Inno setup - relative path to ReadIni - inno-setup

How can I set relative path to ini file in ReadIni?
This works:
#define MyAppVersion ReadIni("C:\Users\Popov\Documents\Release\Install.ini", "Release", "VersionNumber")
But I want this:
#define MyAppVersion ReadIni("Install.ini", "Release", "VersionNumber")
Where Install.ini is in the inno script folder.

Use the SourcePath predefined variable, like this:
SourcePath str. Points to the directory where the current script is located, or the My Documents directory if the script has not yet been saved.
#define MyAppVersion ReadIni(SourcePath + "\Install.ini", "Release", "VersionNumber")
AppName=My Program


Do python 'compilers' really compile the script or do they just run the script in an executable?

For example nuitka3 (you can get it via pip3 install nuitka)
Does it just take the source code of your script and put it like this in a C file?
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
int main()
std::string src = "print(\"Hello world\")";
system(("python3.10 -c " + src).c_str());
and compiles it afterwards or converts it the script to assembly like a real compiler?

What is the correct syntax for signing Inno Setup files?

I am trying to sign my Inno Setup file. I get an exit error 0x1 ?? Here is the line I am using to configure the sign tool in Inno:
"c:\Digital certificate\signtool.exe" sign/a/t / f "c:\Digital cerificate\mycertificate.pfx"/p "mypassword"/d "C:\Flash projects\flash projects 2022\Reset\inno\reset setup file\ResetSetup.exe" $f
Is the syntax OK? I am not sure about the use of quotations when specifying file names, also the $f at the end of the command line? Do I need it?
Any links / examples to how to configure the signtool would be appreciated.
In Inno Setup I configure the Sign Tools:
SignTool="C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.19041.0\x64\signtool.exe" sign $p
You would have to qualify the path to the signtool executable on your PC.
Then, in my script I have some definitions:
; SignTool parameters
#define SignedDesc "$qAppName$q"
#define SignedPfx "$qd:\My Certificate\2021\My Certificate.pfx$q"
#define SignedTimeStamp "$q$q"
;define SignedTimeStamp "$q$q"
;#define SignedTimeStamp "$q$q"
;#define SignedTimeStamp "$q$q"
;#define SignedTimeStamp "$q$q"
; The last server needs 15 seconds delay.
#define SignedPw "$qabc1234$q"
Adjust the values as required for your application etc..
In the [Setup] section (read more):
SignTool=SignTool /d {#SignedDesc} /du $q{#AppURL}$q /f {#SignedPfx} /p {#SignedPw} /t {#SignedTimeStamp} /v $f
In the [Files] section make sure you use either sign or signonce. Eg:
Source: "AppRestarter.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: IgnoreVersion signonce

Using path/value specified on Inno Setup compiler command-line in Inno Setup script

I want to pass a path (via command line arg /D to the script compiler) to my executable to let my script determine the application version number using GetFileVersion, but my syntax isn't correct. How do I pass an argument to GetFileVersion?
The error is: Illegal character in input file: '#' (0x23)
#define srcpath SOURCEPATH
#define ApplicationVersion GetFileVersion(#srcpath)//error here!!!!!!
Source: "MyDllTesting.dll"; Flags: dontcopy
Source: "{srcpath}MyApplication1.exe"; DestDir: "{app}\MyApplication1"
First, SOURCEPATH is a Inno Setup preprocessor predefined variable, so you need to use another name for your command-line "variable". I'll be using SOURCE_PATH.
Second, the correct syntax is:
#define ApplicationVersion GetFileVersion(SOURCE_PATH)
(i.e. no hash)
Why no hash, is covered in my answer to
Why preprocessor behaves differently in #include directive then in [Files] section Inno Setup script
Though the reason is basically the same, why you use no hash before SOURCEPATH here:
#define srcpath SOURCEPATH
On the contrary you are missing the hash in the [Files] section entry. The correct syntax is:
Source: "{#srcpath}MyApplication1.exe"; DestDir: "{app}\MyApplication1"
And there's no need to define srcpath variable. SOURCE_PATH is variable too. So you can use it directly in any expression:
#define ApplicationVersion GetFileVersion(SOURCE_PATH)
Source: "{#SOURCE_PATH}MyApplication1.exe"; DestDir: "{app}\MyApplication1"
From the docs on "Inno Setup Preprocessor: Command Line Compiler Execution" I could define a command line parameter called "MyCustomParam" by using /D option like this:
.\ISCC.exe /DMyCustomParam=MyParamValue "MySetupScript.iss"
and then I wrote my setup script like the following, which gets the value which was defined for the parameter on the command line:

Inno Setup: How to expand preprocessor variable in #error directive message

I have an Inno Setup script which looks for a file as a preprocessor step:
#define a_path GetEnv("INSTALLER_FILES")
#define install_file FindFirst(a_path + "\pattern*.*")
When the install_file is not found, I would like to emit an error:
#if install_file == 0
#error No installer found at {#a_path}
But the ISPP only writes the literal source line on compilation:
script.iss: [ISPP] No installer found at {#a_path}
Is it possible to expand a preprocessor variable in the #error directive?
The argument of the #error directive cannot contain variables.
But you can use the #pragma error directive instead:
#pragma error "No installer found at " + a_path

how to include .h files in .c files if I use makefile

I am programming for a big project, so I cooperate with others. To make the directory easily managed, my directory is like below:
--include (header files from others supplied for me)
--lib (libraries from others supplied for me)
--L3_CVS (this folder include all my files)
-- Makefile
-- sourceFile (all my source files here)
-- include_private(all header files used only by myself)
-- appl (all my C files here)
if I want to include a .h file in my .c file, do I need to write in .c file " #include "../include-private/XX.h" "???
what if i just write in .c " include "XX.h" "?
Because I need to use the .h files in "include folder" which others supply for me, how could I write in my .c files to include these .h files??
my makefile is below:
how to include .h document in makefile
thank you for your help!!!
Depends on the compiler, but typically, you'll want to add the following line:
CFLAGS += -I../include-private
CFLAGS is a variable that make uses to add command-line options for the C compiler ("C" flags). For C++, you need to use CXXFLAGS. If I'm using C and C++ in the same project, I'll typically create a variable called INCLUDES, and use it like this:
INCLUDES = -I../include-private
