For example, there're 5 numbers => [1,2,3,4,5] and 3 groups
Output (column1: whether in Group1, column2: whether in Group2, column3: whether in Group3 [NA means not..]):
1 NA 1
3 3 NA
5 NA 5
Or something like this (+ means in, - means not):
1 + - +
3 + + -
4 - + -
5 + - +
I tried join and merge, but looks like both of them doesn't work well for multiple files.. (for example, 8 files)
You say there's numbers 1-5, but this is, as far as I can see, irrelevant for the output you want. You only use numbers found in your files in the output. This code will do what you want:
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
my #hashes;
my %seen;
local $/; # read entire file at once
while (<>) {
my #nums = split; # split file into elements
$seen{$_}++ for #nums; # dedupe elements
push #hashes, { map { $_ => $_ } #nums }; # map into hash
my #all = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %seen; # sort deduped elements
# my #all = 1 .. 5; # OR: provide hard-coded list
for my $num (#all) { # for all unique numbers
my #fields;
for my $href (#hashes) { # check each hash
push #fields, $href->{$num} // "NA"; # enter "NA" if not found
say join "\t", #fields; # print the fields
You may replace the sorted deduped list in #all with just my #all = 1 .. 5 or any other valid list. It will then add lines for those numbers and print out extra "NA" fields for the missing values.
You should also be aware that this relies on the fact that your file contents are numbers, but only as far as it comes to the sorting of the #all array, so if you replace it with your own list, or your own sorting routine, you can use any value.
This script will take an arbitrary number of files and process them. For example:
$ perl f1.txt f2.txt f3.txt
1 NA 1
3 3 NA
5 NA 5
Credit to Brent Stewart for figuring out what the OP meant.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
my #lines;
my $filecount = 0;
# parse
for my $filename (#ARGV){
open my $fh, '<', $filename;
while( my $line = <$fh> ){
next unless length $line;
close $fh;
# print
for my $linenum ( 1..$#lines ){
my $line = $lines[$linenum];
next unless $line;
print ' ' x (5-length $linenum), $linenum, ' ';
for my $elem( #$line ){
print $elem ? 'X' : ' '
print "\n";
1 X X
3 XX
4 X
5 X X
For two files, you can easily use join as shown below (assuming file1 and file2 are sorted):
$ join -e NA -o 1.1,2.1 -a 1 -a 2 file1 file2
1 NA
3 3
NA 4
5 NA
It gets more complicated if you have more than two files though.
Here is a brute force grep solution:
files=(file1 file2 file3)
sort -nu "${files[#]}" | while read line; do
for f in "${files[#]}"; do
if grep -qFx "$line" "$f"; then
printf "${line}\t"
printf "NA\t"
printf "\n"
1 NA 1
3 3 NA
5 NA 5
If your input files are monotonically increasing and just consist of a single integer on each line as your input samples suggest, you could simply pre-process the input files and use paste:
for i in file{1,2,3}; do # List input files
awk '{ a += 1; while( $1 > a ) { print "NA"; a += 1 }} 1' $i > $i.out
paste file{1,2,3}.out
This leaves the trailing entries in some columns empty. Fixing that is left as an exercise for the reader.
I have a sample file like
Accounting firm
Accounting Aco
Accounting Acompany
Acoustical consultant
Here I need to grep most occurring sequence of 3 letters within a word
Output should be
acc = 5
aco = 3
Is that possible in Bash?
I got absolutely no idea how I can accomplish it with either awk, sed, grep.
Any clue how it's possible...
PS: no output because I got no idea how to do that, I dont wanna wrote unnecessary awk -F, xyz abc... that not gonna help anywhere...
Here's how to get started with what I THINK you're trying to do:
$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN { stringLgth = 3 }
for (fldNr=1; fldNr<=NF; fldNr++) {
field = $fldNr
fieldLgth = length(field)
if ( fieldLgth >= stringLgth ) {
maxBegPos = fieldLgth - (stringLgth - 1)
for (begPos=1; begPos<=maxBegPos; begPos++) {
string = tolower(substr(field,begPos,stringLgth))
for (string in cnt) {
print string, cnt[string]
$ awk -f tst.awk file | sort -k2,2nr
acc 5
cou 5
cco 4
ing 4
nti 4
oun 4
tin 4
unt 4
aco 3
abc 1
ant 1
any 1
bca 1
cac 1
cal 1
com 1
con 1
fir 1
ica 1
irm 1
lta 1
mpa 1
nsu 1
omp 1
ons 1
ous 1
pan 1
sti 1
sul 1
tan 1
tic 1
ult 1
ust 1
xyz 1
yza 1
zac 1
This is an alternative method to the solution of Ed Morton. It is less looping, but needs a bit more memory. The idea is not to care about spaces or any non-alphabetic character. We filter them out in the end.
awk -v n=3 '{ for(i=length-n+1;i>0;--i) a[tolower(substr($0,i,n))]++ }
END {for(s in a) if (s !~ /[^a-z]/) print s,a[s] }' file
When you use GNU awk, you can do this a bit differently and optimized by setting each record to be a word. This way the end selection does not need to happen:
awk -v n=3 -v RS='[[:space:]]' '
(length>=n){ for(i=length-n+1;i>0;--i) a[tolower(substr($0,i,n))]++ }
END {for(s in a) print s,a[s] }' file
This might work for you (GNU sed, sort and uniq):
sed -E 's/.(..)/\L&\n\1/;/^\S{3}/P;D' file |
sort |
uniq -c |
sort -s -k1,1rn |
sed -En 's/^\s*(\S+)\s*(\S+)/\2 = \1/;H;$!b;x;s/\n/ /g;s/.//p'
Use the first sed invocation to output 3 letter lower case words.
Sort the words.
Count the duplicates.
Sort the counts in reverse numerical order maintaining the alphabetical order.
Use the second sed invocation to manipulate the results into the desired format.
If you only want lines with duplicates and in alphabetical order and case wise, use:
sed -E 's/.(..)/&\n\1/;/^\S{3}/P;D' file |
sort |
uniq -cd |
sed -En 's/^\s*(\S+)\s*(\S+)/\2 = \1/;H;$!b;x;s/\n/ /g;s/.//p
Hopefully someone out there in the world can help me, and anyone else with a similar problem, find a simple solution to capturing data. I have spent hours trying a one liner to solve something I thought was a simple problem involving awk, a csv file, and saving the output as a bash variable. In short here's the nut...
The Missions:
1) To output every other column, starting from the LAST COLUMN, with a specific iteration count.
2) To output every other column, starting from NEXT TO LAST COLUMN, with a specific iteration count.
The Data (file.csv):
Desired results for Mission 1:
Desired results for Mission 2:
My Attempts:
The closes I have come to solving any of the above problems, is an ugly pipe (which is OK for skinning a cat) for Mission 1. However, it doesn't use any declared iterations (which should be 5). Also, I'm completely lost on solving Mission 2.
Any help to simplify the below and solving Mission 2 will be HELLA appreciated!
outcome=$( awk 'BEGIN {FS = "#"} {for (i = 0; i <= NF; i += 2) printf ("%s%c", $(NF-i), i + 2 <= NF ? "#" : "\n");}' file.csv | sed 's/##.*//g' | awk -F# '{for (i=NF;i>0;i--){printf $i"#"};printf "\n"}' | sed 's/#$//g' | awk -F# '{$1="";print $0}' OFS=# | sed 's/^#//g' );
Also, if doing a loop for a specific number of iterations is helpful in solving this problem, then magic number is 5. Maybe a solution could be a for-loop that is counting from right to left and skipping every other column as 1 iteration, with the starting column declared as an awk variable (Just a thought I have no way of knowing how to do)
Thank you for looking over this problem.
There are certainly more elegant ways to do this, but I am not really an awk person:
Part 1:
awk -F# '{ x = ""; for (f = NF; f > (NF - 5 * 2); f -= 2) { x = x ? $f "#" x : $f ; } print x }' file.csv
Part 2:
awk -F# '{ x = ""; for (f = NF - 1; f > (NF - 5 * 2); f -= 2) { x = x ? $f "#" x : $f ; } print x }' file.csv
The literal 5 in each of those is your "number of iterations."
Sample data:
$ cat mission.dat
One awk solution:
NOTE: OP can add logic to validate the input parameters.
$ cat mission
# format: mission { 1 | 2 } { number_of_fields_to_display }
mission=${1} # assumes user inputs "1" or "2"
offset=$(( mission - 1 )) # subtract one to determine awk/NF offset
iteration_count=${2} # assume for now this is a positive integer
awk -F"#" -v offset=${offset} -v itcnt=${iteration_count} 'BEGIN { OFS=FS }
{ # we will start by counting fields backwards until we run out of fields
# or we hit "itcnt==iteration_count" fields
for (i=NF-offset ; i>=0; i-=2) # offset=0 for mission=1; offset=1 for mission=2
{ loopcnt++
if (loopcnt > itcnt)
fstart=i # keep track of the field we want to start with
# now printing our fields starting with field # "fstart";
# prefix the first printf with a empty string, then each successive
# field is prefixed with OFS=#
pfx = ""
for (i=fstart; i<= NF-offset; i+=2)
{ printf "%s%s",pfx,$i
# terminate a line of output with a linefeed
printf "\n"
' mission.dat
Some test runs:
###### mission #1
# with offset/iteration = 4
$ mission 1 4
#with offset/iteration = 5
$ mission 1 5
# with offset/iteration = 6
$ mission 1 6
###### mission #2
# with offset/iteration = 4
$ mission 2 4
# with offset/iteration = 5
$ mission 2 5
# with offset/iteration = 6;
# notice we pick up field #1 = empty string so output starts with a '#'
$ mission 2 6
this is probably not what you're asking but perhaps will give you an idea.
$ awk -F_ -v skip=4 -v endoff=0 '
for(i=offset;i<=NF-endoff;i+=skip) printf "%s",$i (i>=(NF-endoff)?ORS:OFS)}' file
you specify the number of skips between columns and the end offset as input variables. Here, for last column end offset is set to zero and skip column is 4.
For clarity I used the input file
$ cat file
changing FS for your format should work.
Using bash script (Ubuntu 16.04), I'm trying to compare 2 lists of ranges: does any number in any of the ranges in file1 coincide with any number in any of the ranges in file2? If so, print the row in the second file. Here I have each range as 2 tab-delimited columns (in file1, row 1 represents the range 1-4, i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4). The real files are quite big.
1 4
5 7
8 11
12 15
3 4
8 13
20 24
Desired output:
3 4
8 13
My best attempt has been:
awk 'NR=FNR { x[$1] = $1+0; y[$2] = $2+0; next};
{for (i in x) {if (x[i] > $1+0); then
{for (i in y) {if (y[i] <$2+0); then
{print $1, $2}}}}}' file1 file2 > output.txt
This returns an empty file.
I'm thinking that the script will need to involve range comparisons using if-then conditions and iterate through each line in both files. I've found examples of each concept, but can't figure out how to combine them.
Any help appreciated!
It depends on how big your files are, of course. If they are not big enough to exhaust the memory, you can try this 100% bash solution:
declare -a min=() # array of lower bounds of ranges
declare -a max=() # array of upper bounds of ranges
# read ranges in second file, store then in arrays min and max
while read a b; do
min+=( "$a" );
max+=( "$b" );
done < file2
# read ranges in first file
while read a b; do
# loop over indexes of min (and max) array
for i in "${!min[#]}"; do
if (( max[i] >= a && min[i] <= b )); then # if ranges overlap
echo "${min[i]} ${max[i]}" # print range
unset min[i] max[i] # performance optimization
done < file1
This is just a starting point. There are many possible performance / memory footprint improvements. But they strongly depend on the sizes of your files and on the distributions of your ranges.
EDIT 1: improved the range overlap test.
EDIT 2: reused the excellent optimization proposed by RomanPerekhrest (unset already printed ranges from file2). The performance should be better when the probability that ranges overlap is high.
EDIT 3: performance comparison with the awk version proposed by RomanPerekhrest (after fixing the initial small bugs): awk is between 10 and 20 times faster than bash on this problem. If performance is important and you hesitate between awk and bash, prefer:
awk 'NR == FNR { a[FNR] = $1; b[FNR] = $2; next; }
{ for (i in a)
if ($1 <= b[i] && a[i] <= $2) {
print a[i], b[i]; delete a[i]; delete b[i];
}' file2 file1
awk solution:
awk 'NR==FNR{ a[$1]=$2; next }
{ for(i in a)
if (($1>=i+0 && $1<=a[i]) || ($2<=a[i] && $2>=i+0)) {
print i,a[i]; delete a[i];
}' file2 file1
The output:
3 4
8 13
awk 'FNR == 1 && NR == 1 { file=1 } FNR == 1 && NR != 1 { file=2 } file ==1 { for (q=1;q<=NF;q++) { nums[$q]=$0} } file == 2 { for ( p=1;p<=NF;p++) { for (i in nums) { if (i == $p) { print $0 } } } }' file1 file2
Break down:
FNR == 1 && NR == 1 {
FNR == 1 && NR != 1 {
file == 1 {
for (q=1;q<=NF;q++) {
file == 2 {
for ( p=1;p<=NF;p++) {
for (i in nums) {
if (i == $p) {
print $0
Basically we set file = 1 when we are processing the first file and file = 2 when we are processing the second file. When we are in the first file, read the line into an array keyed on each field of the line. When we are in the second file, process the array (nums) and check if there is an entry for each field on the line. If there is, print it.
For GNU awk as I'm controlling the for scanning order for optimizing time:
$ cat program.awk
NR==FNR { # hash file1 to a
if(($2 in a==0) || $1<a[$2]) # avoid collisions
for(i in a) { # in desc order
# print "DEBUG: For:",$0 ":", a[i], i # remove # for debug
if(i+0>$1) { # next after
if($1<=i+0 && a[i]<=$2) {
Test data:
$ cat file1
0 3 # testing for completely overlapping ranges
1 4
5 7
8 11
12 15
$ cat file2
1 2 # testing for completely overlapping ranges
3 4
8 13
20 24
$ awk -f program.awk file1 file2
1 2
3 4
8 13
$ awk -f program.awk file2 file1
0 3
1 4
8 11
12 15
If Perl solution is preferred, then below one-liner would work
/tmp> cat marla1.txt
1 4
5 7
8 11
12 15
/tmp> cat marla2.txt
3 4
8 13
20 24
/tmp> perl -lane ' BEGIN { %kv=map{split(/\s+/)} qx(cat marla2.txt) } { foreach(keys %kv) { if($F[0]==$_ or $F[1]==$kv{$_}) { print "$_ $kv{$_}" }} } ' marla1.txt
3 4
8 13
If the ranges are ordered according to their lower bounds, we can use this to make the algorithms more efficient. The idea is to alternately proceed through the ranges in file1 and file2. More precisely, when we have a certain range R in file2, we take further and further ranges in file1 until we know whether these overlap with R. Once we know this, we switch to the next range in file2.
exec 3< "$1" # file whose ranges are checked for overlap with those ...
exec 4< "$2" # ... from this file, and if so, are written to stdout
l4=-1 # lower bound of current range from file 2
u4=-1 # upper bound
# initialized with -1 so the first range is read on the first iteration
echo "Ranges in $1 that intersect any ranges in $2:"
while read l3 u3; do # read next range from file 1
if (( u4 >= l3 )); then
(( l4 <= u3 )) && echo "$l3 $u3"
else # the upper bound from file 2 is below the lower bound from file 1, so ...
while read l4 u4; do # ... we read further ranges from file 2 until ...
if (( u4 >= l3 )); then # ... their upper bound is high enough
(( l4 <= u3 )) && echo "$l3 $u3"
done <&4
done <&3
The script can be called with ./ file2 file1
how can I split a single column in several column of fixed dimension, for example I have a column like this:
and for size p. ex 4, I want to obtain
1 5
2 6
3 7
4 8
or for size p. ex 2, I want to obtain
1 3 5 7
2 4 6 8
Using awk:
awk '
# Numbers of rows to print
# Add to array with key = 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, ..
l[(NR-1)%n] = l[(NR-1)%n] " " $0
# print the array
for (i = 0; i < length(l); i++) {
print l[i];
' file
OK, this is a bit long winded and not infallible but the following should work:
td=$( mktemp -d ); split -l <rows> <file> ${td}/x ; paste $( ls -1t ${td}/x* ) ; rm -rf ${td}; unset td
Where <cols> is the number of rows you want and file is your input file.
td=$( mktemp -d )
Creates a temporary directory so that we can put temporary files into it. Store this in td - it's possible that your shell has a td variable already but if you sub-shell for this your scope should be OK.
split -l <rows> <file> f ${td}/x
Split the original file into many smaller file, each <rows> long. These will be put into your temp directory and all files will be prefixed with x
paste $( ls -1t ${td}/x* )
Write these files out so that the lines in consecutive columns
rm -rf ${td}
Remove the files and directory.
unset td
Clean the environment.
Assuming you know the number of rows in your column (here, 8):
# to get output with 4 rows:
seq $n | pr -ts" " -$((n/4))
1 5
2 6
3 7
4 8
# to get output with 2 rows:
seq $n | pr -ts" " -$((n/2))
1 3 5 7
2 4 6 8
If you know the desired output width you can use column.
# Display in columns for an 80 column display
cat file | column -c 80
$ cat tst.awk
{ a[NR] = $0 }
numRows = (numRows ? numRows : 1)
numCols = ceil(NR / numRows)
for ( rowNr=1; rowNr<=numRows; rowNr++ ) {
for ( colNr=1; colNr<=numCols; colNr++ ) {
idx = rowNr + ( (colNr - 1) * numRows )
printf "%s%s", a[idx], (colNr<numCols ? OFS : ORS)
function ceil(x, y){y=int(x); return(x>y?y+1:y)}
$ awk -v numRows=2 -f tst.awk file
$ awk -v numRows=4 -f tst.awk file
Note that above produces a CSV with the same number of fields in every row even when the number of input rows isn't an exact multiple of the desired number of output rows:
$ seq 10 | awk -v numRows=4 -f tst.awk
See for how to do the opposite, i.e. generate a number of rows given a specified number of columns.
I was given a text file with a whole bunch of data sorted in columns. Each of the columns are
separated by commas.
How could I divide a column by another column to print an output answer? I am using Perl right now now so it has to be done in Perl. How could I do this?
This is what I have so far:
open (FILE, 'census2008.txt');
while (<FILE>) {
($sumlev, $stname,$ctyname,$popestimate2008,$births2008,$deaths2008) = split(",");
close (FILE);
There are several options:
Read the file in line by line, split the columns on ',' and divide the relevant columns (don't forget to handle the divide-by-zero error)
Do the same thing as a one-liner:
$ perl -F/,/ -lane 'print( $F[1] == 0 ? "" : $F[3]/$F[1] )' file.txt
Utilize a ready-to-use CPAN module like Text::CSV
Of course, there are more unorthodox/crazy/unspeakable alternatives à la TMTOWTDI ™, so one could:
Parse out the relevant columns with a regex and divide the matches:
if (/^\d*,(\d+),\d*,(\d+)/) { say $2/$1 if $2 != 0; }
Do it with s///e:
$ perl -ple 's!^\d*,(\d+),\d*,(\d+).*$! $2 == 0 ? "" : $2/$1 !e' file.txt;
Get the shell to do the dirty work via backticks:
sub print_divide { say `cat file.txt | some_command_line_command` }
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# divides column 1 by column 2 of some ','-delimited file,
# read from standard input.
# usage:
# $ cat data.txt |
while (<STDIN>) {
#values = split(/,/, $_);
print $values[0] / $values[1] . "\n";
If you have fixed width columns of data you could use 'unpack' along the lines of:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
while (<DATA>) {
my ($sumlev,$stname,$ctyname,$popest,$births,$deaths)
= unpack("A2xA10xA15xA7xA5xA5");
printf "%-15s %4.2f\n", $ctyname, $births/$deaths;
10,Main ,My City , 10000, 200, 150
12,Poplar ,Somewhere , 3000, 90, 100
13,Maple ,Your Place , 9123, 100, 90