Build Error MSB3073: - visual-c++

I have an MFC application in VS2010. It also contains few project in C#.
during SVN build we get this error:
C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(43,5):
error MSB3073: The command "iscmdbld -p ..\..\..\testinstall.ism -r setup -o
..\..\thirdparty\installshield\mergemodules" exited with code 1.
We are using installshield 2010 for creating setup. We have same application in VS2005 also but there we don't get above mentioned error.
Please advise.


LNK1104 error when building node-gyp project in Visual Studio 2015

I've tried everything, I have the proper version of Python (Python27), Windows SDK 8.1 is installed, Visual C++ is also installed, but the build still fails. I'm using Visual Studio 2015 Community editor btw. When I try to execute node-gyp buildfrom cmd I get the following error:
> C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V110\Microsoft.Cpp.Platform.t
argets(44,5): error MSB8020: The builds tools for v140 (Platform Toolset = 'v14
0') cannot be found. To build using the v140 build tools, either click the Proj
ect menu or right-click the solution, and then select "Update VC++ Projects..."
. Install v140 to build using the v140 build tools. [C:\Users\Programming PC\Do
This error prompted me to go into to Visual Studio and see if the project can at least build and run from there, it doesn't.
Please help I looked at all of the other questions pertaining to this issue but none of their solutions have helped me.
Took a lot of research but I found the solution(s). First, to get rid of the MSB8020 error either add the VisualStudioVersion environment variable and set it to your version of visual studio or execute node-gyp build with this flag /p:VisualStudioVersion=14.0 (In my case).
I actually got different errors after I solved this one and I believe they are well worth mentioning.
Error MSB4175 then showed up, basically indicating that it cannot find Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v12.0.dll (Do a search on this .dll to find out where its usually located), copy and paste it to the path that it's looking for it in.
Now here is the kicker, the last error that interrupts node-gyp is because of a missing .lib file. Npm doesn't create the following file ...\.node-gyp\4.3.1\Debug\node.lib. So you need to go here and download a node.lib and mkdir Debug\ and put node.lib in there.
Afterwards node-gyp should build without errors.

What is causing multiprocess compilation to fail on Visual Studio 2012?

Compiler: Visual Studio Ultimate 2012 Version 11.0.61219.00 Update 5
I have a project which is vulnerable to corruption errors. This problem is linked to Visual Studio flag /MP. When that flag is set I get error:
fatal error C1083: Cannot open compiler generated file: path\to\temp\AsmTempFile3: Permission denied
I tried opening project as administrator, doing clean and rebuild - I get the same error.
When /MP flag is not set build completes without errors. What is causing this problem?
After comparing problematic project with other projects I noticed different flag - /FA.
It turns out Assembler Output flag /FA produced problems when coupled with /MP.
The solution is to remove /FA.

How to compile with Nmake?

So I'm trying to compile a C project I downloaded using nmake, however I don't know why it isn't working. There's a PATHS.mak file whose contents are:
PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin
INCLUDE=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\include
LIB=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\lib
I'm using the Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt to do it. I go the place where the .mak file is and run nmake, however the error I get is:
cl -c -nologo -WX -W3 -Oax2 -I C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual S
tudio 14.0\VC\include -I C:\Users\..\Desktop\School\GERBIL02\src -I C:\Users\..\Desktop\School\GERBIL02\src\engine -Zi C:\Users\..\Desktop\School\GERBIL02
\src\engine\engine.c /FoC:\Users\..\Desktop\School\GERBIL02\ship\engine
'cl' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cl' : return code '0x1'
I've seen something about running a vcvarsall.bat file, but I'm unable to find the file, and I'm not sure if it is applicable. Anyone know why it won't work? Thanks
I had this problem, in my case it was because Visual Studio was installed with C# but C++ isn't actually installed by default and so I had to run the VS setup again to choose C++. Might not be your issue, but just thought I'd mention in case.

MSBuild: error MSB3073: "*Undefined*..\..\vc\bin\EditBin.exe"

I receive an error when I attempt to execute MSBuild on the commandline:
error MSB3073: The command "call "Undefined....\vc\vcvarsall.bat" x86\r
error MSB3073: "Undefined....\vc\bin\EditBin.exe"
I am executing the following command:
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe "C:\Users\myuserName\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\MySolution\MySolution.sln" /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform="Mixed Platforms"
I am using VS 2012
Configuring system variables is disabled on my machine.
I am attempting to automate a build process. As a result, this is why I am choosing the command prompt versus VS Command Prompt tools.

1>MDAVSCLI : error : EPERM, operation not permitted 'C:\Windows\CSC\v2.0.6'

I recently installed VS tools for Cordova on VS2013 with a successful install of all default settings. Upon trying to build and run the default "BlankCordovaApp" template, I get a node error.
1>MDAVSCLI : error : EPERM, operation not permitted
According to other SO posts, the directory it references is tied to offline sync, of which I have since turned off and restarted the machine with no success.
I've searched and found similar issues, but none that deal with this directory and none that have resolved the issue.
The full build output is below:
1>------ Build started: Project: BlankCordovaApp1, Configuration: Debug Windows Phone 8 ------
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v12.0\TypeScript\Microsoft.TypeScript.targets(95,5): warning : The TypeScript Compiler was given no files for compilation, so it will skip compiling.
1> GeneratedJavascript=
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v12.0\CordovaTools\vs-mda-targets\Microsoft.MDA.targets(208,5): error : '\\vmware-host\Shared Folders\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\BlankCordovaApp1\BlankCordovaApp1'
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v12.0\CordovaTools\vs-mda-targets\Microsoft.MDA.targets(208,5): error : CMD.EXE was started with the above path as the current directory.
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v12.0\CordovaTools\vs-mda-targets\Microsoft.MDA.targets(208,5): error : UNC paths are not supported. Defaulting to Windows directory.
1> C:\Windows>call "C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\"\nodevars.bat
1> Your environment has been set up for using Node.js 0.10.33 (ia32) and npm.
1> ------ Ensuring correct global installation of package from source package directory: C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO 12.0\COMMON7\IDE\EXTENSIONS\QUH3Q3IS.ARB\packages\vs-mda
1>MDAVSCLI : error : EPERM, operation not permitted 'C:\Windows\CSC\v2.0.6'
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
========== Deploy: 0 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========
I'm running Windows 8.1 Pro in a VM (VMWare Fusion 7) with all the latest updates from VS and Windows Update, etc. and kept everything as vanilla as possible to get started.
Any ideas what is going on?
I dug a little deeper and ran the diagnostic build from Visual Studio (Tools>Options>Projects and Solutions>Build and Run>Set MSBuild project build output verbosity= Diagnostic), and saw more details about a UNC path error that was thrown, which was also shown in my original output. Turns out you can't build with a UNC path.
I moved my project to a local folder (C:\Projects...) and that allowed it to build just fine.
The solution that I found was moving the project to C:\MyProject and then start Visual Studio as administrator and it works properly
