confusion in bootstrapping my application in backbonejs - node.js

I have a working application in codeigniter phil sturgeon REST API with backbone.js, underscore.js and require.js
Ineed to use mongodb and node.js in the backend. I have build a working REST API for the same. Now i am clueless as to how to migrate my whole project to work with this API. I use XAMPP on windows to serve apache. So since now i don't need to use xamp, how do i determine the structure of file system?
what files will go there? how do i bootstrap my application?

Node.js comes with an application server.
You need to run your application server at a certain port (e.g. localhost:3000).
There are multiple ways to deal this:
Application Server is also the Web server.
That means your application server at port 80. That's not really an optimal solution as application servers are not ideal for static assets. I think there are some security issues too but need to read on that.
Setup a web server and forward requests to application server
Here you will setup a web server. apache is a web server but for nginx is optimal for node.js applications. So you run your web server on port 80 and forward all requests to your application server port (e.g. 3000) . You setup nginx in a way so that for static assets (images, javascripts, css etc.) it doesn't bother application server but just serve the files directly from the file system.
Setup a proxy server in node.js
Take a look at Bounce Not sure how it performs in a production setup but the reviews are good. But it suffers from slowness in serving static asset.


Deploy Node.js on tomcat

I have developed an application using Angular, Node/Express and MySQL. I have deployed my Angular application on the tomcat server, which is connected to some 10 PCs. However, I want to deploy my backend i.e, Node.js/Express.js on the same server as well since my app is totally dependent on the backend. How can I do that? I read online that one cannot deploy node.js on tomcat as both are separate servers. Do I have to install Node.js/MySQL separately on the same server? Isn't there any security threat linked to hosting the front-end and the back-end on the same server machine?
I would really appreciate if someone could clear my mind regarding this.
It's true that Tomcat and nodejs are separate web server programs, and you cannot run one within the other. You can run them both on the same machine, but they must use different ports.
You can use a reverse proxy server (nginx) to project the illusion to your end users that your Tomcat and nodejs apps run on the same server and port. Explaining how to do that is far beyond the scope of a SO answer.
You can share a database server (MySql) between the Java applications running on Tomcat and the Javascript.
There is no inherent security risk in hosting your front-end and back-end code on the same origin server. In fact, there are security advantages, because you can set up restrictive CORS rules.

Node.js for a website

Can I use node.js to build a web server and domain from scratch, instead of using apache for a website? Can All the backend hosting and domain work be done by node.js?
Thank in advanced, I'm trying to build a site for my resumé, would like to build it from scratch, to showcase my resumé. Back to front end. ...etc
So, sort of yes, but also sort of no. To build a back end with node you need to use a framework like express, and to serve it you'd need something like this. But to safely expose it to the open internet, you should definitely use apache or nginx to proxy requests to the port that your app is listening on. This is because it's extremely unsafe to expose your node server to the internet, and because both ports 80 and 443 require root privilege, making it even more unsafe. But if you really want to serve directly to your js backend, you can do so with something like this Best practices when running Node.js with port 80 (Ubuntu / Linode) for linux or this for mac. This also requires root privilege to implement, and is still extremely unsafe.

Should I use a separate Socket.IO server or not?

I'm currently working on a Node.JS application which needs to be highly scalable for use in a particularly popular website.
Currently, the Node.JS and Socket.IO server is running as one application meaning to deploy a new release I just restart the server.
I've had suggestions to make the Socket.IO server separate to the Node.JS app running the site but feel as though this could make keeping the Javascript from the web server and Socket.IO server in sync tricky.
What should I do?

Serve nodejs app from nginx like with php?

I use Nginx to serve my php applications for dev purposes.
On Ubuntu it works out of the box.
I want to do the same for Node.js apps.
Is this possible without doing nodejs app.js before?
How to achieve this in a single Nginx conf file?
PHP and node.js are oil and water. PHP requires a web server to run the .php files, however node.js typically creates its own web server. Since you are creating your own web server, in many cases you wouldn't find it necessary to serve your application from Nginx, however, if you truly insisted on "serving" it from Nginx, you would need to proxy it.
This is not possible without doing nodejs app.js before, due to the way node.js works.
This question best answers your question regarding proxy'ing via Nginx.
As a closing remark, its good to remember that node.js does in fact (in most cases) implement its own web server, and PHP does not.

node.js apache server

I have some sort of noob question regarding to node.js and These two guys are usually needed to use websockets for server to browser communication. Once that my project gets done, do I have to upload my php files to my apache server. Now my question is do I have also to upload my node_modules directory to my apache server? along with directory?
In order to run your node.js process you need to have ability to execute own applications on server. Classic virtual server does not allow of such functionality. There is virtual server hosting for node.js specifically, check out nodejitsu, heroku or any other.
You can run node.js as web platform by it self, without of use of any apache, that will make your life much easier. But if you still need apache and PHP, then you need to consider proxying from apache to your node.js process. This still can be tricky as proxying WebSockets is not straight forward.
If you have access to Apache settings, then you can enable proxying for HTTP/HTTPS, read this:
For WebSockets, there is not much data available but here is possible solution:
Although if you have own server and have ability to choose between web platform, I would recommend to look into nginx, as it has support for WebSockets proxying (might require module and nginx recompiling).
