Spotify developer search - spotify

I am confused about how the search function works in the Spotify API. Their example is like this:
var sp = getSpotifyApi();
var models = sp.require('$api/models');
var search = new models.Search('Rihanna');
search.localResults = models.LOCALSEARCHRESULTS.APPEND;
var searchHTML = document.getElementById('results');
search.observe(models.EVENT.CHANGE, function() {
var results = search.tracks;
var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
for (var i=0; i<results.length; i++){
var link = document.createElement('li');
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = results[i].uri;
a.innerHTML = results[i].name;
So, I guess that calling appendNext() initiates the search, and the inner function is called when it has results? But the results are limited to a certain number (default 50) of the total. How do you get the rest? Do you call appendNext() again recursively from inside the callback? Also, does that mean that after you do that, your list includes the original results, or are the original results replaced? Anyone know of an example that searches through all available results?
Also they mention that if the search is running, appendNext() does nothing. So how do you gracefully wait until the current search is complete before getting the next 'page'?
Their documentation is terrible, IMHO. Say you have 1000 search results total from the server. And say I want to see results 900-1000. Have I got to keep calling AppendNext over and over until I get to 900?

There is no pagination when using the Search functionality built in the Spotify Apps API. You can increase the number of results so it returns more than 50 results (see the Search page in the documentation), although the amount is limited (it seems to be 200 tracks at the moment).
There is an alternative way, which is performing requests to the Web API instead.


How to power a windowed virtual list with cursor based pagination?

Take a windowed virtual list with the capability of loading an arbitrary range of rows at any point in the list, such as in this following example.
The virtual list provides a callback that is called anytime the user scrolls to some rows that have not been fetched from the backend yet, and provides the start and stop indexes, so that, in an offset based pagination endpoint, I can fetch the required items without fetching any unnecessary data.
const loadMoreItems = (startIndex, stopIndex) => {
fetch(`/items?offset=${startIndex}&limit=${stopIndex - startIndex}`);
I'd like to replace my offset based pagination with a cursor based one, but I can't figure out how to reproduce the above logic with it.
The main issue is that I feel like I will need to download all the items before startIndex in order to receive the cursor needed to fetch the items between startIndex and stopIndex.
What's the correct way to approach this?
After some investigation I found what seems to be the way MongoDB approaches the problem:
Obviously he same approach can be adopted by any other backend implementation.
They provide a skip method that allows to skip an arbitrary amount of items after the provided cursor.
This means my sample endpoint would look like the following:
/items?cursor=${cursor}&skip=${skip}&limit=${stopIndex - startIndex}
I then need to figure out the cursor and the skip values.
The following code could work to find the closest available cursor, given I store them together with the items:
// Limit our search only to items before startIndex
const fragment = items.slice(0, startIndex);
// Find the closest cursor index
const cursorIndex = fragment.length - 1 - fragment.reverse().findIndex(item => item.cursor != null);
// Get the cursor
const cursor = items[cursorIndex];
And of course, I also have a way to know the skip value:
const skip = items.length - 1 - cursorIndex;

How can I send selected comps in After Effects to AME via extendscript?

I've been trying to figure this out for the past day or two with minimal results. Essentially what I want to do is send my selected comps in After Effects to Adobe Media Encoder via script, and using information about them (substrings of their comp name, width, etc - all of which I already have known and figured out), and specify the appropriate AME preset based on the conditions met. The current two methods that I've found won't work for what I'm trying to do:
Both of these options more or less rely on the output module/render queue, (with the first option allowing sending it to AME without specifying preset) which, at least to my knowledge, won't allow h.264 file-types anymore (unless you can somehow trick render queue with a created set of settings prior to pushing queue to AME?).
Another option that I've found involves using BridgeTalk to bypass the output module/render queue and go directly to AME...BUT, that primarily involves specifying a file (rather than the currently selected comps), and requires ONLY having a single comp (to be rendered) at the root level of the project:
Now as far as code goes, here's the relevant, non-working portion of code:
function render_comps(){
var mySelectedItems = [];
for (var i = 1; i <= app.project.numItems; i++){
if (app.project.item(i).selected)
mySelectedItems[mySelectedItems.length] = app.project.item(i);
for (var i = 0; i < mySelectedItems.length; i++){
var mySelection = mySelectedItems[i];
//~ front = app.getFrontend();
//~ front.addItemToBatch(mySelection);
//~ enc = eHost.createEncoderForFormat("H.264");
//~ flag = enc.loadPreset("HD 1080i 25");
var bt = new BridgeTalk();
bt.appName = "ame"; = "ame";
//var message = "alert('Hello')";
//bt.body = message;
Which encapsulates a number of different attempts and things that I've tried.
I've spent about 4-5 hours trying to scour the internet and various resources but so far have come up short. Thanks in advance for the help!

Suitescript Pagination

Ive been trying to create a suitelet that allows for a saved search to be run on a collection of item records in netsuite using suitescript 1.0
Pagination is quite easy everywhere else, but i cant get my head around how to do it in NetSuite.
For instance, we have 3,000 items and I'm trying to limit the results to 100 per page.
I'm struggling to understand how to apply a start row and a max row parameter as a filter so i can run the search to return the number of records from my search
I've seen plenty of scripts that allow you to exceed the limit of 1,000 records, but im trying to throttle the amount shown on screen. but im at a loss to figure out how to do this.
Any tips greatly appreciated
function searchItems(request,response)
var start = request.getParameter('start');
var max = request.getParameter('max');
start = 1;
max = 100;
var filters = [];
filters.push(new nlobjSearchFilter('category',null,'is',currentDeptID));
var productList = nlapiSearchRecord('item','customsearch_product_search',filters);
response.write('stuff here for the items');
You can approach this a couple different ways. Either way, you will definitely need to sort your search results by something meaningful and consistent, like by internal ID. Make sure you've got your results sorted either in your saved search definition or by adding a search column in your script.
You can continue building your search exactly like you are, and then just using the native slice method on the productList Array. You would use your start and end parameters to pass as the arguments to slice appropriately.
Another approach is to use the async API for searches. It will look similar to this:
var search = nlapiLoadSearch("item", "customsearch_product_search");
search.addFilter(new nlobjSearchFilter('category',null,'is',currentDeptID));
var productList = search.runSearch().getResults(start, end);
For more references on this approach, check out the NetSuite Help page titled "Search APIs" and the reference page for nlobjSearch.

How to retrieve all documents in couchdb database without causing out of memory

I have a coucdb database which contains about 200000 tweets, keys are tweet ID. I have a query which needs to retrieve all documents to look for some information. I'm using lightcouch to work with couchdb in a java web app. If I create a dbClient like this:
List<JsonObject>tweets = dbClient.view("_all_docs").query(JsonObject.class);
and then loop through tweets, for each JsonObject in tweets, use
JsonObject tweetJson = dbClient.find(JsonObject.class, tweet.get("id").toString().replaceAll("\"", ""));
to retrieve each tweet one by one it took extremely long time for 200000 documents. If I load all documents in one single query using includeDocs(true)
List<JsonObject>allTweets = dbClient.view("_all_docs").includeDocs(true).query(JsonObject.class);
it caused outofmemory exception since the number of documents are too large. So how can i deal with this problem? I'm thinking about using limit(5000) to retrieve 5000 documents for each time and loop through whole database, but I don't know how to write the loop to continue to retrieve the next 5000 after the first 5000 docs. One possible solution is using startKey and endKey but I'm confused how to use them when the key is tweet ID.
Use queryPage but make sure to use a String as the Key
0.1.6 still seems to show this behaviour.
A workaround that I found for this goes something like this:
changes = DbClient.changes()
.since(null) // or... since(since) if you want an offset
int size = 1;
while (size > 0 ) {
ChangesResult resultSet = changes.limit(40000).getChanges();
List<ChangesResult.Row> rowList = resultSet.getResults();
for (ChangesResult.Row feed: rowList) {
<instantiate your object via gson>
size = rowList.size();

How to display results of Smartsearch

I'm creating a webpart that uses the SearchHelper to get smart search results based on the search paramaters to display in a live search via Ajax.
I am looking for a way to display the results using the dataset that
returns in the same manner that the SearchResults webparts work.
Ok never mind, found the answer. The answer is to just use the BasicRepeater.
var results = SearchHelper.Search(sp);
BasicRepeater br = new BasicRepeater();
br.DataSource = results;
br.ItemTemplate = CMSDataProperties.LoadTransformation(this, CMS.Root.SmartSearchResults", false);
