SVG tool to draw and display in web - web

I am looking for a tool to draw the SVG diagram and I want to display the same in a webpage.
There are lot of tools to create SVG diagram, but I am looking for the one to add some extra fields to each shape.
OK first I will explain my requirement clear. When we create a rectangle using any SVG tool, it will create a SVG element with rect element, in my case I would like to differentiate two devices "device type-1" and "device type-2" (using CSS in my web application) but their shape is rectangle.
So, I have to add some additional information for each rectangle in the drawing tool, so that using Javascript I could understand the type of device, based on the device type I could apply different CSS for each rectangle.
How to do this? Any drawing tools support this kind of feature?

You could use and define IDs that you reference later on in JavaScript

One approach would be to us Adobe Illustrator to design you elements and Raphael JS to display and animate said elements. There are some differences in the way illustrator draws vector graphics and the way SVG does so the general consensus is to keep you graphics relatively simple. There are several guides out there, but this one looks particuallry good:


Fabric JS - making collage under PNG mask

Our team is working on creating an online collage.
Characteristically, the collage should be under the mask of the PNG file. At this stage we are trying different libraries. Attention on fabricJS. The collage scheme is implemented using SVG paths. The first problem was tracking mouse events in SVG pathways. Implemented manually. The main problem is to add a new picture, which should be above the collage but below the mask. Manipulations with globalCompositeOperation do not help. There are no layers in the fabricJS.
So the question is - will the fabricJS allow you to implement the addition of a new picture on top of the collage, but under the PNG mask? It's possible?
Thank you very much in advance!
FabricJS includes two ways to draw on top of the canvas above the standard object and controls layers. You can set an overlayImage, and you can use the after:render event to run additional draw commands on the canvas context. See the Bounding Rectangle demo for a simple example of how to do this.
See How Fabric Canvas Layering Works.

Evaluating LibGDX

I want to evaluate Libgdx for my app. I want the following things to be possible with Libgdx:
The dynamic loading of images. (✔ Texture)
Cutting images. (✔ TextureRegion)
Support of the multiple screens. (✔ Screen)
Recognizing swinging to the right, left, up and down in a defined area. (✔ GestureDetector)
Nice to have:
Styling of buttons. (?)
Standard elements like lists, ScrollViews etc.(?)
SVG graphics rendering (?)
I am thinking about the three problems. I read that GestureDetector should be very slow (500ms) and that SVG graphics are not natively supported and rendered with extensions very slow.
My third concern is that I can't just style buttons the way I want them to, for example: enter image description here
I would like to know if my requirements can be solved with the LibGDX functions and if they are good and easy to use.
Thanks for your advice!
LibGDX comes with a sublibrary called Scene2D UI, which defines a bunch of standard UI widgets which can be styled with JSON. It comes with different Button classes and ScrollPane which are your ScrollView substitute.
Docs you might want for Scene2D UI: For the widgets For styling the widgets
In regards to SVG rendering, best option is to render them to PNG files if you want to use LibGDX alone.
Also, you may want to look into TextureAtlas for managing all of your TextureRegions, as well as AssetManager for managing all the external resources in your app
It's a good idea to compile all of your texture files into a single texture, so that not many textures have to be bound and unbound in OpenGL, so have a look at this this will help you produce a TextureAtlas automatically.

Can I create a Calligraphy look with SVG?

is it possible to create a stroke with a dynamic width with SVG? I want to achieve a Calligraphy look like here, here or here.
Is this even possible? It seems customization of strokes in SVG is fairly limited. Even gradients in strokes seem to be non-trivial (see here).
There is a proposal to add into SVG standard a mechanism, that does exactly what you want:
There's even an example implementation available here:
It is, however, by no means official and we cannot be even sure it'll ever be.
Until then you'll need to stick to Bezier curves and object filling:
You can also use calligraphic fonts, for example - Tangerine available on Google CDN:
This approach requires less work since you don't need to draw everything from scratch, but then again, using third party fonts leaves you with little control over the final result.
You can't dynamically adjust the stroke of a path element. However you could draw a path, use a fill color on it instead of stroke, then double back upon the letters at a slight distance away from the original line.
Also, if you are using the SVG on the web then you can use css fonts on text elements. There are some pretty good cursive fonts that you can use for free... just check google web fonts.

Are there event listeners to detect mouse clicks on dot/SVG graph?

I am playing with generating dot files and then turned them into SVG graphs with a lot of nodes.
My question is that are there event listeners to detect mouse clicks on dot/SVG graph nodes?
For example, right click on a node in the SVG graph, I do something(maybe get the related information from the node and then do something),
Then how to generate dot file or SVG file to achieve this?
There are several ways to create an interactive SVG graph:
Use SMIL, an extension to svg (Example tutorial
Javascript (the Raphael library is excellent)
CSS animations
In any case, you'll have to display the svg graphs in a client which supports any of those technologies (browser), and you will have to code it in addition to the svg output graphviz creates.
Just another thought on this (realizing the question is old, but maybe it helps someone coming across).
Depending on what you want to do, it may be easiest to decouple the event handling from the drawing. I mean, you can find out where graphviz positions the nodes (as well as edges, labels etc.), see, for example, this post on how to do it in python. Then you can paint the graph in the background of whatever GUI you're using, and use its native event handling to react on on_click by placing invisible clickable objects over the nodes.
If you want interactive graphs then graphviz might not be the best choice.
I'd recommend having a look at D3.js. Perhaps you could construct the graph data in json and load them with D3?

Can I rotate in a 3dish way a group tag in an SVG file?

Can I rotate in a 3dish way a group tag in an SVG file?
Is there any need for an external JS library? I'd be glad to get a link somewhere.
Apparently 3d support isn't here yet so you have to make it look like there is three dimensions.
Have a look at the following links, they explain in detail how to use SVG to give a 3d effect.
rotating cube - wireframe (looks like 3d with controls to move it)
3d animation - advanced animation in 3d
