Kohana - Need advice about routing - kohana

This is the file structure of my module. I need to create route inside of init.php, that will allow me to call foo.php file from anywhere in the project. The class in foo.php does not extend any kohana classes - that's the place stopping me.
Could you help me?

Routing applies to controllers, not random classes. As long as you register the module, the class will be autoloaded whenever you do new Foo;. They don't need to extend kohana classes to be autoloaded.

Try with: include Kohana::find_file('classes', 'foo'); and don't forget to enable your module in bootstrap.php: 'myModule' => MODPATH.'myModule'.


codeigniter4 - How do I shorten the path to the view folder for modules?

Based on a video with Codeigniter4, I created the Modules folder on the ROOTPATH and the Controllers, Views..etc folders in the Modules folder. It works fine, but when I want to call my view file inside the module
namespace Modules\Giris\Controllers;
use App\Controllers\BaseController;
class IndexController extends BaseController
public function index(){
return view('Modules\Giris\Views\index');
I need to specify a very long path like How can I make it just like view('index') and call the file from the Views folder in that module if I write it in a module? I don't want to write "Modules\Login\Views" in short is this possible?
Thanks in advance for all the kind replies.
Because view requires a string you couldn't provide a namespaced reference as you might think you should. Furthermore the code adds a .php extension and the "view path" (defined in your config\paths file) as part of its process (see system/View/View.php and render()). Therefore without modifying Codeigniter (which could be done but would affect all your code) the easiest way is to simply declare a public property or constant and make reference to that instead. Also helps if you need to change the path at any point.
I.e. protected $path = 'Modules\Giris\Views\' and then view($this->path.'index'); is probably the easiest way.

Is there a recommended approach to referencing an instantiated class object in React / Nextjs?

Let's say I have a Node.js library that I need to instantiate in my React app.
const awesomeLibrary = new AwesomeLibrary('someID', options);
awesomeLibrary allows me to do things like awesomeLibrary.configure(), awesomeLibrary.specifyCustomProperty() and awesomeLibrary.fireEvent().
I would like to instantiate it once and then call those methods from the instantiated reference (awesomeLibrary) around my application. What is the best way to that?
Would I instantiate it in top-level entry component (e.g. _app.tsx), export it, import it into other components and call the methods? In order to export it, I'd have to instantiate it outside the component, instead of in the lifecycle of the component. Is that a bad practice?
Alternatively, could I relegate the instantiation to a hook? Say useAwesomeLibrary() in which I instantiate and export the methods? But wouldn't doing that create an instance every time the hook is called from different components?
I'm really not sure how to handle this.
Instantiating class before exporting it is a fairly common practice and one of the possible implementations of singleton in JavaScript/React. For example, you can use popular i18next library in this way:
import i18n from 'i18next';
// pass translations and other config
export default i18n;
import i18n from 'services/i18n';
// snip
<I18NextProvider i18n={i18n} /> // consume already instantiated i18n object
The difference between this and instantiating object in a hook is WHEN it will be instantiated. When you do this in hook, it will instantiate every time you mount component with this hook. When in separate file (module), then it will be once per page load.
Is that a bad practice? I don't know, it depends on how you'd use it. There is nothing bad in doing this per se, and even it has its advantages (in the example above we delegated responsibility of creating and configuring i18n service from _app.js, which is very good from Single Responsibility Principle perspective). But keep in mind that codebase bloated with singletons will probably become hard to maintain.

Add renderer in #view_config from configuration?

How do I supply a configured value to a #view_config-decorated function or class?
#view_config(route_name='example', renderer=some_config['template.name'])
class MyClass(BaseView):
#view_defaults(route_name='example', renderer=some_config['template.name2'])
class MyClass2(BaseView):
#view_config(route_name='example', renderer=some_config['template.name3'])
def method3(request):
It's very hard to know where to start, as I'm trying to edit a pyramid plugin, which pulls together its config in an includeme function, so it doesn't have anything obvious that I can include, and it's hard to know what's available to the #view_config decorator.
You can add views using declarative configuration (what you are doing now using #view_config or alternatively using imperative configuration by calling config.add_view() method.
In this case, as you need to access the Pyramid registry and settings file, it is easier to do adding the views imperatively.
In your __init__.py you can do:
settings = config.registry.settings
# You need to call config.add_route("foobar") to map view to URL also
config.add_view('views.MyClass', route_name="foobar", renderer=settings['template.name3'])
Then in your views.py:
class MyClass(BaseView):
#view_config() and add_view() arguments are equal.
I thin kyou can also mix view_config and add_view() arguments for the same view, but I am not sure aobut this. Hope this helps.

Autoloading a class in Symfony 2.1

I'm porting a Symfony 1.2 project to Symfony 2.x. I'm currently running the latest 2.1.0-dev release.
From my old project I have a class called Tools which has some simple functions for things like munging arrays into strings and generating slugs from strings. I'd like to use this class in my new project but I'm unclear how to use this class outside of a bundle.
I've looked at various answers here which recommend changing app/autoload.php but my autoload.php looks different to the ones in the answers, maybe something has changed here between 2.0 and 2.1.
I'd like to keep my class in my src or app directories as they're under source control. My vendors directory isn't as I'm using composer to take care of that.
Any advice would be appreciated here.
Another way is to use the /app/config/autoload.php:
use Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationRegistry;
$loader = require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
$loader->add( 'YOURNAMESPACE', __DIR__.'/../vendor/YOURVENDOR/src' );
// intl
if (!function_exists('intl_get_error_code')) {
require_once _DIR__.'/../vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Locale/Resources/stubs/functions.php';
$loader->add('', __DIR__.'/../vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Locale/Resources/stubs');
AnnotationRegistry::registerLoader(array($loader, 'loadClass'));
return $loader;
Just replace YOURNAMESPACE and YOURVENDOR with your values. Works quite well for me, so far.
You're correct, I stumbled upon the changes in autoload from 2.0 to 2.1. The above code works fine with the latest version, to which I upgraded my project ;-)
For a simple case like this the quickest solution is creating a folder (for example Common) directly under src and put your class in it.
-- Common
-- Tools.php
Tools.php contains your class with proper namespace, for example
namespace Common;
class Tools
public static function slugify($string)
// ...
Before calling your function do not forget the use statement
use Common\Tools;
// ...
Tools::slugify('my test string');
If you put your code under src following the proper folder structure and namespace as above, it will work without touching app/autoload.php.

Kohana framework. Kohana class question

I'm looking at Kohana framework and trying to go through the code to better understand how framework works.
So - from index.php we load:
require SYSPATH.'base'.EXT;
require SYSPATH.'classes/kohana/core'.EXT;
require APPPATH.'bootstrap'.EXT;
In core.php file we do the following:
public static $environment = Kohana::DEVELOPMENT;
What to we refer to by calling Kohana::DEVELOPMENT?
From what I understand - by using :: we should be getting static constant from kohana class. - right? But at that moment in the code there is no Kohana class loaded that I could find.
So - can someone explain what's going on here:) ?
never mind. I didn't follow the code far enough. Kohana class extends Kohana_Core class. mmm. too bad there is no way to delete dumb questions from StackOverflow.
Kohana (as probably any other framework) uses "auto loading" mechanism. This allows you to use classes without including the files they are defined in by hand. The autoloader will automatically include/require the file that the Kohana class is in.
So when you type Kohana::DEVELOPMENT or new Kohana (); the auto loader will load the file with the Kohana class in it. You should know that this does not work magically. You have to write your own auto loader code for your framework.
You can read more about auto loading here.
For further information check this link: spl_autoload register. Kohana uses own implementation, which can be set in the bootstrap.php file. You can found this funtion in the Core.php file.
* Enable the Kohana auto-loader.
* #link http://kohanaframework.org/guide/using.autoloading
* #link http://www.php.net/manual/function.spl-autoload-register
spl_autoload_register(array('Kohana', 'auto_load'));
