SharePoint 2010 v4.master Content Type - sharepoint

I'm taking over a SharePoint portal and noticed the previous developer used SharePoint Designer for all of the development whereas I use Visual Studio custom solutions/features for development.
NOTE: Site Publishing Features are enabled on a Team Site template for some web applications.
The issue I've noticed is the v4.master content type was changed from "Master Page" content type to "Page Layout" content type. This must have been done through the "Edit Properties" on the publishing site. When opening the site in SP Designer, the v4.master shows up in Page Layouts instead of Master Pages.
The v4.master also has the blue icon next to it meaning the page is customized and content is stored in the database which is causing performance issues. SharePoint is so slow that users are very frustrated. Also there are script tags in the masterpage pointing to jquery in the top level scripts directory. Personally, I would of created a delegate control for this instead of customizing the v4.master. NO Copy was made. (I totally dislike SP Designer, this tool gives too much power to inexperienced power users that like to put sharepoint developer on their resumes. I am definitely disabling SP Designer)
So, with all that said, what are the best practices or suggestions if any in fixing this issue?
What issues will this cause for future applications or site collections?
Should I develop and deploy a custom master as a feature then "Reset to Site Definition" on the v4.master?
Why does SharePoint allow users to change the Content Type on a Master Page to "Page Layout"? Why is this even an option, it doesn't even make sense?

All you need to do within the SharePoint Designer is publish the master page in the page layouts folder and approve it in the Master pages and page layouts in site settings. The master page will appear in the master pages section in SharePoint designer.


Custom branding in SharePoint Online

How can I change look and feel of a SharePoint site in SharePoint online. I want to be able to change the master page i.e remove left navigation and change layout and what is there in masterpage.
There are so many articles and samples in the web that provide information on changing the UI of a Sharepoint site,
Below are some- >
You can have custom css files and do changes to master pages using the SharePoint designer which can be downloaded using the below link.
Still its preferred to go with out of the box themes as MS push updates to your sites which may break your customizations, even though there will be a notification in your Admin center it can only be seen by the admins and if the message is not passed it may break your customizations.

Not able to add any WebPart on the site page

I have created a "Team Site" on SharePoint online. When I edit a site page, I am not able to view any option of adding a web part on the page. All I can see are following options. Please click the link to see the options. I don't see any web part option there.
I believe there are some features that need to be activated on this site collection. Does anybody know which features need to be activated here to enable web parts on the page?
Unfortunately, WebPart doesn't work in New Experience. You need to be in Classic View to add the WebPart.
You can't add web part to New experience mode Sharepoint page. At least not for now. But you can create a page in Classic mode, it's the same as it was in SP2013.
How to do it - Read this article

Sharepoint Designer on Office365 Websites

I have a Office365 PRO account subscription, which offers integrated sharepoint websites, and I want to use the Sharepoint Designer for designing Forms in my Websites.
Now, in the designer, I can open the site and ASPX pages, but I can only edit the HTML Code. I don't see the graphical designer area, and all toolbar items like Button, Textbox, etc. are disabled.
The program also says "the page does not contain any regions that are editable in safe mode":
So, how can I create a sharepoint website which can be fully edited with the Sharepoint Designer ?
I have of course downloaded the latest version.
Design View was removed from SharePoint 2013:
The alternative would be mapping your SharePoint site as a network drive unit and work with your favorite WYSIWYG editor, but that would have many limitations.

How can we change the complete look and feel of Sharepoint Portal?

by Default there are Themes, I don't Like those. How can I modify It completely and make a professional website. I have found same Questions on this blog but all for MOSS2007. I am working on Sharepoint 2010
The way I modify sharepoint, is as I do with almost every other CMS out there combined with the power of asp .Net (Remember that as CMS' go sharepoint is a poor solution if the only thing you want is a portal. Sharepoint is first and foremost a BI Solution).
When you edit your site in sharepoint designer (Site Action -> Edit in sharepoint designer) you can see a whole lot of options.
Here you can change the default masterpage to accomodate the look and feel of your site. You will do most of the hiding stuff here (those you don't want to be seen giving them the visibility=false attribute). Here you can also include a new CSS (place it in site assets) where you can override already existing css files.
From this point on, you will be able to add web pages to the site, that will conform to the masterpage, and thus you can use all the sharepoint power (web parts and even embedded html code) keeping the look and feel you have implemented on your master page.
So what you need to do is:
Modify master page in sharepoint designer
Add css files in site assets and include them in your masterpage
Add any other aspx pages or custom web parts that you will refer to in the sharepoint site
Create web pages with sharepoint assets, web parts or custom code
Enable anonymous access for the people you want to view your portal without authenticating (Bear in mind that there are some sharepoint controls that can only be viewed by logged in users)
There are multiple ways of customizing it.
My perfered way is CSS.
Add reference to a custom css in master page using feature
Modify the look and feel by modifying sharepoint out-of-box CSS
Following resources gives all the details of SharePoint 2010 css classes.
I hope it helps.
Rajendra Shekhawat

RSS Viewer web part not selectable in Sharepoint Designer

I want to place the RSS Viewer web part into a page layout I've created.
In the Sharepoint Designer (Sharepoint 2010) using the "Advanced Edit Mode" I tried to add the RSS Viewer web part but I cannot find it in the list. Under "Insert>Web part" I find many other web parts but the one I need is missing, also under "More web parts..." it cannot be found.
The web part is installed (I activated the feature). The web part can manually be added to a page into a web part zone when I don't use the Designer but edit the page directly in the browser but of course this is not what I need as I have to put it in the page layout.
Anyone got an Idea why the web part is not selectable/visible in the list?
As I've learned not all web parts are available in this listing.
The workaround would be to manually add the desired web part to a webpart zone on the page (not in the designer) and then open the page in the designer so that you can copy/paste the web part relevant code to the page layout of your desire.
