Setting Backbon.Marionette using RequireJS with CDN - requirejs

I'm trying to set a Backbone project with Marionette extension using requireJS.
I couldn't make it work when using one of the CDNs like cdnjs.
Does anyone know of a good example mixing these three?

I created an example of using Backbone.Marionette with Require, you can find it here :
You just need to click run to confirm that Mariontte is working from a CDN.
in this example you have the html open by default, but in the menu you will find the script.js that im using to load everything with require.
hope this heps.


How do I deploy a GWT website without Google App Engine? Is it possible to use GitHub Pages?

The Issue
Hi, I made a GWT (Google Web Toolkit) website, but now that I am done, I'm not sure how to host the website.
The code is only client-side, so I'm not sure where the problem is.
I would be grateful for any advice on where and how to host a GWT website.
Here's the GWT app on GitHub:
My attempt to use GitHub Pages:
What I tried:
I tried using GitHub Pages, but it doesn't work, for some reason the JS file is not recognized by browsers or something like that.
The build Java with Ant Github Action doesn't work either.
I also tried using Google App Engine, but it is a very complicated process that I couldn't get working, and I would like to avoid it if possible.
Also, I used VSCode to develop the application, if that helps. I think that many of the Google App Engine plugins for IDE's like Eclipse are deprecated, but let me know if I'm wrong.
Thank you!
Nvm, I wasn't being very smart. I just had to change the html to index.html, make necessary adjustments in the js files, and added all the files inside war to GitHub with the same file structure.

Using nodejs in the browser?

Following my first question, I realized that the reason I couldn't get anything to work was that I was trying to use the require() method in the browser. In learning that this is not how Node works, I was confused. I understand now that Node is only a run-time environment that allows the use of JavaScript within the console. However, I'm still left with the question of how to achieve the functions of Node within the browser. (i.e. creating a button in the browser that creates a file using Node.) I've installed Browserify but I cannot find a good tutorial on how to use it. I'm very new to Computer Science so please forgive me for the redundant questions. Thanks a lot.
Things do change. Apparently it will be possible to use node.js in the browser soon. You might be interested in this: Run Node.js in the browser
Node as you made the point is server-side runtime environment for js and the browser is client-side. Node.js has many useful built-in functionalities and they are not accessible in browser.
I recommend you to take a look how backend and frontend differs and how do they communicate with themselves. Then I think you will understand how to achieve creating a file by clicking a button in the browser.
Sorry I don't know anything about browserify but it would be better to learn node in cli.

How add a new extention?

I have a simple project of viewer on NodeJs: with some basic exstention. I want to know how can I add the new extention from to my project?
ForgeFader is based on React and uses ES6 syntax, One way to get started will be taking a look at the React Boiler plates we have in order for you to start getting familiar with it.
After you are able to use this, you will be able to start checking the extension code in order to be able to use it in your project, It will require some work on your side, unfortunately this is not a plug and play extension like the ones used in the basic NodeJs tutorial.
Jeremy has done a great work documenting all his steps in the readme of the Fader repo you already have, I would suggest going over it.

Node js plugin permissions

I create a web server with Sails.js, and want to allow third dev to create node.js plugins installable from a web page (store).
My problem is I don't want this plugin to require sails (or other critical modules) and have access to database and services and do what they want.
For example using fs and delete all files.
How can I do that ? I have no idea if node.js can lock some scripts on this own directory
I don't think that node expose some sandboxing functionality so when you load a js code into node that code can do what it want.
From your description yours plugins are more like browser javascript code so I think that you can use a headless browser to execute your code and retrieve the result. I've never tried it by myself but it should work. You just have to figure out how to pass parameters to plugin and get the result, also performance will be very bad because the headless browser is quite heavy. Try looking at
Another solution is to run the plugins directly inside node but sanitizing the code before running. There are some projects like:
They can help you limiting the powers of the plugins.
Anyway are you sure about it ? in any major CMS platform that I've seen (wordpress, joomla, drupal, liferay ...) the platform's author trusts plugins authors and plugins can always do what they want.

How to you reference a required script that is bundled?

I'm working with the Hot Towel SPA template and I'm trying to add in some data that I want to get from breeze. I have the breeze nuget package installed and the breeze script files are in the scripts folder of the site.
I can reference it by using the actual file name like the following:
define(['durandal/app', '../scripts/breeze.min.js'], function (app, breeze) {
However, this will break when my site is running in release mode and the script is actually bundled. Plus, it is really ugly and feels like a hack to put the full name in there.
What is the correct way to do this?
By default Durandal loads external libraries via normal script calls not via requirejs. Same is true for HotTowel.
or if your platform supports it via bundling
Simply load breeze before requiring main.js and you should be good to go.
