Symfony 2.1 : Test the prod mod => exception using the app.php controller calling ApcClassLoader->__construct - symfony-2.1

Before deploying my symfony 2.1 version into my prod serveur, I wanted to test the behaviour of the prod env.
So I have done a php app/console cache:clear --env=prod --no-debug, after a php app/console assets:install web and now when I'm calling the app controller I have this error.
Google for this case is not my friend :-(
0 /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/myapp/web/app.php(13): Symfony\Component\ClassLoader\ApcClassLoader->__construct('sf2', Object(Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader))
1 {main}
Here my app.php file
use Symfony\Component\ClassLoader\ApcClassLoader; use
$loader = require_once DIR.'/../app/bootstrap.php.cache';
// Use APC for autoloading to improve performance // Change 'sf2' by
the prefix you want in order to prevent key conflict with another
application /* $loader = new ApcClassLoader('sf2', $loader);
require_once DIR.'/../app/AppKernel.php';
//require_once DIR.'/../app/AppCache.php';
$kernel = new AppKernel('prod', false);
//$kernel = new AppCache($kernel);
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
$response = $kernel->handle($request);
$kernel->terminate($request, $response);
Any help would be very cool

It's failing on ApcClassLoader do you have APC installed? try restart apache.
We can't really see if those APC lines are commented out of not in your app.php, lines return are all messy.


Whoops! We seem to have hit a snag. Please try again later

Whoops! We seem to have hit a snag. Please try again later.
Codeigniter 4 shows an error when I run the CI4 application, How I resolve?
public $baseURL = 'http://ci.local';
public $baseURL = 'http://localhost:8080';
public $indexPage = '';
This work for me try it
Go to app directory then to boot directory you will see production.php file.
That is:
app => Config => Boot => production.php
Change the ini_set('display_errors', '0') to ini_set('display_errors', '1').
Warning: When in production change back to initial ini_set('display_errors', '0')
you can rename your file env in your project directory to .env after that open it and edit.
Search for # CI_ENVIRONMENT = production remove # and change production to development
Warning: When in production change back to initial CI_ENVIRONMENT = development to CI_ENVIRONMENT = production
For those experiencing intl error go to where your php installation directory edit the php.ini file remove semi-colon ";" from ;extension=intl to extension=intl. save the file and restart your server. I think this will solve that error. This particular editing of my php.ini was on php 7.2 - 8.1 so I haven't check other version of php lesser than these versions which Codeigniter 4 does not support
After installing CodeIgniter 4 when you run the app then you will get an error like this
To know the error go to the app/Config/Boot/production.php and set display_errors to 1 as below
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
Now, you will see the actual error below
Nothing to worry about it. The app needs permission. Assign the permission like as below
sudo chmod -R 777 project_name
Assume that your root folder of your CI4 project is rootproject.
Edit rootproject/.env file.
On line 17 change from:
# CI_ENVIRONMENT = production
CI_ENVIRONMENT = development
Save it.
Refresh your browser that pointing to your CI4 project.
It should give you many error messages.
If there is something written as CacheException, than your cache folders are not writable.
Make it writable;
chown -Rv www-data rootproject/writable
chown -Rv apache rootproject/writable
Easy way:
chmod 777 -Rv rootproject/writable
In your CI4 project root, create a file named .env. It should be in the same directory as system, app e.t.c
Then, add this CI_ENVIRONMENT = development
The problem is most likely due to missing extensions. Check server requirements here.. Check your php.ini file and make sure intl and mbstring are enabled.
I had the same problem, I have a simple solution for Mac.
- in the project folder, go to 'writable'
- select all the folders contained and click on 'get information'
- go share and permissions
- in 'everyone' select 'read and write'
That's it! refresh the page
Try This
Open [xampp]/php/php.ini
Search for ;extension=intl and remove the ;
Save the php.ini file and restart Apache(server).
In Root folder change: env to .env
Change # CI_ENVIRONMENT = production to CI_ENVIRONMENT = development (ensure it is uncommented)
Your error may be related to the knit.php file.
Go to System/Third Party and change: knit.php to Knit.php (Capital)
For those using XAMPP in MacOS:
You don't need to change the ownership of the writable directory. You only need to change permission to entire directory:
chmod -R 777 writable
When you change # CI_ENVIRONMENT = production to CI_ENVIRONMENT = development don't forget of rename the env file to .env else it will not work.
You're running in the production environment and need to change it to a Development or Testing environment to see the error messages within the browser.
There are a few ways to do this, but adding:
SetEnv CI_ENVIRONMENT development
To the Apache httpd.config file is what worked for me.
I got the answer for this query; just follow these steps:
From the command line, at your project root just hit this
php spark serve
Then hit this on your browser http://localhost:8080/
Enjoy your Latest CI.
Not sure what the desired answer is, but:
If you are asking to see what is the actual error is - either change
your environment to testing/development (as suggested so far) or you
can check your logs - writable/logs/log-.php
If you wish to solve the error, we will need more information, like have
you setup virtual hosts, have you change .htaccess file in public
folder, etc. Otherwise we will be most likely betting (I bet it's virtual hosts).
In any case, a copy of the displayed error (after changing evnironment) or log file will be useful.
You can check logs file on writable/logs find error information,
If your logs information like :
CRITICAL - 2020-04-19 17:44:55 --> Invalid file: template/header.php
#0 F:\xampp\htdocs\ppdb\vendor\codeigniter4\framework\system\View\View.php(224): CodeIgniter\Exceptions\FrameworkException::forInvalidFile('template/header...')
And go fix your error, in my case i am wrong typed name on controller file
In Codeigniter 4 source code have a folder named writable, just update it's access permission. Sometimes it'll help to get rid of Whoops. Also can check the video for Ubuntu / Linux

What is the proper syntax for using subcontrollers with Ufront?

In my main controller I followed the instructions in the Controller documentation and I have the following meta data:
#:route(GET, "/about/*")
var aboutController:AboutController;
Then in my AboutController file I have:
package controller;
import api.TestApi;
import api.PortfolioItem;
using ufront.MVC;
using ufront.web.result.AddClientActionResult;
class AboutController extends Controller
#:route(GET, "/graphicDesign")
public function graphicDesign()
// return new PartialViewResult({… etcetera
When I visit the /about/graphicDesign path in my browser, the PHP server generates an error:
PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function execute() on null in /Users/allan/Documents/Freelance/Confidant/Website/3d confidant site/ufront/www/lib/controller/HomeController.class.php on line 70
The PHP lines 69-71 have:
public function execute_aboutController() {
return $this->context->injector->_instantiate(_hx_qtype("controller.AboutController"))->execute();
So, do I need different syntax so that the controller instantiates properly?
fyi i upgraded to 3.4 i don't have the same issues.
yes remoting does not work but only when targeting php7 . in fact even when not targeting php7 and running in a php7 apache environment doesn't work either. also in works with Mamp & php 5.6.
i had no probs with sub controllers though.
my answer is . did you try on another php environment ?

Yii 2 Running a Cron in the basic template

I have seen instructions on running a cron in the advanced template, but cant figure out how to do it on the basic template. I have the following controller in the basic controllers folder.
namespace app\controllers;
use yii\console\Controller;
* Cron controller
class CronController extends Controller {
public function actionIndex() {
echo "cron service runnning";
public function actionMail($to) {
echo "Sending mail to " . $to;
I have navigated to the root of my application and tried all these comands
yii cron
php yii cron
Im getting unknown comand "cron"
I know this is an old question but failed to find anyone with an actual answer to this.
If you look at the code for the Yii exec file you'll notice it requires /common/config/aliases.php file as well as console/config/main.php. You can naturally change these or copy over these from the advanced template.
Hope that solves the problem for anyone wanting to do the same thing.

PDO Fried my Websites - Any tips?

I've spent the last several months upgrading my websites, including upgrading my database queries to PDO. I published a test query online a while ago and got an error message, so I checked with my webhost before wading into all the technical fixes I Googled. He said the problem was simple: PDO wasn't installed on my server.
So he installed it - and all my websites crashed.
I checked back, and another tech told me there's a conflict between PDO and a line in my .htaccess files -
php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off
So I commented out that line. That restored things to a point, but I'm now getting this message...
Warning: include(/home/geobear2/public_html/2B/dbc.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/symbolos/public_html/1A/ACE.php on line 67
dbc.php is simply an included file with my database connection; all my websites include it from the main site. I checked, and it's where it's supposed to be. Actually, I get a similar error with a second included page. And here's an additional error:
Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/geobear2/public_html/2B/dbc.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/symbolos/public_html/1A/ACE.php on line 67
Does anyone have any idea what's going on here? Can PDO somehow disrupt include links between websites? I'm totally confused. Thanks.
P.S. I downloaded the online file that includes the database connection file. Here's the relevant code...
$path = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$path2 = str_replace('/', '', $path);
$Section = current(explode('/', ltrim($path, '/'), 2)); // Main line
$Sections = array('Introduction', 'Topics', 'World', 'Ecosymbols', 'Glossary', 'Reference', 'Links', 'About', 'Search');
if ( ! in_array($Section, $Sections))
// die('Invalid section: ' . $Section);
switch (PHP_OS)
case 'Linux':
$BaseINC = '/home/geobear2/public_html';
$BaseURL = '';
case 'Darwin':
// Just some code for my local includes...
include ($BaseINC."/2B/dbc.php");

Problems configuring my site to use a custom php.ini file for all directories

PHP 5.2.17
joomla 1.6.4
1and1 Linux shared server
php is running as cgi
Hi, I am trying to use a custom php.ini throughout my website. I know I can put a php.ini file in each folder, but that would not be feasible.
I searched online and found the following method:
1 - create your custom php.ini file and put it inside path/to/your/website/cgi-bin folder
2 - create the following php.cgi file
exec /usr/local/bin/php5 -c path/to/your/website/cgi-bin
3 - upload php.cgi to /path/to/your/website/cgi-bin
4 - chmod +x php.cgi to make it executable
5 - include the following line inside .htaccess in my website root
Action application/x-httpd-php5 /path/to/your/website/cgi-bin/php.cgi
According to my understanding, after doing the above, php scripts on my website would start using my custom php.ini file instead of the default one.
Anyone can help? I spent a better part of the day trying to resolve this issue without success.
By the way, my account root (one level above my website root) has a .htaccess file with the following lines:
AddType x-mapp-php5 .php
AddHandler x-mapp-php5 .php
Thank you.
UPDATE 9/2/2011 - 19:37
tried including the following statement in .htaccess
SetEnv PHPRC /path/to/my/website/cgi-bin <- where my custom php.ini file is located.
According to this website it should have worked ->
But still nothing.
I will keep trying.
Any help appreciated!!!
UPDATE 2 - 9/3/2011 - 0:03 (WORKAROUND)
So, I couldn't find a solution for my problem. I decided to create a small php script to create hard links to php.ini in each directory that has a php script.
See below the code in case you are curious:
define('FILE_PHPINI', ROOT_DIR . "/cgi-bin/php.ini");
function processdir($path)
$FlagNoPHP = true;
$localPHPINI = $path . "/php.ini";
foreach ( new DirectoryIterator($path) as $file)
if (!($file->isDot()))
if ($file->isDir())
processdir($path . "/" . $file);
else if ($FlagNoPHP && fnmatch("*.php*", $file))
$FlagNoPHP = false;
if (!file_exists($localPHPINI))
link(FILE_PHPINI, $localPHPINI);
if ($FlagNoPHP)
if (file_exists($localPHPINI))
The above code looks inside each directory in my website and:
1 - if there is a php script and NO php.ini, creates a hard link to php.ini
2 - if there is NO php script and there is a php.ini, deletes the hard link (done in the last if of the function). I included this in order to clean up the filesystem of old php.ini files.
This worked for me.
I am still curious about an answer to my original problem.
I hope this helps someone!
Seems like you're taking the long way. Just modify .bashrc:
export PHPRC="/Volumes/Mac_Daddy/web_curr/public_html/php_osx.ini"
Configuration File (php.ini) Path: /usr/local/php5/lib
Loaded Configuration File: /Volumes/Mac_Daddy/web_curr/public_html/php_osx.ini
Scan for additional .ini files in: /usr/local/php5/php.d
Additional .ini files parsed: /usr/local/php5/php.d/10-extension_dir.ini
Or create an alias:
alias myphp="/usr/local/php5/bin/php -c /somewhere/someplace/php.ini"
or better yet man php.
