how to get the jpf heuristic live count when using Verify API - jpf

I am using something like
int y = Verify.getIntFromList(intArray);
boolean z = Verify.getBoolean();
//do something with y and z i.e. all possible permutations of y and z etc.
I am interested in getting the live count of jpf as it go through each permutation. For example if there are 10 ints in the intArray and we know false and true for boolean so there will be total of 20 permutations. but I want live count as it is going through all of the 20 one by one. Want to use this live count in my program.
Hope I have explained clearly what I want to do?

Before your above statements, call
Each time you call a Verify.getXXX() call Verify.incrementCounter(0,1);
first argument in the counter statements is the counter index, you can define more than one counter and increment each one based on your logic.
counters are something like static variables of JPF.


How would I "iterate" through a range of numbers?

Let's say my function (foo) takes 2 arguments: startNum, and endNum. I need to return every single a list of every multiple of 2 (or alternatively, every number evenly divisible by 2) that falls within that range by checking each number one by one. It is assumed that endNum will always be greater than startNum.
For example, if the function signature was something like this:
foo :: Int -> Int -> Int[]
Then foo(5,10) would return [6, 8, 10].
So far I have tried to mimic a "for" loop, and attempted to use map and scan/scanl in slightly unconventional ways to try and account for the fact that I am not starting off with a list, but rather a range of numbers. However, I have not been able to find a solution using these methods (my level of experience with Haskell is very low, so that is the biggest factor here in why I have not been able to accomplish so simple of a task).
I am expecting the solution, in some way, to use recursion. I am not sure exactly how to begin an implementation of this, or if my previously attempted methods are even correct ways to go about it.
Iteration in Haskell usually means either recursion, or a list comprehension.
For recursion you need a base case and an update case. In your example, we know that if startNum is greater than endNum, the list must be empty. That's easy to write:
foo startNum endNum
| startNum > endNum = []
The trick is the update. Or updates. What do you return if startNum is even? What about when it's not?
foo startNum endNum
| startNum > endNum = []
| even startNum = ...
| otherwise = ...
More natural is a list comprehension with a condition. That code is trivial.
[x | x <- [startNum..endNum], even x]

On a dataset made up of dictionaries, how do I multiply the elements of each dictionary with Python'

I started coding in Python 4 days ago, so I'm a complete newbie. I have a dataset that comprises an undefined number of dictionaries. Each dictionary is the x and y of a point in the coordinates.
I'm trying to compute the summatory of xy by nesting the loop that multiplies xy within the loop that sums the products.
However I haven't been able to figure out how to multiply the values for the two keys in each dictionary (so far I only got to multiply all the x*y)
So far I've got this:
If my data set were to be d= [{'x':0, 'y':0}, {'x':1, 'y':1}, {'x':2, 'y':3}]
I've got the code for the function that calculates the product of each pair of x and y:
def product_xy (product_x_per_y):
prod_xy =[]
n = 0
for i in range (len(d)):
result = d[n]['x']*d[n]['y']
return prod_xy
I also have the function to add up the elements of a list (like prod_xy):
def total_xy_prod (sum_prod):
all = 0
for s in sum_prod:
all+= s
return all
I've been trying to find a way to nest this two functions so that I can iterate through the multiplication of each x*y and then add up all the products.
Make sure your code works as expected
First, your functions have a few mistakes. For example, in product_xy, you assign n=0, and later do n + 1; you probably meant to do n += 1 instead of n + 1. But n is also completely unnecessary; you can simply use the i from the range iteration to replace n like so: result = d[i]['x']*d[i]['y']
Nesting these two functions: part 1
To answer your question, it's fairly straightforward to get the sum of the products of the elements from your current code:
coord_sum = total_xy_prod(product_xy(d))
Nesting these two functions: part 2
However, there is a much shorter and more efficient way to tackle this problem. For one, Python provides the built-in function sum() to sum the elements of a list (and other iterables), so there's no need create total_xy_prod. Our code could at this point read as follows:
coord_sum = sum(product_xy(d))
But product_xy is also unnecessarily long and inefficient, and we could also replace it entirely with a shorter expression. In this case, the shortening comes from generator expressions, which are basically compact for-loops. The Python docs give some of the basic details of how the syntax works at list comprehensions, which are distinct, but closely related to generator expressions. For the purposes of answering this question, I will simply present the final, most simplified form of your desired result:
coord_sum = sum(e['x'] * e['y'] for e in d)
Here, the generator expression iterates through every element in d (using for e in d), multiplies the numbers stored in the dictionary keys 'x' and 'y' of each element (using e['x'] * e['y']), and then sums each of those products from the entire sequence.
There is also some documentation on generator expressions, but it's a bit technical, so it's probably not approachable for the Python beginner.

Connect string value to a corresponding variable name

This question has somehow to do with an earlier post from me. See here overlap-of-nested-lists-creates-unwanted-gap
I think that I have found a solution but i can't figure out how to implement it.
First the relevant code since I think it is easier to explain my problem that way. I have prepared a fiddle to show the code:
PYFiddle here
Each iteration fills a nested list in ag depending on the axis. The next iteration is supposed to fill the next nested list in ag but depending on the length of the list filled before.
The generell idea to realise this is as follows:
First I would assign each nested list within the top for-loop to a variable like that:
x = ag[0]
y = ag[1]
z = ag[2]
In order to identify that first list I need to access data_j like that. I think the access would work that way.
data_j[i-1]['axis'] returns either x,y or z as string
Now I need to get the length of the list which corresponds to the axis returned from data_j[i-1]['axis'].
The problem is how do I connect the "value" of data_j[i-1]['axis'] with its corresponding x = ag[0], y = ag[1] or z = ag[2]
Since eval() and globals() are bad practice I would need a push into the right direction. I couldn't find a solution
I think I figured out a way. Instead of taking the detour of using the actual axis name I will try to use the iterator i of the parent loop (See the fiddle) since it increases for each element from data_j it kinda creates an id which I think I can use to create a method to use it for the index of the nest to address the correct list.
I managed to solve it using the iterator i. See the fiddle from my original post in order to comprehend what I did with the following piece of code:
if i < 0:
cond = 0
cond = i
pred_axis = data_j[cond]['axis']
if pred_axis == 'x':
g = 0
elif pred_axis == 'y':
g = 1
elif pred_axis == 'z':
g = 2
calc_size = len(ag[g])
n_offset = calc_size+offset
I haven't figured yet why cond must be i and not i-1 but it works. As soon as I figure out the logic behind it I will post it.
EDIT: It doesn't work for i it works for i-1. My indices for the relevant list start at 1. ag[0] is reserved for a constant which can be added if necessary for further calculations. So since the relevant indices are moved up by the value of 1 from the beginning already i don't need to decrease the iterator in each run.

Thrust custom binary predicate parallelization

I am implementing a custom binary predicate used by the thrust::max_element search algorithm. It also keeps track of a value of interest which the algorithm alone cannot yield. It looks something like this:
struct cmp_class{
cmp_class(int *val1){
this->val1 = val1;
bool operator()(int i, int j){
if (j < *val1) { *val1 = j; }
return i < j;
int *val1;
int val1 = ARRAY[0];
std::max_element(ARRAY, ARRAY+length, cmp(&val1));
.... use val1
My actual binary predicate is quite a bit more complex, but the example above captures the gist of it: I am passing a pointer to an integer to the binary predicate cmp, which then writes to that integer to keep track of some value (here the running minimum). Since max_element first calls cmp()(ARRAY[0],ARRAY[1]) and then cmp()(running maximum,ARRAY[i]), I only look at value j inside cmp and therefore initialize val1 = ARRAY[0] to ensure ARRAY[0] is taken into account.
If I do the above on the host, using std::max_element for example, this works fine. The values of val1 is what I expect given known data. However, using Thrust to execute this on the GPU, its value is off. I suspect this is due to the parallelization of thrust::max_element, which is recursively applied on sub arrays, the results of which form another array which thrust::max_element is run on, etc. Does this hold water?
In general, the binary predicates used for thrust reductions are expected to be commutative. I'm using "commutative" here to mean that the predicate result should be valid regardless of the order in which the arguments are presented.
At the initial stage of a thrust parallel reduction, the arguments are likely to be presented in an order you might expect (i.e. in the order of the vectors passed to the reduce function, or in the order that the values occur in a single vector.) However, later on in the parallel reduction process, the origin of the arguments may get mixed up, during the parallel-sweeping. Any binary comparison functor that assumes an ordering to the arguments is probably broken, for thrust parallel reductions.
In your case, the boolean result of your comparison functor should be valid regardless of the order of arguments presented, and in that respect it appears to be properly commutative.
However, regarding the custom storage functionality you have built-in around val1, it seems pretty clear that the results in val1 could be different depending on the order in which arguments are passed to the functor. Consider this simple max-finding sequence amongst a set values passed to the functor as (i,j) (assume val1 starts out at a large value):
values: 10 5 3 7 12
comparison pairs: (10,5) (10,3) (10,7) (10,12)
comparison result: 10 10 10 12
val1 storage: 5 3 3 3
Now suppose that we simply reverse the order that arguments are presented to the functor:
values: 10 5 3 7 12
comparison pairs: (5,10) (3,10) (7,10) (12,10)
comparison result: 10 10 10 12
val1 storage: 10 10 10 10
Another issue is that you have no atomic protection on val1 that I can see:
if (j < *val1) { *val1 = j; }
The above line of code may be OK in a serial realization. In a parallel multi-threaded algorithm, you have the possibility for multiple threads to be accessing (reading and writing) *val1 simultaneously, which will have undefined results.

Doesn't accept the list index?

I have this peice of code:
n = int (input ('Enter the Number of Players: '))
m = [[j] for j in range (0, n)]
all_names= []
i = 0
while n > 1:
m[i] = input('Player {0}: '.format (i+1))
all_names.extend ([m[i]])
if m[i][0] != m[i-1][-1]:
b= m.pop (i)
n = n-1
if all_names.count (m[i]) == 2:
n = n-1
b= m.pop (i)
i = i+1
It says the index is out of range (second if clause)
but I dont get it, why?
I hate to not answer your question directly, but what you're trying to do seems... really confusing. Python has a sort of rule that there's supposed to be a really clear, clean way of doing things, so if a piece of code looks really funky (especially for such a simple function), it's probably not using the right approach.
If you just want to create a container of names, there are numerous simpler ways of doing it:
players=int(input("How many players?\n"))
while len(player_names)<players:
player_names.add(input("What is player {}'s name?\n".format(len(player_names)+1)))
... will give you a set of unique player names, although this won't be ordered. That might matter (your implementation kept order, so maybe it is), and in this case you could still use a list and add a small check to make sure you were adding a new name and not repeatedly adding names:
players=int(input("How many players?\n"))
while len(player_names)<players:
playname=input("What is player {}'s name?\n".format(len(player_names)+1))
if playname not in player_names:
I'm open to someone haranguing me about dodging the question, particularly if there's a purpose/reason for the approach the questioner took.
Length of m decreases every time the code enters the first if clause. However, you increment the value of i in each iteration. So, at the midpoint of length of m (if the 1st clause is entered always) or a little later, the value of i will be bigger than the value of m and you will get an index out of range.
