How does Google Docs position the cursor when up or down keys are pressed? - google-docs

Unlike most rich text editors on the web, Google Docs doesn't use contenteditable and instead uses its kix-editor. While moving the cursor on left/right presses is simple, how do they position their cursor when a user presses up or down?
For example, when a paragraph is multiple lines, how does the cursor know what is "above" it?
Or going up or down across multiple paragraphs, in a situation where there is an empty line between them and the cursor manages to save its horizontal positioning, despite the fact that the empty line forces it to move all the way to the left?

Looking at the DOM in Google Docs, it appears they do their own laying out. That is to say, they measure paragraph lengths and split them into separate divs. Therefore, the idea of iterating through the different ranges in the div "above" the currently selected div is a finite problem, instead of potentially an infinite one (if the previous paragraph is immensely long).


Sublime Text: How can I disable auto scrolling while I'm typing in the Find box?

I am currently trying to write a complex regex for a huge file. Every time I type in the find input box to make a small change, Sublime scrolls me either to the top of the document or to a semi-random location (from what I can remember, it doesn't always scroll to the first match), even when there are matches where I'm already scrolled to in the file. It makes for a pretty painful workflow: I write down the line number on a piece of paper, edit my regex, and then have to "go-to" back to the line I was already at. How can I prevent this, or at the very least, does anybody know why exactly this is happening in the first place?
This is controlled by the Highlight Matches button in the Find and Find and Replace panels, and causes Sublime to show you all of the matches, highlighting one of them and outlining the remainder in a region to show you where they are.
The visual appearance of the button is controlled by the theme you use, but it's always in this position in the panel (and it should have the same icon in all other find panels as well); it also has a tooltip that tells you the name.
When the search term is modified and this option is turned on, Sublime jumps to a match, though this doesn't occur if the panel opens with an existing search term already in it; in that case matches are highlighted but the view doesn't change.
The option also exists in Incremental Find panel as well, but turning it off there only stops other matches from being highlighted as by definition Incremental Find is for jumping to a search term incrementally as you modify it.

Get the Text widget that is focused [tkinter]

Simple question, not sure if there is an answer.
Imagine you have 2 text boxes in a tkinter window, is it possible to know which of the 2 the user is focused on, then return the text widget object itself, or a variable that tells you something.
**Context: **Trying to insert a set of characters at the users cursor, but I want it to add it at their cursor regardless of the text box. Instead of:
self.text1.insert(tk.INSERT, "
Some text..."), I want self.focusedText.insert(tk.INSERT, "
Some text at your cursor in the focused text widget..."). Is there some way to figure out which of many Text widgets a user is focused on? Thanks!

How to make horizontal scrolling one character at a time

Not sure if I'm wording the question right.
That's why I had a hard time finding the answer on google, like I usually do.
I have my vim set to never wrap lines. Keeps code cleaner.
But I don't like that if I'm moving the cursor across a line and get to the edge of the screen, the view jumps so that where I was at is now in the middle of the screen.
Is there a way to make it not do that? Like, so it just goes one character at a time
(or if I'm traveling by word, one word at a time, etc. Just so if I go the edge of the screen, the cursor stays at the edge of the screen, and the page moves inward under it)?
You could check out the 'sidescroll' setting:
'sidescroll' 'ss' number (default 0)
The minimal number of columns to scroll horizontally. Used only when
the 'wrap' option is off and the cursor is moved off of the screen.
When it is zero the cursor will be put in the middle of the screen.
When using a slow terminal set it to a large number or 0. When using
a fast terminal use a small number or 1. Not used for "zh" and "zl"

PyQt QTextEdit text selection without moving the cursor (like ubuntu terminal)

I've developed a shell (imitating the ubuntu terminal --> can only edit text after current prompt) by a PyQt QTextEdit.
The thing is when I select some text, the cursor moves as I'm selecting this text (so it disappers from the current command line) and I would like the cursor to stay where it is (only when I select text because I want it to move when I move it programmatically by textEdit.moveCursor(...)) at the same time I'm selecting the text.
Does anybody have any idea of how could I do that?
My solution for now, is to save the position at any change of it (except when it changes by a click), and when I copy some text en paste it, it'll be automatically pasted in the last position the cursor was before the click. That works perfectly but it's "ugly" for the user because, as I said, when he selects the text the cursor disappears of the current line and is where the user is selecting the text. Not like in ubuntu terminal.
Thanks in advance! And sorry for my english.
I don't see an easy solution to implement this with a text editor API. A terminal is a hack, basically. It mixes a read-only element (anything above the current prompt) with a text editor.
My approach would be to create two text editors, make one read only and display the results of all operations there. If you hide the borders of the two editors, then it will look like a single one. You may have to forward a bunch of events (like scrolling with the keyboard) to the read-only display.

Browser Ctrl+F find non-visible text

Can the browser feature of Ctrl+F to find text be integrated with text in popup windows.
I'd like to have some scientific reference information given when someone hovers over a species name in a web page. Generating the popup, tooltip style text is no problem, the problem is that anyone using Ctrl+F won't be able to find it, or if I position the text out of view when not required, it will be found but be invisible.
The same sort of effect applies to "accordion" style expanding text areas.
I'm looking for some sort of event generated when find is highlighting a result.
Unfortunately there is no such event, you can't interfere with the built-in find.
About the best you can do in this case is to provide your own search function in-page, which searches the DOM for Text nodes containing the given text, highlights them, and opens up any closed accordions they're in.
The only idea I have, is to put all the text from your popups in one additional scrollbox (maybe at the bottom of the page) with a height just large enough to display one set of detail information at a time. This way, it doesn't take up too much space on the page, and the text can still be found using Ctrl+F.
