What is the maximum size of Scripting.Dictionary? - excel

I am trying to find what is the upper limit of Scripting.Dictionary? Is there one?
It could be either limit on number of elements or size of memory. I could not trace any info on that.

From everything I've ever encountered (and can't seem to find any documentation to contradict this), the dictionary has no implicit upper limit and is only limited by the amount of memory you have available.


How to increase memory at startup?

is there an option for node.js to increase initial allocated memory?
the --max-old-space-size seems to increase max memory but what about initial memory?
Kind of like xmx and xms for the JVM.
V8 developer here. The short answer is: no.
The reason no such option exists is that adding fresh pages to the heap is so fast that there is no significant benefit to doing it up front.
V8 does have a flag --initial-old-space-memory, but it doesn't increase the initial allocation. Instead, what it means is "don't bother doing (old-space) GC while the heap size is below this limit". If you set that to, e.g., 1000 (MB), and then allocate 800MB of unreachable objects, and then just wait, then V8 will sit around forever with 800MB of garbage on the heap and won't lift a finger to get rid of any of that.
I'm not sure in what scenario this behavior would be useful (it's not like it will turn off GC entirely; GC will just run less frequently, but fewer GCs on a bigger heap don't necessarily add up to less total time than more GCs on a smaller heap), so I would strongly recommend to measure the effect on your particular workload carefully before using this flag -- if it were a good idea to have this on by default, then it would be on by default!
If I had to guess: this flag might be beneficial if you know that (1) your application will have a large amount of "eternal" (=lives as long as the app is running) data on the heap, and (2) you can estimate the amount of that data with reasonable accuracy. E.g.: if you know that at any given time, your old-space will consist of 500MB of always-reachable-anyway data plus any potentially-freeable-garbage, you could use this flag to tell V8 "if old-space size is below 600MB (=500MB plus a little), then don't bother trying to find garbage, it won't be worth the effort".

Increase 4k buffer size for libfuse readdirplus?

Is there a way to modify or increase the size value that is passed to
the readdir/readdirplus functions?
My implementation uses the low-level API.
With directories that are rather complex, deeply nested, or contain a
large amount of sub-directories, I experience a performance impact from
what seems to be due to the amount of recurring calls to
readdir/readdirplus. It seems a buffer larger than 4096 bytes (which is
what is passed in now) would help tremendously.
I've modified max_read, max_readahead, and max_write values but have not
seen this have any effect.
Thank you in advance.

Linux slab allocator and cache performance

From the guide understanding linux kernel 3rd edition, chapter 8.2.10, Slab coloring-
We know from Chapter 2 that the same hardware cache line maps many different blocks of RAM. In this
chapter, we have also seen that objects of the same size end up being stored at the same offset within a cache.
Objects that have the same offset within different slabs will, with a relatively high probability, end up mapped
in the same cache line. The cache hardware might therefore waste memory cycles transferring two objects
from the same cache line back and forth to different RAM locations, while other cache lines go underutilized.
The slab allocator tries to reduce this unpleasant cache behavior by a policy called slab coloring : different
arbitrary values called colors are assigned to the slabs.
(1) I am unable to understand the issue that the slab coloring tries to solve. When a normal proccess accesses data, if it is not in the cache and a cache miss is encountered, the data is fetched into the cache along with data from the surounding address of the data the process tries to access to boost performance. How can a situation occur such that same specific cache lines keeps getting swapped? the probability that a process keeps accessing two different data addresses in same offset inside a memory area of two different memory areas is very low. And even if it does happen, cache policies usually choose lines to be swapped according to some agenda such as LRU, Random, etc. No policy exist such that chooses to evict lines according to a match in the least significant bits of the addresses being accessed.
(2) I am unable to understand how the slab coloring, which takes free bytes from end of slab to the beginning and results with different slabs with different offsets for the first objects, solve the cache-swapping issue?
[SOLVED] after a small investigation I believe I found an answer to my question. Answer been posted.
After many studying and thinking, I have got explanation seemingly more reasonable, not only by specific address examples.
Firstly, you must learn basics knowledge such as cache , tag, sets , line allocation.
It is certain that colour_off's unit is cache_line_size from linux kernel code. colour_off is the basic offset unit and colour is the number of colour_off in struct kmem_cache.
int __kmem_cache_create (struct kmem_cache *cachep, unsigned long flags)
cachep->align = ralign;
cachep->colour_off = cache_line_size(); // colour_off's unit is cache_line_size
/* Offset must be a multiple of the alignment. */
if (cachep->colour_off < cachep->align)
cachep->colour_off = cachep->align;
err = setup_cpu_cache(cachep, gfp);
So we can analyse it in two cases.
The first is cache > slab.
You see slab 1 slab2 slab3 ... has no possibility to collide mostly because cache is big enough except slab1 vs slab5 which can collide. So colouring mechanism is not so clear to improve performance in the case. But with slab1 and slab5 we just ignore to explain it why, I am sure you will work it out after reading the following.
The second is slab > cache.
A blank line means a color_off or cache line. Clearly, slab1 and slab2 has no possibility to collide on the lines signed by tick as well as slab2 slab3.
We make sure colouring mechanism optimize two lines between two adjacent slabs, much less slab1 vs slab3 which optimize more lines, 2+2 = 4 lines, you can count it.
To summarize, colouring mechanism optimize cache performance (detailly just optimize some lines of colour_off at the beginning and end, not other lines which can still collide ) by using originally useless memory as possible as it can.
I think I got it, the answer is related to Associativity.
A cache can be divided to certain sets, each set can only cache a certain memory blocks type in it. For example, set0 will contain memory blocks with addresses of multiple of 8, set1 will contain memory blocks with addresses of multiple of 12. The reason for that is to boost cache performance, to avoid the situation where every address is searched throught the whole cache. This way only a certain set of the cache needs to be searched.
Now, from the link Understanding CPU Caching and performance
From page 377 of Henessey and Patterson, the cache placement formula is as follows:
(Block address) MOD (Number of sets in cache)
Lets take memory block address 0x10000008 (from slabX with color C) and memory block address 0x20000009 (from slabY with color Z). For most N (number of sets in cache), the calculation for <address> MOD <N> will yield a different value, hence a different set to cache the data. If the addresses were with same least significant bits values (for example 0x10000008 and 0x20000008) then for most of N the calculation will yield same value, hence the blocks will collide to the same cache set.
So, by keeping an a different offset (colors) for the objects in different slabs, the slabs objects will potentially reach different sets in cache and will not collide to the same set, and overall cache performance is increased.
EDIT: Furthermore, if the cache is a direct mapped one, then according to wikipedia, CPU Cache, no cache replacement policy exist and the modulu calculation yields the cache block to which the memory block will be stored:
Direct-mapped cache
In this cache organization, each location in main memory can go in only one entry in the cache. Therefore, a direct-mapped cache can also be called a "one-way set associative" cache. It does not have a replacement policy as such, since there is no choice of which cache entry's contents to evict. This means that if two locations map to the same entry, they may continually knock each other out. Although simpler, a direct-mapped cache needs to be much larger than an associative one to give comparable performance, and it is more unpredictable. Let x be block number in cache, y be block number of memory, and nbe number of blocks in cache, then mapping is done with the help of the equation x = y mod n.
Say you have a 256 KB cache and it uses a super-simple algorithm where it does cache line = (real address AND 0x3FFFFF).
Now if you have slabs starting on each megabyte boundary then item 20 in Slab 1 will kick Item 20 of Slab 2 out of cache because they use the same cache line tag.
By offsetting the slabs it becomes less likely that different slabs will share the same cache line tag. If Slab 1 and Slab 2 both hold 32 byte objects and Slab 2 is offset 8 bytes, its cache tags will never be exactly equal to Slab 1's.
I'm sure I have some details wrong, but take it for what it's worth.

Limit size of .xsession-error

how to limit size of .xsession-error to certain size, say 10 MB instead of deleting it every time or preventing its creation altogether?
there are solutions offered around internet with the strategies to delete or prevent but I guess it would be wiser to keep it and only limit it. who knows, error logs could/should be useful after all.

Memcached chunk limit

Why is there a hardcoded chunk limit (.5 meg after compression) in memcached? Has anyone recompiled theirs to up it? I know I should not be sending big chunks like that around, but these extra heavy chunks happen for me from time to time and wreak havoc.
This question used to be in the official FAQ
What are some limits in memcached I might hit? (Wayback Machine)
To quote:
The simple limits you will probably see with memcache are the key and
item size limits. Keys are restricted to 250 characters. Stored data
cannot exceed 1 megabyte in size, since that is the largest typical
slab size."
The FAQ has now been revised and there are now two separate questions covering this:
What is the maxiumum key length? (250 bytes)
The maximum size of a key is 250 characters. Note this value will be
less if you are using client "prefixes" or similar features, since the
prefix is tacked onto the front of the original key. Shorter keys are
generally better since they save memory and use less bandwidth.
Why are items limited to 1 megabyte in size?
Ahh, this is a popular question!
Short answer: Because of how the memory allocator's algorithm works.
Long answer: Memcached's memory storage engine (which will be
pluggable/adjusted in the future...), uses a slabs approach to memory
management. Memory is broken up into slabs chunks of varying sizes,
starting at a minimum number and ascending by a factorial up to the
largest possible value.
Say the minimum value is 400 bytes, and the maximum value is 1
megabyte, and the factorial is 1.20:
slab 1 - 400 bytes slab 2 - 480 bytes slab 3 - 576 bytes ... etc.
The larger the slab, the more of a gap there is between it and the
previous slab. So the larger the maximum value the less efficient the
memory storage is. Memcached also has to pre-allocate some memory for
every slab that exists, so setting a smaller factorial with a larger
max value will require even more overhead.
There're other reason why you wouldn't want to do that... If we're
talking about a web page and you're attempting to store/load values
that large, you're probably doing something wrong. At that size it'll
take a noticeable amount of time to load and unpack the data structure
into memory, and your site will likely not perform very well.
If you really do want to store items larger than 1MB, you can
recompile memcached with an edited slabs.c:POWER_BLOCK value, or use
the inefficient malloc/free backend. Other suggestions include a
database, MogileFS, etc.
