Node.JS - fs.exists not working? - node.js

I'm a beginner in Node.js, and was having trouble with this piece of code.
var fs = require('fs');
Framework.Router = function() { = function(req, res) {
fs.exists(, function(exists) {
if (exists) {
// Here's the problem
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type':'text/html'});
var cname = App.ucfirst('Controller';
var c = require(;
var c = new App[cname]();
var action =;
} else {
return false;
The problem lies in the part after checking if the '' exists, I can't seem to get the code to work properly inside the: if (exists) { ... NOT WORKING }
I tried logging out the values for all the variables in that section, and they have their expected values, however the line: c[action].apply(,;
is not running as expected. It is supposed to call a function in the controller_file and is supposed to do a simple res.write('hello world');. I wasn't having this problem before I started checking for the file using fs.exists. Everything inside the if statement, worked perfectly fine before this check.
Why is the code not running as expected? Why does the request just time out?
Does it have something to do with the whole synchronous vs asynchronous thing? (Sorry, I'm a complete beginner)
Thank you

Like others have commented, I would suggest you rewrite your code to bring it more in-line with the Node.js design patterns, then see if your problem still exists. In the meantime, here's something which may help:
The advice about not using require dynamically at "run time" should be heeded, and calling fs.exists() on every request is tremendously wasteful. However, say you want to load all *.js files in a directory (perhaps a "controllers" directory). This is best accomplished using an index.js file.
For example, save the following as app/controllers/index.js
var fs = require('fs');
var files = fs.readdirSync(__dirname);
var dotJs = /\.js$/;
for (var i in files) {
if (files[i] !== 'index.js' && dotJs.test(files[i]))
exports[files[i].replace(dotJs, '')] = require('./' + files[i]);
Then, at the start of app/router.js, add:
var controllers = require('./controllers');
Now you can access the app/controllers/test.js module by using controllers.test. So, instead of:
fs.exists(controllerFile, function (exists) {
if (exists) {
if (controllers[controllerName]) {
This way you can retain the dynamic functionality you desire without unnecessary disk IO.


returning result from another nodejs file

i am working on a project in which a nodejs program calls another program in a separate file.
this is how i've added the two:
var ocr = require('./index.js'); //this imports the file
var arr = ocr.ocr_pan(); //this calls the function in that file
am not sure but I guess the problem is that the process resumes before ocr.ocr_pan() returns the result and var arr becomes undefined.
or there is some problem in returning the result from ocr.ocr_pan()
I simply use return.
and I have also tried this : How to return array from module in NodeJS
didn't work
what more can be done?
Assuming that this file is the same directory as index.js file, code in index.js should be something like this:
// Write your function
var ocr_pan = function() {
// Do whatever you like
return result;
// Export it, make publicly visible to other files
module.exports = {
ocr_pan: ocr_pan

Add All Routes in ./routes to Middleware Stack

Right now I am using app.use() and require() for each route in my routes directory to add them to the middleware stack (I am using Express).
app.use('/', require('./routes/index'));
app.use('/users', require('./routes/users'));
app.use('/post', require('./routes/post'));
app.use('/submitPost', require('./routes/submitPost'));
Instead of doing this manually for each file, I would like to use a for-loop to iterate through the route files in ./routes and add each file to the middleware stack. This is what I have, but it isn't working:
require('fs').readdir('/routes', function (err, files) {
if (!err) {
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
var file = files[i].substr(files[i].lastIndexOf('.'));
app.use('/' + file, require('./routes/' + file));
Could someone help me correct this bit of code. On another note, are there any disadvantages to automatically adding all routes in ./routes to the middleware stack?
Thanks in advance.
The main issue here is probably when you are adding the middleware. You are using readdir - the asynchronous method. You likely have a catch-all 404 handler declared after your code, and as the routes you are requiring are added asynchronously, they will probably be added after the catch-all. When the request propagates through the middleware, this would terminate it before it even got to the route.
One other issue is the path you are using: /routes will attempt to look in the route of your filesystem. ./routes or __dirname + '/routes' is probaby what you want.
The following code sample works for me:
var files = require('fs').readdirSync('./routes')
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
var file = files[i].substr(0, files[i].lastIndexOf('.'));
app.use('/' + file, require('./routes/' + file));
By the way, you can use file-manifest for this. It was actually created specifically for this use case, although it still expects you to call app.use yourself, since order matters for express routes.
So you can do something like:
var fm = require('file-manifest');
var routes = fm.generate('./routes');
app.use('/', routes.home);
// etc.
If you really want it to all happen magically, you could make that work with a custom reduce function, but this is much more explicit and ensures that routes are set up in the right order (so you don't end up with /foo falling before /foo/bar and preventing it from being reached).
I believe I am supposed to qualify that I wrote this library.
There are a few ways to do this. Here's a clean implentation using the basic fs and path modules.
var fs = require("fs"),
path = require("path");
var root = "./routes/"
fs.readdir(root, function (err, files) {
if (err) {
throw err;
files.forEach(function (file) {
var filename = file.slice(0, -3);
var routePath = '/' + ((filename === 'index') ? '' : filename); //filter index to use just '/'
app.use(routepath, require(root + filename));

Meteor/Node writeFile crashes server

I have the following code:
saveFile: function(blob, name, path, encoding) {
var path = cleanPath(path), fs = __meteor_bootstrap__.require('fs'),
name = cleanName(name || 'file'), encoding = encoding || 'binary',
chroot = Meteor.chroot || 'public';
// Clean up the path. Remove any initial and final '/' -we prefix them-,
// any sort of attempt to go to the parent directory '..' and any empty directories in
// between '/////' - which may happen after removing '..'
path = chroot + (path ? '/' + path + '/' : '/');
// TODO Add file existance checks, etc...
fs.writeFile(path + name, blob, encoding, function(err) {
if (err) {
throw (new Meteor.Error(500, 'Failed to save file.', err));
} else {
console.log('The file ' + name + ' (' + encoding + ') was saved to ' + path);
function cleanPath(str) {
if (str) {
return str.replace(/\.\./g,'').replace(/\/+/g,'').
function cleanName(str) {
return str.replace(/\.\./g,'').replace(/\//g,'');
Which I took from this project
The code works fine, and it saves the file, however it repeats the call several time and each time it causes meteor to reset using windows version 0.5.4. The F12 console ends up looking like this: . The meteor console loops over the startup code each time the 503 happens and repeats the console logs in the saveFile function.
Furthermore in the target directory the image thumbnail keeps displaying and then display as broken, then a valid thumbnail again, as if the fs is writing it multiple times.
Here is the code that calls the function:
"click .savePhoto":function(e, template){
var MAX_WIDTH = 400;
var MAX_HEIGHT = 300;
var id =;
var item = Session.get("employeeItem");
var file = template.find('input[name='+id+']').files[0];
// $(template).append("Loading...");
var dataURL = '/.bgimages/';
Meteor.saveFile(file,, "/.bgimages/", function(){
EmployeeCollection.update(item._id, { $set: { good_photo: dataURL }});
EmployeeCollection.update(item._id, { $set: { bad_photo: dataURL }});
// Update an image on the page with the data
$(template.find('img.'+id)).delay(1000).attr('src', dataURL);
What's causing the server to reset?
My guess would be that since Meteor has a built-in "automatic directories scanning in search for file changes", in order to implement auto relaunching of the application to newest code-base, the file you are creating is actually causing the server reset.
Meteor doesn't scan directories beginning with a dot (so called "hidden" directories) such as .git for example, so you could use this behaviour to your advantage by setting the path of your files to a .directory of your own.
You should also consider using writeFileSync insofar as Meteor methods are intended to run synchronously (inside node fibers) contrary to the usual node way of asynchronous calls, in this code it's no big deal but for example you couldn't use any Meteor mechanics inside the writeFile callback.
// handle error
// do something with result
Collection.update(id,result);// error ! Meteor code must run inside fiber
var result=synchronousCall();
Collection.update(id,result);// good to go !
Of course there is a way to turn any asynchronous call inside a synchronous one using fibers/future, but that's beyond the point of this question : I recommend reading this EventedMind episode on node future to understand this specific area.

What is the best way to expose methods from Node.js?

Consider I want to expose a method called Print
Binding method as prototype:
File Saved as Printer.js
var printerObj = function(isPrinted) {
this.printed = isPrinted;
printerObj.prototype.printNow = function(printData) {
console.log('= Print Started =');
module.exports = printerObj;
Then access printNow() by putting code require('Printer.js').printNow() in any external .js node program file.
Export method itself using module.exports:
File Saved as Printer2.js
var printed = false;
function printNow() {
console.log('= Print Started =');
module.exports.printNow = printNow;
Then access printNow() by putting code require('Printer2.js').printNow() in any external .js node program file.
Can anyone tell what is the difference and best way of doing it with respect to Node.js?
Definitely the first way. It is called the substack pattern and you can read about it on Twitter and on Mikeal Rogers' blog. Some code examples can be found at the jade github repo in the parser:
var Parser = exports = module.exports = function Parser(str, filename, options){
this.input = str;
this.lexer = new Lexer(str, options);
Parser.prototype = {
context: function(parser){
if (parser) {
} else {
return this.contexts.pop();
advance: function(){
return this.lexer.advance();
In the first example you are creating a class, ideally you should use it with "new" in your caller program:
var PrinterObj = require('Printer.js').PrinterObj;
var printer = new PrinterObj();
This is a good read on the subject:
In the second example you are returning a function.
The difference is that you can have multiple instances of the first example (provided you use new as indicated) but only one instance of the second approach.

fs.exists not accepting variables

I'm using post requests to search for binaries but can't get the following code to work correctly. fs.exists() won't accept the variable b_path but will work correctly if given a hard coded string. b_path prints to the console as expected, correctly building the path to the binary.'*', function(req, res) {
// generate the name of the binary
var request = require('url').parse(req.url, true);
var len = request.pathname.toString().length;
var binary = request.pathname.slice(1,len);
binary = binary.concat(' ');
var b_path = app.get('binaries_path')+binary;
fs.exists(b_path, function (exists) {
if(exists) {
Why does this occur?
