I have two render target views, my back buffer and a Texture2D that represents a specialized mask (I can't use the stencil buffer for what I need). My render method looks roughly like this:
// clear the render target and depth stencil views, set render targets,
// update subresources, set vertex buffers, topology, input layout, etc.
// draw to the back buffer and the mask
m_d3dContext->PSSetShader(m_pixelShader1.Get(), nullptr, 0);
m_d3dContext->IASetIndexBuffer(m_indexBuffer1.Get(), DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UINT, 0);
m_d3dContext->DrawIndexed(m_indexCount1, 0, 0);
// read from the mask and draw to the back buffer
m_d3dContext->PSSetShader(m_pixelShader2.Get(), nullptr, 0);
m_d3dContext->IASetIndexBuffer(m_indexBuffer2.Get(), DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UINT, 0);
m_d3dContext->DrawIndexed(m_indexCount2, 0, 0);
PixelShader1 looks like this (leaving out the input struct and some other parts):
struct PixelShaderInput
float4 Color : COLOR;
float2 Texture : TEXCOORD;
struct PixelShaderOutput
float4 Color : SV_TARGET0;
float4 Mask : SV_TARGET1;
PixelShaderOutput main(PixelShaderInput input)
PixelShaderOutput output;
output.Color.rgba = input.Color;
output.Mask.rgba = float4(1, 0, 0, 1);
return output;
PixelShader2 looks like this:
struct PixelShaderInput
float3 Color : COLOR0;
float2 Texture : TEXCOORD0;
float4 Mask : COLOR1;
struct PixelShaderOutput
float4 Color : SV_TARGET0;
PixelShaderOutput main(PixelShaderInput input)
PixelShaderOutput output;
// do some work with input.Texture
if (input.Mask.x == 0)
output.Color = float4(0, 0, 0, 1); }
output.Color = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
return output;
Using Visual Studio's graphics debugging tools, I can see that the mask texture is written correctly by PixelShader1. At the end of the frame, there is red geometry appearing in the right positions. Further the output to the back buffer (which looks different) is also as expected. So I strongly believe that PixelShader1 is correct.
However, I am getting unexpected results from PixelShader2. Stepping through it, the values for input.Mask.x are all over the place. One would expect them to be either 1 or 0, as that is all the other pixel shader sets them to be, but instead the values look an awful lot like the texture coordinates.
So, first of all, is what I'm trying to do even possible? If it is, can anybody spot my error in how I'm reading COLOR1? I have been stumped by this for hours, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm working in DirectX 11, shader model 4.0 level 9_1, and vc110.
You have a few concepts wrong in how your PixelShader2 is written. PixelShader1 writes to two render textures the values of Color and Mask. In PixelShader 2 you will need to read these values from textures, and not as vertex input.
Texture2D<float4> MaskTexture;
SamplerState MaskSampler;
struct PixelShaderInput
float3 Color : COLOR0;
float2 Texture : TEXCOORD0;
struct PixelShaderOutput
float4 Color : SV_TARGET0;
PixelShaderOutput main(PixelShaderInput input)
PixelShaderOutput output;
// do some work with input.Texture
float maskValue = MaskTexture.Sample(MaskSampler, Texture).x;
if (maskValue == 0)
output.Color = float4(0, 0, 0, 1);
output.Color = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
return output;
So in order to do that you will need to pass in MaskTexture (this is your second render target output from PixelShader1) as a ShaderResource, via SetShaderResources(). You will also need to create a SamplerState and set that into the device also via SetSamplerStates().
I have a piece of code that needs to conform to a research paper's implementation of a color quantization algorithm for a 256 entry LUT whose 24-bit color entries are derived from a "population count" color histogram algorithm. The problem is that I don't know how the authors originally implemented their histogram algorithm -- the paper is a little ambiguous. Currently, I index a 2^24 entry array of integers based on a pixel's raw RGB 24-bit color triple, and increment the particular indexed entry in the array. I then sort the histogram and then I organize it into an effective 15-bit color space by putting blocks of 512 color counts into bins and taking the arithmetic mean of all the colors in the bin. I then stuff 256 averaged color values, starting with the largest color count, in decreasing order of color count into a 256 entry 24-bit color LUT. The output is very disappointing though and low quality. I know that vector quantization or something like median-cut would be better, but I'm constrained to do it with a histogram. I've extensively searched, using google, for "population count" histogram algorithms, but none of the search results were very helpful.
For reference, I'll include the original 512x512 pixel 24-bit color image along with its histogram based color LUT counterpart :
If anyone could provide some ideas or suggestions of where to look for the right algorithm, I'd be very appreciative.
try this Effective gif/image color quantization? its also histogram color quantization based, very similar to your approach but it create the histogram from 15 bit colors directly to spare space and do not use bins instead it sort colors by occurrence and use min distance to already used colors in palette thresholding to avoid almost duplicate colors... I developed it for my GIF encoder lib some years back...
If I take this as input (converted to jpg):
And use mine algo on it without dithering I got this result:
With dithering enabled I got this result:
as you can see on the cat ear the dithering is much better but even without dithering the result is way better than yours.
However over the years the palette computation code evolves a bit (from the one posted in linked answer) into this (C++):
void gif::compute_palette0()
int x,y,r0,g0,b0,r,g,b,a,aa,c,e,hists;
DWORD i,i0,cc;
union { DWORD dd; BYTE db[4]; } c0,c1;
DWORD his[32768];
DWORD idx[32768];
// 15bit histogram
for (x=0;x<32768;x++) { his[x]=0; idx[x]=x; }
for (y=0;y<ys;y++)
for (x=0;x<xs;x++)
if (his[cc]<0xFFFFFFFF) his[cc]++;
// add RGB shades combinations for dithering
if (_dither)
x=xs*ys; // max possible count to make as start colors in palette
for (r=0;r<32;r+=10)
for (g=0;g<32;g+=10)
for (b=0;b<32;b+=10,x++)
his[(r<<10)|(g<<5)|( b)]=x;
// set recolor as unused
for (r0=0;r0<32;r0++)
for (g0=0;g0<32;g0++)
for (b0=0;b0<32;b0++)
// remove zeroes
for (x=0,y=0;y<32768;y++)
if (his[x]) x++;
} hists=x;
// sort by hist
for (i=1,e=hists;i;e--)
for (i=0,x=0,y=1;y<e;x++,y++)
if (his[x]<his[y])
i=his[x]; his[x]=his[y]; his[y]=i;
i=idx[x]; idx[x]=idx[y]; idx[y]=i; i=1;
// set lcolor color palete
for (i0=0,x=0;x<hists;x++) // main colors
b= cc &31;
g=(cc>> 5)&31;
// skip if similar color already in lcolor[]
for (a=0,i=0;i<i0;i++)
aa=int(BYTE(c1.db[0]))-int(BYTE(c0.db[0])); if (aa<=0) aa=-aa; a =aa;
aa=int(BYTE(c1.db[1]))-int(BYTE(c0.db[1])); if (aa<=0) aa=-aa; a+=aa;
aa=int(BYTE(c1.db[2]))-int(BYTE(c0.db[2])); if (aa<=0) aa=-aa; a+=aa;
if (a<=16) { a=1; break; } a=0; // *** treshold ***
if (a) recolor[r][g][b]=i;
lcolor[i0]=c0.dd; i0++;
if (i0>=DWORD(lcolors)) { x++; break; }
} // i0 = new color table size
for (;x<hists;x++) // minor colors
b= cc &31;
g=(cc>> 5)&31;
// find closest color
int dc=-1; DWORD ii=0;
for (a=0,i=0;i<i0;i++)
aa=int(BYTE(c1.db[0]))-int(BYTE(c0.db[0])); if (aa<=0) aa=-aa; a =aa;
aa=int(BYTE(c1.db[1]))-int(BYTE(c0.db[1])); if (aa<=0) aa=-aa; a+=aa;
aa=int(BYTE(c1.db[2]))-int(BYTE(c0.db[2])); if (aa<=0) aa=-aa; a+=aa;
if ((dc<0)||(dc>a)) { dc=a; ii=i; }
if ((frame)&&(hists<lcolors))
for (lcolor_bits=1,lcolors=1<<lcolor_bits;lcolors<hists;lcolors<<=1,lcolor_bits++);
// compute recolor for 16 base colors for all yet unused colors
for (r0=0;r0<32;r0++)
for (g0=0;g0<32;g0++)
for (b0=0;b0<32;b0++)
if (recolor[r0][g0][b0]==255)
// find closest color
for (i=0,c=-1;i<16;i++)
a=(r-r0); aa =a*a;
a=(g-g0); aa+=a*a;
a=(b-b0); aa+=a*a;
if ((c<0)||(e>aa)) { e=aa; c=i; }
Where my gif class looks like this (so you can extract config and used variables...):
class gif
// IO interface
file_cache<4<<20> fi,fo; // file cache
BYTE dat[256]; // internal buffer 256 Bytes needed
// Performance counter
double Tms,tms,tdec,tenc; // perioda citaca [ms], zmerany cas [ms],cas encodovania [ms]
void tbeg(); // zaciatok merania
void tend(); // koniec merania
// image data
gif_frame32 pic,pic0; // actual and restore to 32bit frames
gif_frame8 pic1; // 8bit input conversion frame
int xs,ys; // resolution
int *py; // interlace table
// colors (colors are computed from color_bits)
DWORD gcolor[256]; //hdr
DWORD lcolor[256]; //img
BYTE recolor[32][32][32]; //encode reduce color table
int scolors,scolor_bits; //hdr screen color depth
int gcolors,gcolor_bits; //hdr global pallete
int lcolors,lcolor_bits; //img/hdr local palette
// info
bool _89a; //hdr extensions present?
bool _interlaced; //img interlaced frame?
bool _gcolor_table; //hdr
bool _gcolor_sorted; //hdr
bool _lcolor_table; //img local palette present?
bool _lcolor_sorted; //img local palette colors sorted?
int cpf,cpf_error; //clears per frame counter,clear_errors total
// debug
bool _draw_palette; //draw pallete?
// animation
int frame,disposal; // frame ix,disposal of frame
double t,tn; // animation time,next frame time
// encode config
int _force_disposal; // -1 or forced disposal
bool _precomputed_palette; // if true recolor and global palete is already set before encoding
bool _dither; // dither colors?
// inter thread comm
volatile bool _image_copied; // flag that source image is not needed anymore while encoding
// temp dictionary for dec/enc
gif_str dict[_gif_maxdecode];
DWORD dicts,code_clr,code_end,code_min;
// temp dictionary speed up tables (encoding)
WORD dtab[256][_gif_maxencode],dnum[256],dmask[256]; // dtab[i][dnum[i]] all dictionary codes (sorted by code) starting with i for encode speed up, 1<<dmask[i]<=dnum[i]
#pragma pack(1)
struct __hdr
// Header
BYTE Signature[3]; /* Header Signature (always "GIF") */
BYTE Version[3]; /* GIF format version("87a" or "89a") */
// Logical Screen Descriptor
WORD xs;
WORD ys;
BYTE Packed; /* Screen and Color Map Information */
BYTE BackgroundColor; /* Background Color Index */
BYTE AspectRatio; /* Pixel Aspect Ratio */
__hdr(){}; __hdr(__hdr& a){ *this=a; }; ~__hdr(){}; __hdr* operator = (const __hdr *a) { *this=*a; return this; }; /*__hdr* operator = (const __hdr &a) { ...copy... return this; };*/
struct _hdr:__hdr
DWORD adr,siz;
_hdr(){}; _hdr(_hdr& a){ *this=a; }; ~_hdr(){}; _hdr* operator = (const _hdr *a) { *this=*a; return this; }; /*_hdr* operator = (const _hdr &a) { ...copy... return this; };*/
} hdr;
struct __img
// Logical Image Descriptor
BYTE Separator; /* Image Descriptor identifier 0x2C */
WORD x0; /* X position of image on the display */
WORD y0; /* Y position of image on the display */
WORD xs; /* Width of the image in pixels */
WORD ys; /* Height of the image in pixels */
BYTE Packed; /* Image and Color Table Data Information */
__img(){}; __img(__img& a){ *this=a; }; ~__img(){}; __img* operator = (const __img *a) { *this=*a; return this; }; /*__img* operator = (const __img &a) { ...copy... return this; };*/
struct _img:__img
DWORD adr,siz;
_img(){}; _img(_img& a){ *this=a; }; ~_img(){}; _img* operator = (const _img *a) { *this=*a; return this; }; /*_img* operator = (const _img &a) { ...copy... return this; };*/
} img;
struct __gfxext
BYTE Introducer; /* Extension Introducer (always 21h) */
BYTE Label; /* Graphic Control Label (always F9h) */
BYTE BlockSize; /* Size of remaining fields (always 04h) */
BYTE Packed; /* Method of graphics disposal to use */
WORD DelayTime; /* Hundredths of seconds to wait */
BYTE ColorIndex; /* Transparent Color Index */
BYTE Terminator; /* Block Terminator (always 0) */
__gfxext(){}; __gfxext(__gfxext& a){ *this=a; }; ~__gfxext(){}; __gfxext* operator = (const __gfxext *a) { *this=*a; return this; }; /*__gfxext* operator = (const __gfxext &a) { ...copy... return this; };*/
struct _gfxext:__gfxext
DWORD adr,siz;
_gfxext(){}; _gfxext(_gfxext& a){ *this=a; }; ~_gfxext(){}; _gfxext* operator = (const _gfxext *a) { *this=*a; return this; }; /*_gfxext* operator = (const _gfxext &a) { ...copy... return this; };*/
} gfxext;
struct __txtext
BYTE Introducer; /* Extension Introducer (always 21h) */
BYTE Label; /* Extension Label (always 01h) */
BYTE BlockSize; /* Size of Extension Block (always 0Ch) */
WORD TextGridLeft; /* X position of text grid in pixels */
WORD TextGridTop; /* Y position of text grid in pixels */
WORD TextGridWidth; /* Width of the text grid in pixels */
WORD TextGridHeight; /* Height of the text grid in pixels */
BYTE CellWidth; /* Width of a grid cell in pixels */
BYTE CellHeight; /* Height of a grid cell in pixels */
BYTE TextFgColorIndex; /* Text foreground color index value */
BYTE TextBgColorIndex; /* Text background color index value */
// BYTE *PlainTextData; /* The Plain Text data */
// BYTE Terminator; /* Block Terminator (always 0) */
__txtext(){}; __txtext(__txtext& a){ *this=a; }; ~__txtext(){}; __txtext* operator = (const __txtext *a) { *this=*a; return this; }; /*__txtext* operator = (const __txtext &a) { ...copy... return this; };*/
struct _txtext:__txtext
DWORD adr,siz;
AnsiString dat;
_txtext(){}; _txtext(_txtext& a){ *this=a; }; ~_txtext(){}; _txtext* operator = (const _txtext *a) { *this=*a; return this; }; /*_txtext* operator = (const _txtext &a) { ...copy... return this; };*/
List<_txtext> txtext;
struct __remext
BYTE Introducer; /* Extension Introducer (always 21h) */
BYTE Label; /* Comment Label (always FEh) */
// BYTE *CommentData; /* Pointer to Comment Data sub-blocks */
// BYTE Terminator; /* Block Terminator (always 0) */
__remext(){}; __remext(__remext& a){ *this=a; }; ~__remext(){}; __remext* operator = (const __remext *a) { *this=*a; return this; }; /*__remext* operator = (const __remext &a) { ...copy... return this; };*/
struct _remext:__remext
DWORD adr,siz;
AnsiString dat;
_remext(){}; _remext(_remext& a){ *this=a; }; ~_remext(){}; _remext* operator = (const _remext *a) { *this=*a; return this; }; /*_remext* operator = (const _remext &a) { ...copy... return this; };*/
List<_remext> remext;
struct __appext
BYTE Introducer; /* Extension Introducer (always 21h) */
BYTE Label; /* Extension Label (always FFh) */
BYTE BlockSize; /* Size of Extension Block (always 0Bh) */
CHAR Identifier[8]; /* Application Identifier */
BYTE AuthentCode[3]; /* Application Authentication Code */
// BYTE *ApplicationData; /* Point to Application Data sub-blocks */
// BYTE Terminator; /* Block Terminator (always 0) */
__appext(){}; __appext(__appext& a){ *this=a; }; ~__appext(){}; __appext* operator = (const __appext *a) { *this=*a; return this; }; /*__appext* operator = (const __appext &a) { ...copy... return this; };*/
struct _appext:__appext
DWORD adr,siz;
AnsiString dat;
_appext(){}; _appext(_appext& a){ *this=a; }; ~_appext(){}; _appext* operator = (const _appext *a) { *this=*a; return this; }; /*_appext* operator = (const _appext &a) { ...copy... return this; };*/
List<_appext> appext;
#pragma pack()
gif(gif& a);
gif* operator = (const gif *a);
//gif* operator = (const gif &a);
void _resize(int _xs,int _ys); // resize buffers
void load_beg(AnsiString filename); // open GIF file for decoding
void decode(int _ignore_delay=0); // decode frame from GIF, if _ignore_delay then ignore realtime
void load_end(); // close GIF file
void save_beg(AnsiString filename); // create new GIF file for encoding
void compute_palette0(); // compute palette from frame method 0
void compute_palette1(); // compute palette from frame method 1
void encode_palette_RGB256(); // set RGB combinations as 256 color palette as predefined global only palette
void encode_palette_VGA256(); // set default 256 color VGA palette as predefined global only palette
void encode_palette_compute(bool _local); // compute recolor[][][] from palette
void encode(const gif_frame32 &src,int dt=0); // encode frame to GIF , dt is delay in [ms] instead of realtime in range <10 .. 655350> [ms]
// void encode(int dst_xs,int dst_ys,TCanvas *src,int src_x0,int src_y0,int src_x1,int src_y1,int dt=0); // encode frame to GIF , dt is delay in [ms] instead of realtime in range <10 .. 655350> [ms]
void save_end(); // finalize and close GIF file
void draw_info(int x,int y,TCanvas *can);
void draw_info(int x,int y,Graphics::TBitmap *bmp);
void configure(gif &src); // set all encoding variables from src (for multithreaded encoding)
I'm trying to hook IDirect3DDevice9::Present or ::EndScene and render my own overlay (which, for now, is just a simple rectangle) on top of everything else in a D3D9 application, but my overlay seems to be appearing and disappearing quite randomly. The drawing code I'm currently using is:
typedef struct CUSTOMVERTEX {
float x, y, z, rwh;
DWORD color;
void draw() {
// the positions are just for testing purposes, so they don't really make sense
CUSTOMVERTEX vertices[] = {
{ 0, 0, 0, 1.0f, D3DCOLOR_XRGB(255, 255, 255) },
{ 0, cursor_pos.y+500, 0, 1.0f, D3DCOLOR_XRGB(127, 255, 255) },
{ cursor_pos.x, cursor_pos.y, 0, 1.0f, D3DCOLOR_XRGB(255,255, 255) },
{ cursor_pos.x, 600, 0, 1.0f, D3DCOLOR_XRGB(127, 0, 0) }
if (vBuffer == 0) return;
VOID* pVoid;
vBuffer->Lock(0, 0, &pVoid, 0);
memcpy(pVoid, vertices, sizeof(vertices));
d3dDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, FALSE);
D3DMATRIX orthographicMatrix;
D3DMATRIX identityMatrix;
// MAKE_D3DMATRIX should be equivalent to D3DXMATRIX constructor
1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
((float)-(get_window_width()/2)), ((float)-(get_window_height()/ 2)), 0, 1
// MAKE_ORTHO_LH is equivalent to D3DMatrixOrthoLH
MAKE_ORTHO_LH(&orthographicMatrix, (FLOAT)get_window_width(), (FLOAT)get_window_height(), -1.0, 1.0);
// and this to D3DMatrixIdentity
MAKE_IDENTITY(&identityMatrix); // and this to D3DMatrixIdentity
d3dDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_PROJECTION, &orthographicMatrix);
d3dDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_WORLD, &identityMatrix);
d3dDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_VIEW, &viewMatrix);
d3dDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, false);
d3dDevice->SetStreamSource(0, vBuffer, 0, sizeof(CUSTOMVERTEX));
d3dDevice->DrawPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN, 0, 2);
d3dDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, true);
I can't seem to figure out why this would cause the overlay to pop in and out of existence at seemingly random points in time.. What am I missing?
I found a foolproof method to render my stuff directly to the backbuffer (on CPU):
IDirect3DSwapChain9 *sc;
if (FAILED(d3dDevice->GetSwapChain(0, &sc))) {
PRINT("GetSwapChain failed\n");
IDirect3DSurface9 *s;
if (FAILED(sc->GetBackBuffer(0, D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE_MONO, &s))) {
PRINT("GetBackBuffer failed\n");
if (FAILED(s->LockRect(&r, NULL, D3DLOCK_DONOTWAIT))) {
PRINT("LockRect failed\n");
// here, find out pixel format and manipulate
// pixel buffer through r->pBits, using r->Pitch accordingly
Will most probably incur a performance penalty, but in my application this doesn't really make a difference. A more optimal way would be to harness the GPU's hwacceled rendering capabilities, but I currently lack the D3D knowledge to do so.
In my MFC dialog program, i want to update a bitmap in the dialog window every 2 seconds. I use a memory bitmap buffer for drawing into, and OnTimer() is called from an MFC timer every 2seconds, and calls UpdateRateGraphics() which draws to a bitmap in memory.
The OnPaint() function copys the memory bitmap to the screen window with bitblt(), whenever necessary.
Initialization is done in OnInitDialog().
Drawing works, as long as i call the drawing function UpdateRateGraphics() from within OnPaint(), directly before the bitblt.
When I call the drawing function from the timer function, which is what i want, only a black square is shown on the screen from the bitblt, but the bitmap content, at the moment only a somewhat shifted green square, is missing.
Why is that?
EXTERN HDC memDC; // Device Context of a memory
EXTERN HBITMAP memBitmap; // A bitmap to draw onto, will be placed in the memory device context
EXTERN HBITMAP *memBitmapOld; // A bitmap to draw onto, will be placed in the memory device context
EXTERN HBRUSH brush; // A GDI brush to define fill color etc.
EXTERN HBRUSH brushOld; //
// Initialization, at the end of OnInitDialog():
CPaintDC dc(this);
memDC = CreateCompatibleDC(dc.m_hDC);
memBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(dc.m_hDC, 200, 200);
// Select it. An application cannot select a single bitmap into more than one DC at a time.
SelectObject(memDC, memBitmap);
void CmfritzmonDlg::UpdateRateGraphics()
// Setup a GDIO brush object with fill color
brush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0, 0xff, 0));
// Select it
brushOld = (HBRUSH) SelectObject(memDC, brush);
// draw a rectangle using brush and memDC as destination
Rectangle(memDC, 10, 10, 200, 200);
SelectObject(memDC, brushOld);
Invalidate(); // NEW, after adding this, it is working!
void CmfritzmonDlg::OnTimer(UINT_PTR nIDEvent)
// cyclically called from SetTimer()
UpdateRateGraphics(); // when called here, not ok !!!
void CmfritzmonDlg::OnPaint()
if (IsIconic()) {
} else {
UpdateRateGraphics(); // When called here, OK !!!
CPaintDC dc(this);
BitBlt(dc.m_hDC, 0, 0, 200, 200, memDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
// CDialogEx::OnPaint();
void CmfritzmonDlg::OnDestroy()
// Delete Objects for bitmap drawing
SelectObject(memDC, memBitmapOld);
I'm using the Quadro SDI SDK along with my Quadro K6000+ SDI Input & output cards and have converted the included cudaDVP SDK sample to send raw image buffers directly to the GPU from the SDI input card.
In the next step I display the data via opengl bindings. Finally I want to output the same identical data to my output card, and this is where I'm having troubles.
I am getting correct input data and I do manage to output to the screen but there appears to be some data modifications happening in the SDI output pipeline as the outgoing image is not quite correct (wrong colors etc). I'm passing the raw input buffer as can be seen below.
Which output card configuration should I use to match my input settings (see below)?
Which if any modifications to the OpenGL output texture configuration are required (see below)?
Input/output Capture/receive options & GL bindings in order of being called in the application:
Display *dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
//scan the systems for GPUs
int num_gpus = ScanHW(dpy,gpuList);
if(num_gpus < 1)
//grab the first GPU for now for DVP
HGPUNV *g = &gpuList[0];
/// Input related SDI settings and OpenGL settings
// Query input , in our case Video format: NV_CTRL_GVIO_VIDEO_FORMAT_576I_50_00_SMPTE259_PAL
// Set desired parameters
// Signal format.
//Bits per component - 10 bits
// Component sampling -422
// Chroma expansion OFF
// Query the width and height of the input signal format
XNVCTRLQueryAttribute(dpy, g->deviceXScreen, value, NV_CTRL_GVIO_VIDEO_FORMAT_WIDTH, &m_videoWidth);
XNVCTRLQueryAttribute(dpy, g->deviceXScreen, value, NV_CTRL_GVIO_VIDEO_FORMAT_HEIGHT, &m_videoHeight);
GLuint m_videoSlot; // Video slot number
GLuint m_vidBuf; // Video capture buffers
GLint m_bufPitch; // Buffer pitch
GLuint m_vidTex; // Video capture textures
m_videoSlot = 1;
////////// OpenGL related settings
// No video color conversion desired ( we want the raw data, NULL )
glVideoCaptureStreamParameterfvNV(m_videoSlot, 0, GL_VIDEO_COLOR_CONVERSION_MATRIX_NV, NULL);
glVideoCaptureStreamParameterfvNV(m_videoSlot, 0,GL_VIDEO_COLOR_CONVERSION_MAX_NV, NULL);
glVideoCaptureStreamParameterfvNV(m_videoSlot, 0,GL_VIDEO_COLOR_CONVERSION_MIN_NV, NULL);
glVideoCaptureStreamParameterfvNV(m_videoSlot, 0,GL_VIDEO_COLOR_CONVERSION_OFFSET_NV, NULL);
// Set the buffer object capture data format. - IE number of components in a pixel
glVideoCaptureStreamParameterivNV(m_videoSlot, 0, GL_VIDEO_BUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT_NV, &GL_Z6Y10Z6CB10Z6Y10Z6CR10_422_NV);
// Get the video buffer pitch
glGetVideoCaptureStreamivNV(m_videoSlot, 0, GL_VIDEO_BUFFER_PITCH_NV, &m_bufPitch);
// Bind the buffer
glBindBufferARB(GL_VIDEO_BUFFER_NV, m_vidBuf);
// Allocate required space in video capture buffer
glBufferDataARB(GL_VIDEO_BUFFER_NV, m_bufPitch * m_videoHeight, NULL, GL_STREAM_READ_ARB);
// Bind the buffer to the video capture device.
glBindVideoCaptureStreamBufferNV(m_videoSlot, 0, GL_FRAME_NV, 0);
/// SDI Output card settings
GLuint m_CudaOutTexture; // Texture to send to the output device
GLuint m_CudaOutBuffer; // Texture to send to the output device
GLuint m_OutTexture;
// Set video format - same as input - NV_CTRL_GVIO_VIDEO_FORMAT_576I_50_00_SMPTE259_PAL
XNVCTRLSetAttribute(dpy, m_outputOptions.xscreen, 0, NV_CTRL_GVO_OUTPUT_VIDEO_FORMAT, m_videoFormat);
// Set data format format.
// Attempted several different settings here....
//data_format = NV_CTRL_GVO_DATA_FORMAT_X10X10X10_422_PASSTHRU;
//data_format = NV_CTRL_GVO_DATA_FORMAT_X8X8X8_422_PASSTHRU;
//data_format = NV_CTRL_GVO_DATA_FORMAT_R10G10B10_TO_YCRCB422;
//data_format = NV_CTRL_GVO_DATA_FORMAT_X12X12X12_422_PASSTHRU;
//data_format = NV_CTRL_GVO_DATA_FORMAT_Y10CR10CB10_TO_YCRCB444;
//data_format = NV_CTRL_GVO_DATA_FORMAT_X10X8X8_422_PASSTHRU;
XNVCTRLSetAttribute(dpy, m_outputOptions.xscreen, 0, NV_CTRL_GVO_DATA_FORMAT, data_format);
// Set sync mode
XNVCTRLSetAttribute(dpy, m_outputOptions.xscreen, 0, NV_CTRL_GVO_SYNC_MODE, NV_CTRL_GVO_SYNC_MODE_FREE_RUNNING);
// Set sync source
XNVCTRLSetAttribute(dpy, m_outputOptions.xscreen, 0, NV_CTRL_GVO_SYNC_SOURCE, NV_CTRL_GVO_SYNC_SOURCE_SDI);
// Set flip queue length
XNVCTRLSetAttribute(dpy, m_outputOptions.xscreen, 0, NV_CTRL_GVO_FLIP_QUEUE_SIZE, 5);
// OpenGL related settings for output
//Setup the output after the capture is configured.
glGenTextures(1, &m_OutTexture);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, m_OutTexture);
//Setup GL output from cuda
// Create and initialize a texture objects.
glGenBuffersARB(1, &m_CudaOutBuffer);
assert(glGetError() == GL_NO_ERROR);
glBindBufferARB(GL_VIDEO_BUFFER_NV, m_CudaOutBuffer);
assert(glGetError() == GL_NO_ERROR);
// Allocate required space in video capture buffer
glBufferDataARB(GL_VIDEO_BUFFER_NV, pitch * height, NULL, GL_STREAM_COPY);
glGenTextures(1, &m_CudaOutTexture);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, m_CudaOutTexture);
assert(glGetError() == GL_NO_ERROR);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, 0, GL_RGBA8, width,height,
//register the buffer objects
/////////// Data transfer from GPU to output device buffer (to be outputted to the SDI output card)
GLint inBuf = m_vidBuf;
// Map buffer(s) into CUDA
cudaError_t cerr;
unsigned char *inDevicePtr;
cerr = cudaGLMapBufferObject((void**)&inDevicePtr, inBuf);
unsigned char *outDevicePtr;
cerr = cudaGLMapBufferObject((void**)&outDevicePtr, m_CudaOutBuffer);
// Dummy CUDA operation:
// Perform CUDA Operations here such as a kernel call with outDevicePtr and inDevicePtr.
unsigned int pitch = m_SDIin.getBufferObjectPitch(0);
unsigned int height = m_SDIin.getHeight();
/////// output
GLboolean C_cudaDVP::OutputVideo()
return GL_FALSE;
//send the texture to SDI out.
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, m_OutTexture);
glPresentFrameKeyedNV(1, 0,
0, 0,
GL_NONE, 0, 0);
GLenum l_eVal = glGetError();
if (l_eVal != GL_NO_ERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "glPresentFameKeyedNV returned error: %s\n", gluErrorString(l_eVal));
return FALSE;
return GL_TRUE;
// After which we call:
// To skip a costly data copy from video buffer to texture we
// can just bind a video buffer to GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB and call
// glTexSubImage2D referencing into the buffer with the PixelData pointer
// set to 0.
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, m_CudaOutTexture);
//glBindBufferARB(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB, m_SDIin.getBufferObjectHandle(0));
glBindBufferARB(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_ARB, m_CudaOutBuffer);
glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, 0, 0, 0, width, height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0);
So I'm learning about sprite programming and we're using allegro. When I run one of the sample programs I get the message: rotatesprite.exe has triggered a breakpoint. This was in visual studio. I can't get allegro to work outside of visual studio
sample program:
#include <allegro.h>
#define WHITE makecol(255,255,255)
int main(void)
int x, y;
float angle = 0;
BITMAP *tank;
//initialize program
set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED, 640, 480, 0, 0);
textout_ex(screen,font,"Rotate: LEFT / RIGHT arrow keys",
//load tank sprite
tank = load_bitmap("C:\Users\Jason\Desktop\module7\tank.bmp", NULL);
//calculate center of screen
//x = SCREEN_W/2 - tank->w/2;
//y = SCREEN_H/2 - tank->h/2;
//draw tank at starting location
rotate_sprite(screen, tank, x, y, 0);
//main loop
//wait for keypress
if (keypressed())
//left arrow rotates left
if (key[KEY_LEFT])
angle -= 0.1;
if (angle < 0) angle = 256;
rotate_sprite(screen, tank, x, y, itofix(angle));
//right arrow rotates right
if (key[KEY_RIGHT])
angle += 0.1;
if (angle > 256) angle = 0;
rotate_sprite(screen, tank, x, y, itofix(angle));
//display angle
textprintf_ex(screen, font, 0, 10, WHITE, 0,
"Angle = %f", angle);
return 0;
the program triggering the breakpoint is: crt0msg.c off of the disk.
snippet of code:
#ifdef _DEBUG
* Report error.
* If _CRT_ERROR has _CRTDBG_REPORT_WNDW on, and user chooses
* "Retry", call the debugger.
* Otherwise, continue execution.
if (rterrnum!=_RT_CRNL&&rterrnum!=_RT_BANNER&&rterrnum!=_RT_CRT_NOTINIT)
if (1 == _CrtDbgReport(_CRT_ERROR, NULL, 0, NULL,rterrs[tblindx].rterrtxt))
#endif /* _DEBUG */
tank = load_bitmap("C:\Users\Jason\Desktop\module7\tank.bmp", NULL);
Your compiler should be warning you about that string since it contains invalid escaped characters. You should use double back slashes or single forward slashes:
tank = load_bitmap("C:\\Users\\Jason\\Desktop\\module7\\tank.bmp", NULL);
// or
tank = load_bitmap("C:/Users/Jason/Desktop/module7/tank.bmp", NULL);
The latter format is recommended because it is cross platform. (Minus the whole bit about hard coding an absolute path.)
Finally, you really need to check return codes:
if (!tank) {
// gracefully report error and exit
Otherwise the program will crash somewhere else and it will be harder to debug.