EventStore without CQRS - domain-driven-design

I have seen a lot about EventStores but all articles are coupled with talk about CQRS.
We want to use EventStores to integrate bounded contexts, but want to stick with traditional ORM for reading/writing aggregates, to avoid the command/query and separate read-model which in our case would add too much complexity.
Seeing as it is so popular talking about both concepts together one is led to believe they are meant to live together - are there pitfalls of doing an EventStore 'lite' without CQRS, compared to implementing EventStores for aggregates/CQRS/read-model also?

Run to NoSql Distilled - you'll save a lot of time by doing nothing for a few days but reading it and drawing out what you're after. If you are 'reading/writing aggregates' you should be considering databases such as RavenDB that major in that.
Note that the event-store tag is for the JOliver Event Store, and it has as key architectural notions
You also have things slightly backwards in that to get to producing events, your domain gets built in a particular manner to facilitate that. Key things that contrast with the way you posit things in your question (to paraphrase badly and/or unfairly: I want to use event store just to store events - I can do the rest myself)
events are batched by aggregate - its real unit of management of events
dispatching to something.
Go investigate queue management solutions if you don't want an event sourced domain model. This is a very legitimate thing to do - just dont pretend Event Store is a generalised event pub sub queue.
Having the Dispatcher Project to Denormalizers that build a Read Model is the easy bit - you can use all sorts of exotic stuff but using a familiar tool like a SQL SB with a straightforward database layer like PetaPoco will do fine.
Have you actually done a spike with CommonDomain and EventStore ? Have you read the readme doc in the nuget? Have you watched the 2 JOliver videos?
CQRS - Utah Code Camp 2010 - Part 1 AND 2
CQRS - An Introduction for Beginners
Jonathan Oliver on Event Sourcing and EventStore # E-VAN 25 October 2011

We want to use EventStores to integrate bounded contexts
It is possible to use an event store as a message queue with the added benefit that it is persistent and a new subscriber can request all past events.
but want to stick with traditional ORM for reading/writing aggregates,
to avoid the command/query and separate read-model which in our case
would add too much complexity.
As an aside, you can still attain some of the benefits of CQRS by simply using a separate read-model for queries rather than your behavioral model.
Overall, you can use an EventStore without using event sourcing, however you should ensure that it supports all requirements of your integration scenario. It may be that you need other components in addition to an event store. More generally, an event store could be used to store any time series data.


What persistence problems are solved with CQRS?

I've read a few posts relating to this, but i still can't quite grasp how it all works.
Let's say for example i was building a site like Stack Overflow, with two pages => one listing all the questions, another where you ask/edit a question. A simple, CRUD-based web application.
If i used CQRS, i would have a seperate system for the read/writes, seperate DB's, etc..great.
Now, my issue comes to how to update the read state (which is, after all in a DB of it's own).
Flow i assume is something like this:
WebApp => User submits question
WebApp => System raises 'Write' event
WriteSystem => 'Write' event is picked up and saves to 'WriteDb'
WriteSystem => 'UpdateState' event raised
ReadSystem => 'UpdateState' event is picked up
ReadSystem => System updates it's own state ('ReadDb')
WebApp => Index page reads data from 'Read' system
Assuming this is correct, how is this significantly different to a CRUD system read/writing from same DB? Putting aside CQRS advantages like seperate read/write system scaling, rebuilding state, seperation of domain boundaries etc, what problems are solved from a persistence standpoint? Lock contention avoided?
I could achieve a similar advantage by either using queues to achieve single-threaded saves in a multi-threaded web app, or simply replicate data between a read/write DB, could i not?
Basically, I'm just trying to understand if i was building a CRUD-based web application, why i would care about CQRS, from a pragmatic standpoint.
Assuming this is correct, how is this significantly different to a CRUD system read/writing from same DB? Putting aside CQRS advantages like seperate read/write system scaling, rebuilding state, seperation of domain boundaries etc, what problems are solved from a persistence standpoint? Lock contention avoided?
The problem here is:
"Putting aside CQRS advantages …"
If you take away its advantages, it's a little bit difficult to argue what problems it solves ;-)
The key in understanding CQRS is that you separate reading data from writing data. This way you can optimize the databases as needed: Your write database is highly normalized, and hence you can easily ensure consistency. Your read database in contrast is denormalized, which makes your reads extremely simple and fast: They all become SELECT * FROM … effectively.
Under the assumption that a website as StackOverflow is way more read from than written to, this makes a lot of sense, as it allows you to optimize the system for fast responses and a great user experience, without sacrificing consistency at the same time.
Additionally, if combined with event-sourcing, this approach has other benefits, but for CQRS alone, that's it.
Shameless plug: My team and I have created a comprehensive introduction to CQRS, DDD and event-sourcing, maybe this helps to improve understanding as well. See this website for details.
A good starting point would be to review Greg Young's 2010 essay, where he tries to clarify the limited scope of the CQRS pattern.
CQRS is simply the creation of two objects where there was previously only one.... This separation however enables us to do many interesting things architecturally, the largest is that it forces a break of the mental retardation that because the two use the same data they should also use the same data model.
The idea of multiple data models is key, because you can now begin to consider using data models that are fit for purpose, rather than trying to tune a single data model to every case that you need to support.
Once we have the idea that these two objects are logically separate, we can start to consider whether they are physically separate. And that opens up a world of interesting trade offs.
what problems are solved from a persistence standpoint?
The opportunity to choose fit for purpose storage. Instead of supporting all of your use cases in your single read/write persistence store, you pull documents out of the key value store, and run graph queries out of the graph database, and full text search out of the document store, events out of the event stream....
Or not! if the cost benefit analysis tells you the work won't pay off, you have the option of serving all of your cases from a single store.
It depends on your applications needs.
A good overview and links to more resources here:
When to use this pattern:
Use this pattern in the following situations:
Collaborative domains where multiple operations are performed in parallel on the same data. CQRS allows you to define commands with
enough granularity to minimize merge conflicts at the domain level
(any conflicts that do arise can be merged by the command), even when
updating what appears to be the same type of data.
Task-based user interfaces where users are guided through a complex process as a series of steps or with complex domain models.
Also, useful for teams already familiar with domain-driven design
(DDD) techniques. The write model has a full command-processing stack
with business logic, input validation, and business validation to
ensure that everything is always consistent for each of the aggregates
(each cluster of associated objects treated as a unit for data
changes) in the write model. The read model has no business logic or
validation stack and just returns a DTO for use in a view model. The
read model is eventually consistent with the write model.
Scenarios where performance of data reads must be fine tuned separately from performance of data writes, especially when the
read/write ratio is very high, and when horizontal scaling is
required. For example, in many systems the number of read operations
is many times greater that the number of write operations. To
accommodate this, consider scaling out the read model, but running the
write model on only one or a few instances. A small number of write
model instances also helps to minimize the occurrence of merge
Scenarios where one team of developers can focus on the complex domain model that is part of the write model, and another team can
focus on the read model and the user interfaces.
Scenarios where the system is expected to evolve over time and might contain multiple versions of the model, or where business rules
change regularly.
Integration with other systems, especially in combination with event sourcing, where the temporal failure of one subsystem shouldn't
affect the availability of the others.
This pattern isn't recommended in the following situations:
Where the domain or the business rules are simple.
Where a simple CRUD-style user interface and the related data access operations are sufficient.
For implementation across the whole system. There are specific components of an overall data management scenario where CQRS can be
useful, but it can add considerable and unnecessary complexity when it
isn't required.

Reporting in ES/DDD Microservices

I am just starting out with ES/DDD and I have a question how one is supposed to do reporting in this architecture. Lets take a typical example, where you have a Customer Aggregate, Order Aggregate, and Product Aggregate all independent.
Now if i want to run a query across all 3 aggregates and/or services, but that data is each in a separate DB, maybe one is SQL, one is a MongoDB, and one something else. How is one supposed to design or be able to run a query that would require a join across these aggregates ?
You should design the Reporting as a simple read-model/projection, possible in its own bounded context (BC), that just listen to the relevant events from the other bounded contexts (Customer BC, Ordering BC and Inventory BC) and builds the needed reports with full data denormalization (i.e. at query time you won't need to query the original sources).
Because of events you won't need any joins as you could maintain a private local state attached to the Reporting read-model in which you can store temporary external models and query those temporary read-models as needed thus avoiding external additional queries to the other BCs.
An anti-corruption layer would not be necessary in this case as there would be no write-model involved in the Reporting BC.
Things are really as simple as that because you already have an event-driven architecture (you use Event sourcing).
This particular solution is very handy in creating new reports that you haven't thought ahead of time. Every time you thing about a new report you just create a new Read-model (as in you write its source code) then you replay all the relevant events on it. Read-models are side-effect free, you can replay all the events (from the beggining of time) any time and as many time you want.
Read-model rebuilding is done in two situations:
you create a new Read-model
you modify an existing one by listening to a new event or the algorithm differs too much from the initial version
You can read more here:
DDD/CQRS specialized forum - Grey Young is there!
Event sourcing applied – the read model
Writing an Event-Sourced CQRS Read Model
A post in first group describing Read Model rebuilding
Or you can search about this using this text: event sourcing projection rebuilding
Domain-Driven Design is more concerned with the command side of things. You should not attempt to query your domain as that leads to pain and suffering.
Each bounded context may have its own data store and that data store may be a different technology as you have stated.
For reporting you would use a reporting store. How you get data into that store would either require each bounded context to publish events that the reporting BC would pick up and use to update the reporting store or you could make use of event sourcing where the reporting store would project the events into the relevant reporting structures.
There are known practices to solve this.
One might be having a reporting context, which, as Eben has pointed out, will listen to domain events from other contexts and update its store. This of course will lead to issues, since this reporting context will be coupled to all services it reports from. Some might say this is a necessary evil but this is not always the case.
Another technique is to aggregate on-demand. This is not very complex and can be done on different layers/levels. Consider aggregation on the web API level or even on the front-end level, if your reporting is on the screen (not sent by mail as PDF, for example).
This is well known as UI composition and Udi Dahan has wrote an article about this, which is worth reading: UI Composition Techniques for Correct Service Boundires. Also, Mauro Servienti has wrote a blog post about this recently: The secret of better UI composition.
Mauro mentions two types of composition, which I mentioned above. The API/server-side composition is called ViewModel Composition in his post, and front-end (JavaScript) composition is mentioned in the Client side composition process section. Server-side composition is illustrated by this picture:
DDD strategic modeling tools says:
Design two different models 1. Write Models (Handles Command Side) 2.Read Models (POCOs/POJOs) whatever u call them.

Rules to guide when to stick with CRUD ORM or switch to DDD event store

I have seen ORM use a unit of work to commit multiple repositories in a single step.
I have also seen DDD and the use of aggregate roots saved via repositories, when using event stores persistence conceptually becomes quite clear to understand.
I always need to write data access code and whilst I am familiar with ORM, I am new to domain driven design and event sourcing - event sourcing is great, but does come with a lot of infrastructure.
Ultimately I would like to some rules to help decide at what point (code size, number of database entities) when DDD+ES becomes worth the extra effort over CRUD systems.
To help decide my questions are as follows:
I haven't seen aggregate roots combined in to a single unit of work, is this avoided? If so what problems can this cause?
In DDD a customer entity may have addresses and phones embedded within it (value objects), whereas in ORM there is a unit of work with customer, phone and address repositories. What is the best way to explain and understand these different approaches?
Can ORM use multiple different unit of works (each referencing relevant and related repositories/tables) to represent an aggregate root?
What are the pain/warning signs to look out for with impedance mismatch from my domain to ORM, at which point we may consider switching to an event store?
An aggregate defines a consistency boundary. In NoSQL databases, it is usually not possible to commit multiple entities per transaction. Therefore, in DDD with NoSQL, it is desirable to only have a single aggregate in a unit of work while updates to entities external to the aggregate at hand are delivered in an eventually consistent manner.
If addresses and phones are value objects then they shouldn't have repositories. In the ORM, they would be mapped as components of a parent entity not a separate mapping.
I'm not sure what you'd achieve this way?
One pain point that naturally leads to event sourcing is the need to preserve all state changes in an aggregate. Furthermore, event sourcing and the concept of domain events in general provide a different domain modelling methodology focused on behavior rather than state. I'd consider ES when there is potential business value in preserving all state changes. If you are willing to make the initial infrastructure investment, ES can in many ways be simpler by avoiding ORM madness. Think of CRUD as event sourcing with only 4 event types, or even 2 (read, update). Beyond the most basic domains, it is desirable to have more context beyond changes to data which leads you to ES.

Synchronizing Query-side Data in CQRS - won't there still be contention?

I have a general question about the CQRS paradigm in general.
I understand that a CommandBus and EventBus will decouple the domain model from our Query-side datastore, the merits of eventual consistency, and being able to denormalize the storage on the Query side to optimize reads, etc. That all sounds great.
But I wonder as I begin to expand the number of the components on the Query side responsible for updating the Query datastore, if they wouldn't start to contend with one another to perform their updates?
In other words, if we tried to use a pub/sub model for the EventBus, and there were a lot of different subscribers for a particular event type, couldn't they start to contend with one another over updating various bits of denormalized data? Wouldn't this put us in the same boat as we were before CQRS?
As I've heard it explained, it sounds like CQRS is supposed to do away with this contention all together, but is this just an ideal, and in reality we're only really minimizing it? I feel like I could be missing something here, but can't put my finger on it.
it all depends on how you have designed the infrastructure. Strictly speaking, CQRS in itself doesn't say anything about how the Query models are updated. Using Events is just a one of the options you have. CQRS doesn't say anything about dealing with contention either. It's just an architectural pattern that leaves you with more options and choices to deal with things like concurrency. In "regular" architectures, such as the layered architecture, you often don't have these options at all.
If you have scaled your command processing component out on multiple machines, you can assume that they can produce more events than a single event handling component can handle. That doesn't have to be a bad thing. It may just mean that the Query models will be updated with a slightly bigger delay during peak times. If it is a problem for you, then you should consider scaling out the query models too.
The Event Handler component themselves will not be contending with each other. They can safely process events in parallel. However, if you design the system to make them all update the same data store, your data store could be the bottleneck. Setting up a cluster or dividing the query model over different data sources altogether could be a solution to your problem.
Be careful not to prematurely optimize, though. Don't scale out until you have the figures to prove that it will help in your specific case. CQRS based architectures allow you to make a lot of choices. All you need to do is make the right choice at the right time.
So far, in the application's I am involved with, I haven't come across situations where the Query model was a bottleneck. Some of these applications produce more than 100mln events per day.

Do we really need a separate event store with Event Sourcing and CQRS patterns?

Suppose we have a situation when we need to implement some domain rules that requires examination of object history (event store). For example we have an Order object with CurrentStatus property, and we need to examine Order.CurrentStatus changes history.
Most likely you will answer that I need to move this knowledge to domain and introduce Order.StatusHistory property that contains a collection of status records, and that I should not query event store. And I will agree with you.
What I question is the need of Event Store.
We write in event store events that has business meaning (domain value), we do not record UserMovedMouse events (in most cases). And as with OrderStatusChanged event there is a high chance that most of events from EventStore will be needed at some point for domain logic, and we end up with a domain object that have a EventHistory property with the collection of events.
I can see a value in separate event store for patterns such as CQRS when you have a single write only event store and multiple read only query stores, which gives you some scalability. However the need to to introduce such thing in code is in question too for me. All decent databases support single write server, multiple read servers scalability (master-slave replication). Why should I introduce such thing at source code level? Why not to forget about Web Services, and Message buses and use write your own wrapers around Sockets.
I have a great respect to "old school" DDD as it was described be Eric Evans, and I see some fresh and good ideas in new wave DDD+SQRC+EventSourcing pattern aggregate. However the main idea of CQRS is under big question for me. Am I missing something?
In short: if event sourcing is not needed (for its added benefits or as workarounds for some quirks), then you definitely shouldn't bring it into your system just for the sake of it.
ES is just one of many ways to augment CQRS architectural style within a bounded context. It is not a requirement.
