How to backup and restore IIS configuration from script - iis

I'm writting a script that sets up a lot of different applications in Windows (mainly svn and open source servers for http, dns, mail, ftp and db). This script is intended to be executed in new/clean Windows workstations for new developers, it automatically sets everything up to create an environment very similar to the one in production. After it's executed, everything runs locally and the developer can start working right away.
This not only helps new developers, but all existing developers whenever there are changes in the whole system, everything is replicated locally.
The one thing I'm still not able to do is making some kind of backup of an IIS server that is running a web app (it's in the Prod server) and restoring it automatically to the new developer's machine so he doesn't have to install/configure IIS locally.
I've read about using appcmd.exe to create and restore backups, but that works only for the same machine (it uses encryption keys and those keys change between computers).
Is there a way, a scriptable way, to take everything IIS related from one server and restore it on another server, without user intervention and having the restored IIS run exactly as the original?
Thanks in advance!

Just putting this here so anyone who comes across this will have an understanding as to why this wasn't answered. A website has a massive amount of variables associated with it that prevents any easy methods to copy all of its configuration through one or even just a few cmdlets.
To get started though you would want to become very familiar with the applicationHost.config file and how you access the properties within it using the Get-WebConfigurationProperty. One way to get familiar with how to script against webconfiguration properties is to use the Configuration Editor in IIS. Whenever you make a change in the Configuration Editor, before commiting the changes there is a nifty little link titled Generate Script, which will have a Powershell tab you can use to help you gather the proper Get/Set commands for the configuration elements within the applicationHost.config file.
I've created something almost exactly like what the OP is looking for and it spans 4 modules (over 20,000 lines of code) and has a SQL backend that holds all of the configuration elements.
When a website has everything from underlying DLLs that may need registered, IsapiCGI Restrictions and IsapiFilters, accounts that are tied to the AppPool that may need added to certain local groups on the server, to secure bindings that require a certificate to be loaded on the server. You can see that this isn't a simple undertaking. (and these are just a small portion of the variables that a website may contain)
There is however a large chunk of cmdlets that Microsoft provides you out of the box that you can leverage to aid you in developing something like this inside the WebAdministration module. I know this is four years old but hope anyone who stumbled on this will find the above useful.


Using Headless Domino Designer to create NSF on a Domino Server

This wiki ( seemed to indicate that you can only create NSF under your Notes Data directory. I have done a couple of quick test and the only workaround I can find is to install Domino Designer on the same server as the target Domino server and set the target as the Domino data folder (i.e: C:\Domino\Data\sample.nsf instead of just sample.nsf).
The reason for this is I am trying to find an automated way of the following operation
Import ODP into workspace
Associate with a new NSF, but choose a Domino Server as a target
Does anyone have other workaround for this ?
I wish I had a more complete answer for you, but as this is still unanswered after a few days, I'll try to add some insight. It sounds like you have some experience getting headless DDE builds to work, so I won't focus on that. If you're looking for my take on headless DDE builds, I blogged on the subject a while ago, but since adapted the Jenkins CI based process I outlined there for a GitLab CI runner based solution, which I described in another SO answer.
Firstly, I would strongly recommend against setting your Designer target as the same as a server instance. This might work, but seems an unnecessary complication, and potentially issue prone, IMO.
My interpretation of your steps:
automatically receive updates (e.g.- on master branch, or all commits, etc.)
perform build via headless DDE
deploy built NSF
Splitting apart the logic for deploying of the built NSF is ideal here, since you have an asset that needs to be parked in a server path. The two main approaches I see are either:
having a dev/staging server that you can programmatically restart on demand
a more complex mechanism, in an NSF or server plugin, that will ingest the NSF's design and replace the design elements in a (newly created) destination NSF
As you can imagine, that last one is a bit tricky, but it was something I've left off working on, until I have more "free time". As for the former, you'll likely want someone with a bit of admin/operations skills set assist you, but in my mind there would be a total of three scripts involved:
one to down the destination server (this is why it should be a dev/staging server)
one to copy the built NSF to the destination file system path
one to start up the destination server
If you have a design task set to run at a certain interval and point the staging server for any changes, you could conceivable pull from that at whatever your interval is; nightly, etc. I hope the perspective helps.

VS2012 Web Deploy Package to create application pool

I have a web application project in VS2012 which I'm publishing using a "Web Deploy Package". I want this package to include app-pool settings, specifically creating an IIS app-pool and assigning the newly created application to it.
I'm familiar with the option "Include application pool settings used by this Web project" available when the project is configured to use an IIS instance (not IIS Express), but IIS configuration is not part of the project file, and thus not source controlled. What happens when somebody builds a deployment package on a machine that hasn't had IIS meticulously configured? Not ideal.
How else then, can I go about getting AppPool settings into my web deploy package? I understand that the appPoolConfig provider is IIS7+ only, I'm fine with that limitation. I've banged my head against this issue in the past and never found a solution. 18 months later, we've got a new VisualStudio version, and a new web-publishing-pipeline, are there new options to address this? Or maybe something I missed when I first tackled this problem?
OK, I'm seeing the following as options:
Configure my project to sync settings from an IIS instance. As mentioned, I'm not a fan of this given that it puts settings outside of the project, meaning the environment has to be meticulously configured to build + publish. Plus it drags along other IIS settings I don't want included.
Inject something into the web-publishing-pipeline (WPP) to modify the archive.xml. I've toyed with this in the past and had limited success. One problem is the pipeline isn't exactly co-operative with working directly on the archive.xml file, another problem is some of the more cryptic attributes involved, like MSDeploy.MSDeployProviderOptions which appears to have some Base64 encoded binary? No idea what to put in there.
Find an existing "provider" that can do what I want. I might be out of luck here, the appPoolConfig provider only seems to want to read / write IIS, not, say, an XML file of settings. Does anybody know otherwise?
Write my own "provider" to produce manifest output entries. I'm not sure, is it possible to write a custom provider that writes to a manifest using the name of an existing provider? As in, MyCustomPoolProvider writes appPoolConfig sections into a manifest? This sounds like a potentially painful exercise that may or may not work. Would I still need to figure out the encoding of whatever is going into MSDeploy.MSDeployProviderOptions?
I get the feeling that the fundamental obstacle with Web Deploy for what I'm trying to accomplish, is how strictly it leans on "providers". The pre-existing providers are largely designed for IIS synchronisation, not primary development and publication. It so happens that some of these providers can be relatively easily hooked into via MSBuild, but the majority insist on pulling data from IIS, and that's that.
You are correct in your understanding of the appPoolConfig provider, in that it can only sync between App Pools and can't be provided with the configuration directly. What you could potentially do is keep a copy of the appPool in question in package form (ie. msdeploy -verb:sync -source:appPoolConfig=PoolName and attempt to hijack the pipeline so that the MSDeploy call adds the application content into the package, leaving the existing content there.
Alternatively, you could always keep the packages separate and deploy them with different calls to MSDeploy.
FYI, MSDeploy.MSDeployProviderOptions is simply an encoded version of the parameters supplied to the provider when it was packaged. For example, -source:dirPath=c:\,ignoreErrors=0x10293847 would package the ignoreErrors value.

How to turn off Internet Explorer enhanced security settings in Azure

My site is hosted on Azure. I need to programmatically turn off Internet Explorer's default enhanced security configuration settings whenever I repave or redeploy a new box on Azure.
How do I do this?
I found this article on another site It included the following command line syntax, but on my local box I couldn't find the IEHARDEN.INF file it referred to. I also don't think this solution is Azure-specific.
rundll32.exe setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection IESoftenAdmin 128 %windir%\inf\IEHARDEN.INF
I need to turn off these default hardening settings under Azure because I have a 3rd party IE screen capture DLL that needs to execute Javascript on webpages.
I think that this approach, shaped in a Windows Azure StartupTask running in Elevated execution context will help you.
Just remember that the .bat or .cmd file you create needs to be UTF8 encoded. There used to be some issues with the batch files if they are not UTF8.
I decided to update the answer, because it would have been too long for a second comment. I want to first make clear that I do not intend to offend anyone and the next is just mine personal view and thoughts.
Well, I mine vision might be (is) distorted through mine prism. But, I think that these specifics has nothing to do with Windows Azure itself.
These are OS related configuration specifics and the approach would be one and the same (with some variations) regardless of a (hosting/cloud) provider. If you had to deploy your solution to a dedicated (or virtual) server, you would had to create some kind of scheduled task, or startup task to make these configuration changes. Or even interactively login to make these changes.
Since Windows Azure offers the StartUp Task, it is up to us (developers) to decide what to do and how to shape the OS according to our needs.
The OS configuration changes that one can possibly need are only limited by the total ammount of all available Windows Server 2008/R2 configuration options. I personally do not believe that these needs to be reflected in Windows Azure documentation by any means. They have their place in Windows Server documentation. It is arguable which are "commonly used", because what might be common for one, might also be "never needed" for others ...

Is it ok to copy a domain in weblogic in situations where we need to have the same configuration for dev/testing purposes?

I am aware of weblogic templates, but out of curiosity I wanted to know, Is it ok to copy a domain in weblogic in situations where we need to have the same configuration? I have already done the same and have been successful in testing my application.
You can get away with doing this, but there are a couple of more reliable (and scriptable) ways to migrate the same configuration through the development team, or to create new deployment environments.
The domain template builder lets you build your own custom domain template from an existing domain:
There's a couple of ways to get it done with WLST, as well:
You can use configToScript to spit out an entire WLST script (and properties file) to recreate the exact configuration you've got, or...
You can use readDomain and writeDomain in offline mode to recreate an existing configuration in a new domain:
It's okay to copy the domains over and it worked exceptionally well prior to WebLogic 9.2. However, there are some weird bugs that pop up for versions that are using the portal for the console.
Also, after copying the file you would want to make sure that all listen addresses and ports have been modified accordingly so that your local managed server doesn't attempt to connect to the production administration server on startup.

Advice Needed: Deploying application to IIS - Can this be fully automated?

I am seeking advice: Ideally, I would like to give an Administrator (of the web server) one file (.exe, .msi, .bat, whatever you suggest), so that when they execute the package, it will setup my application (contains .aspx, .xap silverlight, web service .svc, etc.) on IIS. This will include and certainly not be limited to such things in the IIS Manager, like creating a virtual directory, path, default document, security, and all of the IIS settings one finds via inetmgr and properties. I would also maybe like to run a .bat file (not sure if this correct), but to check for certain settings and pinging other servers for status.
Many years ago, I used to automate everything and used concepts like .bat files - got the job done and it was amazing what I could do. Fast forward a couple of years now and am approaching the automation process again. I wanted to know if there is anything new out there.
Any and all advice will be greatly appreciated!
It's quite a bit of a learning curve but yes, WiX / InstallShield / MSI can do this. I've done installers for n-Tier / SOA systems including single tenant SaaS where you could run the application layer installer dozens of times creating new instances running on different host headers or ports pointed to different data layers and different configuration settings. You could then do the same for the WebUI pointing to which ever application layer you want.
Basically whether it's instaling .NET, setting up vDir / AppPools / WebSites / Extensions, reading and writing XML config files, executing SQL scripts, creating services and so on it can all be done... if you take the time to learn it all. Deployment Engineering is a bigger domain then it first appears to be.
As for .BAT, that's bad form. First you work to leverage native capabilities before writing custom actions. Then when you do have to write one, you design it to be declarative and transactional ( install, uninstall, rollback, commit ). WiX has a really nice framework called DTF that allows you to encapsulate C# classes as if they were C++ from MSI's perspective and provides a nice interop library needed to talk to MSI during the install.
Visual Studio has a Web Setup Package project you can use for this.
