Providing Concurrency Between Pthreads - multithreading

I am working on multithread programming and I am stuck on something.
In my program there are two tasks and two types of robots for carrying out the tasks:
Task 1 requires any two types of robot and
task 2 requires 2 robot1 type and 2 robot2 type.
Total number of robot1 and robot2 and pointers to these two types are given for initialization. Threads share these robots and robots are reserved until a thread is done with them.
Actual task is done in doTask1(robot **) function which takes pointer to a robot pointer as parameter so I need to pass the robots that I reserved. I want to provide concurrency. Obviously if I lock everything it will not be concurrent. robot1 is type of Robot **. Since It is used by all threads before one thread calls doTask or finish it other can overwrite robot1 so it changes things. I know it is because robot1 is shared by all threads. Could you explain how can I solve this problem? I don't want to pass any arguments to thread start routine.
rsc is my struct to hold number of robots and pointers that are given in an initialization function.
void *task1(void *arg)
int tid;
tid = *((int *) arg);
cout << "TASK 1 with thread id " << tid << endl;
pthread_mutex_lock (&mutexUpdateRob);
while (rsc->totalResources < 2)
pthread_cond_wait(&noResource, &mutexUpdateRob);
if (rsc->numOfRobotA > 0 && rsc->numOfRobotB > 0)
rsc->numOfRobotA --;
robot1[0] = &rsc->robotA[counterA];
robot1[1] = &rsc->robotB[counterB];
counterA ++;
counterB ++;
flag1 = true;
rsc->totalResources -= 2;
pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutexUpdateRob);
pthread_mutex_lock (&mutexUpdateRob);
rsc->numOfRobotA ++;
rsc->totalResources += 2;
if (totalResource >= 2)
pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutexUpdateRob);

If robots are global resources, threads should not dispose of them. It should be the duty of the main thread exit (or cleanup) function.
Also, there sould be a way for threads to locate unambiguously the robots, and to lock their use.
The robot1 array seems to store the robots, and it seems to be a global array. However:
its access is not protected by a mutex (pthread_mutex_t), it seems now that you've taken care of that.
Also, the code in task1 is always modifying entries 0 and 1 of this array. If two threads or more execute that code, the entries will be overwritten. I don't think that it is what you want. How will that array be used afterwards?
In fact, why does this array need to be global?
The bottom line is this: as long as this array is shared by threads, they will have problems working concurrently. Think about it this way:
You have two companies using robots to work, but they're using the same truck (robot1) to move the robots around. How are these two companies supposed to function properly, and efficiently with only one truck?


Where can PTHRED_MUTEX_ADAPTIVE_NP be specified and how does it work?

I found that there's a macro called PTHRED_MUTEX_ADAPTIVE_NP which is somehow given as a value to a mutex so that the mutex does an adaptive spinning, meaning that it spins in the magnitude of an immediate wakeup through the kernel would last. But how do I utilize this configuration-macro to a thread ?
And as I've developed an improved shared readers-writer lock (it needs only one atomic operation at best in contrast to the three operations given in the Wikipedia-solution) with relative writer-priority (further readers are stalled when there's a writer and the readers before are allowed to proceed) which could also make use of adaptive spinning: how is the number of spinning-cycles calculated ?
I found that there's a macro called PTHRED_MUTEX_ADAPTIVE_NP
Some pthreads implementations provide a macro PTHREAD_MUTEX_ADAPTIVE_NP (note spelling) that is one of the possible values of the kind_np mutex attribute, but neither that attribute nor the macro are standard. It looks like at least BSD and AIX have them, or at least did at one time, but this is not something you should be using in new code.
But how do I utilize this configuration-macro to a thread ?
You don't. Even if you are using a pthreads implementation that supports it, this is the value of a mutex attribute, not a thread attribute. You obtain a mutex with that attribute value by explicitly requesting it when you initialize the mutex. It would look something like this:
pthread_mutexattr_t attr;
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
int rval;
// Return-value checks omitted for brevity and clarity
rval = pthread_mutexattr_init(&attr);
rval = pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_ADAPTIVE_NP);
rval = pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, &attr);
There are other mutex attributes that you can set in analogous ways, which is one of the reasons I wrote this answer. Although you should not be using the kind_np attribute, you can follow this general model for other mutex attributes. There are also thread attributes, which work similarly.
I found the code in the glibc:
That's the "adaptive" mutex locking code of pthread_mutex_lock
in the glibc 2.31:
else if (__builtin_expect (PTHREAD_MUTEX_TYPE (mutex)
if (! __is_smp)
goto simple;
if (LLL_MUTEX_TRYLOCK (mutex) != 0)
int cnt = 0;
int max_cnt = MIN (max_adaptive_count (),
mutex->__data.__spins * 2 + 10);
if (cnt++ >= max_cnt)
atomic_spin_nop ();
while (LLL_MUTEX_TRYLOCK (mutex) != 0);
mutex->__data.__spins += (cnt - mutex->__data.__spins) / 8;
assert (mutex->__data.__owner == 0);
So the spin count is doubled up to a maximum plus 10 first (system configurable or 1000 if thre's no configuration) and after the locking the difference between the actual spins and the predefined spins divided by 8 is added to the next spin-count.

using atomic c++11 to implement a thread safe down counter to zero

I'm new to atomic techniques and try to implement a safe thread version for the follow code:
// say m_cnt is unsigned
void Counter::dec_counter()
if(0 == m_cnt)
// Do seomthing
Every thread that calls dec_counter must decrement it by one and "Do something" should be done only one time - at when the counter is decremented to 0.
After fighting with it, I did the follow code that does it well (I think), but I wonder if this is the way to do it, or is there a better way. Thanks.
// m_cnt is std::atomic<unsigned>
void Counter::dec_counter()
// loop until decrement done
unsigned uiExpectedValue;
unsigned uiNewValue;
uiExpectedValue = m_cnt.load();
// if other thread already decremented it to 0, then do nothing.
if (0 == uiExpectedValue)
uiNewValue = uiExpectedValue - 1;
// at the short time from doing
// uiExpectedValue = m_cnt.load();
// it is possible that another thread had decremented m_cnt, and it won't be equal here to uiExpectedValue,
// thus the loop, to be sure we do a decrement
} while (!m_cnt.compare_exchange_weak(uiExpectedValue, uiNewValue));
// if we are here, that means we did decrement . so if it was to 0, then do something
if (0 == uiNewValue)
// do something
The thing with atomic is that only that one statement is atomic.
If you write
std::atomic<int> i {20}
if (!--i)
Then just 1 thread will enter the if.
However, if you split up the change and the test, then other threads can get into the gap, and you may get strange results:
std::atomic<int> i {20}
// other thread(s) can modify i just here
if (!i)
Of course you can split the condition test for the decrement by using a local variable:
std::atomic<int> i {20}
int j=--i;
// other thread(s) can modify i just here
if (!j)
All the simple math operations are generally efficiently supported for small atomics in c++
For more complex types and expressions, you need to use the read/modify/write member methods.
These allow you to read the current value, calculate the new value, and then call compare_exchange_strong or compare_exchange_weak say "if the value has not changed, then store my new value, otherwise give me the new current value" a a single atomic operation. You can stick this in a loop and keep recalculating the new value until you are lucky enough that your thread is the only writer. If there are not too many threads trying too often to change the value this is reasonably efficient as well.

Design pattern for asynchronous while loop

I have a function that boils down to:
config = generateConfigurationForTesting();
result = executeWork(config);
doWork = isDone(result);
How can I rewrite this for efficient asynchronous execution, assuming all functions are thread safe, independent of previous iterations, and probably require more iterations than the maximum number of allowable threads ?
The problem here is we don't know how many iterations are required in advance so we can't make a dispatch_group or use dispatch_apply.
This is my first attempt, but it looks a bit ugly to me because of arbitrarily chosen values and sleeping;
int thread_count = 0;
bool doWork = true;
int max_threads = 20; // arbitrarily chosen number
dispatch_queue_t queue =
dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
if(thread_count < max_threads)
dispatch_async(queue, ^{ Config myconfig = generateConfigurationForTesting();
Result myresult = executeWork();
dispatch_async(queue, checkResult(myresult)); });
usleep(100); // don't consume too much CPU
void checkResult(Result value)
if(value == good) doWork = false;
Based on your description, it looks like generateConfigurationForTesting is some kind of randomization technique or otherwise a generator which can make a near-infinite number of configuration (hence your comment that you don't know ahead of time how many iterations you will need). With that as an assumption, you are basically stuck with the model that you've created, since your executor needs to be limited by some reasonable assumptions about the queue and you don't want to over-generate, as that would just extend the length of the run after you have succeeded in finding value ==good measurements.
I would suggest you consider using a queue (or OSAtomicIncrement* and OSAtomicDecrement*) to protect access to thread_count and doWork. As it stands, the thread_count increment and decrement will happen in two different queues (main_queue for the main thread and the default queue for the background task) and thus could simultaneously increment and decrement the thread count. This could lead to an undercount (which would cause more threads to be created than you expect) or an overcount (which would cause you to never complete your task).
Another option to making this look a little nicer would be to have checkResult add new elements into the queue if value!=good. This way, you load up the initial elements of the queue using dispatch_apply( 20, queue, ^{ ... }) and you don't need the thread_count at all. The first 20 will be added using dispatch_apply (or an amount that dispatch_apply feels is appropriate for your configuration) and then each time checkResult is called you can either set doWork=false or add another operation to queue.
dispatch_apply() works for this, just pass ncpu as the number of iterations (apply never uses more than ncpu worker threads) and keep each instance of your worker block running for as long as there is more work to do (i.e. loop back to generateConfigurationForTesting() unless !doWork).

Can I assign a per-thread index, using pthreads?

I'm optimizing some instrumentation for my project (Linux,ICC,pthreads), and would like some feedback on this technique to assign a unique index to a thread, so I can use it to index into an array of per-thread data.
The old technique uses a std::map based on pthread id, but I'd like to avoid locks and a map lookup if possible (it is creating a significant amount of overhead).
Here is my new technique:
static PerThreadInfo info[MAX_THREADS]; // shared, each index is per thread
// Allow each thread a unique sequential index, used for indexing into per
// thread data.
1:static size_t GetThreadIndex()
3: static size_t threadCount = 0;
4: __thread static size_t myThreadIndex = threadCount++;
5: return myThreadIndex;
later in the code:
// add some info per thread, so it can be aggregated globally
info[ GetThreadIndex() ] = MyNewInfo();
1) It looks like line 4 could be a race condition if two threads where created at exactly the same time. If so - how can I avoid this (preferably without locks)? I can't see how an atomic increment would help here.
2) Is there a better way to create a per-thread index somehow? Maybe by pre-generating the TLS index on thread creation somehow?
1) An atomic increment would help here actually, as the possible race is two threads reading and assigning the same ID to themselves, so making sure the increment (read number, add 1, store number) happens atomically fixes that race condition. On Intel a "lock; inc" would do the trick, or whatever your platform offers (like InterlockedIncrement() for Windows for example).
2) Well, you could actually make the whole info thread-local ("__thread static PerThreadInfo info;"), provided your only aim is to be able to access the data per-thread easily and under a common name. If you actually want it to be a globally accessible array, then saving the index as you do using TLS is a very straightforward and efficient way to do this. You could also pre-compute the indexes and pass them along as arguments at thread creation, as Kromey noted in his post.
Why so averse to using locks? Solving race conditions is exactly what they're designed for...
In any rate, you can use the 4th argument in pthread_create() to pass an argument to your threads' start routine; in this way, you could use your master process to generate an incrementing counter as it launches the threads, and pass this counter into each thread as it is created, giving you your unique index for each thread.
I know you tagged this [pthreads], but you also mentioned the "old technique" of using std::map. This leads me to believe that you're programming in C++. In C++11 you have std::thread, and you can pass out unique indexes (id's) to your threads at thread creation time through an ordinary function parameter.
Below is an example HelloWorld that creates N threads, assigning each an index of 0 through N-1. Each thread does nothing but say "hi" and give it's index:
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <vector>
inline void sub_print() {}
template <class A0, class ...Args>
sub_print(const A0& a0, const Args& ...args)
std::cout << a0;
static std::mutex m;
return m;
template <class ...Args>
print(const Args& ...args)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _(cout_mut());
void f(int id)
print("This is thread ", id, "\n");
int main()
const int N = 10;
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
threads.push_back(std::thread(f, i));
for (auto i = threads.begin(), e = threads.end(); i != e; ++i)
My output:
This is thread 0
This is thread 1
This is thread 4
This is thread 3
This is thread 5
This is thread 7
This is thread 6
This is thread 2
This is thread 9
This is thread 8

Native mutex implementation

So in my ilumination days, i started to think about how the hell do windows/linux implement the mutex, i've implemented this synchronizer in 100... different ways, in many diferent arquitectures but never think how it is really implemented in big ass OS, for example in the ARM world i made some of my synchronizers disabling the interrupts but i always though that it wasn't a really good way to do it.
I tried to "swim" throgh the linux kernel but just like a though i can't see nothing that satisfies my curiosity. I'm not an expert in threading, but i have solid all the basic and intermediate concepts of it.
So does anyone know how a mutex is implemented?
A quick look at code apparently from one Linux distribution seems to indicate that it is implemented using an interlocked compare and exchange. So, in some sense, the OS isn't really implementing it since the interlocked operation is probably handled at the hardware level.
Edit As Hans points out, the interlocked exchange does the compare and exchange in an atomic manner. Here is documentation for the Windows version. For fun, I just now wrote a small test to show a really simple example of creating a mutex like that. This is a simple acquire and release test.
#include <windows.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
struct homebrew {
LONG *mutex;
int *shared;
int mine;
#define NUM_THREADS 10
#define NUM_ACQUIRES 100000
DWORD WINAPI SomeThread( LPVOID lpParam )
struct homebrew *test = (struct homebrew*)lpParam;
while ( test->mine < NUM_ACQUIRES ) {
// Test and set the mutex. If it currently has value 0, then it
// is free. Setting 1 means it is owned. This interlocked function does
// the test and set as an atomic operation
if ( 0 == InterlockedCompareExchange( test->mutex, 1, 0 )) {
// this tread now owns the mutex. Increment the shared variable
// without an atomic increment (relying on mutex ownership to protect it)
// Release the mutex (4 byte aligned assignment is atomic)
*test->mutex = 0;
return 0;
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
LONG mymutex = 0; // zero means
int shared = 0;
struct homebrew test[NUM_THREADS];
int i;
// Initialize each thread's structure. All share the same mutex and a shared
// counter
for ( i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++ ) {
test[i].mine = 0; test[i].shared = &shared; test[i].mutex = &mymutex;
// create the threads and then wait for all to finish
for ( i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++ )
threads[i] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, SomeThread, &test[i], 0, NULL);
for ( i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++ )
WaitForSingleObject( threads[i], INFINITE );
// Verify all increments occurred atomically
printf( "shared = %d (%s)\n", shared,
shared == NUM_THREADS * NUM_ACQUIRES ? "correct" : "wrong" );
for ( i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++ ) {
if ( test[i].mine != NUM_ACQUIRES ) {
printf( "Thread %d cheated. Only %d acquires.\n", i, test[i].mine );
If I comment out the call to the InterlockedCompareExchange call and just let all threads run the increments in a free-for-all fashion, then the results do result in failures. Running it 10 times, for example, without the interlocked compare call:
shared = 748694 (wrong)
shared = 811522 (wrong)
shared = 796155 (wrong)
shared = 825947 (wrong)
shared = 1000000 (correct)
shared = 795036 (wrong)
shared = 801810 (wrong)
shared = 790812 (wrong)
shared = 724753 (wrong)
shared = 849444 (wrong)
The curious thing is that one time the results showed now incorrect contention. That might be because there is no "everyone start now" synchronization; maybe all threads started and finished in order in that case. But when I have the InterlockedExchangeCall in place, it runs without failure (or at least it ran 100 times without failure ... that doesn't prove I didn't write a subtle bug into the example).
Here is the discussion from the people who implemented it ... very interesting as it shows the tradeoffs ..
Several posts from Linus T ... of course
In earlier days pre-POSIX etc I used to implement synchronization by using a native mode word (e.g. 16 or 32 bit word) and the Test And Set instruction lurking on every serious processor. This instruction guarantees to test the value of a word and set it in one atomic instruction. This provides the basis for a spinlock and from that a hierarchy of synchronization functions could be built. The simplest is of course just a spinlock which performs a busy wait, not an option for more than transitory sync'ing, then a spinlock which drops the process time slice at each iteration for a lower system impact. Notional concepts like Semaphores, Mutexes, Monitors etc can be built by getting into the kernel scheduling code.
As I recall the prime usage was to implement message queues to permit multiple clients to access a database server. Another was a very early real time car race result and timing system on a quite primitive 16 bit machine and OS.
These days I use Pthreads and Semaphores and Windows Events/Mutexes (mutices?) etc and don't give a thought as to how they work, although I must admit that having been down in the engine room does give one and intuitive feel for better and more efficient multiprocessing.
In windows world.
The mutex before the windows vista mas implemented with a Compare Exchange to change the state of the mutex from Empty to BeingUsed, the other threads that entered the wait on the mutex the CAS will obvious fail and it must be added to the mutex queue for furder notification. Those operations (add/remove/check) of the queue would be protected by an common lock in windows kernel.
After Windows XP, the mutex started to use a spin lock for performance reasons being a self-suficiant object.
In unix world i didn't get much furder but probably is very similar to the windows 7.
Finally for kernels that work on a single processor the best way is to disable the interrupts when entering the critical section and re-enabling then when exiting.
