<h:commandButton> is not refreshing page after actioned - jsf

hi we are using along with a4j tag.
here we are retrieving data from database after a click of button. even though the data is available in server, it will not display over view. After manual refresh of web page will lead to data diplay.
here is code snippet
.... some code here
<rich:tab id="menu5" label="Recall">
<ui:include src="/pages/mctrans/reCallMcifTrans.xhtml" />
reCallMcifTrans.xhtml contains below code
<h:commandButton type="button" id="reCallbutton1" value=" Search "
<a4j:support event="onclick" id="ajsf12"
oncomplete="javascript:alert('Search Completed');javascript:document.body.style.cursor='default';"
action="#{mcifRecallTransBean.reCallSearch}" reRender="reCallgrid1" />

It looks like you're working with RichFaces 3.3. So, you don't need a <h:commandButton with <a4j:support> because you can use <a4j:commandButton> that already does this. You can refactor your code to this:
<a4j:commandButton type="button" id="reCallbutton1" value="Search"
oncomplete="javascript:alert('Search Completed');javascript:document.body.style.cursor='default';" />
Make sure your reCallgrid1 component is available in the same <h:form> of the <a4j:commandButton>.
Since you also want to add a Wait while searching the data behavior when the button is clicked, you can use <a4j:status> along with the <a4j:commandButton> as shown in the <a4j:status> demo. Here's a basic example:
<a4j:commandButton type="button" id="reCallbutton1" value="Search"
reRender="reCallgrid1" />
<!-- Note that there's no oncomplete in this case -->
<a4j:status for="reCallbutton1">
<f:facet name="start">
<h:graphicImage value="/res/images/wait.gif"/>
At last but not least, you should switch your managed bean to request scope and use RichFaces powerful <a4j:keepAlive> in order to simulate JSF 2 #ViewScoped. You can even use it in form of annotation on your managed bean (no additional configuration):
public class McifRecallTransBean {
//managed bean code here...

When you are using request parameters inside the bean, you need to pass them again with your action :
<h:commandButton type="button" id="reCallbutton1" value="Search" styleClass="commandExButton">
<a4j:support event="onclick" id="ajsf12" oncomplete="javascript:alert('Search Completed');javascript:document.body.style.cursor='default';" action="#{mcifRecallTransBean.reCallSearch}" reRender="reCallgrid1" />
<f:param name="param1" value="#{param['param1']}" />
<f:param name="param2" value="#{param['param2']}" />


Commandbutton works only on second click until a <h:selectBooleanCheckbox> on a HashMap is removed

I'm working with JSF 2.2.9, i have the following dataTable and buttons:
<h:commandButton id="commandButtonRemoverSelected"
class="btn btn-primary" value="Sim">
<h:dataTable var="bean" value="#{managedBeanName.beans}" styleClass="table table-hover"
<h:column headerClass="smallColumn">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox valueChangeListener="#{managedBeanName.selectAll}">
<f:ajax execute="#form" render="#all" />
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{managedBeanName.registrosSelecionados[bean]}" />
The button "commandButtonRemoverSelected" just call actionListener on second click. When i remove the following line from datatabe everything works fine (the commandButton is called on first click):
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{managedBeanName.registrosSelecionados[bean]}" />
So, my managedBean have a MAP called 'registrosSelecionados' that should store a pair "Bean,Boolean". See:
private Map<Bean, Boolean> registrosSelecionados = new HashMap<Bean, Boolean>();
I solved the problem with a workaround and i would share this:
1 - I noted that every first commandButton click the 'getRegistrosSelecionados()' is called and actionListener don't. So i imagine that JSF is processing getRegistrosSelecionados() and don't processing actionListener, i don't know why and this is the real problem. In second click the actionListener is processed because all checkboxs already sent to ManagedBean, in first click.
2 - So, my workaround is force that each click in checkbox call JSF request and don't wait for commandButton submit. In this way when commandButton is clicked all checkbox was processed.
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{cc.attrs.managedBeanName.registrosSelecionados[bean]}">
<f:ajax execute="#this" render="#this" />
My checkbox received the ajax to execute only itself and render itself, when i click in commandButton i just need execute the commandButton and render the form again:
<h:commandButton id="commandButtonRemoverSelected"
class="btn btn-primary" value="Sim">
<f:ajax execute="#this" render="#form" />
This workaround works for me, as i didn't found a better solution for this problem.

How to collapse or expand all RichFaces collapsiblePanel elements on the page?

I'm using RichFaces with JSF to develop a simple app. One page of this app contains several collapsiblePanel elements. Some of the collapsiblePanel elements are nested, but never more than a second layer.
I would like to provide links or buttons on the page to expand all and collapse all collapsiblePanel elements on the page. How can I do that?
The elements currently use the switchType="client" attribute to let the client handle the expanding and collapsing. I suspect that using a type of ajax instead may help, but I'm not sure nor do I know how I would take advantage of it.
Update: My question may be easier to understand if I include an example of what I'm trying to do:
<a4j:commandButton actionListener="#{bean.setDefaultExpanded(true)}"
render="reportPanel" value="Expand all" />
<a4j:commandButton actionListener="#{bean.setDefaultExpanded(false)}"
render="reportPanel" value="Collapse all" />
<h:panelGrid id="reportPanel">
<ui:repeat var="account" value="#{bean.results.entrySet().toArray()}">
<rich:collapsiblePanel expanded="#{bean.defaultExpanded}">
<ui:repeat var="chargeGroup" value="#{account.value.entrySet().toArray()}">
<rich:collapsiblePanel expanded="#{bean.defaultExpanded}">
<h:outputText value="content: #{chargeGroup.value}" />
The <rich:collapsiblePanel> has the expanded attribute, you can bind it to bean property and control the expansion from there. Something like this
<rich:collapsiblePanel id="panel1" expanded="#{bean.expanded}" …>
<a4j:commandButton actionListener="#{bean.togglePanels()}"
… render="panel1, panel2, …"/>
The switchType controls where the content is pulled from, not how you expand/collapse the panel.
I had the same problem when click individual panels and then expand/collapse all. This work for me (richfaces 4.2.3):
<h:commandButton immediate="true" action="#{controllerBean.toggleMin}" value="collapse all" >
<a4j:ajax render="panel1 panel2"></a4j:ajax>
<h:commandButton immediate="true" action="#{controllerBean.toggleMax}" value="expand all">
<a4j:ajax render="panel1 panel2"></a4j:ajax>
<rich:collapsiblePanel id="panel1" immediate="true" expanded="#{modelBean.expanded}" header="Title text" switchType="client">

Cancel button doesn't work in case of validation error

i have a form with some inputs that have validation (required=true)
and when i click on the cancel button in case of validation error, the cancel button doesn't navigate to previous page, instead it removes the validation error (i think it goes back one step that was before the validation error ?)
here's my code:
<h:inputText value="#{myBean.nickName}" id="nickname" required="true"
requiredMessage="nickname should be specified" />
<h:commandLink immediate="true" id="cancel_link" onclick="history.back(); return false" style="float: left;margin: 118px 189px 0 0;">
<h:graphicImage width="90" height="28" value="#{resource['images:blu_btnCancel.png']}" />
please advise how to fix that.
The JavaScript history.back() function takes you to the previous synchronous request, not to the previous view as you seemed to expect.
Even though the history.back() is terrible this way (unreliable, hackable, etc), a quick fix would be to send an ajax request on form submit instead of a synchronous request.
<h:commandButton value="submit">
<f:ajax execute="#form" render="#form" />
Ajax requests doesn't account as browser history.
A more robust way is to just pass the identifier of the previous view along during navigation and then use <h:link> to link back to it. E.g.
<h:link value="Go to next view" outcome="nextview">
<f:param name="from" value="#{view.viewId}" />
And then in the nextview.xhtml
<f:viewParam name="from" />
<h:link ... outcome="#{from}" rendered="#{not empty from}">
<h:graphicImage ... />
If you're navigating by POST, you might consider using the flash scope to remember the initial view.
Unrelated to the concrete problem, the proper way to use <h:graphicImage> with JSF2 resources is to just use its name attribute instead of its value attribute with a #{resource} which is plain clumsy.
<h:graphicImage width="90" height="28" value="#{resource['images:blu_btnCancel.png']}" />
<h:graphicImage name="images/blu_btnCancel.png" width="90" height="28" />
Note that the library name images is here just replaced by the path name. The usage of the name "images" as library name is highly questionable. See also What is the JSF resource library for and how should it be used?

Setting <f:param> value with <ui:repeat> var

<ui:repeat value="#{sampleManagedBean.food}" var="food">
<h:commandLink value="Name" action="#{sampleManagedBean.outcome}">
<f:param name="name" value="ssd" />
<f:param name="v" value="#{food.boy}" />
I can't get the the second <f:param> value which is set based on <ui:repeat var>. I can get only the first one which is hardcoded.
The ui:repeat is an UI component while f:param is a taghandler (like JSTL). Taghandlers run during view build time before UI components which run during view render time
(see here).
In our case it means that in the view build phase f:param knows nothing about #{food.boy}. c:forEach will be fine, but if we call some kind of ajax action to change the size of#{sampleManagedBean.food} and rerender the form, we'll not see any changes on page. Because partial rerendering (ajax) affects only UI component tree. c:forEach is somewhere between hardcoding and ui:repeat, we'll have to reload the page to see changes.
try this way,
<ui:repeat value="#{sampleManagedBean.food}" var="food">
<h:commandLink value="Name" action="#{sampleManagedBean.outcome}">
<f:setPropertyActionListener value="ssd" target="#{sampleManagedBean.name}" />
<f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{food.boy}" target="#{sampleManagedBean.v}" />

form within form: skip validation of parent form

<h:form prependId="false" id="parentForm">
<h:form prependId="false" id="commentForm">
add comment
Doesn't work...
Without the inner form the parent's elements get validated when I just want to add a comment.
"add comment" should just validate the comment and when "save" is clicked the parent should be validated.
Nesting forms is illegal in HTML, so also in JSF since all it does is just generating HTML. You need to put them next to each other.
If you have multiple buttons in the same form of which you'd like to skip certain validation on certain button press, then add immediate="true" to the button in question. This way all input fields which do not have immediate="true" will be skipped.
See also:
What is the immediate attribute used for?
Update: OK, you want two physically separate forms inside a single form. If splitting the "God Form" in multiple forms with each its own responsibility is not an option, then there are several ways to go around this:
If you don't use Ajax and you just have a required="true" on an input element which you actually want to make non-required when you press a certain button, then do:
<h:commandButton value="Submit form but but do not validate comment" />
<h:inputTextarea id="comment" required="#{not empty param[foo.clientId]}" immediate="true" />
<h:commandButton binding="#{foo}" value="Submit and validate comment" immediate="true" />
If you actually use Ajax, then just specify the execute region in execute attribute.
<h:panelGroup id="other">
<h:commandButton value="Submit form but but do not validate comment">
<f:ajax execute="other" render="other" />
<h:panelGroup id="comments">
<h:inputTextarea required="#{not empty param[foo.clientId]}" />
<h:commandButton value="Submit and validate comment by ajax">
<f:ajax execute="comments" render="comments" />
