
against inferred type `IO [FilePath]'
In the second argument of `mapM', namely `fileNames'
In a stmt of a 'do' expression:
files <- (mapM getFileNameAndSize fileNames)
In the expression:
do { fileNames <- getDirectoryContents;
files <- (mapM getFileNameAndSize fileNames);
sortBy cmpFilesBySize files }
getFileNameAndSize fname = do (fname, (withFile fname ReadMode hFileSize))
getFilesWithSizes = do
fileNames <- getDirectoryContents
files <- (mapM getFileNameAndSize fileNames)
sortBy cmpFilesBySize files
Your second, specific, problem is with the types of your functions. However, your first issue (not really a type thing) is the do statement in getFileNameAndSize. While do is used with monads, it's not a monadic panacea; it's actually implemented as some simple translation rules. The Cliff's Notes version (which isn't exactly right, thanks to some details involving error handling, but is close enough) is:
do a ≡ a
do a ; b ; c ... ≡ a >> do b ; c ...
do x <- a ; b ; c ... ≡ a >>= \x -> do b ; c ...
In other words, getFileNameAndSize is equivalent to the version without the do block, and so you can get rid of the do. This leaves you with
getFileNameAndSize fname = (fname, withFile fname ReadMode hFileSize)
We can find the type for this: since fname is the first argument to withFile, it has type FilePath; and hFileSize returns an IO Integer, so that's the type of withFile .... Thus, we have getFileNameAndSize :: FilePath -> (FilePath, IO Integer). This may or may not be what you want; you might instead want FilePath -> IO (FilePath,Integer). To change it, you can write any of
getFileNameAndSize_do fname = do size <- withFile fname ReadMode hFileSize
return (fname, size)
getFileNameAndSize_fmap fname = fmap ((,) fname) $
withFile fname ReadMode hFileSize
-- With `import Control.Applicative ((<$>))`, which is a synonym for fmap.
getFileNameAndSize_fmap2 fname = ((,) fname)
<$> withFile fname ReadMode hFileSize
-- With {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} at the top of the file
getFileNameAndSize_ts fname = (fname,) <$> withFile fname ReadMode hFileSize
Next, as KennyTM pointed out, you have fileNames <- getDirectoryContents; since getDirectoryContents has type FilePath -> IO FilePath, you need to give it an argument. (e.g. getFilesWithSizes dir = do fileNames <- getDirectoryContents dir ...). This is probably just a simple oversight.
Mext, we come to the heart of your error: files <- (mapM getFileNameAndSize fileNames). I'm not sure why it gives you the precise error it does, but I can tell you what's wrong. Remember what we know about getFileNameAndSize. In your code, it returns a (FilePath, IO Integer). However, mapM is of type Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b], and so mapM getFileNameAndSize is ill-typed. You want getFileNameAndSize :: FilePath -> IO (FilePath,Integer), like I implemented above.
Finally, we need to fix your last line. First of all, although you don't give it to us, cmpFilesBySize is presumably a function of type (FilePath, Integer) -> (FilePath, Integer) -> Ordering, comparing on the second element. This is really simple, though: using Data.Ord.comparing :: Ord a => (b -> a) -> b -> b -> Ordering, you can write this comparing snd, which has type Ord b => (a, b) -> (a, b) -> Ordering. Second, you need to return your result wrapped up in the IO monad rather than just as a plain list; the function return :: Monad m => a -> m a will do the trick.
Thus, putting this all together, you'll get
import System.IO (FilePath, withFile, IOMode(ReadMode), hFileSize)
import System.Directory (getDirectoryContents)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
getFileNameAndSize :: FilePath -> IO (FilePath, Integer)
getFileNameAndSize fname = ((,) fname) <$> withFile fname ReadMode hFileSize
getFilesWithSizes :: FilePath -> IO [(FilePath,Integer)]
getFilesWithSizes dir = do fileNames <- getDirectoryContents dir
files <- mapM getFileNameAndSize fileNames
return $ sortBy (comparing snd) files
This is all well and good, and will work fine. However, I might write it slightly differently. My version would probably look like this:
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
import System.IO (FilePath, withFile, IOMode(ReadMode), hFileSize)
import System.Directory (getDirectoryContents)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad ((<=<))
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
preservingF :: Functor f => (a -> f b) -> a -> f (a,b)
preservingF f x = (x,) <$> f x
-- Or liftM2 (<$>) (,), but I am not entirely sure why.
fileSize :: FilePath -> IO Integer
fileSize fname = withFile fname ReadMode hFileSize
getFilesWithSizes :: FilePath -> IO [(FilePath,Integer)]
getFilesWithSizes = return . sortBy (comparing snd)
<=< mapM (preservingF fileSize)
<=< getDirectoryContents
(<=< is the monadic equivalent of ., the function composition operator.) First off: yes, my version is longer. However, I'd probably already have preservingF defined somewhere, making the two equivalent in length.* (I might even inline fileSize if it weren't used elsewhere.) Second, I like this version better because it involves chaining together simpler pure functions we've already written. While your version is similar, mine (I feel) is more streamlined and makes this aspect of things clearer.
So this is a bit of an answer to your first question of how to structure these things. I personally tend to lock my IO down into as few functions as possible—only functions which need to touch the outside world directly (e.g. main and anything which interacts with a file) get an IO. Everything else is an ordinary pure function (and is only monadic if it's monadic for general reasons, along the lines of preservingF). I then arrange things so that main, etc., are just compositions and chains of pure functions: main gets some values from IO-land; then it calls pure functions to fold, spindle, and mutilate the date; then it gets more IO values; then it operates more; etc. The idea is to separate the two domains as much as possible, so that the more compositional non-IO code is always free, and the black-box IO is only done precisely where necessary.
Operators like <=< really help with writing code in this style, as they let you operate on functions which interact with monadic values (such as the IO-world) just as you would operate on normal functions. You should also look at Control.Applicative's function <$> liftedArg1 <*> liftedArg2 <*> ... notation, which lets you apply ordinary functions to any number of monadic (really Applicative) arguments. This is really nice for getting rid of spurious <-s and just chaining pure functions over monadic code.
*: I feel like preservingF, or at least its sibling preserving :: (a -> b) -> a -> (a,b), should be in a package somewhere, but I've been unable to find either.
getDirectoryContents is a function. You should supply an argument to it, e.g.
fileNames <- getDirectoryContents "/usr/bin"
Also, the type of getFileNameAndSize is FilePath -> (FilePath, IO Integer), as you can check from ghci:
Prelude> :m + System.IO
Prelude System.IO> let getFileNameAndSize fname = do (fname, (withFile fname ReadMode hFileSize))
Prelude System.IO> :t getFileNameAndSize
getFileNameAndSize :: FilePath -> (FilePath, IO Integer)
But mapM requires the input function to return an IO stuff:
Prelude System.IO> :t mapM
mapM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b]
-- # ^^^^^^^^
You should change its type to FilePath -> IO (FilePath, Integer) to match the type.
getFileNameAndSize fname = do
fsize <- withFile fname ReadMode hFileSize
return (fname, fsize)