how to recognize English sentences with SAPI5.4 on an Chinese Windows7 - c#-4.0

I am using an Chinese Windows 7 with speech recognition working fine if I use the grammar to recognize English sentences which is constructed with the object of Choice.But the object of SpeechRecognitionEngine only can arise SpeechDetectedEventArgs and doesn't arise LoadGrammarCompletedEventArgs or RecognizeCompletedEventArgs when the the object of Grammar is constructed with the object of SrgsDocement.There is my fragement of the project.
SpeechRecognitionEngine recognizer = new SpeechRecognitionEngine ( System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("zh-CN"));
SrgsDocument srgsdoc = new SrgsDocument(./commongreetingGrammar.grxml");
recognizer.MaxAlternates = 5;
recognizer.LoadGrammarCompleted += new EventHandler<LoadGrammarCompletedEventArgs>(recognizer_LoadGrammarCompleted);
recognizer.SpeechDetected += new EventHandler<SpeechDetectedEventArgs>(recognizer_SpeechDetected);
recognizer.RecognizeCompleted += new EventHandler<RecognizeCompletedEventArgs>(recognizer_RecognizeCompleted);
recognizer.LoadGrammar(new Grammar(srgsdoc));
recognizer.RecognizeAsync (RecognizeMode .Multiple);
catch (Exception ex)
{ Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); }
static void recognizer_SpeechDetected(object sender, SpeechDetectedEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("Detect that someone is speeching");
static void recognizer_LoadGrammarCompleted(object sender, LoadGrammarCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Error == null)
Console.WriteLine("complete to load grammar ");
Console.WriteLine("Fail to load grammar");
static void recognizer_RecognizeCompleted(object sender, RecognizeCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Result.Semantics["step"].Value.ToString() == "A1")
Console.WriteLine("A start to speak:{0}", e.Result.Text);
And there is the file named commongreetingGrammar.grxml that constructs the object of SrgsDocement named srgsdoc .(Sorry to add the image of the .grxml file instead of the plain text of the .grxml file)
![enter image description here][1]

I’m afraid that I didn’t present my problem clearly.
I try to recognize English sentences using the SpeechRecognitionEngine class ,which is part of SAPI5.4,on an Chinese Windows7 which has installed the Microsoft Speech Recognizer 8.0 for Windows (Chinese Simplified - PRC).Using the object of Grammar class constructed with the object of Choice class,the object of the SpeechRecognitionEngine class loaded the grammar can recognize some of simple English sentences,for example,”How are you ”,”yes”,”quit”.
However, using the object of Grammar class constructed with the SrgsDocement object which is constructed with .grxml file,the SpeechRecognitionEngine object loaded the grammar can’t recognize some of simple English sentences and only can detect audioinput.The fragments of code as follewed.
Luckliy,I find the solution to the problem today.
The problem is that I didn’t install the English language pack and constructed the Grammar object wrongly,which cause the SpeechRecognitionEngine object to fail to recognize the English sentences.The details of the solution I has posted in CodeProject.


Xceed AvalonDock - Revit MainWindow.FindFirstChild returns nul

I am an Architect relatively new to C#, I am trying to implement Ehsan Iran-Nejad's amazing PyRevit coloured tabs in my own toolbar.
Unfortunately for me, this is returning null:
public static Xceed.Wpf.AvalonDock.DockingManager GetDockingManager(UIApplication uiapp)
var wndRoot = (MainWindow)UIAppEventUtils.GetWindowRoot(uiapp);
if (wndRoot != null)
return MainWindow.FindFirstChild<Xceed.Wpf.AvalonDock.DockingManager>(wndRoot);
return null;
Launched from the external command:
public class StartGroupingTabsExt : IExternalCommand
public Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements)
return Result.Succeeded;
I cannot see quite what is going wrong, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I've had something similar happening when I was building something like that. I had referenced the xceed.wpf.avalondock library from nuget and that was what caused it. Maybe you did the same thing? If I instead referenced the dll that's in the Revit installation folder, it worked without a problem.

How to get the Gherkin feature description runtime in java

I need to report the feature description for the scenario that is being executes to report to other system.
Was able to get the scenario name from cucumber.api.Scenario; how I can the feature description ?
Is there any interface that I can use?
Using cucumber-Jvm, get the feature description runtime; as each scenario being executed might be from different feature files.
You can get the description of a feature by retrieving the Gherkin feature from CucumberFeature:
List<CucumberFeature> cucumberFeatures = new ArrayList<>();
FeatureBuilder featureBuilder = new FeatureBuilder(cucumberFeatures);
featureBuilder.parse(new FileResource(featureFile.getParentFile(), featureFile), new ArrayList());
for (CucumberFeature feature: cucumberFeatures) {
// Here we retrieve the Gherkin model
Feature f = feature.getGherkinFeature();
// Here we get name and description of the feature.
System.out.format("%s: %s%n", f.getName(), f.getDescription());
Another solution is to implement your own formatter, and do the parsing with Gherkin directly:
public class MyFormatter implements Formatter {
private List<Feature> features = new ArrayList<>();
public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
OutputStreamWriter out = new OutputStreamWriter(System.out, "UTF-8");
// Read the feature file into a string.
File f = new File("/path/to/file.feature");
String input = FixJava.readReader(new FileReader(f));
// Parse the gherkin string with our own formatter.
MyFormatter formatter = new MyFormatter();
Parser parser = new Parser(formatter);
parser.parse(input, f.getPath(), 0);
for (Feature feature: formatter.features) {
System.out.format("%s: %s%n", feature.getName(), feature.getDescription());
public void feature(Feature feature) {
// ...
// follow all the Formatter methods to implement.

dynamic template generation and formatting using freemarker

My goal is to format a collection of java map to a string (basically a csv) using free marker or anything else that would do smartly. I want to generate the template using a configuration data stored in database and managed from an admin application.
The configuration will tell me at what position a given data (key in hash map) need to go and also if any script need to run on this data before applying it at a given position. Several positions may be blank if the data in not in map.
I am thinking to use free-marker to build this generic tool and would appreciate if you could share how I should go about this.
Also would like to know if there is any built is support in spring-integration for building such process as the application is a SI application.
I am no freemarker expert, but a quick look at their quick start docs led me here...
public class FreemarkerTransformerPojo {
private final Configuration configuration;
private final Template template;
public FreemarkerTransformerPojo(String ftl) throws Exception {
this.configuration = new Configuration(Configuration.VERSION_2_3_23);
this.configuration.setDirectoryForTemplateLoading(new File("/"));
this.template = this.configuration.getTemplate(ftl);
public String transform(Map<?, ?> map) throws Exception {
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
this.template.process(map, writer);
return writer.toString();
public class FreemarkerTransformerPojoTests {
public void test() throws Exception {
String template = System.getProperty("user.home") + "/Development/tmp/test.ftl";
OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(new File(template));
os.write("foo=${foo}, bar=${bar}".getBytes());
FreemarkerTransformerPojo transformer = new FreemarkerTransformerPojo(template);
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put("foo", "baz");
map.put("bar", "qux");
String result = transformer.transform(map);
assertEquals("foo=baz, bar=qux", result);
From a Spring Integration flow, send a message with a Map payload to
<int:transformer ... ref="fmTransformer" method="transform" />
Or you could do it with a groovy script (or other supported scripting language) using Spring Integration's existing scripting support without writing any code (except the script).

I am unable to fetch excel data to selenium code At ubuntu o/s

public class ReadAndWrite {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, BiffException, IOException
public static void login() throws BiffException, IOException, InterruptedException{
WebDriver driver=new FirefoxDriver();
FileInputStream fi = new FileInputStream("/home/sagarpatra/Desktop/Xpath.ods");
Workbook w = Workbook.getWorkbook(fi);
Sheet sh = w.getSheet(1);
//or w.getSheet(Sheetnumber)
//String variable1 = s.getCell(column, row).getContents();
for(int row=1; row <=sh.getRows();row++)
String username = sh.getCell(0, row).getContents();
System.out.println("Username "+username);
String password= sh.getCell(1, row).getContents();
System.out.println("Password "+password);
System.out.println("Waiting for page to load fully...");
I don't know what is wrong with my code, or how to fix it. It outputs the following error:
Exception in thread "main" Unable to recognize OLE stream
at jxl.Workbook.getWorkbook(
at jxl.Workbook.getWorkbook(
at test.ReadTest.main(
I would try using Apache MetaModel instead. I have had better luck with that, than using JXL. Here is a example project I wrote that reads from a .XLSX file. I use this library to run tests on a Linux Jenkins server from .XLS files generated on MS Windows.
Also, it should be noted that this library is also perfect for making a parameterized DataProvider that queries a database with JDBC.
Using JXL, you limit yourself to one data type, either .XLS or .CSV. I believe MetaModel is actually using JXL under the hood and wrapping it to make it easier to use. So, it also would support the OpenOffice documents in the same fashion and suffer the same file compatibility issues.

Is it possible to extract text by page for word/pdf files using Apache Tika?

All the documentation I can find seems to suggest I can only extract the entire file's content. But I need to extract pages individually. Do I need to write my own parser for that? Is there some obvious method that I am missing?
Actually Tika does handle pages (at least in pdf) by sending elements <div><p> before page starts and </p></div> after page ends. You can easily setup page count in your handler using this (just counting pages using only <p>):
public abstract class MyContentHandler implements ContentHandler {
private String pageTag = "p";
protected int pageNumber = 0;
public void startElement (String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException {
if (pageTag.equals(qName)) {
public void endElement (String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException {
if (pageTag.equals(qName)) {
protected void startPage() throws SAXException {
protected void endPage() throws SAXException {
When doing this with pdf you may run into the problem when parser doesn't send text lines in proper order - see Extracting text from PDF files with Apache Tika 0.9 (and PDFBox under the hood) on how to handle this.
You'll need to work with the underlying libraries - Tika doesn't do anything at the page level.
For PDF files, PDFBox should be able to give you some page stuff. For Word, HWPF and XWPF from Apache POI don't really do page level things - the page breaks aren't stored in the file, but instead need to be calculated on the fly based on the text + fonts + page size...
You can get the number of pages in a Pdf using the metadata object's xmpTPg:NPages key as in the following:
Parser parser = new AutoDetectParser();
Metadata metadata = new Metadata();
ParseContext parseContext = new ParseContext();
parser.parse(fis, handler, metadata, parseContext);
