couchDB sorting complex key - couchdb

I have a couchDB database which has several different document "types" which all relate to a main "type".
In the common blog / post example, the main type is the blog post, and the others are comments (though there are 3 different types of comments.
All of the types have a date on them, however, I wish to sort blog posts by date, but return all of the data from the comments as well. I can write an emit which produces keys like so:
[date, postID, docTypeNumber]
where docTypeNumber is 1 for post and > 1 for the different comment document types.
["2013-03-01", 101, 1]
[null, 101, 2]
[null, 101, 2]
[null, 101, 3]
["2013-03-02", 101, 1]
[null, 102, 2]
[null, 102, 3]
Of course, If I emit this, all the nulls get sorted together. Is there a way to ignore the nulls, and group them by the seccond item in the array, but sort them by the first if it is not null?
Or, do I have to get all the documents to record the post date in order for sort to work?
I do not want to use lists, they are way too slow and I'm dealing with a potentially large data set.

You can do this by using conditionals in your map function.
if(date != null) {
emit([date, postID, docTypeNumber]);
else {
emit([postID, docTypeNumber]);
I don't know if you want your array length to be variable or not. If not, you could add the sort variable first. The following snippet could work since date and postID presumably never have the same values.
if(date != null) {
sortValue = date;
else {
sortValue = postID;
emit(sortValue, date, postID, docTypeNumber);
Update: I thought about this a little more. In general, I make my views based on queries I want to perform. So I ask myself, what do I need to query? It seems that in your case, you might have two distinct queries here. If so, I suggest having two different views. There is a performance penalty to pay since you would run two views instead of one, but I doubt it is perceivable to the user. And it might take up more disk space. The benefit for you would be clearer and more explicit code.

It seems you want to sort all the data (both the post and the comments) with post's date. Since in your design comment document does not contain post date (just comment date) it is difficult with the view collation pattern. I suggest changing the database design to have blog post ID meaningful and contain the date, eg. concatenated date with author id. This way if you emit [doc._id, doc.type] from the post and [, doc.type] from the comment document you will have post and comments grouped and sorted by date.


MongoDB fetch rows before and after find result

I'm using MongoDB, (Mongoose on Node.js) I have a very large db of events, each event has a field seq (sequence), the order of the events.
I want to allow my users to find all the occurrences of a given event.
For example:
The user is searching for the event "ButtonClicked", I should return the all the locations that this event happened, in this example say [239, 1992, 5932]
This is easy, and I can just search for the requested event, and return the seq field.
Now I want to let the user view 20 events before, and 20 events after a specific seq.
It would have been great if I could do something like this: { id:"ButtonClicked", seq: 1992 } ).before(20).after(20);
How can I do that?
Please note that the field seq might start with any number, and skip numbers, but it is incremental!
For example: [3,4,5,6,7,12,13,15,56,57...]
Also, note that the solution can ignore seq, I mentioned this field because I think that it can help the solution.
You could use comparison query operators, in particular $gte and $lte, using seq as a offset for the comparison.
var seqOffset = 1992; { seq: { $gte: seqOffset - 20, $lte: seqOffset + 20 } } );
You could not get exactly 40 events, since as you mentioned seq might skip numbers.

Cloudant 1 to many function

I’ve just started to use Cloudant and I just can’t get my head around the map functions. I’ve been fiddling with the data below but it isn’t working out as I expected.
The relationship is, a user can have many vehicles. A vehicle belongs to 1 user. The vehicle ‘userId’ is the key of the user. There is a bit of redundancy as in user the _id and userId is the same, guess later is not required.
Anyhow, how can I find for a/every user, the vehicles which belong to it? The closest I’ve come through trial and error is a result which displays the owner of every vehicle, but I would like it the other way round, the user and the vehicles belonging to it. All the examples I’ve found use another document which ‘joins’ two or more documents, but I don’t need to do that?
Any point in the right direction appreciated - I really have no idea.
function (doc) {
if (doc.$doctype == "vehicle")
emit(doc.userId, {_id: doc.userId});
EDIT: Getting closer. I'm not sure exactly what I was expecting, but the result seems a bit 'messy'. Row[0] is the user document, row[n > 0] are the vehicle documents. I guess it's fine when a startkey/endkey is used, but without the results are a bit jumbled up.
function (doc) {
if (doc.$doctype == 'user') {
emit([doc._id, 0], doc);
} else if (doc.$doctype == 'vehicle') {
emit([doc.userId, 1, doc._id], doc);
A user is described as,
"_id": "user:10",
"firstname": “firstnamehere",
"secondname": “secondnamehere",
"userId": "user:10",
"$doctype": "user"
a vehicle is described as,
"_id": "vehicle:4002”,
“name”: “avehicle”,
"userId": "user:10",
"$doctype": "vehicle",
You're getting in the right direction! You already got that right with the global IDs. Having the type of the document as part of the ID in some form is a very good idea, so that you don't get confused later (all documents are in the same "pot").
Here are some minor problems with your current solution (before getting to your actual question):
Don't emit the doc as value in emit(key, value). You can always ask for the document that belongs to a view row by querying with include_docs=true. Having the doc as view value increases the view indexes a lot. When you don't need a specific value, use emit(key, null).
You also don't need the ID in the emit value. You'll get the ID of the document that belongs to a view row as part of the row anyway.
View Collation
Now to your problem of aggregating the vehicles with their user. You got the basic pattern right. This pattern is called view collation, you can read more about it in the CouchDB docs (ignore that it is in the "Couchapp" section).
The trick with view collation is that you return two or more types of documents, but make sure that they are sorted in a way that allows for direct grouping. Thus it is important to understand how CouchDB sorts the view result. See the collation specification for more information on that one. An important key to understanding view collation is that rows with array keys are sorted by key elements. So when two rows have the same key[0], they sort by key[1]. If that's equal as well, key[2] is considered, and so on.
Your map function frist groups users and vehicles by user ID (key[0]). Your map function then uses the fact that 0 sorts before 1 in the second element of the key, so your view will contain the following:
user 1
vehicle of user 1
vehicle of user 1
vehicle of user 1
user 2
user 3
vehicle of user 3
user 4
As you can see, the vehicles of a user immediately follow their user. Thus you can group this result into aggregates without performing expensive sort or lookup operations.
Note that users are sorted according to their ID, and vehicles within users also according to their ID. This is because you use the IDs in the key array.
Creating Queries
Now that view isn't worth much if you can't query according to your needs. A view as you have it supports the following queries:
Get all users with their vehicles
Get a range of users with their vehicles
Get a single user with its vehicles
Get a single user without vehicles (you could also use the _all_docs view for that though)
Example query for "all users between user 1 and user 3 (inclusive) with their vehicles"
We want to query for a range, so we use startkey and endkey in the query:
startkey=["user:1", 0]
endkey=["user:3", 1, {}]
Note the use of {} as sentinel value, which is required so that the end key is larger than any row that has a key of ["user:3", 1, (anyConceivableVehicleId)]

What is in the reduce function arguments in CouchDB?

I understand that the reduce function is supposed to somewhat combine the results of the map function but what exactly is passed to the reduce function?
function(keys, values){
// what's in keys?
// what's in values?
I tried to explore this in the Futon temporary view builder but all I got were reduce_overflow_errors. So I can't even print the keys or values arguments to try to understand what they look like.
Thanks for your help.
My problem is the following. I'm using the temporary view builder of Futon.
I have a set of document representing text files (it's for a script I want to use to make translation of documents easier).
id // the id of the text file is its path on the file system
I also have some documents that represent text fragments appearing in the said files, and their position in each file.
file_id // correspond to a text_file document
I'd like to get for each text_file, a list of the text fragments that appear in the said file.
Note on JavaScript API change: Prior to Tue, 20 May 2008 (Subversion revision r658405) the function to emit a row to the map index, was named "map". It has now been changed to "emit".
That's the reason why there is mapused instead of emitit was renamed. Sorry I corrected my code to be valid in the recent version of CouchDB.
I think what you are looking for is a has-many relationship or a join in sql db language. Here is a blog article by Christopher Lenz that describes exactly what your options are for this kind of scenario in CouchDB.
In the last part there is a technique described that you can use for the list you want.
You need a map function of the following format
function(doc) {
if (doc.type == "text_file") {
emit([doc._id, 0], doc);
} else if (doc.type == "text_fragment") {
emit([doc.file_id, 1], doc);
Now you can query the view in the following way:
my_view?startkey=["text_file_id"]&endkey;=["text_file_id", 2]
This gives you a list of the form
Old Answer
Directly from the CouchDB Wiki
function (key, values, rereduce) {
return sum(values);
Reduce functions are passed three arguments in the order key, values and rereduce
Reduce functions must handle two cases:
When rereduce is false:
key will be an array whose elements are arrays of the form [key,id], where key is a key emitted by the map function and id is that of the document from which the key was generated.
values will be an array of the values emitted for the respective elements in keys
i.e. reduce([ [key1,id1], [key2,id2], [key3,id3] ], [value1,value2,value3], false)
When rereduce is true:
key will be null
values will be an array of values returned by previous calls to the reduce function
i.e. reduce(null, [intermediate1,intermediate2,intermediate3], true)
Reduce functions should return a single value, suitable for both the value field of the final view and as a member of the values array passed to the reduce function.

Couchdb: filter and group in a single view

I have a Couchdb database with documents of the form: { Name, Timestamp, Value }
I have a view that shows a summary grouped by name with the sum of the values. This is straight forward reduce function.
Now I want to filter the view to only take into account documents where the timestamp occured in a given range.
AFAIK this means I have to include the timestamp in the emitted key of the map function, eg. emit([doc.Timestamp, doc.Name], doc)
But as soon as I do that the reduce function no longer sees the rows grouped together to calculate the sum. If I put the name first I can group at level 1 only, but how to I filter at level 2?
Is there a way to do this?
I don't think this is possible with only one HTTP fetch and/or without additional logic in your own code.
If you emit([time, name]) you would be able to query startkey=[timeA]&endkey=[timeB]&group_level=2 to get items between timeA and timeB grouped where their timestamp and name were identical. You could then post-process this to add up whenever the names matched, but the initial result set might be larger than you want to handle.
An alternative would be to emit([name,time]). Then you could first query with group_level=1 to get a list of names [if your application doesn't already know what they'll be]. Then for each one of those you would query startkey=[nameN]&endkey=[nameN,{}]&group_level=2 to get the summary for each name.
(Note that in my query examples I've left the JSON start/end keys unencoded, so as to make them more human readable, but you'll need to apply your language's equivalent of JavaScript's encodeURIComponent on them in actual use.)
You can not make a view onto a view. You need to write another map-reduce view that has the filtering and makes the grouping in the end. Something like:
function(doc) {
if (doc.timestamp > start and doc.timestamp < end ) {
emit(, doc.value);
function(key, values, rereduce) {
return sum(values);
I suppose you can not store this view, and have to put it as an ad-hoc query in your application.

Querying documents containing two tags with CouchDB?

Consider the following documents in a CouchDB:
"tags":["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"],
"otherTags":["otherTag1", "otherTag2"]
"tags":["tag2", "tag3", "tag4"],
"otherTags":["otherTag2", "otherTag3"]
"tags":["tag3", "tag4", "tag5"],
"otherTags":["otherTag3", "otherTag4"]
I'd like to query all documents that contain ALL (not any!) tags given as the key.
For example, if I request using '["tag2", "tag3"]' I'd like to retrieve Foo1 and Foo2.
I'm currently doing this by querying by tag, first for "tag2", then for "tag3", creating the union manually afterwards.
This seems to be awfully inefficient and I assume that there must be a better way.
My second question - but they are quite related, I think - would be:
How would I query for all documents that contain "tag2" AND "tag3" AND "otherTag3"?
I hope a question like this hasn't been asked/answered before. I searched for it and didn't find one.
Do you have a maximum number of?
Tags per document, and
Tags allowed in the query
If so, you have an upper-bound on the maximum number of tags to be indexed. For example, with a maximum of 5 tags per document, and 5 tags allowed in the AND query, you could simply output every 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5-tag combination into your index, for a maximum of 1 (five-tag combos + 5 (four-tag combos) + 10 (three-tag combos) + 10 (two-tag combos) + 5 (one-tag combos) = 31 rows in the view for that document.
That may be acceptable to you, considering that it's quite a powerful query. The disk usage may be acceptable (especially if you simply emit(tags, {_id: doc._id}) to minimize data in the view, and you can use ?include_docs=true to get the full document later. The final thing to remember is to always emit the key array sorted, and always query it the same way, because you are emitting only tag combinations, not permutations.
That can get you so far, however it does not scale up indefinitely. For full-blown arbitrary AND queries, you will indeed be required to split into multiple queries, or else look into CouchDB-Lucene.
