7" tablet is taking 10" layout - android-layout

I have a problem with device picking wrong layout.
I have defined my layouts as per the screen size and grouped them under following -
layout-sw600dp, layout-sw720dp and layout-sw480dp.
I have two 7" tablets for sw600dp.
1- Samsung 7" galaxy tab - This device is taking correct layout as those defined in layout-sw600dp.
2- Another 7" device [ordered from a distributor in China]- This one is taking 10" layout.
When I use http://www.whatismyscreenresolution.com/ both the devices give 1024x600 .
To check I programmatically retrieved Smallest Screen Width and Screen Width [getResources().getConfiguration().smallestScreenWidthDp and screenWidthDp]. On 2nd device I get values as 720 and 1024.
Any idea as how can I proceed further to make sure that my second device also takes layouts defined under layout-sw600dp .

what does this code returns on that device ?
DisplayMetrics dm = new DisplayMetrics();
String pxSize = dm.widthPixels + " x " + dm.heightPixels;
it may show 720x1024.
that's because even if the screen has a physic size of 600x1024px, what you get from those methods are values set by manufacturers. There is possibly a difference between those set values and real values.
If this is the case, there no much you can do about it.
except may be
if ( "aTargetManufacturer".equals( android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER ) )
but that's clearly not good practice.


Unit Of Measure Used In jszpl

I use jszpl to generate .zpl within my Nodejs application. Many elements have properties referencing a size, but I can't find anywhere what the unit of measure is. I thought the unit of measure was millimeters, but I was finding that is not the case based on my testing.
For example:
const text1 = new Text();<br/>
text1.fontFamily = new FontFamily(FontFamilyName.F);<br/>
text1.horizontalAlignment = new Alignment(AlignmentValue.Center);<br/>
**text1.top = 44;**<br/>
text1.text = 'Roll ID';
I thought in this example I was setting the text to generate 44mm from the top of the parent, but that is not the case.
Does anyone know what unit of measure is being used?
The standard unit of measurement in ZPL is dot. It is also mentioned in JSZPL github that the measurement unit used in the library is dot. Now, what is dot?
Dot is a variable size unit, its size depends on dpi (dots per inch) setting of the printer. It can have values 152, 203, 300, 600, although not all printers support all of them. Usually supported values are 203 and 300 dpi. You can set this directly on the printer via buttons, via web GUI (if you are using network connection), Zebra setup utilities or by using the ^MU ZPL command.
So, the size of a dot is determined by dpi setting. Lets say that your printer is set up to 203 dpi and you are using value 44 in your code. As the name suggests, 203 dpi means 203 dots per inch, so the real world length is 44/203 inch. To convert it to milimeters it would be (44/203)*25,4 mm. In case of 300 dpi just swap the 203 value with 300.
More about ZPL basics in ZPL manual or in Labelary introduction to ZPL.
You can also try Labelary Online ZPL viewer where you can change dpi settings and experiment on what does it do to your code.

Get numbers of all screens in Xlib

I've been googling for quite a long time and I just can't find any information on how to get screen_number for every screen connected to computer. Here I found a list of macros and some of them (like for example ScreenOfDisplay(display, screen_number) ) use argument screen_number. However there is no such macro that could give me a list of those numbers (one for every connected screen). I know how to get number of default screen (DefaultScreen() ) and count of all screens ( ScreenCount() ) but what about other screens? I noticed that screen_number of default screen is 0, although I have only one screen connected to my computer so I can't really test what happens when there are more of them. I think that screen_number could be assigned in a very simple way which is screen_number=0 for first screen,screen_number=1 for second,screen_number=2 for third and so on but as I said... I can't test wheather it's true and even if I had multiple screens how could I be sure that it works like this for all computers .Please ,if anyone of you has more experience with X11 and knows all details about how it works,tell me if I am right.
The ScreenCount(dpy) macro and int XScreenCount(Display*) function both return the number of screens connected to the display. Valid screen numbers are 0 to ScreenCount(dpy)-1. Macros in Xlib.h confirm:
#define ScreenCount(dpy) (((_XPrivDisplay)dpy)->nscreens)
#define ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, scr) (&((_XPrivDisplay)dpy)->screens[scr])
Your source (2.2.1. Display Macros) provides enough information. Normally the default screen-number is 0, e.g., when connecting to the local host you could use :0.0 as indicated in the documentation for XOpenDisplay.
That is "normally". If you run VNC, normally that runs on a different display (the first 0 in the simple connection string shown).
But (reading the documentation), when an application calls XOpenDisplay, it asks for the given screen-number (which the X server may/may not honor):
Specifies the screen to be used on that server. Multiple screens can be controlled by a single X server. The screen_number sets an internal variable that can be accessed by using the DefaultScreen() macro or the XDefaultScreen() function if you are using languages other than C (see "Display Macros").

How to create values folder for specific resolutions

I would like to create values folders for some specific resolutions(devices).
AFAIK, i can create values folders as like;
I need device specific values folders, for example, Note 4 devices 5.7'' 2560x1440 xxhdpi how can i create a values folder for that device one more example could be very useful let's say 10.1'' 2560x1600 xhdpi device. How values folders should be named ?
I'm not sure if having value folders with the specific resolution is possible.
But a different solution could be to get the screen resolution like this:
DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics();
WindowManager wm = (WindowManager)
than using the activity context object or the getWindowManager() shortcut
int screenWidth = displayMetrics.widthPixels;
int screenHeight = displayMetrics.heightPixels;
And then have a switch statement set a layout in your onCreate.
Well I found a way but i'm not sure if it makes sense ;
Note 4 devices 5.7'' 2560x1440 xxhdpi = it's 854x480dp in mdpi space so, values-sw480dp-xxhdpi works fine. I'll keep that approach for now i how i can find a more specific way to do that.

Height of tab (JTabbedPane) does not change

As the title says, the height of my tabs is not increasing as it should, my code looks like this:
JTabbedPane jtp = new JTabbedPane();
JLabel iconInTab = new JLabel(new ImageIcon("myImage.png"));
iconInTab.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100,80)); // is the size of my Image, I've also try to do this using getSize
jtp.addTab(null,new JPanel());
I've also try this using html but it did not work either:
jtp.addTab("<html><p><p><p></html>",new ImageIcon("myImage.png"),new JPanel());
with the first code the problem is not the change of the size horizontally (the width change correctly), the problem is only on the height, with the second code, if I add multiple lines inside the html code, the text appear incomplete (just show the middle line) (also the width behaves as expected, the problem is the height). . .
why is this happening? or how could I get this done?
Note: S.O.: Mac OS X 10.8.1
Solved!!! The problem was that the default UI over MAC OS X (com.apple.laf.AquaTabbedPaneContrastUI), you only need to change it to the basicTabbedPaneUI (or the one of your preference), in my particular case I need to extend this class (it was a pain in the *, because what I wanted was really complex) to get the look & feel that I was expecting, if you have the same trouble just do this before adding your tabs:
myTabbedPane.setUI(new BasicTabbedPaneUI());
Note: Checking the default UI of your TabbedPane, may solve many different problems.

Setting playback device by executing a batch file / powershell script

I've got my computer(Windows 7) hooked up to the TV, and i very often change output device for sound between Digital Audio (S/PDIF)(High definition audio device) and my headset (2- Corsair CA-HS1 USB Headset)
I wanna be able to execute a batch/script file who changes this for me so i don't have to "right click volume > playback devices > "Mark output device" and click "set default".
I know it's a luxury problem, but hey, maybe I can learn something from someone?
All help appreciated!
This is how I set 'Line 1' as the playback device:
start /min "" G:\......\nircmd.exe setdefaultsounddevice "Line 1"
NirCmd is a small command-line utility which you can download that allows you to do some useful tasks without displaying any user interface.
I had the exact same requirement as yourself, and AFTER stumbling across your posting I found the following:
Unfortunately it's not a native Windows function; it requires the download of a small open-source scripting tool called AutoHotKey, but it works nicely and only requires a small amount of memory (1 ~ 2.5Mb)
The script provided in the original article doesn't work for me. It's searching for Enabled/Disabled devices and changing that value, as opposed to changing the default device.
I've edited it to switch between 2 default devices now.
It works by opening your Sound control panel (mmsys.cpl), then scrolling down the list of playback devices to the second item in the list (that's the {Down 2} part).
This is because my Speakers are the second item in my list.
It then checks to see if the device is default or not. If not, it sets it as the default and closes the window. If it's already the default, it scrolls down another 2 times and sets that as the default.
So, you'll need to ammend the {Down 2} lines to fit your own list of devices.
Run, mmsys.cpl
ControlSend,SysListView321,{Down 2}
ControlGet, selectedDevice, List, Focused, SysListView321
Loop, Parse, selectedDevice, %A_Tab%
if a_index <> 3
if A_LoopField <> Default Device
ControlClick,&Set Default
SoundPlay, *-1
ControlSend,SysListView321,{Down 2}
ControlClick,&Set Default
SoundPlay, *-1
To follow up on Dale Newton's post, NirCmd is a great way to do this. On top of that if you pair it with AutoHotKey you can create an executable that will change your devices without opening pesky CMD windows every time you run it. For example, I have two sources that I switch between all the time, one is my headphones and they other is my monitor. For my monitor I created an ahk script that does this:
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ;I have nircmd in the same folder as these scripts
Run, nircmd setdefaultsounddevice "Acer X34-8" 1
Run, nircmd setdefaultsounddevice "Acer X34-8" 2
And another for my headphones with the last two lines changed to:
Run, nircmd setdefaultsounddevice "Headset Earphone" 1
Run, nircmd setdefaultsounddevice "Headset Earphone" 2
Afterwards you can compile each ahk script into an exe and bind each exe to a keyboard macro so you can execute them with a couple key presses. Personally I am using a Corsair K95 so I use their software to bind these to my 'G' keys.
Also to note, if you are in your sound preferences you can rename any of the devices to avoid naming conflicts.
I had a HDMI device that keeps changing it's name, so none of the existing solutions worked for me.
I eventually ended up with this powershell and use of the NirCmd app.
#File: TV.ps1
$name = "SMART*"
# list active audio playback devices. (Note for cature devices change Render to Capture)
$device = Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\MMDevices\Audio\Render\*\" | where {$_."DeviceState" -eq 1} | foreach-object -Process {(Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path ($_.PSPath + "\Properties\") -Name "{a45c254e-df1c-4efd-8020-67d146a850e0},2")} | Where-Object {$_ -like $name}
C:\bin\NIRCMDC setdefaultsounddevice $device 1
C:\bin\NIRCMDC setdefaultsounddevice $device 2
As far as I understand there is no way to do this programmatically. This is a deliberate design, since Microsoft does not want applications to override audio setting set by user.
You will find same answer here but if you solutions that manipulate windows you can have a look here.
The following script is written in Windows 7 and uses sendkeys. It is based on other snippets I found but adds to them to ensure selection is consistent and stray windows are not left displayed.
You may want to adjust SleepTime for your system if it still plays up.
Call the script using a shortcut with the index of the item you wish to select in the Playback Devices window as first parameter.
You can create a new 'toolbar' on your 'taskbar' to select each device with a single click:
Taskbar toolbar picture
'This script uses sendkeys to select the Sound Output device
'First parameter should be the desired device number in 'Playback Devices' list
Option Explicit
Const SleepTime = 200
Dim WindSh
'Check the command line input
if ( Wscript.Arguments.Count <> 1) then
MsgBox "You must provide a single integer argument representing the device number", vbinformation + vbokonly, Wscript.ScriptName
Wscript.Quit 1
elseif ( false = IsNumeric( Wscript.Arguments.Item(0) ) ) then
MsgBox "The argument provided was not an integer number: " & Wscript.Arguments.Item(0), vbinformation + vbokonly, Wscript.ScriptName
Wscript.Quit 2
End If
set WindSh = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
WindSh.run("control.exe mmsys.cpl")
do while (WindSh.AppActivate("Sound") = false)
WScript.Sleep SleepTime
WindSh.sendkeys("{DOWN " & Clng( Wscript.Arguments.Item(0) ) & "}")
WScript.Sleep SleepTime
WindSh.sendkeys("{TAB 2}")
WScript.Sleep SleepTime
WScript.Sleep SleepTime
WScript.Sleep SleepTime
if (WindSh.AppActivate("Sound") = true) then
end if
Might not be related to switching the audio device around via script, but I also have my computer hooked up to my TV via HDMI.
When I want to watch video files on the TV I use Media Player Classic Home Cinema - this lets me specify the audio device for MPH:HC in the options without switching over my default sound device on the entire computer.
If your usage is similar to mine maybe MPC:HC will solve your problem for you.
Note that if you use nircmd setdefaultsounddevice speakers in an enterprise or educational environment login script, the sound will still come out from the speakers when headphones are plugged in.
