How to script the install of openam - openam

According to the above documentation, to create the initial configuration I need to open a web browser. This is sound really weird to me. I would like to script the deploy of OpenAM and it seems impossible.
My actual script do the following
Download openam
extract openam
copy .war in tomcat webapp
extract administration tools
extract configuration tool
extract diagnostic tool
download opendj
lauch the setup of opendj with all args
Now I would like to launch the configuration tool of openam with the configuration file I would like to use but it seems OpenAM must be already configured;
The configuration tool require $HOME/openam/boostrap file where $HOME/openam is the configuration folder that should exists once you have already configure it.
Is this true ? To use configuration tool you must already have configured your service ?

Of course not ... 'configurator tool' is meant to initially configure OpenAM.
For the sake of simplicity, you should not use an external data store.
If you really want to use an external configuration store (OpenDJ or Oracle DSEE are the only supported ones currently), the external config store must be up and running before launching 'configurator tool'.
OpenDJ can be configurated in an automated way as well.
If you do not need an external configuration store, just deploy the OpenAM web-app and use 'configurator tool'

Some helpful links:
Using the CLI
configurator.jar documentation
Automated installation and configuration of OpenAM


How can I debug on Azure Devops VSO

I have made a task for Azure Devops Server pipeline.
On the local Azure Dev-Ops server, I can upload extensions from the local machine wrapped in VSIX file and examine the agent on the machine itself. The agent has the deployed DLL's from the extension and I always change specific DLL that has Logger inside and it prints to console on the pipeline itself.
How can I check if my task is compatible with the cloud version?
And off course if it is, how can I debug it?
The only possible way I found to insert my task in VSO is through the Microsoft DevOps marketplace, but I cannot upload the whole extension once per each change in code.
Also, didn't find a way to upload personal tasks to the marketplace. The private version is not helping because I can see it from within the server just like my clients.
Any advice or debug experience on that platform is appreciated.
Please follow this devblogs, it described how you can work and debug extension directly inside your IDE without publishing it to the marketplace.
Since this blog is very detailed, just mention the key steps.
Based on debugging purposes, you need create a special manifest, for sample I specify it as vss-extension-debug.json:
"id": "dev-extension",
"name": "Dev-Extension",
"baseUri": "https://localhost:44362",
You can customized the id and name by yourself. The most important and magic is baseUri, this will tell the VSTS server to load the extension from localhost where we can run and debug it in IISExpress from Visual Studio.
Note: Since our server need extension served from a secure source, please ensure enable SSL mode to run IISExpress

How to manage settings in a custom IIS managed module

I'm currently developing a IIS 7 managed module, that will be distributed along with a server-side software.
How can I manage settings/configurations within the IIS module itself? For example, how can I let the user set an API-key that will be internally used by the module?
I know that in Apache or in nginx I can add settings directly in the VirtualHosts file (apache) and in nginx configuration files (nginx). I wonder if is there a "best practice" for IIS modules.
Yes there is, you can use web.config files for that, optionally you could define your own Configuration Section, but depending on how complex your configuration is, maybe using the existing appSettings section is enough.
From your module you can just read appSettings like:
How to read appSettings section in the web.config file?
and the best thing is that this includes built-in UX in IIS Manager to manage Application Settings. The bad part is that it will not give validation for your customers, nor "intellisense" to guide them through the configuration.
If you want to define your own section you can look at:
when you add your Schema file, in IIS Manager you will be able to use "Configuration Editor" and will give a simple UI for your customers to set that with validation, data type, collection management, etc.

creating a performance tool for web based GUI

I want to create an automated performance metric gathering tool, to get various metrics for page load times for a flash based web application. I am doing the web automation using a batch script, and then I want to collect the various metrics using browsermob-proxy (, it exports the metrics in a HAR file. I've never done this before so I was wondering if this approach is okay? What are the steps to using browswermob-proxy for windows (firefox). There is no information about windows in the documentation, just linux. I know I run the proxy from the /bin directory, then what do I need to do?
I had downloaded the copy from the browsermob zip from here.. Unzip and refer the
The readme file in the browsemob zip, specifies the instructions to start the proxy server. Once the server is started, you would need to specify the server port and machine ip in your firefox proxy settings (from options->advanced->network>settings. Then trigger your urls on this browser.

MS Deploy - Team Build Drop

Does MS Deploy support the following scenario?
Create a package from a Team Build drop
Install the web application into IIS6/7 including app pools, settings, etc.
It doesn't seem to want to let me configure IIS on the destination server if my package wasn't created from IIS originally.
If you pass the parameter DeployOnBuild set to true, then your build will produce not only your normal web site files under _PublishedWebSites, but also one whose name ends with _Package. That will contain your package, the parameters file and the manifest, plus a .cmd file for deploying the package.
What it will not contain is anything you didn't tell MSBUILD to place into the package. In particular, no, it won't contain IIS settings unless you told MSBUILD to place IIS settings there. It won't get the settings from out of the air - it will only get them from your local IIS, and only if that's where you have your project set up.
The current feature set does not support this scenario - Microsoft

Create/configure New repository in remote mercurial server on IIS

Are there any tools avaliable to create and configure (Add new users, Change authorization settings ) mercurial repository hosted in IIS server ?
Currently I want to remotely log in to the server and need to create new repository and configure it manually.
I would take a look at Kallithea. That is a like a hgweb on steriods :) It has user management with authentication against LDAP (so you can use Active Directory), repository management, browsing, etc.
You ask about IIS and I know that it can run Python WSGI applications. Kallithea is based on Pylons and while it's described a difficult, you can run Pylons on IIS if you want.
I would probably install Apache instead or simply use the small web server that comes with Kallithea (depending on the load you expect).
