Omnicompletion search suggestions - vim

Is there any way to configure Omnicompletion for / searches? So searching for /be would suggest other words in the text such as:

personally, I think after typing / you can type a regex, auto-completion doesn't make much sense here... vim doesn't know what you want to have, how can it give suggestions? It is not like in Insert mode.
However there is way to achieve it.
you type /
you type Ctrl-F
you type i (go into insert mode)
you type beTAB
now you see the popup menu.
this works not only for /, but also for : (cmd mode)
Ctrl-F is handy when we write long commands
:h cedit

You can use the CmdlineComplete plugin.
It will be triggered with <C-n> / <C-p>, and won't show a completion menu (but you can cycle through candidates by repeating the trigger).

You can use a combination of 'incsearch' and command-line completion with CtrlR CtrlW (:h c_CTRL-R_CTRL-W) to achieve something quite close to what you want:
:set incsearch.
Start typing your search pattern, e.g. /Be. The cursor moves to the next potential match as you type.
As soon as the cursor lands on the word you want to complete, hit CtrlR CtrlW. This pulls the word down into your search prompt: it effectively "completes" your search pattern.
At stage 3 you could also use these variants instead:
CtrlR CtrlA (:h c_CTRL-R_CTRL-A) pulls down the WORD instead of the word.
CtrlL (:h c_CTRL-L) completes character by character.

I used the aforementioned CmdLineComplete plugin until I learned about
set incsearch


how to leave search mode in VIM?

Given a file like the following:
collection = getCollection();
process(somethingInTheWay, target);
...after this short sequence of 'search' commands in vim...
/col<carriage return>
My cursor will be under the first appearance of "collection."
Now, what command(s) will remove the '/col' from my vim command line (in case I want to search afresh, for example)?
There are a couple of things that play a role here. Your input ("/col") is displayed in the command line for some extra time after search. Usually people don't care about this. After some time, some find it even helpful. You already left "search mode" when you pressed Enter and after vim put the cursor on the first match. vim will lazily remove the search string when redrawing screen or when the space is needed. There are some ways to remove it manually, if you want to:
Ctrl-L (redraw)
any combination of / or : with Esc or Backspace
Now I wrote, that you already left "search mode" with Enter, but you may continue your last search at any time with n / N. These commands will just take whatever is in the special register / and use it for further searching. It would be possible to "disable" this behaviour by removing the last search pattern from /:
:let #/ = ""
You could manually put something into that register which would enable you to "continue search" without ever having started any search.
If you just want to get rid of the currently highlighted matches, type:
You can turn off or toggle highlighting matches in general:
:set nohls
:set hls!
The latter is a good candidate for a key binding. I use this to toggle highlighting of the last search (mnemonic: klear - not very accurate but works for me):
:nno <C-k> :set hls!<CR>

vim word complete, how to make the first one always as default

I am using several word complete plugins in vim (word_complete.vim, autocomplpop, omnicppcomplete-0.41). So far so good. It will pop up menus to let you choose which word to use, while I am typing the first characters
When I only type 2 characters, vim will set the first word in the popup menu as the default one, then you can directly press enter to use that word.
But the problem is usually 2 characters are not enough to narrow down the words to be complete. I need to type more. After my typing more than 2 characters, the default chosen word will disappear, then I have to use CTRL-N or CTRL-P to choose the word, although it is the first one in the popup menu.
Below is shows what I have:
The first is when I only type 2 characters
But after the third character is typed in, it appears as:
although "airline_detect_whitespace" is what i what to choose, I still need to type CTRL-N to choose it.
I am asking is there a way to configure the way vim chooses its default matcher?
for example, I want to type 5 characters before the default chosen word disappears.
Or is there a way to always make the first one in the popup menu to be chosen by default?
Have a look at the Make Vim completion popup menu work just like in an IDE page on the Vim Tips Wiki. It describes the setup to achieve this. Especially these mappings should create the behavior you want: Always have one menu entry pre-selected.
inoremap <expr> <C-n> pumvisible() ? '<C-n>' :
\ '<C-n><C-r>=pumvisible() ? "\<lt>Down>" : ""<CR>'
inoremap <expr> <M-,> pumvisible() ? '<C-n>' :
\ '<C-x><C-o><C-n><C-p><C-r>=pumvisible() ? "\<lt>Down>" : ""<CR>'
Those three plugins have overlapping features and certainly conflicting mappings for the pop-up menu and autocommands and stuff.
For example, AutoComplPop does everything wordcomplete does in a smarter and more automated way. OmniCPPComplete, has an obviously better C++ completion algorithm than the default one in Vim (and thus AutoComplPop's one) and can be set to not perform autocompletion.
I'd suggest you remove wordcomplete from your config, disable OmniCPPComplete's "may complete" feature and let AutoComplPop deal with the "autocompletion" side of the problem.

How to jump to the next tag in vim help file

I want to learn the vim documentation given in the standard help file. But I am stuck on a navigating issue - I just cannot go to the next tag without having to position the cursor manually. I think you would agree that it is more productive to:
go to the next tag with some
press Ctrl-] to read corresponding
press Ctrl-o to return
continue reading initial text
PS. while I was writing this question, I tried some ideas on how to resolve this. I found that searching pipe character with /| is pretty close to what I want. But the tag is surrounded with two pipe '|' characters, so it's still not really optimized to use.
Use the :tn and :tp sequences to navigate between tags.
If you want to look for the next tag on the same help page, try this search:
This means to search for:
The character |
Any characters up to the next |, matching as few as possible (that's what \{-} does).
Another character |
This identifies the tags in the VIM help file.
If you want to browse tags occasionally only, without mapping the search string to keyboard,
also does the trick, which is slightly easier to type in than the suggested
For the case, that the "|" signs for the links in the help file are not visible, you can enable them with
:set conceallevel=0
To establish this setting permanently, please refer to Defining the settings for the vim help file
Well, I don't really see the point. When I want to read everything, I simply use <pagedown> (or <c-f> with some terminals)
" .vim/ftplugin/help/navigate.vim
nnoremap <buffer> <tab> /\*\S\+\*/<cr>zt
Or do you mean:
nnoremap <buffer> <tab> /\|\zs\S\{-}\|/<cr><c-]>
You could simply remap something like:
nmap ^\ /<Bar><Bslash>zs<Bslash>k<Bslash>+<Bar><CR>
where ^\ is entered as (on my keyboard) Ctrl-V Ctrl-#: choose whatever shortcut you want.
This does a single key search for a | followed by one or more keyword characters and then a |. It puts the cursor on the first keyword character. The and bits are there due to the way map works, see
:help :map-special-chars
As an aside, I imagine that ctrl-t would make more sense than ctrl-o as it's a more direct opposite of ctrl-], but it's up to you. Having said that, ctrl-o will allow you to go back to before the search as well.

How do I make Vim do normal (Bash-like) tab completion for file names?

When I'm opening a new file in Vim and I use tab completion, it completes the whole file name instead of doing the partial match like Bash does. Is there an option to make this file name tab completion work more like Bash?
I personally use
set wildmode=longest,list,full
set wildmenu
When you type the first tab hit, it will complete as much as possible. The second tab hit will provide a list. The third and subsequent tabs will cycle through completion options so you can complete the file without further keys.
Bash-like would be just
set wildmode=longest,list
but the full is very handy.
The closest behavior to Bash's completion should be
set wildmode=longest:full,full
With a few character typed, pressing tab once will give all the matches available in wildmenu. This is different to the answer by Michael which opens a quickfix-like window beneath the command-line.
Then you can keep typing the rest of the characters or press tab again to auto-complete with first match and circle around it.
Apart from the suggested wildmode/wildmenu, Vim also offers the option to show all possible completions by using Ctrl + D. This might be helpful for some users that stumble across this question when searching for different autocompletion options in Vim like I did.
If you don't want to set the wildmenu, you can always press Ctrl + L when you want to open a file. Ctrl + L will complete the filename like Bash completion.
I'm assuming that you are using autocomplete in Vim via Ctrl + N to search through the current buffer. When you use this command, you get a list of solutions; simply repeat the command to go to the next item in the list. The same is true for all autocomplete commands. While they fill in the entire word, you can continue to move through the list until you arrive at the one you wish to use.
This may be a more useful command: Ctrl + P. The only difference is that Ctrl + P searches backwards in the buffer while Ctrl + N searches forwards... Realistically, they will both provide a list with the same elements, and they may just appear in a different order.
set wildmode=longest:full gives you a Bash-like completion with:
suggestions in a single line
Tab completing only what is certain
Right/Ctrl-n | Left/Ctrl-p to select suggestions.
From the help:
If you prefer the <Left> and <Right> keys to move the cursor instead
of selecting a different match, use this:
:cnoremap <Left> <Space><BS><Left>
:cnoremap <Right> <Space><BS><Right>
Try using :set wildmenu. Apart from that, I'm not sure what exactly you're trying.
Oh, yeah, and maybe try this link: link

Is there a way to change the behavior of the vim omnicomplete menu?

Omnicompletion is working, but it automatically inserts the first result.
What I'd like to do is open the omnicomplete menu, then be able to type to narrow down the results, then hit enter or tab or space or something to insert the selected menu item.
Is this possible?
The command you are looking for is:
:set completeopt+=longest
It will insert the longest common prefix of all the suggestions, then you can type and delete to narrow down or expand results.
set wildmenu
set wildmode=list:longest,full
Found here.
There is also a great plugin for all of your completion needs called SuperTab continued.
This plugin might do what you are after: autocomplpop
Or you can try and make Vim completion popup menu work just like in an IDE.
This is the general Vim completion behaviour. For a complete overview, you can do
:he compl-current
But for your specific case (which you require the completion to be in state 2 or 3 (described in the document above). You can simply use Backspace, or Control-H to jump from state one to state two. In state 2 you can narrow the search by typing regular characters. So to complete completion with narrowing:
It is totally backwards, I know, but that's how it works.
Edit: You can use the Down arrow key too isntead of Control-H or Backspace, and it has the benefit of not deleting a character.
