Displaying alert with multi line message inside lwuit form - java-me

I am getting a strange exception when trying to show Dialog alert on lwuit form.
at com.sun.lwuit.TextArea.shouldShowHint(+21)
at com.sun.lwuit.TextArea.calcPreferredSize(+4)
at com.sun.lwuit.Component.preferredSize(+63)
at com.sun.lwuit.Component.getPreferredSize(+4)
at com.sun.lwuit.Component.getPreferredW(+4)
at com.sun.lwuit.layouts.FlowLayout.layoutContainer(+139)
at com.sun.lwuit.Container.doLayout(+8)
at com.sun.lwuit.Container.layoutContainer(+16)
at com.sun.lwuit.Container.doLayout(+40)
at com.sun.lwuit.Container.layoutContainer(+16)
at com.sun.lwuit.Container.doLayout(+40)
at com.sun.lwuit.Container.layoutContainer(+16)
at com.sun.lwuit.Container.revalidate(+18)
at com.sun.lwuit.Dialog.showPacked(+107)
at com.sun.lwuit.Dialog.showImpl(+76)
at com.sun.lwuit.Dialog.show(+5)
at com.sun.lwuit.Dialog.showDialog(+9)
at com.test.MainView.ShowAlert(+82)
at com.test.MainView.ShowGameOverAlert(+45)
at com.test.MainView.<init>(+209)
at com.test.Main.startApp(+29)
at javax.microedition.midlet.MIDletProxy.startApp(+7)
I used following two pieces of code:
Dialog validDialog = new Dialog("Alert");
validDialog.setTimeout(5000); // set timeout milliseconds
TextArea textArea = new TextArea("...."); //pass the alert text here
validDialog.show(0, 100, 10, 10, true);
Ref.: Alert pop up with LWUIT
Dialog d = new Dialog(title);
TextArea l = new TextArea(1, 20);
l.setHint("no hint");
If someone could point me to source code of lwuit, it would be most helpful.
I found one project named lwuitfixes on google code that does not have any function 'shouldShowHint' inside TextArea.java and official site https://lwuit-incubator.dev.java.net/ never opens!!!!!!!

stops the exception. (got hint by browsing the .class file of jar I am using)
Probably never seen a worse API than this.
To remove the white background of TextArea, I had to override its onPaint and fill the graphics with different color.


Codename One - customize Dialog style not working

I would like to have a customized Dialog styling, having another background color and a rounded border, as it looks nicer than the gray rectangle that comes by default.
This is partially possible, by styling the Contentpane of the Dialog. The problem is, that the underlying Dialog Style is still there, in which the contentpane is shown. And it seems the Dialog UDID itself cannot be changed, nor can the "Dialog" style be overwritten in the designer nor by code.
Form hi = new Form();
Button but = new Button("open dialog");
but.addActionListener(e -> {
Dialog d = new Dialog(BoxLayout.y());
d.setUIID("Container"); // this line has no effect, the outside dialog component is still visible
Style s = d.getContentPane().getUnselectedStyle();
s.setMargin(5, 5, 5, 5); // adding some margin between contentpane and Dailog container, to be more obvious
// title
Label title = new Label();
// body field with spanlabel info text
SpanLabel bodyLabel = new SpanLabel("Body Text");
// delete button
Button okButton = new Button("Ok");
okButton.addActionListener(e2 -> {
// exit button
Button exitButton = new Button("Cancel");
exitButton.addActionListener(e3 -> {
d.add(GridLayout.encloseIn(2, okButton, exitButton));
In above image, the outermost dark gray is the tinted area outside the dialog. The green is the content pane with the intended rounded border. the light grey in between comes from the Dialog style that I would like to get rid off.
Can this be done?
Short answer: setDialogUIID("Container");
However dialogs are a bit problematic to customize via code, I would strongly recommend styling them via the designer/css as we just didn't design them for hand styling and so you're relying on internal implementation details that might break.
When you invoke getContentPane() on the Dialog you're styling the content pane of the Dialog. Not the Dialog itself so the dialog styling still has the non-transparent background. You can use getDialogStyle() to style the Dialog itself. I'm not sure how well that will work.

Vaadin 10 Dialog emulating Vaadin 8 Window Caption

Using Vaadin Flow Java API I would like to emulate a Vaadin 8 Window feature: particularly I need to emulate Caption behaviour.
I mean a fixed top "Title" not scrollable as the real content of the Dialog. Anyone can tell me some Example I could learn from ?
Thanks in advance
This is the workaround I found.
public MainView() {
Button button = new Button("Click me",
event -> {
Dialog dialog = new Dialog();
HorizontalLayout horizontalLayout = new HorizontalLayout();
VerticalLayout verticalLayout = new VerticalLayout();
Div headerDiv = new Div();
Div bodyDiv = new Div();
bodyDiv.getElement().getStyle().set("overflow", "auto");
bodyDiv.getElement().getStyle().set("max-height", "420px"); // !!!
dialog.add(headerDiv, bodyDiv);
horizontalLayout.add(new Label("Hi there !"));
for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++) {
verticalLayout.add(new TextField("TextField_" + i));
The trouble is that I have to fix max-height size to avoid scrolling of all the contained components. So I cannot take advantage from the auto-size behaviour of the Dialog Container. Also tried using setFlexGrow, but I did not reach the solution.
Any Hint ?
In Vaadin 10+ there is no component called Window, but there is component called Dialog. It does not have Title like Window, but otherwise it has similar baseline. I.e. it is popup. Based on your question you have found already that.
Dialog itself is component container, which means you can add components there. I would just create e.g two Divs (the simplest of the layout components in Vaadin 10). I would style the first one to have fixed height and place the Title there. And then I would apply component.getElement().getStyle().set("overflow", "auto") to the other one, which is the actual content body. The mentioned style will enable the scrollable feature. You could potentially use VerticalLayout / HorizontalLayout instead of Div as well depending what you need.
See also: https://vaadin.com/docs/v10/flow/migration/5-components.html

How to set Dialog text position from code?

Good day all,
I have a simple Dialog started after click button, I post my code:
Dialog dialog;
dialog = new Dialog("Dialog example");
dialog.addText(strFmt("Text to show"));
dialog.addText(strfmt("SecondText to show"));
I will show a Dialog window loollike this :
It's possible to set the position from code the Text: Text to show ?
For example, if I want to centered position the second text how should I do?
I tried to put blanks in the code:
dialog.addText(strfmt(" Text to show"));
But nothing changes, and this I think not good method.
I saw any suggestions on Web but or I do not use well or is not suitable for me: Example-suggestions.
Exist a method to do what I want?
Thanks for help,
You can center the text using the form control:
Dialog dialog = new Dialog("Dialog example");
DialogText t1 = dialog.addText(strFmt("Text to show"));
DialogText t2 = dialog.addText(strfmt("SecondText to show"));
FormStaticTextControl c1 = t1.control();
The first control is now centered (to the surrounding group).
You have to give it ColumnWidth, otherwise the control would have the minimum size and the centering would have no effect.

SmartGWT Dialog setting Height for dynamix text

Here's the deal, im trying to create a popup window that uses a dynamic text,
when the text is too large i would like to cap the height of the window and
use a scrollbar instead to navigate through it but it does not seems to be
final Dialog dialog = new Dialog();
dialog.setButtons(new Button("OK"));
dialog.addButtonClickHandler(new ButtonClickHandler() {
public void onButtonClick(ButtonClickEvent event) {
If the text is too large the window height will be resized accordingly. The funny
part is that setWidth method seems to be working just fine.
You need a container such as HLayout, VLayout, DynamicForm etc. where you can add the message in it then finally add the container in the Dialog.
Sample code:
VLayout vLayout=new VLayout();
vLayout.addMember(new Label(message));

lwuit text area

I developed an RSS Application for two XML files and displayed it on two LWUIT Tabs. The problem is with my LWUIT TextArea, whenever I click on my ListForm (it contains titles from the RssFile), I need to display description information from the RSS File. First time I am able to display the description related to the title clicked in ListForm. If I click the ListForm the next time onwards I am able to display the same description again and again in the textarea..(Eventhough I am getting Related Description from RssFile)
Here is my Code:
private void displayCompleteNewsScreen(News detailNews) {
Label title = new Label(detailNews.getTitle());
String Description = detailNews.getDescription();
System.out.println("Description" + Description);//Here i am able to get different Description values Related to myList Screen but in text area it is displaying First one always
big = new TextArea();
As you are reusing form2 instance you should clear it in displayCompleteNewsScreen method. Call removeAll before calling setTitleComponent.
And don't forget to set form2 Commands again in displayCompleteNewsScreen.
