ExternalContext#dispatch() doesn't work - jsf

I have server-side coundown counter. When it == 0, method should execute ExternalContext#dispatch(), but it didn't do it. Method ExternalContext#redirect() works correctly on this place.
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
I tried a few ways of the spelling url(result,result.xhtml,\result.xhtml etc.) with the same result.

This is not the right way to let JSF navigate to a different view.
If you're inside an action method, you should be returning it as string instead.
public String submit() {
// ...
return "result.xhtml";
Or if you're not inside an action method and couldn't change it to a fullworthy action method for some unclear reason, then use NavigationHandler#handleNavigation() instead.
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
context.getApplication().getNavigationHandler().handleNavigation(context, null, "result.xhtml");


Throw Exception in ModelListener Liferay

Hello Liferay Experts,
I have a requirement where I need to stop an Admin from assigning a role, I am trying to implement this with a ModelListener.
Here is the code..
#Component(immediate = true, service = ModelListener.class)
public class TestUserModelListener extends BaseModelListener<User> {
public void onBeforeAddAssociation(Object classPK, String associationClassName, Objext accociationClassPK) throws ModelListenerException {
// ...
throw new ModelListenerException("User creation not allowed");
When this code executes, the exception is thrown but the UI doesnt handle it correctly, the control panel Menus are not displayed and the exception message is not displayed to the user.
How to throw an exception and handle it correctly in UI and display error message to the user.
Andre Albert already gave you the correct hints in the comments.
You should keep the ModelListener and override the ActionCommand additionally.
First, read the tutorial about Overriding MVC Comands. When implementing your custom Command, use Liferay's implemenation as basis (don't forget to add the higher service.ranking) and replace the catch block with something like this:
// I took the freedom and refactored Liferay's catch block a little bit
catch (NoSuchUserException | PrincipalException e) {
SessionErrors.add(actionRequest, e.getClass());
actionResponse.setRenderParameter("mvcPath", "/error.jsp");
} catch (MembershipPolicyException e) {
SessionErrors.add(actionRequest, e.getClass(), e);
actionResponse.setRenderParameter("mvcPath", "/edit_user.jsp");
actionResponse.setRenderParameter("screenNavigationCategoryKey", UserFormConstants.CATEGORY_KEY_GENERAL);
actionResponse.setRenderParameter("screenNavigationEntryKey", UserFormConstants.ENTRY_KEY_ROLES);
} catch (ForbiddenRoleAssociationException e) {
// Here you can add a SessionError
// and set some render parameters
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
The ForbiddenRoleAssociationException does not exist yet. It's purpose is to distinguish this special case of a ModelListenerException from others which might not interest you. You'll have to implement it yourself. Just extend the ModelListenerException:
public class ForbiddenRoleAssociationException extends ModelListenerException {
// here might be some constructors
Now adjust your ModelListener so that it throws your new ForbiddenRoeAssociationException:
#Component(immediate = true, service = ModelListener.class)
public class TestUserModelListener extends BaseModelListener<User> {
public void onBeforeAddAssociation(Object classPK, String associationClassName, Objext accociationClassPK) throws ModelListenerException {
// ...
throw new ForbiddenRoleAssociationException(); // or any other constructor
This way you should be able to display error messages to admins (depending on your code in the catch block of the ForbiddenRoleAssociationException) and circumvent any other (programmatic) attempt to assign the Role as well.

xsp.extlib.convstate returns null

I have an Xpage application that uses the extension library where the xsp.extlib.convstate is 'null' for one of three users until they manually refresh page. All three users access application via RDP using Citrix and internet options are the same for all three. Trying to figure out why this would be happening. The application is only on one 9.0.1 server.
From the looks of the source code, if there hasn't been a conversationState initialised yet, the conversationState would not be initialised until either:
after the Render Response phase (in the phase listener: com.ibm.xsp.extlib.component.layout.impl.ApplicationPhaseListener)
#SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // $NON-NLS-1$
public void afterPhase(PhaseEvent event) {
if(event.getPhaseId()==PhaseId.RENDER_RESPONSE) {
// After the render phase, we save the conversion state
in the setParent method of the UIApplicationLayout, and this seems to be guarded by a 'isRestoringState' condition, which means I don't think this would run on the first view of a page as there wouldn't be any state to restore.
public void setParent(UIComponent parent) {
if( null == parent ){ // removing parent
// TODO should move this initialization to initBeforeContents instead
FacesContextEx context = (FacesContextEx) getFacesContext();
if(null != context && !context.isRestoringState()) {
ConversationState cs = ConversationState.get(context, FacesUtil.getViewRoot(this), true);
// Initialize the conversation state
// Set the current navigation path to the UserBean
ApplicationConfiguration conf = findConfiguration();
if(conf!=null) {
String navPath = conf.getNavigationPath();
if(StringUtil.isEmpty(navPath)) {
// If there isn't a navigation path that is defined, the use the default one
if(StringUtil.isEmpty(cs.getNavigationPath())) {
navPath = conf.getDefaultNavigationPath();
if(StringUtil.isNotEmpty(navPath)) {
So this might explain why it wouldn't be initialised until the 2nd page view.
You could try forcing an initialisation of the ConversationState before you try to use it, maybe in beforePageLoad, by calling one of the com.ibm.xsp.extlib.component.layout.ConversationState's get() methods.
Note the boolean parameter tells the method to create the ConversationState if it does not exist.
I don't do much ServerSide Javascript but I guess this works? The sentiment is correct.
#{javascript: com.ibm.xsp.extlib.component.layout.ConversationState.get(facesContext, true); }
If you are doing it in java then:
ConversationState.get(FacesContext.getInstance(), true);
Does this sound like an explanation of why you are seeing your behaviour?

Handling service layer exception in Java EE frontend method

I maintain a web application that have a page with the JSF tag <f:event. I have rewrote a method in a service class for it to throw a business exception. However, when the business exception is thrown, it isn't caught in managed bean and the exception is showed on the page. Seems that my code try/catch doesn't work.
<f:event listener="#{resourceBean.init(enrollment)}" type="preRenderView" />
Listener method in Managed Bean:
private boolean canCreateResource;
public void init(Enrollment enrollment) {
try {
canCreateResource = resourceService.canCreateResource(enrollment);
} catch (BusinessException e) {
canCreateResource = false;
Method in service class:
public boolean canCreateResource(Enrollment enrollment) {
if (...) {
if (mandateService.isCoordinator(user, course)) {
return true;
} else {
throw new BusinessException("Undefined business rule.");
return false;
From what I read on other sites, I suppose I have to implement some JSF's handler class. But which and how?
OBS 1: The BusinessException class extends RuntimeException class.
OBS 2: The attribute canCreateResource was created to control the render of a button.
It's because you threw a RuntimeException from an EJB.
When such RuntimeException is not annotated with #ApplicationException, then the EJB container will wrap it in an javax.ejb.EJBException and rethrow it. This is done so because runtime exceptions are usually only used to indicate bugs in code logic, i.e. programmer's mistakes and not enduser's mistakes. You know, NullPointerException, IllegalArgumentException, IndexOutOfBoundsException, NumberFormatException and friends. This allows the EJB client to have one catch-all point for such runtime exceptions, like catch (EJBException e) { There's a bug in the service layer or in the way how we are using it! }
If you had tried catch (Exception e) and inspected the actual exception, then you'd have noticed that.
Fix your BusinessException class accordingly to add that annotation, it will then be recognized as a real application exception and not be wrapped in an EJBException:
public class BusinessException extends RuntimeException {
// ...
Do note that in case you throw an non-RuntimeException, then you still need to keep the annotation on that, explicitly with rollback=true, because by default it wouldn't perform a rollback, on the contrary to a RuntimeException without the annotation.
public class BusinessException extends Exception {
// ...
RuntimeException thrown from transactional EJB method will perform full rollback, but exception will be wrapped in EJBException.
RuntimeException with #ApplicationException from transactional EJB method will only perform full rollback when rollback=true is explicitly set.
Exception from transactional EJB method will not perform full rollback.
Exception with #ApplicationException from transactional EJB method will only perform full rollback when rollback=true is explicitly set.
Note that #ApplicationException is inherited over all subclasses of the custom exception, so you don't need to repeat it over all of them. Best would be to have it as an abstract class. See also the examples in the related question linked below.
See also:
Letting the presentation layer (JSF) handle business exceptions from service layer (EJB)
If isCoordinator method can eventually throw an exception you should add a try catch block inside canCreateResource method. You can throw your own exception or propagate the original one. In both cases you have to declare it in the method signature. If you throw BusinessException:
public void canCreateResource(Enrollment enrollment) throws BusinessException
Do not return any value. Or return a boolean value but do not throw any exception.
In the catch block inside the init method add the Facelet message exception:
} catch (BusinessException e) {
this.canCreateResource = false;
new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, e.getMessage(), ""));
Also in your page you have to add <h:messages> tag.
In case you want to catch an exception that you did not create yourself (and you are not able to annotate with #ApplicationException), you can catch all exceptions and see if one of the causes is of the type you want to catch.
You can check the causes of the exception recursively:
public static <T extends Throwable> T getCauseOfType(final Throwable throwable,
final Class<T> type) {
if (throwable == null) {
return null;
return type.isInstance(throwable) ? (T) throwable : getCauseOfType(throwable.getCause(), type);
public static <T extends Throwable> boolean hasCauseOfType(final Throwable throwable,
final Class<T> type) {
return getCauseOfType(throwable, type) != null;
You can use this like:
try {
catch (Exception e) {
if (hasCauseOfType(e, SomeException.class)) {
// Special handling
else {
throw e;

Bean doesn't dispatch to another page

I've a problem with a bean that doesn't dispatch the response to another page.
This is the code:
#ManagedBean(name = "ssoServiceBean")
public class SSOServiceBean {
private String samlRequest;
private String relayState;
public void submit() {
System.out.println("1) PostConstruct method called");
//samlRequest = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("samlRequest");
//relayState = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("relayState");
//getters and setters omitted for succinctness
private void processResponse(){
System.out.println("2) Processing response");
String uri;
if(samlRequest != null && !samlRequest.equals("") && relayState != null && !relayState.equals("")) {
System.out.println("SAMLRequest: "+samlRequest);
System.out.println("RelayState: "+relayState);
uri = "challenge.xhtml";
System.out.println("3) Sending challenge...");
} else {
uri = "dashboard.xhtml";
System.out.println("3) Sending dashboard...");
try {
System.out.println("4) Done.");
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
The problem is that the dispatch() method doesn't work properly, and seems to be ignored.
Infact the system responses with an error of the related bean's page ssoservice.xhtml
I've used the Postconstruct annotation because with this bean I've to intercept POST parameters that come from a third-party page.
Once I've received the post parameters, I've to render the challenge.xhtml page, WITHOUT using a redirect directive.
Nextly, the user will submit challenge.xhtml to the related bean ChallengeBean.java .
So, what is the problem? Why dispatch doesn't work?

JSF navigating to a different view programatically

My application has a save and retrieve function. I have the save/retrieve working in that the objects are saved to a database and retrieved correctly. However, in my retrieve landing page, depending on the state of the saved application, I either want to validate some details with the user, or silently navigate to the last accessed view. The latter is where I'm having trouble.
We're using spring beans and in my SaveAndRetrieve page bean I have:
public void initialise() {
caseNotFound = false;
caseReference = saveAndRetrieveActionHandler.getRequestedCaseReference();
LOGGER.debug("Retrieve initialise. Case ref is {}", caseReference);
if (caseReference != null) {
try {
LOGGER.debug("Retrieve initialise - case found");
final NavigationOutcome outcome = saveAndRetrieveActionHandler.getLastAccessedView();
if (outcome.getApplicationState() == ApplicationState.QUOTE) {
LOGGER.info("Quote retrieved, navigating to view");
} catch (final FrameworkException fe) {
LOGGER.debug("Exception caught {}", fe);
caseNotFound = true;
outcome is an enumeration containing amongst other things the view I need to navigate to, and the application state (another enumeration). If applicationState is quote, I want to silently navigate. For all other applicationStates I want to challenge the user to verify them.
My facesUtils method is:
public static void setNextViewNavigation(final String p_lastAccessedViewId) {
if (p_lastAccessedViewId != null) {
I've also tried calling this method
public static void navigateToOutcome(final String p_outcome) {
final FacesContext context = getFacesContext();
final NavigationHandler navigationHandler = context.getApplication().getNavigationHandler();
navigationHandler.handleNavigation(context, null, p_outcome);
Despite my efforts, I'm seeing the landing page wheras I want to silently navigate to the saved page
Basically I want to abort the current lifecycle and reset the viewroot to the saved view. (note I am not saving the component tree itself, just my business objects)
One more piece of information, this is jsf1.2, but with facelets. I cannot use any jsf2 specific functionality, nor can I use any third party JSF extenstions.
Help please!
We solved this by using a ui:include tag with the src attribute being a jsf method that determines the name of the page to navigate to.
