Spotify Folder in "My Documents" - spotify

I'm trying to make an app for Spotify, but I can't get the first step to work. I have made a folder named 'Spotify' in 'My Documents' (I use Windows 7 64 Bit), and made a folder inside it named 'test'. In 'test' I put a file 'index.html' to test if I can open it in Spotify, but I can't. I have a developer account, so that can't be a problem. When I type 'spotify:app:test' in the search bar, I get something like this:
(Note, in the screenshot it says spotify:app:tutorial, but I get the exact same result as displayed when I type spotify:app:test, saying failed to load application)
Also, I use Spotify version

Spotify cannot load an application unless it has a valid manifest file. The manifest documentation can be found here.
Alternatively, see the Spotify Apps Tutorial app for a working example of a valid manifest. Note that you at least need an identifier, version and name for a manifest to be considered valid.


Google Cloud Natural Language Example

I have followed the getting started page closely.
The example code has the following: $projectId = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID';
I fill in my project id taken from the json file and the Google console--e.g. "$projectID = 'myproject-197218'" and I always get a fatal error with "Permission Denied."
I have set the env variable, run composer to install the library. And, I created the Google json file. I am running the example in PHP code.
I am running the code on my local server (xampp).
I figured out my problem. The Google Cloud json file was stored on my drive d:, so in the env variable I referenced it as 'GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS= d:\xampp\htdocs\googapi\mproj.json', it did not work; when I moved it to the root of the c: drive and referenced it there (GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=c:proj.json), it worked fine.
Are you sure that the ID of your project is that one? I'm working in Google Cloud and I cannot see this project ID in our database, but if I type "my-project-197218" with a "-" between "my" and "project" I am able to find one project. please, to make sure that this is your correct project ID, run this command in your Google Cloud Shell to get the default project ID:
gcloud config list --format 'value(core.project)' 2>/dev/null

NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription missing, but present

After successful upload I get:
This app attempts to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description. The app's Info.plist must contain an NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to the user how the app uses this data.
This is in the .plist:
NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription 'MyApp' would
like to use Bluetooth
What is here wrong? In other App's it was working.
The problem was, that there were two .plist files in the project directory.
The used .plist file is defined here: "TARGETS", "Build settings", "Packaging", "INFOPLIST_FILE".
find the info.plist file of your project and add the NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription key the value it is string whatever you like. this feature is request on iOS 10.enter image description here

cannot read property 'client_secret' of undefined

I have tried to create a sample program using Node.js, following instructions from
I throws an error saying cannot read property 'client_secret' of undefined when trying to run it.
Looking for your valuable suggestions.
Thanks in advance.
var clientSecret = credentials.installed.client_secret;
In this line credentials is pointing to client_secret.json so the first key has to be "installed". In my case the key was "web" and that was causing the error. I just renamed the key "web" to "installed".
Since there is no key named "installed", it's parsing it to be undefined.
In credentials.json change the key "web" to "installed". Probably the docs need to change from Google's side.
It seems you have missed Step 1: Turn on the Google Apps Activity API.
After creating the Credentials:
f. Click the file_download (Download JSON) button to the right of the
client ID.
g. Move this file to your working directory and rename it
client_secret.json. Put it in your project folder.
Your client_secret.json file needs to have the line below:
"redirect_uris": ["urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob", "http://localhost"]
instead of the lines like below:
Also you may want to change chain head in client_secret.json from web to installed, or vise versa.
I had this problem, but I had the wrong type of credentials file. I initially used "Web Server (Nodejs)...", and it had the "web" heading instead of the "installed", but when I did it again, and selected "Windows UI (cmd line)", I got the file with the correct format.
Try selecting the application type "Other".
Select the "Help me choose" option and there you can chose other application type.
That way your client_secret.json will have the variable named "installed".
The recent version of Google Drive API will have a Desktop client option while creating OAuth API Key. Do select that, it will have all required information to access Google drive from Script.

icon error in createNotification in Chrome extension

In my Chrome Extension, I am using webkitNotifications.createNotification to alert users. It's a great tool!! In the sample code given, the first parameter is optional and specifies an an icon and the Google instructions claim that it can be a local reference. When I use a local file, I get a broken image link. This even occurs when I use the sample for Notification Demo located here -
Does anyone else have this issue?
The icon is listed in my manifest file.
I can get around this by using a complete web reference, but I like to use this tool for error notifications and sometimes the error is caused by an interruption of internet access.
I am using chrome version 18.0.1025.151 m.
The problem with their sample is they have included "manifest_version": 2 in their manifest but not added a "web_accessible_resources" listing what resources should be available to pages.
You can read more about manifest_version 2 and what changes it introduces here....
...and about web_accessible_resources here....
To fix the problem in the sample, you can either remove the manifest version 2 bit (even the docs say this wont be required for a while yet). Or you can add the following to the manifest....
"web_accessible_resources": [
"Web Accessible" means the resources is being accessed from your server so you must make sure to include the path to the resources in your javascript and in the manifest,json.

Launch Documents To Go app from third party Blackberry App

I was wondering if it's possible to open doc, xls, pdf, etc files using the "Documents To Go" app from a third party blackberry app.
If you want to open a specific document, since Docs ToGo registers to handle these extensions, you can use the Registry invocation and it will be handled for you. Take a look at the Registry and Invocation classes, the following code will open the document in the given path, Docs ToGo will take over through the Registry:
Invocation invocation = new Invocation(path);
Ragistry reg = = Registry.getRegistry("<your app namespace.class>");
If there is no registered handler for the file content type a ContentHandlerException will be thrown with error code ContentHandlerException.NO_REGISTERED_HANDLER.
Note: there's a small bug in Docs ToGo - closing the document or clicking the back button might not lead the user back to your application.
EDIT: The getRegistry function takes a class fully qualified name e.g. com.softartisans.SilverDust, where SilverDust is the class mane. You can find more info about the use of the Registry in this online book starting page 291 - Client use of Registry. I originally linked to the javax Registry, but it is more useful to look at the BlackBerry Registry docs.
You can use the ApplicationManager class to launch other applications, for example by looking up its descriptor and using runApplication(). You can also pass arguments in the descriptor and if the application looks at arguments passed into it, it may actually open the specified file.
