An exception occurred while analyzing a cell in the decomposition tree - performancepoint

I am facing an issue with decomposition tree in PPS
error: an exception occurred while analyzing a cell in the decomposition tree
how to fix this issue and what is the cause of this issue???

I recommend installing the latest service pack and cumulative updates to your SharePoint Servers and take a look at the any PerformancePoint hotfixes.
I had a similar issue with the decomp tree and opened a ticket with Microsoft. They determined that it was an issue with a Kerberos dll even though I was not using Kerberos in my environment.... Weird right. Here is the link to that hotfix. Maybe try installing it in your dev environment and see how it goes.
Here is a post that outlines some other hotfixes. Although it is dated it may help you.


Blazor publish integrity issue

My team is currently working on a new Blazor app and we are facing some strange behavior. We deploy our APP using Azure Dev Ops, but it seems that sometimes things go wrong. If we deploy the same version with the the same pipeline, the issue could be solved...
This is the error we (sometimes) get in every browser chrome, firefox, edge, ...:
admin:1 Failed to find a valid digest in the 'integrity' attribute for resource 'https://domain/_framework/dotnet.timezones.blat' with computed SHA-256 integrity '47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU='. The resource has been blocked.
This seems to be happening completely random. We have tried everything... like disabling compression, checking IIS settings, clearing cache, ... We also read the complete Microsoft Documentation. Some other guys also had this problem and they have a solution by clearing the obj/ folder. But we never have this issue locally... So this isn't a solution for us.
Does anybody have any idea what could be the problem? Because it seems completely random to us so far.
The app is ASP.NET core hosted and not stand-alone.
Any help would be very much appreciated!
Kind regards,
I just ran into the exact same problem. My VS solution compiled and ran under VS 2022 no problem. But when I published to my dev or prod web server I got the same message that you encountered. I solved it by clearing the bin, obj, and .config folders in all my projects in the solution. You mentioned that you don't have the problem locally -- neither did I and this still resolved the issue when I deployed. I suspect an older version of a file is getting into the deployment pipeline somewhere. Mine is also a hosted solution under .NET 6.0.2.

zeromq on M1 Mac, dyld[53597]: missing symbol called

Did anyone managed to resolve the following error on M1 Mac, with zeromq?
dyld[53597]: missing symbol called
Q : Did anyone managed to resolve the following error on M1 Mac, with zeromq?
A : No, this is most probably not the ZeroMQ error.
How can I dare say this?
Having used zeromq for decade - since its c-API v2.1+ & having today v4.3.2+, there has never been any similarly sounding error-reporting feature in the core library, or its major ports (AFAIK).
a) review the ZeroMQ language bindind used to load it into the node.js, chances are developers thereof could direct you to the root cause, if this was their intent to produce such an error-message
b) review the ( not published here ) wider context of the use of the code of your application, that has "delivered" your claimed error-message, as posted above. Application developers, who have designed that code, may advice you on reasons, why they've put such error-message into their code (application).
No other principal options exist.

Invalid outline number while reading tasks from Microsoft Project - After June Update of Microsoft Project?

we are using MPP14Reader to read tasks from Microsoft Project, and recently for some of the projects, we are seeing that getOutlineNumber is giving wrong value. (ex: in Microsoft Project OutlineNumber is 1.2 ,
where as task.getOutlineNumber() is resulting in 2.4).
going through MPXJ code, found that this has been fixed in latest release via commit
looking at commit description, seems this is happening after Microsoft June Update !!
do we have any workaround here ? can some one please help
Not all projects have this issue, seems to be issue with some of the projects
This issue with MPXJ was recently fixed, as discussed here:

Is there any tool replacement for SONAR for .net code quality and generate report from it?

I have a Visual studio solution, which is designed using c# 4.0 .
I want to check the code quality for my solution and generate report out of it.
I tried the FxCop and i also got the report but i need the report something like this(from the image).
The rules compliance is 85% but in FxCop it only showed me the critical, error, etc.
I was not able to even deploy my project into SONAR because I had some timeout issue
coming for one of my project in the solution.
please someone help me.
Thanks in advance.
I don't know if there's an equivalent of SonarQube for .NET projects, but if you really want such reporting (which I can understand, obviously!), you should rather ask questions on how to resolve your installation issue for SonarQube instead of searching for something else. There are plenty of organizations where big .NET solutions are successfully analyzed with SonarQube and the C# plugins, so there's no reason why it can't work for you!
You can find useful material on the net to help you on this. For instance, a blog post written by John M Wright about "setting up SonarQube for C# projects". John periodically updates his post, so the information should still be very relevant.
Have you tried the tool NDepend? It generates interactive reports about .NET code quality and code rules compliance. Here are some sample reports.
NDepend is also a tool integrated in Visual Studio (2017, 2015, 2013, 2012, 2010) that proposes a range of interactive features (graph, dependency matrix, code metrics visualization, code diff...). Another point about NDepend is that code rules are actually C# LINQ queries, so it is pretty easy to customize a default code rule or create your own code rules.
NDepend also integrates in VS Team Services and you'll get all code quality data from your VSTS UI instead of being redirected to a server.
I read that you have time-out problems analyzing your code base, maybe it is because your code base is pretty large. NDepend is optimized and it can analyze a very large code base and create a report in a few dozens of seconds (it takes around a minute to analyze the whole .NET Fx).
A 14 days full featured trial is available.
Disclaimer: I work in the NDepend team
If you haven't already, I would suggest taking a look at my blog post on setting up SonarQube for C# projects:
The key to fixing your issue will be determining what the system is doing when the timeout occurs. Take a look at your log files and see what the last lines were before it timed out. It could be that your code is complex and just needs more time, in which case you can adjust the timeout values for whichever tool is running at the time.
Otherwise, I would suggest running whichever analysis tool (fxcop, gendarme, sytlecop, etc) was running when the timeout occurred outside of SonarQube. That is, run the tool directly from the commandline to see if it still times out or provides any additional information on the console.
Also, assuming you're using the sonar-runner tool to execute the SonarQube analysis, you can add the -X argument to the commandline, which will run it with debug-level logging enabled. This will create a LOT more log messages which may shed some additional light on the issue.

Has anyone gotten the Liferay portal to deploy onto an Eclipse Virgo Web Server?

I am trying to deploy the Liferay portal onto the Eclipse Virgo Web Server and haven't had much luck. I have at least solved two of the problems involved in this process:
1) The portal.jar that is part of the liferay dependencies has a malformed manifest. The Bundle-SymbolicName incorrectly sets the value to "JSR 286" when it should be "JSR286" (no space). Also, the Import-Package has a bunch of spaces/tabs and I removed those. That took care of problem 1.
2) The Virgo web server wasn't finding the liferay dependency jars (at least not where I was putting them), so I just stuck the dependencies into the main liferay.WAR and that has gotten rid of all the error messages.
Unfortunately, this didn't solve the overall problem. Perhaps there are other issues, but Virgo is not reporting any errors.
I've looked on both the Liferay and Virgo forums, but no one seems to have an answer to this, so I'm hoping someone here has had more success than me. If so, please let me know what you tried to get it to work.
A little more detail: I used the liferay-portal-6.0.5 WAR that is not bundled with an app server. And, I'm using Virgo 2.1.0.
I got it! But Virgo 3.6.0.RELEASE demonstrates too low performance and the couple Liferay+Virgo is not able to use for production
