Node js - http.request() problems with connection pooling - node.js

Consider the following simple Node.js application:
var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function() { }).listen(8124); // Prevent process shutting down
var requestNo = 1;
var maxRequests = 2000;
function requestTest() {
http.request({ host: '', method: 'GET' }, function(res) {
console.log('Completed ' + (requestNo++));
if (requestNo <= maxRequests) {
It makes 2000 HTTP requests to, one after the other. The problem is it gets to request No. 5 and pauses for about 3 mins, then continues processing requests 6 - 10, then pauses for another 3 minutes, then requests 11 - 15, pauses, and so on. Edit: I tried changing to localhost, an extremely basic Node.js app running my machine that returns "Hello world", I still get the 3 minute pause.
Now I read I can increase the connection pool limit:
http.globalAgent.maxSockets = 20;
Now if I run it, it processes requests 1 - 20, then pauses for 3 mins, then requests 21 - 40, then pauses, and so on.
Finally, after a bit of research, I learned I could disable connection pooling entirely by setting agent: false in the request options:
http.request({ host: '', method: 'GET', agent: false }, function(res) {
...and it'll run through all 2000 requests just fine.
My question, is it a good idea to do this? Is there a danger that I could end up with too many HTTP connections? And why does it pause for 3 mins, surely if I've finished with the connection it should add it straight back into the pool ready for the next request to use, so why is it waiting 3 mins? Forgive my ignorance.
Failing that, what is the best strategy for a Node.js app making a potentially large number HTTP requests, without locking up, or crashing?
I'm running Node.js version 0.10 on Mac OSX 10.8.2.
Edit: I've found if I convert the above code into a for loop and try to establish a bunch of connections at the same time, I start getting errors after about 242 connections. The error is:
Error was thrown: connect EMFILE
(libuv) Failed to create kqueue (24)
...and the code...
for (var i = 1; i <= 2000; i++) {
(function(requestNo) {
var request = http.request({ host: '', method: 'GET', agent: false }, function(res) {
console.log('Completed ' + requestNo);
request.on('error', function(e) {
console.log( + ' was thrown: ' + e.message);
I don't know if a heavily loaded Node.js app could ever reach that many simultaneous connections.

You have to consume the response.
Remember, in v0.10, we landed streams2. That means that data events don't happen until you start looking for them. So, you can do stuff like this:
http.createServer(function(req, res) {
// this does some I/O, async
// in 0.8, you'd lose data chunks, or even the 'end' event!
lookUpSessionInDb(req, function(er, session) {
if (er) {
res.statusCode = 500;
} else {
// no data lost
req.on('data', handleUpload);
// end event didn't fire while we were looking it up
req.on('end', function() {
res.end('ok, got your stuff');
However, the flip side of streams that don't lose data when you're not reading it, is that they actually don't lose data if you're not reading it! That is, they start out paused, and you have to read them to get anything out.
So, what's happening in your test is that you're making a bunch of requests and not consuming the responses, and then eventually the socket gets killed by google because nothing is happening, and it assumes you've died.
There are some cases where it's impossible to consume the incoming message: that is, if you don't add a response event handler on a requests, or where you completely write and finish the response message on a server without ever reading the request. In those cases, we just dump the data in the garbage for you.
However, if you are listening to the 'response' event, it's your responsibility to handle the object. Add a response.resume() in your first example, and you'll see it processes on through at a reasonable pace.


How to specify HTTP timeout for DownloadURL() in Akavache?

I am developing an application targetting mobile devices, so I have to consider bad network connectivity. In one use case, I need to reduce the timeout for a request, because if no network is available, that's okay, and I'd fall back to default data immediately, without having the user wait for the HTTP response.
I found that HttpMixin.MakeWebRequest() has a timeout parameter (with default=null) but DownloadUrl() never makes use of it, so the forementioned function always waits for up to 15 seconds:
request.Timeout(timeout ?? TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15),
So actually I do not have the option to use a different timeout, or am I missing something?
Thanks for considering a helpful response.
So after looking at the signature for DownloadUrl in
I saw what you are talking about and am not sure why it is there but, it looks like the timeout is related to building the request and not a timeout for the request itself.
That being said, in order to set a timeout with a download, you have a couple options that should work.
Via TPL aka Async Await
var timeout = 1000;
var task = BlobCache.LocalMachine.DownloadUrl("").FirstAsync().ToTask();
if (await Task.WhenAny(task, Task.Delay(timeout)) == task) {
// task completed within timeout
//Do Stuff with your byte data here
//var result = task.Result;
} else {
// timeout logic
Via Rx Observables
var obs = BlobCache.LocalMachine
.Retry(retryCount: 2);
var result = obs.Subscribe((byteData) =>
//Do Stuff with your byte data here
Debug.WriteLine("Byte Data Length " + byteData.Length);
}, (ex) => {
Debug.WriteLine("Handle your exceptions here." + ex.Message);

Is it possible to have 2 concurrent node.js POST requests to the same server in flight?

I'm writing some testing code in Node.js that just repeatedly POSTs HTTP requests to a web-server. In simplified form:
function doPost(opts, data) {
var post_req = http.request(opts, function(res) {
res.on('data', function (chunk) { })
setInterval(doPost, interval, opts, msg)
I'd prefer that these requests are issued sequentially, i.e. that a subsequent POST was not sent until the first POST received a response.
My question is: due to the non-blocking architecture of the underlying libuv library used by the runtime, is it possible that this code sends one POST out over the connection to the web-server, but then is able to execute another post even if a response from the server has not yet arrived?
If I imagine this with a select() loop, I'd be free to call write() for the second POST and just get EWOULDBLOCK. Or if the network drops, will it just build up a backlog of POST request queued up to the IO thread-pool? It's unclear to me what behavior I should expect in this case. Is there something I must do to enforce completion of a POST before the next POST can start?
Inherintly Node.js runs on a single thread, to run multiple processes, you'll have to run clusters, they are are somewhat akin to multi-threading in Java. (See Node.js documentation on clusters). For example, your code will look something like this:
var cluster = require('cluster');
var numCPUs = require('os').cpus().length;
if (cluster.isMaster) {
// Fork workers.
for (var i = 0; i < numCPUs; i++) {
cluster.on('exit', function(worker, code, signal) {
console.log('worker ' + + ' died');
else {
//call the code in doPost
doPost(opts, data);
I think I've found my answer. I ran some tests under packet capture and found that when the network drops it's important to throttle your POST requests otherwise requests get enqueue'd to the IO pool and depending on the state of connectivity, some may send, others may not, and message order is mangled.

Is making sequential HTTP requests a blocking operation in node?

Note that irrelevant information to my question will be 'quoted'
like so (feel free to skip these).
I am using node to make in-order HTTP requests on behalf of multiple clients. This way, what originally took the client(s) several different page loads to get the desired result, now only takes a single request via my server. I am currently using the ‘async’ module for flow control and ‘request’ module for making the HTTP requests. There are approximately 5 callbacks which, using console.time, takes about ~2 seconds from start to finish (sketch code included below).
Now I am rather inexperienced with node, but I am aware of the
single-threaded nature of node. While I have read many times that node
isn’t built for CPU-bound tasks, I didn’t really understand what that
meant until now. If I have a correct understanding of what’s going on,
this means that what I currently have (in development) is in no way
going to scale to even more than 10 clients.
Since I am not an expert at node, I ask this question (in the title) to get a confirmation that making several sequential HTTP requests is indeed blocking.
If that is the case, I expect I will ask a different SO question (after doing the appropriate research) discussing various possible solutions, should I choose to continue approaching this problem in node (which itself may not be suitable for what I'm trying to do).
Other closing thoughts
I am truly sorry if this question was not detailed enough, too noobish, or had particularly flowery language (I try to be concise).
Thanks and all the upvotes to anyone who can help me with my problem!
The code I mentioned earlier:
var async = require('async');
var request = require('request');
function(cb) {
request(someUrl1, function(err, res, body) {
// load and parse the given web page.
// make a callback with data parsed from the web page
function(someParameters, cb) {
request({url: someUrl2, method: 'POST', form: {/* data */}}, function(err, res, body) {
// more computation
// make a callback with a session cookie given by the visited url
function(jar, cb) {
request({url: someUrl3, method: 'GET', jar: jar /* cookie from the previous callback */}, function(err, res, body) {
// do more parsing + computation
// make another callback with the results
function(moreParameters, cb) {
request({url: someUrl4, method: 'POST', jar: jar, form : {/*data*/}}, function(err, res, body) {
// make final callback after some more computation.
//This part takes about ~1s to complete
], function (err, result) {
console.timeEnd('4'); //
Normally, I/O in node.js are non-blocking. You can test this out by making several requests simultaneously to your server. For example, if each request takes 1 second to process, a blocking server would take 2 seconds to process 2 simultaneous requests but a non-blocking server would take just a bit more than 1 second to process both requests.
However, you can deliberately make requests blocking by using the sync-request module instead of request. Obviously, that's not recommended for servers.
Here's a bit of code to demonstrate the difference between blocking and non-blocking I/O:
var req = require('request');
var sync = require('sync-request');
// Load N times (yes, it's a real website):
var N = 10;
console.log('BLOCKING test ==========');
var start = new Date().valueOf();
for (var i=0;i<N;i++) {
var res = sync('GET','')
console.log('Downloaded ' + res.getBody().length + ' bytes');
var end = new Date().valueOf();
console.log('Total time: ' + (end-start) + 'ms');
console.log('NON-BLOCKING test ======');
var loaded = 0;
var start = new Date().valueOf();
for (var i=0;i<N;i++) {
req('',function( err, response, body ) {
console.log('Downloaded ' + body.length + ' bytes');
if (loaded == N) {
var end = new Date().valueOf();
console.log('Total time: ' + (end-start) + 'ms');
Running the code above you'll see the non-blocking test takes roughly the same amount of time to process all requests as it does for a single request (for example, if you set N = 10, the non-blocking code executes 10 times faster than the blocking code). This clearly illustrates that the requests are non-blocking.
Additional answer:
You also mentioned that you're worried about your process being CPU intensive. But in your code, you're not benchmarking CPU utility. You're mixing both network request time (I/O, which we know is non-blocking) and CPU process time. To measure how much time the request is in blocking mode, change your code to this:
function(cb) {
request(someUrl1, function(err, res, body) {
// load and parse the given web page.
// make a callback with data parsed from the web page
function(someParameters, cb) {
request({url: someUrl2, method: 'POST', form: {/* data */}}, function(err, res, body) {
// more computation
// make a callback with a session cookie given by the visited url
function(jar, cb) {
request({url: someUrl3, method: 'GET', jar: jar /* cookie from the previous callback */}, function(err, res, body) {
// do more parsing + computation
// make another callback with the results
function(moreParameters, cb) {
request({url: someUrl4, method: 'POST', jar: jar, form : {/*data*/}}, function(err, res, body) {
// some more computation.
// make final callback
], function (err, result) {
Your code only blocks in the "more computation" parts. So you can completely ignore any time spent waiting for the other parts to execute. In fact, that's exactly how node can serve multiple requests concurrently. While waiting for the other parts to call the respective callbacks (you mention that it may take up to 1 second) node can execute other javascript code and handle other requests.
Your code is non-blocking because it uses non-blocking I/O with the request() function. This means that node.js is free to service other requests while your series of http requests is being fetched.
What async.waterfall() does it to order your requests to be sequential and pass the results of one on to the next. The requests themselves are non-blocking and async.waterfall() does not change or influence that. The series you have just means that you have multiple non-blocking requests in a row.
What you have is analogous to a series of nested setTimeout() calls. For example, this sequence of code takes 5 seconds to get to the inner callback (like your async.waterfall() takes n seconds to get to the last callback):
setTimeout(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
// it takes 5 seconds to get here
}, 1000);
}, 1000);
}, 1000);
}, 1000);
}, 1000);
But, this uses basically zero CPU because it's just 5 consecutive asynchronous operations. The actual node.js process is involved for probably no more than 1ms to schedule the next setTimeout() and then the node.js process literally could be doing lots of other things until the system posts an event to fire the next timer.
You can read more about how the node.js event queue works in these references:
Run Arbitrary Code While Waiting For Callback in Node?
blocking code in non-blocking http server
Hidden threads in Javascript/Node that never execute user code: is it possible, and if so could it lead to an arcane possibility for a race condition?
How does JavaScript handle AJAX responses in the background? (written about the browser, but concept is the same)
If I have a correct understanding of what’s going on, this means that
what I currently have (in development) is in no way going to scale to
even more than 10 clients.
This is not a correct understanding. A node.js process can easily have thousands of non-blocking requests in flight at the same time. Your sequentially measured time is only a start to finish time - it has nothing to do with CPU resources or other OS resources consumed (see comments below on non-blocking resource consumption).
I still have concerns about using node for this particular
application then. I'm worried about how it will scale considering that
the work it is doing is not simple I/O but computationally intensive.
I feel as though I should switch to a platform that enables
multi-threading. Does what I'm asking/the concern I'm expressing make
sense? I could just be spitting total BS and have no idea what I'm
talking about.
Non-blocking I/O consumes almost no CPU (only a little when the request is originally sent and then a little when the result arrives back), but while the compmuter is waiting for the remove result, no CPU is consumed at all and no OS thread is consumed. This is one of the reasons that node.js scales well for non-blocking I/O as no resources are used when the computer is waiting for a response from a remove site.
If your processing of the request is computationally intensive (e.g. takes a measurable amount of pure blocking CPU time to process), then yes you would want to explore getting multiple processes involved in running the computations. There are multiple ways to do this. You can use clustering (so you simply have multiple identical node.js processes each working on requests from different clients) with the nodejs clustering module. Or, you can create a work queue of computationally intensive work to do and have a set of child processes that do the computationally intensive work. Or, there are several other options too. This not the type of problem that one needs to switch away from node.js to solve - it can be solved using node.js just fine.
You can use queue to process concurrent http calls in nodeJs
var cq = require('concurrent-queue');
test_queue = cq();
// request action method
testQueue: function(req, res) {
// queuing each request to process sequentially
test_queue(req.user, function (err, user) {
console.log(' done');
res.json(200, user)
// Queue will be processed one by one.
test_queue.limit({ concurrency: 1 }).process(function (user, cb) {
console.log( + ' started')
// async calls will go there
setTimeout(function () {
// on callback of async, call cb and return response.
cb(null, user)
}, 1000);
Please remember that it needs to implement for sensitive business calls where the resource needs to be accessed or update at a time by one user only.
This will block your I/O and make your users to wait and response time will be slow.
You can make it faster and optimize it by creating resource dependent queue. So that the there is a separate queue for each shared resource and synchronous calls for same resource can only be execute for same resource and for different resources the calls will be executed asynchronously
Let suppose that you want to implement that on the base of current user. So that for the same user http calls can only execute synchronously and for different users the https calls will be asynchronous
testQueue: function(req, res) {
// if queue not exist for current user.
if(! (test_queue.hasOwnProperty( ){
// initialize queue for current user
test_queue[] = cq();
// initialize queue processing for current user
// Queue will be processed one by one.
test_queue[].limit({ concurrency: 1 }).process(function (task, cb) {
console.log( + ' started')
// async functionality will go there
setTimeout(function () {
cb(null, task)
}, 1000)
// queuing each request in user specific queue to process sequentially
test_queue[](req.user, function (err, user) {
res.json(200, user)
console.log(' done');
This will be fast and block I/O for only that resource for which you want.

Handling multiple parallel HTTP requests in Node.js

I know that Node is non-blocking, but I just realized that the default behaviour of http.listen(8000) means that all HTTP requests are handled one-at-a-time. I know I shouldn't have been surprised at this (it's how ports work), but it does make me seriously wonder how to write my code so that I can handle multiple, parallel HTTP requests.
So what's the best way to write a server so that it doesn't hog port 80 and long-running responses don't result in long request queues?
To illustrate the problem, try running the code below and loading it up in two browser tabs at the same time.
var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8');
res.write("<p>" + new Date().toString() + ": starting response");
setTimeout(function () {
res.write("<p>" + new Date().toString() + ": completing response and closing connection</p>");
}, 4000);
You are misunderstanding how node works. The above code can accept TCP connections from hundreds or thousands of clients, read the HTTP requests, and then wait the 4000 ms timeout you have baked in there, and then send the responses. Each client will get a response in about 4000 + a small number of milliseconds. During that setTimeout (and during any I/O operation) node can continue processing. This includes accepting additional TCP connections. I tested your code and the browsers each get a response in 4s. The second one does NOT take 8s, if that is how you think it works.
I ran curl -s localhost:8080 in 4 tabs as quickly as I can via the keyboard and the seconds in the timestamps are:
54 to 58
54 to 58
55 to 59
56 to 00
There's no issue here, although I can understand how you might think there is one. Node would be totally broken if it worked as your post suggested.
Here's another way to verify:
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10; do curl -s localhost:8080 &;done
Your code can accept multiple connections because the job is done in callback function of the setTimeout call.
But if you instead of setTimeout do a heavy job... then it is true that node.js will not accept other multiple connections! SetTimeout accidentally frees the process so the node.js can accept other jobs and you code is executed in other "thread".
I don't know which is the correct way to implement this. But this is how it seems to work.
Browser blocks the other same requests. If you call it from different browsers then this will work parallelly.
I used following code to test request handling
app.get('/', function(req, res) {
console.log('time', MOMENT());
setTimeout( function() {
console.log(data, ' ', MOMENT());
data = 'changing';
}, 50000);
var data = 'change first';
Since this request doesn't take that much processing time, except for 50 sec of setTimeout and all the time-out were processed together like usually do.
Response 3 request together-
time moment("2017-05-22T16:47:28.893")
change first
time moment("2017-05-22T16:47:30.981")
change first
time moment("2017-05-22T16:47:33.463")
change first
change first moment("2017-05-22T16:48:18.923")
change first moment("2017-05-22T16:48:20.988")
change first moment("2017-05-22T16:48:23.466")
After this i moved to second phase... i.e., what if my request takes so much time to process a sync file or some thing else that take time.
app.get('/second', function(req, res) {
if( === '9') {
res.send('response from api');
} else {
for(i = 0; i<9999999999; i++){}
console.log('Second MOMENT', MOMENT());
res.send('wrong data');
var data = 'second test';
As my first request was still in process so my second didn't get accepted by Node. Thus i got following response of 2 request-
Second MOMENT moment("2017-05-22T17:44:40.609")
Second MOMENT moment("2017-05-22T17:45:24.643")
Thus For all Async functions theres a virtual thread in Node and Node does accept other request before completing previous requests async work like(fs, mysql,or calling API), however it keeps it self as single thread and does not process other request until all previous ones are completed.

How do I shutdown a Node.js http(s) server immediately?

I have a Node.js application that contains an http(s) server.
In a specific case, I need to shutdown this server programmatically. What I am currently doing is calling its close() function, but this does not help, as it waits for any kept alive connections to finish first.
So, basically, this shutdowns the server, but only after a minimum wait time of 120 seconds. But I want the server to shutdown immediately - even if this means breaking up with currently handled requests.
What I can not do is a simple
as the server is only part of the application, and the rest of the application should remain running. What I am looking for is conceptually something such as server.destroy(); or something like that.
How could I achieve this?
PS: The keep-alive timeout for connections is usually required, hence it is not a viable option to decrease this time.
The trick is that you need to subscribe to the server's connection event which gives you the socket of the new connection. You need to remember this socket and later on, directly after having called server.close(), destroy that socket using socket.destroy().
Additionally, you need to listen to the socket's close event to remove it from the array if it leaves naturally because its keep-alive timeout does run out.
I have written a small sample application you can use to demonstrate this behavior:
// Create a new server on port 4000
var http = require('http');
var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
res.end('Hello world!');
// Maintain a hash of all connected sockets
var sockets = {}, nextSocketId = 0;
server.on('connection', function (socket) {
// Add a newly connected socket
var socketId = nextSocketId++;
sockets[socketId] = socket;
console.log('socket', socketId, 'opened');
// Remove the socket when it closes
socket.on('close', function () {
console.log('socket', socketId, 'closed');
delete sockets[socketId];
// Extend socket lifetime for demo purposes
// Count down from 10 seconds
(function countDown (counter) {
if (counter > 0)
return setTimeout(countDown, 1000, counter - 1);
// Close the server
server.close(function () { console.log('Server closed!'); });
// Destroy all open sockets
for (var socketId in sockets) {
console.log('socket', socketId, 'destroyed');
Basically, what it does is to start a new HTTP server, count from 10 to 0, and close the server after 10 seconds. If no connection has been established, the server shuts down immediately.
If a connection has been established and it is still open, it is destroyed.
If it had already died naturally, only a message is printed out at that point in time.
I found a way to do this without having to keep track of the connections or having to force them closed. I'm not sure how reliable it is across Node versions or if there are any negative consequences to this but it seems to work perfectly fine for what I'm doing. The trick is to emit the "close" event using setImmediate right after calling the close method. This works like so:
At least for me, this ends up freeing the port so that I can start a new HTTP(S) service by the time the callback is called (which is pretty much instantly). Existing connections stay open. I'm using this to automatically restart the HTTPS service after renewing a Let's Encrypt certificate.
If you need to keep the process alive after closing the server, then Golo Roden's solution is probably the best.
But if you're closing the server as part of a graceful shutdown of the process, you just need this:
var server = require('http').createServer(myFancyServerLogic);
server.on('connection', function (socket) {socket.unref();});
function myFancyServerLogic(req, res) {
res.end('Hello World!', function () {
Basically, the sockets that your server uses will only keep the process alive while they're actually serving a request. While they're just sitting there idly (because of a Keep-Alive connection), a call to server.close() will close the process, as long as there's nothing else keeping the process alive. If you need to do other things after the server closes, as part of your graceful shutdown, you can hook into process.on('beforeExit', callback) to finish your graceful shutdown procedures.
The library provides an easy way to destroy() a server with the behavior desired in the question (by tracking opened connections and destroying each of them on server destroy, as described in other answers).
As others have said, the solution is to keep track of all open sockets and close them manually. My node package killable can do this for you. An example (using express, but you can call use killable on any http.server instance):
var killable = require('killable');
var app = require('express')();
var server;
app.route('/', function (req, res, next) {
res.send('Server is going down NOW!');
server.kill(function () {
//the server is down when this is called. That won't take long.
var server = app.listen(8080);
Yet another nodejs package to perform a shutdown killing connections: http-shutdown, which seems reasonably maintained at the time of writing (Sept. 2016) and worked for me on NodeJS 6.x
From the documentation
There are currently two ways to use this library. The first is explicit wrapping of the Server object:
// Create the http server
var server = require('http').createServer(function(req, res) {
res.end('Good job!');
// Wrap the server object with additional functionality.
// This should be done immediately after server construction, or before you start listening.
// Additional functionailiy needs to be added for http server events to properly shutdown.
server = require('http-shutdown')(server);
// Listen on a port and start taking requests.
// Sometime later... shutdown the server.
server.shutdown(function() {
console.log('Everything is cleanly shutdown.');
The second is implicitly adding prototype functionality to the Server object:
// .extend adds a .withShutdown prototype method to the Server object
var server = require('http').createServer(function(req, res) {
res.end('God job!');
}).withShutdown(); // <-- Easy to chain. Returns the Server object
// Sometime later, shutdown the server.
server.shutdown(function() {
console.log('Everything is cleanly shutdown.');
My best guess would be to kill the connections manually (i.e. to forcibly close it's sockets).
Ideally, this should be done by digging into the server's internals and closing it's sockets by hand. Alternatively, one could run a shell-command that does the same (provided the server has proper privileges &c.)
I have answered a variation of "how to terminate a HTTP server" many times on different node.js support channels. Unfortunately, I couldn't recommend any of the existing libraries because they are lacking in one or another way. I have since put together a package that (I believe) is handling all the cases expected of graceful HTTP server termination.
The main benefit of http-terminator is that:
it does not monkey-patch Node.js API
it immediately destroys all sockets without an attached HTTP request
it allows graceful timeout to sockets with ongoing HTTP requests
it properly handles HTTPS connections
it informs connections using keep-alive that server is shutting down by setting a connection: close header
it does not terminate the Node.js process
import http from 'http';
import {
} from 'http-terminator';
const server = http.createServer();
const httpTerminator = createHttpTerminator({
await httpTerminator.terminate();
const Koa = require('koa')
const app = new Koa()
let keepAlive = true
app.use(async (ctx) => {
let url = ctx.request.url
// destroy socket
if (keepAlive === false) {
ctx.response.set('Connection', 'close')
switch (url) {
case '/restart':
ctx.body = 'success'
ctx.body = 'world-----' +
const server = app.listen(9011)
process.on('message', (data, sendHandle) => {
if (data == 'stop') {
keepAlive = false
process.exit(code); // code 0 for success and 1 for fail
