RavenDB: Raven Query not returning correct count with document authorization - statistics

public class EngineInfo
public int Id{get;set;}
public int? AircraftId { get; set; }
public string SerialNumber { get; set; }
public int Position { get; set; }
public string RegNumber { get; set; }
// Here is the code which uses the above model. I have 17,000 documents with this model
ravenSession.Store(new AuthorizationUser
Id = "Authorization/Users/1",
Name = "user-1",
Permissions =
new OperationPermission
Allow = true,
Operation = "EngineInfos/View",
Tags = "Company/100"
1. var query = ravenSession.Query<EngineInfo>();
// When I log query.Count(), I see all the documents count ie., 17000, This is ignoring the authorization I set in the before statement. If I add where clause to the above statement it is working and I could see the correct count. But I want to get all the documents for which the user has authorization to.
2. var query = ravenSession.Query<EngineInfo>().ToList();
Now, I get the correct count considering authorization. But the problem is unless I mention Take(x), it will not return all the results.
I tried with
RavenQueryStatistics queryStats;
query.Statistics(out queryStats);
I still could not get the authorizes results. I get all the count.
Could you please help me figuring out in finding TotalCount of the query results without loading all records?
My requirement is to display all engines in an searchable ExtJS paging grid. I need to know the total count of the records to display calculate and display the number of pages(page count is fixed).

This is by design, see http://ravendb.net/docs/intro/safe-by-default.
session.Query<Post>().Count() will give you the count of all the posts on the server, while session.Query<Post>().ToList().Count() will give the count of the posts that was fetched to the client.
By default, RavenDB apply .Take(128) to the query, in order to encourage you to do paging and be safe by default. If you want to get more then that you need to specify how much to take, like .Take(1024), but by default the server will not return more then 1024 items at once. You can configure the server to do so, but this is not recommended. You much better use paging as the user cannot handle that much on info at once anyway.

What you're seeing is that Raven's QueryStatistics ignore the Authorization bundle. This has been reported in the Raven Google Group.
As far as I can tell, there isn't, at the time of this writing, a reliable way to get the total count of authorized documents for a query. It seems to me that the Authorization bundle should include some support for this.
I'll look into it and update this answer as I find out more.


Sitecore solr and muiltilist with search

I've set up a new instance of Sitecore, added some items and created a multilist with search, all works fine until I move to solr.
After enabled debug on search I've got that Sitecore is sending to solr the following query
((-_group:(d4882314400a467fad6f84bbb58acd03) -_group:(15fbfc2f4af34e0dbdf0a094332127bb)) AND _templatename:(Ship))
The problem is that query doesn't return anything in solr the correct query should be
(-_group:(d4882314400a467fad6f84bbb58acd03) -_group:(15fbfc2f4af34e0dbdf0a094332127bb) AND _templatename:(Ship))
But I'm finding hard to accept that Sitecore just doesn't work with solr and multilist with search.
Any ideas?
Looks like a bug and worth raising with Sitecore Support.
There are a number of known issues with Multilist with search.
Take a look at this knowledge base article to see if the solution works for you:
You needs to create a custom index for multi-list.
public class SearchCategoryComputedField : IComputedIndexField
public string FieldName { get; set; }
public string ReturnType { get; set; }
public object ComputeFieldValue(IIndexable indexable)
string multilistValues="";
//Write logic here to get your selected values of multi list
return multilistValues;
Also add path config for custom index, then rebuilt your index.

In Orchard, how to query based on current user's content picker field?

I have extended the built-in User ContentType with a Content Picker Field that can be used to select multiple Video ContentItems. This gives me a video multi-picker control on the Edit page of each User.
I love how Orchard CMS makes this so elegantly simple to setup.
Now that I can associate multiple Videos with a User, I'd like to create a Query that will display just the Videos that the currently logged in User has been granted access.
I was hoping to be able to setup a Query using the Projector module, in what I thought was the obvious way (see below), but this returns no results.
This is how I configured the second filter:
Clicked on the + Add a new Filter link on the Edit Query screen
Chose Videos:Ids from the User Content Fields section, like this:
Configured the new filter like this:
What am I doing wrong, or what is the simplest way of diagnosing this issue?
This is how the Content Picker field is defined:
I have spotted my error - it was due to me not having a proper understand of how the filters worked. The Videos:Ids filter in the User Content Fields section does not give access to the current user's list of videos, as I assumed. Instead, it is offering the field to be used in the filter, which would be useful if I were to write a query to produce a list of Users that had access to a specific Video.
It was wishful thinking that it worked the way I wanted, but it's obvious in retrospect how it actually works.
Update: in the hope it's useful for others, here's the custom filter I developed:
public interface IFilterProvider : IEventHandler
void Describe(dynamic describe);
public class CurrentUserVideosFilter : IFilterProvider
private readonly IWorkContextAccessor _workContextAccessor;
public CurrentUserVideosFilter(IWorkContextAccessor workContextAccessor)
_workContextAccessor = workContextAccessor;
T = NullLocalizer.Instance;
public Localizer T { get; set; }
public void Describe(dynamic describe)
describe.For("My Filter Category", T("My Filter Category"), T("My Filter Category"))
.Element("Current User's Videos", T("Current User's Videos"), T("Current User's Videos"),
(Func<dynamic, LocalizedString>)DisplayFilter,
public void ApplyFilter(dynamic context)
var query = (IHqlQuery)context.Query;
context.Query = query.ForType("Video")
.Where(x => x.ContentPartRecord<IdentityPartRecord>(), x => x.InG("Id", GetVideoIdsForCurrentUser()));
private IList<int> GetVideoIdsForCurrentUser()
var currentUser = _workContextAccessor.GetContext().CurrentUser;
if (currentUser == null) return new int[0];
dynamic item = currentUser.ContentItem;
var videoContentItems = (IEnumerable<ContentItem>)item.User.Videos.ContentItems;
return videoContentItems.Select(i => i.Id).ToList();
public LocalizedString DisplayFilter(dynamic context)
return T("Videos that have been assigned to the currently logged in user");
I created this class in a new Orchard module, which contains all my customisations for the site I'm building. Once I installed the module, the filter was immediately available. I assume Orchard uses reflection to seek out all types that implement the IFilterProvider interface.
This is how the filter appears on the Add a Filter screen:
Clicking on the filter shows this screen:
Once the filter has been saved, the query works exactly how I'd like - it shows all videos that have been assigned to the currently logged in user.

Document not available in query direct after store

I'm trying to store a "Role" object and then get a list of Roles, as shown here:
public class Role
public Guid RoleId { get; set; }
public string RoleName { get; set; }
public string RoleDescription { get; set; }
//Function store:
private void StoreRole(Role role)
using (var docSession = docStore.OpenSession())
// then it return and a function calls this
public List<Role> GetRoles()
using (var docSession = docStore.OpenSession())
var Roles = from roles in docSession.Query<Role>() select roles;
return Roles.ToList();
However, in the GetRoles I am missing the last inserted record/document. If I wait 200ms and then call this function the item is there.
So I am not in sync. ?!
How can I solve this, or alternately how could I know when the result is in the document store for querying?
I've used transactions, but cannot figure this out. Update and delete are just fine, but when inserting I need to delay my 'List' call.
You are treating RavenDB as if it is a relational database, and it isn't. Load and Store are ACID operations in RavenDB, Query is not. Indexes (necessary for queries) are updated asynchronously, and in fact, temporary indexes may have to be built from scratch when you do a session.Query<T>() without a durable index specified. So, if you are trying to query for information you JUST stored, or if you are doing the FIRST query that requires a temporary index to be created, you probably won't get the data you expect.
There are methods of customizing your query to wait for non-stale results but you shouldn't lean on these too much because they're indicative of a bad design - it is better to figure out a better way to do the same thing in a way that embraces eventual consistency, either changing your model (so you get consistency via Load/Store - perhaps you could have one document that defines ALL of the roles in a list?) or by changing the application flow so you don't need to Store and then immediately Query.
An additional way of solving this is to query the index with WaitForNonStaleResultsAsOfLastWrite() turned on inside the save function. That way when the save is completed the index will be updated to at least include the change you just made.
You can read more about this here

ServiceStack Json Serializer ignore properties

I have a business requirement to only send permissioned properties in our response payload. For instance, our response DTO may have several properties, and one of them is SSN. If the user doesn't have permissions to view the SSN then I would never want it to be in the Json response. The second requirement is that we send null values if the client has permissions to view or change the property. Because of the second requirement setting the properties that the user cannot view to null will not work. I have to still return null values.
I have a solution that will work. I create an expandoObject by reflecting through my DTO and add only the properties that I need. This is working in my tests.
I have looked at implementing ITextSerializer. I could use that and wrap my response DTO in another object that would have a list of properties to skip. Then I could roll my own SerializeToString() and SerializeToStream(). I don't really see any other ways at this point. I can't use the JsConfig and make a SerializeFn because the properties to skip would change with each request.
So I think that implementing ITextSerializer is a good option. Are there any good examples of this getting implemented? I would really like to use all the hard work that was already done in the serializer and take advantage of the great performance. I think that in an ideal world I would just need to add a check in the WriteType.WriteProperties() to look and the property is one to write, but that is internal and really, most of them are so I can't really take advantage of them.
If someone has some insight please let me know! Maybe I am making the implementation of ITextSerialzer a lot harder that it really is?
Pull request #359 added the property "ExcludePropertyReference" to the JsConfig and the JsConfigScope. You can now exclude references in scope like I needed to.
I would be hesitant to write my own Serializer. I would try to find solutions that you can plug in into the existing ServiceStack code. That way you will have to worry less about updating dlls and breaking changes.
One potential solution would be decorating your properties with a Custom Attributes that you could reflect upon and obscure the property values. This could be done in the Service before Serialization even happens. This would still include values that they user does not have permission to see but I would argue that if you null those properties out they won't even be serialized by JSON anyways. If you keep all the properties the same they you will keep the benefits of strong typed DTOs.
Here is some hacky code I quickly came up with to demonstrate this. I would move this into a plugin and make the reflection faster with some sort of property caching but I think you will get the idea.
Hit the url twice using the following routes to see it in action.
/test?role=Admin (hack to pretend to be an authenticated request)
public class SecureProperty : System.Attribute
public string Role {get;set;}
public SecureProperty(string role)
Role = role;
public class Test : IReturn
public string Name { get; set; }
public string SSN { get; set; }
public string SSN2 { get; set; }
public string Role {get;set;}
public class TestService : Service
public object Get(Test request)
// hack to demo roles.
var usersCurrentRole = request.Role;
var props = typeof(Test).GetProperties()
prop => ((SecureProperty[])prop
.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SecureProperty), false))
.Any(att => att.Role != usersCurrentRole)
var t = new Test() {
Name = "Joe",
SSN = "123-45-6789",
SSN2 = "123-45-6789" };
foreach(var p in props) {
p.SetValue(t, "xxx-xx-xxxx", null);
return t;
configurationBuilder: host => { });
I create this demo in ScriptCS. Check it out.

How to specify a column Name for EF5 navigation property

I'm using EF5 code first to generate my database schema, but my new navigation property is being named in an undesirable way in the table. here is the model I'm working with.
public class User
public long UserId { get; set; }
**public virtual ICollection<ImagePermission> KeepThisNavigationName { get; set; }**
However, After I've updated my database and examine the table columns, the column is named:
And I would like it to be named
I believe there is a way to do this using the Fluent API, but after many failed attempts, I can't get the desired outcome.
P.s. The 'ImagePermission' Entity is currently still in development, so I would prefer to drop the migration which creates this table so I can create this column name correctly during the table create, rather than having additional code to update the column name.
Many thanks, Oliver
The correct mapping with Fluent API would be:
.HasMany(u => u.KeepThisNavigationName)
.WithOptional() // or WithRequired()
.Map(m => m.MapKey("KeepThisNavigationName_UserId"));
If you have a navigation property in ImagePermission refering to User you need to use WithOptional(i => i.User) (or WithRequired(i => i.User)) instead of the parameterless version.
