using batch files to create text files with text in each file - text

I know the title sounds crazy. Anyway, here is my scenario:
I need to create about 500 text files for 500 different files. Each text file will contain the information seen in my example below. Is there an easy way to put this into a single batch file without copy and pasting something 500+ times?
Example of what I am trying to do....
echo ^<filename 1^> >> filename1.txt
echo. >> filename1.txt
echo. >> filename1.txt
echo No OCR Found >> filename1.txt

Using random numbers for the files...
#echo off
set loop=0
set num=%random%
if exist filename%num%.txt (
echo ^<filename %num%^>
echo No OCR Found
) > filename%num%.txt else (
goto loop
set /a num+=1
if %loop%==500 goto end
goto loop
The maximum amount of files is 32767.
To change the amount of files made, change the number in the last if statement (E.g: To make it create 80 files you would change if %loop%==500 goto end to if %loop%==80 goto end).


Get base name of file without file extension

Let's say I'd have a file named "testfile.txt" set on a variable:%File% and I'd like to remove the extension when echoing it . Echo %File:~0,8% would come out as "testfile" but what I want to do is to have it display anything and everything to the left of the ".txt" because I won't always make files which have 8 characters in their name.
Is there a simple solution to this ?
for %%I in ("testfile.txt") do echo %%~nI
for %%I in ("%file%") do echo %%~nI
Do help for in a cmd console window and see the last two pages for more information on tilde operations.
There is another way to accomplish what you want, using substring substitution similar to your attempts illustrated in your question.
set "file=testfile.txt"
echo %file:.=&rem;%
That substitutes the dot with &rem;. When the variable is evaluated, the batch interpreter treats the newly substituted data as a compound command. And since everything following rem is treated as a remark to be ignored, you're left with only testfile as the output. This will only work if:
you don't include quotation marks in your variable value
your filename only includes the one dot
you don't do it within a parenthetical code block (if statement or for loop) where delayed expansion is required
You can try this:
#echo off
set "file=testfile.txt"
call :removeExtension "%file%"
echo %newFile%
goto :eof
set "newFile=%~n1"
goto :eof
However, this only works if the file has no path. If it does, you can do this:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "file=files\testfile.txt"
call :removeExtension "%file%"
echo %newFile%
goto :eof
set "file=%~1"
set "newFile=!file:%~x1=!"
goto :eof

BATCH - Find string in text file and add a new string after that line

I'm trying to search a text file for a particular string from a bat file. If the string exist, add a new string after it on the next line. I can't seem to get the code below working correctly. Any Ideas?
This is the string i'm searching for in my text file. [/Script/MyGame.Mode]
Here's what the text file looks like.
Something here 1
Something here 2
Something here 1
Something here 2
Something here 1
Something here 2
And here's how I want it to look.
Something here 1
Something here 2
Something here 1
Something here 2
Something here 1
Something here 2
Here's the code I have so far.
#echo off
echo Let's get some information for your config.
echo Note: The information you enter below is case sensitive. You can copy and paste.
echo Here's a Package Name example: "DM-MyTest-WindowsNoEditor"
set /p Package=Enter Package Name:
echo The Package URL Protocol will be "http" or "https"
set /p PackageURLProtocol=Enter Package URL Protocol:
echo Here's a WebAddress example: "" (Don't add the trailing /)
set /p WebAddress=Enter Redirect(WebAddress)URL:
echo The file extention is usually ".pak"
set /p Ext=Enter Map File Extention:
echo Please wait... Currently Creating Test References.
set NewURL=RedirectReferences=(PackageName="%Package%",PackageURLProtocol="%PackageURLProtocol%",PackageURL="%WebAddress%/%Package%%Ext%",PackageChecksum=""^^)
set inputfile=game.txt
set outputfile=game.temp.txt
(for /f usebackq^ delims^=^ eol^= %%a in ("%inputfile%") do (
if "%%~a"=="[/Script/MyGame.Mode]" call echo %NewURL%
echo %%a
When I run the posted code in Command Prompt console I see a syntax error:
) was unexpected at this time.
Apparently the parentheses inside NewURL break things when expanded in the loop.
A straightforward solution would be to delay the expansion by using the call trick:
call echo %%NewURL%%
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion & echo !NewURL! & endlocal
Or double-escape the closing parenthesis with ^^ (one time for set and another for an expanded value inside the loop):
set NewURL=.............PackageChecksum=""^^)
Another issue is that the output file name is the same as the input file name but it's impossible to redirect output into the same file as you're reading.
Change the output name to a different file. Then replace the original after the loop is finished:
set inputfile=game.txt
set outputfile=game.temp.txt
move/y "%outputfile%" "%inputfile%"
And to change the order of the new string to print it after the found line simply swap the two lines inside the inner loop:
echo %%a
if "%%~a"=="[/Script/MyGame.Mode]" call echo %%NewURL%%

Move 300 images from a folder (contains 800 images) to another based on file name list

I need to move 300 images from a folder (contains 800 images) to another folder. The file name list of these 300 images are available in the excel format. Is it possible to move them via programming instead of search the file and move it one by one? Our IT told me he can't separate these files. Do you have any solution? Many thanks in advance!!!
Here's one way of doing this - I am assuming you are on Windows. First, save text file called ListOfImages.txt that contains the names of the images you wish to move - put one image on each line and include the extension. Then, save the following into a file called movefiles.cmd:
#echo off
set Source=C:\Users\YourName\Desktop\moving\MovingFrom
set Target=C:\Users\YourName\Desktop\moving\MovingTo
set FileList=C:\Users\YourName\Desktop\moving\ListOfImages.txt
if not exist "%Source%" echo Source folder "%Source%" not found & goto Exit
if not exist "%FileList%" echo File list "%FileList%" not found & goto Exit
if not exist "%Target%" md "%Target%"
for /F "delims=" %%a in ('type "%FileList%"') do move "%Source%\%%a" "%Target%"
echo press the Space Bar to close this window.
pause > nul
You will want to change the variables for Source, Target, and FileList to match where you have those folders and the ListOfImages.txt on your machine. After you have saved this file (make sure it has the .cmd extension, you should be able to double-click it and it will run the commands in your Command Prompt.
For example, say my MovingFrom folder contains the following:
And I only want to move Image1.png and Image2.png -- then my ListOfImages.txt file would like this:
After running moveFiles.cmd (provided I have changed the necessary variables to point to the right folders/places on my machine), my MovingTo folder should contain the following:
Notice that Image2.png was not moved because it was not listed in the ListOfImages.txt text file.

How to show a string that appears after specific string in a file with a batch?

I need to create a batch file that would show me a string printed after a specific string in some log file.
For example: I have a log file with a line that ends with the string "Calculated number: XX". I want to create a batch file that would go to that log, find this string and print only XX part to the screen (XX is some number that changes every now and then). Any ideas what is the best way to do that?
Help will be much appreciated, thanks in advance!
The format of the string is what comes before and after the part you are interested in - as it can matter how the line is parsed.
This code is robust and will print the number at the end of the string, if it is indeed at the end.
It uses a helper batch file called repl.bat - download from:
Place repl.bat in the same folder as the batch file or in a folder that is on the path.
#echo off
type "file.log" | repl ".*Calculated number: (.*)" "$1" a
FOR /f "delims=" %%a IN (q23040271.txt) DO (
ECHO "%%a"|FIND "Calculated number: " >NUL 2>nul
IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 SET "line=%%a"&GOTO found
ECHO target NOT found&GOTO :eof
ECHO %line:~-2%
I used a file named q23040271.txt containing junk text and sample data for my testing.
This relies heavily on the assumption that the very first occurrence of Calculated number:
will be the required ite, and that it will be at the end of the line - no checking is done that it is actually at the end of the line.
ECHO "%%a"|FIND "Calculated number: " >NUL 2>nul
ECHO "%%a"|FINDSTR /e /R /c:"Calculated number: ..." >NUL 2>nul
would perform that end-of-line check (in theory - I haven't checked it) - note the three consecutive dots.
This will be agonisngly slow if there are millions of lines - unless the target string is very early in the file.
The more information you provide, the better a solution that can be devised.

Display text from .txt file in batch file

I'm scripting a big batch file.
It records the date to a log.txt file:
#echo off
echo %date%, %time% >> log.txt
echo Current date/time is %date%, %time%.
It can record it several times, on several lines. Now what I want to do is that the batch file file shows the last recorded date/time from the log.txt file.
type log.txt
But that will give you the whole file. You could change it to:
echo %date%, %time% >> log.txt
echo %date%, %time% > log_last.txt
type log_last.txt
to get only the last one.
hmm.. just found the answer. it's easier then i thought. it just needs a bunch more stuff:
#echo off
if not exist log.txt GOTO :write
echo Date/Time last login:
type log.txt
del log.txt
echo %date%, %time%. >> log.txt
So it first reads the log.txt file and deletes it. After that it just get a new file (log.txt) with the date & time!
I hope this helps other people!
(the only prob is that the first time it does not work, but then just enter in random value at log.txt.)
(This problem is solved and edited.)
Use the tail.exe from the Windows 2003 Resource Kit
Try this: use Find to iterate through all lines with "Current date/time", and write each line to the same file:
for /f "usebackq delims==" %i in (`find "Current date" log.txt`) do (echo %i > log-time.txt)
type log-time.txt
Set delims= to a character not relevant in the date/time lines. Use %%i in batch files.
Explanation (update):
Find extracts all lines from log.txt containing the search string.
For /f loops through each line the command inside (...) generates.
As echo > log-time.txt (single > !) overwrites log-time.txt every time it's executed, only the last matching line remains in log-time.txt
Here's a version that doesn't fail if log.txt is missing:
#echo off
if not exist log.txt goto firstlogin
echo Date/Time last login:
type log.txt
goto end
echo No last login found.
echo %date%, %time%. > log.txt
Ok I wonder when's the use but, here are two snipets you could use:
#echo off
for /f "delims=" %%l in (log.txt) do set TimeStamp=%%l
echo %TimeStamp%
Change the "echo.." line, but the last log time is within %TimeStamp%. No temp files used, no clutter and reusable as it is in a variable.
On the other hand, if you need to know this WITHIN your code, and not from another batch, change your logging for:
set TimeStamp=%date%, %time%
echo %TimeStamp% >> log.txt
so that the variable %TimeStamp% is usable later when you need it.
A handy timestamp format:
Just set the time and date to variables if it will be something that will be in a loop then
set T=%time%
set D=%Date%
echo %T%>>log.txt
echo %d%>>log.txt
echo time:%T%
echo date:%D%
goto top
I suggest making it nice and clean by putting:
#echo off
in front of every thing it get rid of the rubbish C:/users/example/...
and putting
after the :top to clear the screen before it add the new date and time to the display
Here is a good date and time code:
#echo off
if %date:~4,2%==01 set month=January
if %date:~4,2%==02 set month=February
if %date:~4,2%==03 set month=March
if %date:~4,2%==04 set month=April
if %date:~4,2%==05 set month=May
if %date:~4,2%==06 set month=June
if %date:~4,2%==07 set month=July
if %date:~4,2%==08 set month=August
if %date:~4,2%==09 set month=September
if %date:~4,2%==10 set month=October
if %date:~4,2%==11 set month=November
if %date:~4,2%==12 set month=December
if %date:~0,3%==Mon set day=Monday
if %date:~0,3%==Tue set day=Tuesday
if %date:~0,3%==Wed set day=Wednesday
if %date:~0,3%==Thu set day=Thursday
if %date:~0,3%==Fri set day=Friday
if %date:~0,3%==Sat set day=Saturday
if %date:~0,3%==Sun set day=Sunday
echo The Date is %day%, %month% %date:~7,2%, %date:~10,4% the current time is: %time:~0,5%
Outputs: The Date is Sunday, September 27, 2009 the current time is: 3:07
#echo off
set log=%time% %date%
echo %log%
That is a batch for saving the date and time as a temporary variable, and displaying it.
In a hurry, I don't have time to write a script to open a txt, maybe later.
