web essentials 2012 crashes when I open a project that already has a file open - visual-studio-2012

An interesting things is happening and I was hoping someone would be able to help me with it.
Visual Studio 2012 with Web Essentials installed was working fine until the latest update (the one where they removed less, coffeescript, etc.)
However since the update, I am having problems. This only happens when I open a project that has a file - which web essentials would act upon - already open.
If I close all of the tabs with cshtml/less/css files before I close a project. Then the next time I open that project, I am fine. I can even open those files, and web essentials kicks in with all of its extra features. But if even one of those files are open when the project was saved, and therefore opened automatically when the project is loaded, then the entire visual studio crashes.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you

Found the issue after days and days of searching (only minutes after posting this question :))
The latest version of Web Essentials requires ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2
I had heard a lot about these Tools 2012.2 but I thought that they were an extension - maybe the "Microsoft Web Development Tools" installed automatically with visual studio or something that would get upgraded automatically with all of the auto updating software running on my machine.
So I tried updating all of the extensions and refreshing and refreshing and searching for updates - to no avail.
I even downloaded and installed VS2012 Update 2 CTP4 thinking that that must be this elusive update that everyone is talking about.
Well as I'm sure you guessed, its actually none of the above.
The link is http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=282650
It is listed on the home page of web essentials but not on the page that pops up when you run the update.
I hope this link helps someone.


No DOM Explorer or JS Console in Visual Studio 2017 - Debugging Office Add-In Excel

I can't figure out how to get the DOM Explorer or JS Console to show on my Office Add-In I'm dev in VS 2017. They used to work and one day, just stopped.
So far I've tried the following:
Test Proj at home and copied source files to non working work computer
Removed 100% Visual Studio and re-installed
Started working w/ new template in VS 2017 vs my existing Project
Tried messing w/ .Net versions
Updated all available Nuget packages
Other settings too likely, I'm willing to start fresh if anyone has suggestions that don't work first try for me.
I'm at a loss what the issue could be. My Add-Ins load and behave correctly, but I can't see the DOM or JS console which is the whole reason I use VS 2017, any ideas what I can try?
I was able to resolve by uninstalling the Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime...

wsdl definition not being updated even after closing iis site

I am using visual studio pro 2012 edition, one of our developers updated the wsdl definitions on a webservice without telling us and for a while i couldnt figure out why the wsdl definitions werent being updated. I did clean and build of the services, stopped the site and even exited IIS Express. Turns out if you have the solution open in visual studio with the old wsdl definition, the new definitions are not updated after pulling latest(svn). I tried several times and the only solution is to close visual studio and restart using the latest codebase.
anyone else experience this? could be a bug in vs2012 only?
I figured out what happened, my colleague copied over the hidden folder .vs folder which had the applicationhost.config file pointing to their username, vs2012 does not give any errors and happily runs the service but it serves the old pages. VS2015 shows an error page which is how i found out the problem.

How to get latest or commit with TFS server from Windows Explorer?

My need
Currently I have to open Visual Studio to make a get latest or a commit pending changes.
I want to do that the same way with TortoiseSVN right in Windows Explorer.
What I have tried
I made google research and comes down to using the tool called TFS 2012 Power Tools
Someone also mentioned about this issue here
Though after installed, I got nothing working as espected. Wondering did I do wrong then...
I'm using Windows 8.1 and Visual Studio 2012 Web Express.
How should I do to install it properly and get it work after all then?
Assuming that when you installed the power tools you enabled shell integration and then logged out/back in to active them, then you need to do a few things:
Do an initial 'get' from TFS using Visual Studio Team Explorer and make a note of your workspace folder.
In Windows Explorer, right click that workspace folder. You should see the context menu items appear.
Most people having trouble with the context menu appearing have forgotten that to log out and log back in, as Windows Explorer needs to be restarted to pick up the new shell extension.

Visual Studio regularly freezes running Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.Host.exe

I maintain several web sites that are Visual Studio "Web Site Projects".
I've found that with a couple of these projects, Visual Studio regularly freezes while I'm working on the code. This doesn't happen for some of the web site projects, and I haven't seen it happen on any Web Application projects.
Each time it freezes, it takes about half a minute before I can use it again.
During a freeze, Windows Task Manager reports that Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.Host.exe is maxing out one of the CPU cores.
Steps to Reproduce
Open a .cs file under the App_Code directory.
Make a change to the file.
Save the file.
Navigate somewhere else (eg switch tab, close the file, open different program in Windows).
Navigate back to the file (eg switch tab to it, open it, or go back to Visual Studio).
Other actions that sometimes seem to trigger the problem:
"Go to definition"
Opening a file
Previewing a file
Closing a file
Using a refactoring
"Find usages"
What I've Tried
Both Visual Studio 2012 and Visual Studio 2015
Changing the website project's build action
Disabling "Build Web site as part of solution"
Deleting web references and the Bin folder seems to minimise the problem, but obviously this breaks the web site. Maybe web site projects experience this problem when they contain a lot of C# code other than code-behind files?
Similar problems
I found the following potentially-related problems using Google, but none of them seemed to contain a workaround or solution.
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.Host.exe Time Theft
Visual Studio 2012 freezes for approximately 30 seconds after every build
I noticed that the problem happened less often when I suspended ReSharper.
The problem still happened occasionally when editing classes under App_Code, but restarting Visual Studio worked around it.
I was facing a similar problem. A single Web application project with dozens of class libraries, migrated over from VS 2010 into VS 2013.
I was able to solve my problem by disabling the "Hosting Process" option:
To disable the hosting process
Open an executable project in Visual Studio. Projects that do not
produce executables (for example, class library or service projects)
do not have this option.
On the Project menu, click Properties.
Click the Debug tab.
Clear the Enable the Visual Studio hosting process check box.
Full details on MSDN: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms185330.aspx
Another option for people experiencing this on old web applications that don't have the properties page in the accepted answer above.
Disable "Allow this precompiled site to be updatable".
Open Site/Solution
Right click and view Property Pages
Go to MSBuild Options
Uncheck "Allow this precompiled site to be updatable"
This worked for me.
This problem stopped happening when the Web Site project was converted into a Web Application project.
Not an easy solution, but it did stop the problem.
They symptoms in the question of this post sound exactly like the nightmares I just had today:
Other actions that sometimes seem to trigger the problem:
"Go to definition"
Opening a file
Previewing a file
Closing a file
Using a refactoring "Find usages"
Plus intellisense wasn't working (even with CTRL + J) and
'Peek definition' was hanging as well.
I had to keep task killing visual studio (both 2015 and 2017).
My fix was to go into the project that I was having problems with, open the 'Package Manager Console' and uninstall and re-install the 'DotNetCompilerPlatform'
uninstall-package Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform
and then
install-package Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform
So far every problem I was encountering has not resurfaced (but this was just today so still need to give it time).
It started creeping back again. I noticed also that whomever had installed to the solution had only done it to two of the various projects. Uninstalling the compiler platform (which means using the compilers that came with Visual Studio) has made life sane again.

Visual Studio 2012 Express is suddenly "incompatible with this version of Windows"?

I'm running Visual Studio Express 2012 on Windows 7. I've been running it with no problems for several months now.
Last Friday, when I shut down my PC, a lot of Windows updates were installed. This morning, when I started up and opened a VS2012 solution, I got this error message:
This program has known compatibility issues
Visual Studio 2012 Express for Windows Desktop is incompatible with this version of Windows.
There's a button for Run Program, and when I click it, the solution opens normally. I haven't changed anything about my Windows configuration. This happens every time I open a solution. Did MS release a flawed patch in the batch of updates that got applied last Friday?
EDIT: I'm not sure why people are voting to close this question. The answer that's been linked to isn't related to my issue; that answer seems to pertain to trying to open a VS2012 project in VS2010. I'm trying to open a VS2012 project in VS2012. If you really think that the question needs to be closed, please let me know why in the comments, so that I can change it appropriately.
The .NET updates installed on Friday were:
UPDATE: I gave up, more or less, and clicked the "Don't show this window again" checkbox on the error window. Visual Studio seems to be running ok.
I received the same message on Visual Studio 2012 Premium (on PC where Windows 7 re-installed in last month) - the suggested fix was "Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 (KB2781514)" which seems to have fixed it
Install Visual Studio 2012 Update 2 solved my problem. No previous update needed for this one. Here's the descriptions of the update.
(I'm using Windows 8, installed all important updates for Windows, then tried repair Visual Studio in Programs and Features, problem still here until installed Update 2.)
I've been running VS2012 for about 2 weeks now since I clicked the "Don't show this window again" button. I haven't encountered any problems. For now I'm going to consider this an adequate solution.
I've just installed VS2012 at home and came across the same problem. The 1st solution I found is that webdeploy doesn't work after Oct 2013 and I should install Web deploy V3.0.
Done that, no joy. I let Win7 search for compatibility solution on-line and it found an update patch (KB2781514) which did work.
This is the same solution as mentioned before by #John M.
Should've looked here first, just posting this again if someone comes across this again these days..
Thanks to all other users who helped with this thread.
I had a similar problem with VS2012 awhile ago it was along the lines of:
"this solution has no errors and could potentially be damaged"
*yet still opened fine.
as far as fixing it went I performed a clean install of VS2012 and the error has not bugged me since in saying that I am probably out of date at this time and may find if I updated I would have the same issue.
Food for thought.
Even i had the same problem on Windows 7 with Visual studio 2012.
Installed Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 -KB2781514 and it fixed the issue.
Note: "Just clicking on Run program was also opening up the solution file without any issues in my case."
