Excel VBA word match count fix - excel

I have this bit of code below that is very close to what I am looking to do. How it works is you press the “List Word Issue” button in the excel spreadsheet and it scans all the text, cell by cell and row by row in column A, against a separate worksheet containing a list of words. If there is a match (between what’s in each individual cell in column 1) then it puts the word(s) that match into the adjacent row in column b.
Here (http://mintywhite.com/more/software-more/microsoft-excel-analyze-free-text-surveys-feedback-complaints-part-2) is a link to the article that I found the code on and a link (http://mintywhite.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/wordcount2.xls) to download the entire .xls spreadsheet.
What I am looking for is a simple change so there will not be a “match” unless the word appears at least 5 times in each cell/row in column A of the first worksheet.
Sub WordCount()
Dim vArray, WordIssue, ElementCounter As Variant
Dim lngLoop, lngLastRow As Long
Dim rngCell, rngStoplist As Range
ElementCounter = 2 'setting a default value for the counter
For Each rngCell In Worksheets("Word").Range("A3", Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))
vArray = Split(rngCell.Value, " ") 'spliting the value when there is a space
vrWordIssue = ""
ElementCounter = ElementCounter + 1 'increases the counter every loop
For lngLoop = LBound(vArray) To UBound(vArray)
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Sheets("Issue").Range("A2:A" & Sheets("Issue").UsedRange.Rows.Count), vArray(lngLoop)) > 0 Then 'this is to test if the word exist in the Issue Sheet.
If vrWordIssue = "" Then
vrWordIssue = vArray(lngLoop) 'assigning the word
If InStr(1, vrWordIssue, vArray(lngLoop)) = 0 Then 'a binary of comparison
vrWordIssue = vrWordIssue & ", " & vArray(lngLoop) 'this will concatinate words issue that exist in Issue Sheet
End If
End If
End If
Next lngLoop
Worksheets("Word").Range("B" & ElementCounter).Value = vrWordIssue 'entering the final word issue list into cell.
Next rngCell
End Sub

Quick comment about some of the code, if you're interested:
Dim lngLoop, lngLastRow As Long
lngLoop is actually Variant, not a long. Unfortunately, you cannot declare data types like this as you can in, say, C++.
You need to do this instead:
Dim lngLoop As Long, lngLastRow As Long
Also, WordIssue is never used. It is supposed to be vrWordIssue.
In fact, I would almost never use Variant for anything in VBA. I don't believe this author of that website knows a good amount of VBA. (at least, not when they wrote that)
That said, the first thing I would fix are the variables:
Dim vArray, WordIssue, ElementCounter As Variant
Dim lngLoop, lngLastRow As Long
Dim rngCell, rngStoplist As Range
Dim vArray As Variant
Dim vrWordIssue As String
Dim ElementCounter As Long
Dim lngLoop As Long, lngLastRow As Long
Dim rngCell As Range, rngStoplist As Range
And add Option Explicit to the top of the module. This will help with debugging.
...And you don't almost never have to use Activate for anything...
....you know what? I would just use a different approach entirely. I don't like this code to be honest.
I know it's not encouraged to provide a full-blown solution, but I don't like not-so-good code being spread around like that (from the website that Douglas linked, not necessarily that Douglas wrote this).
Here's what I would do. This checks against issue words with case-sensitivity, by the way.
Option Explicit
Public Type Issues
Issue As String
Count As Long
End Type
Const countTolerance As Long = 5
Public Sub WordIssues()
' Main Sub Procedure - calls other subs/functions
Dim sh As Excel.Worksheet
Dim iLastRow As Long, i As Long
Dim theIssues() As Issues
Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Word")
theIssues = getIssuesList()
iLastRow = sh.Cells(sh.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
' loop through worksheet Word
For i = 3 To iLastRow
Call evaluateIssues(sh.Cells(i, 1), theIssues)
Call clearIssuesCount(theIssues)
Next i
End Sub
Private Function getIssuesList() As Issues()
' returns a list of the issues as an array
Dim sh As Excel.Worksheet
Dim i As Long, iLastRow As Long
Dim theIssues() As Issues
Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Issue")
iLastRow = sh.Cells(sh.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
ReDim theIssues(iLastRow - 2)
For i = 2 To iLastRow
theIssues(i - 2).Issue = sh.Cells(i, 1).Value
Next i
getIssuesList = theIssues
End Function
Private Sub clearIssuesCount(ByRef theIssues() As Issues)
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To UBound(theIssues)
theIssues(i).Count = 0
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub evaluateIssues(ByRef r As Excel.Range, ByRef theIssues() As Issues)
Dim vArray As Variant
Dim i As Long, k As Long
Dim sIssues As String
vArray = Split(r.Value, " ")
' loop through words in cell, checking for issue words
For i = 0 To UBound(vArray)
For k = 0 To UBound(theIssues)
If (InStr(1, vArray(i), theIssues(k).Issue, vbBinaryCompare) > 0) Then
'increase the count of issue word
theIssues(k).Count = theIssues(k).Count + 1
End If
Next k
Next i
' loop through issue words and see if it meets tolerance
' if it does, add to the Word Issue cell to the right
For k = 0 To UBound(theIssues)
If (theIssues(k).Count >= countTolerance) Then
If (sIssues = vbNullString) Then
sIssues = theIssues(k).Issue
sIssues = sIssues & ", " & theIssues(k).Issue
End If
End If
Next k
r.Offset(0, 1).Value = sIssues
End Sub


VBA Split() function not working when ":" is the delimiter

I'm trying to use the split() function to loop through a specified range and split all strings when a ":" is encountered, and replace the existing value with the split value.
Dim k As Integer
Dim lRow as Long
Dim startZip_col As Long
Dim startZip_str As String
Dim startZip_result() As String
Dim startZip_decomposed As Variant
For k = 2 To lRow
startZip_str = Cells(k, startZip_col).Value
startZip_result = Split(startZip_str, ":")
For Each startZip_decomposed In startZip_result
Cells(k, startZip_col) = startZip_result(1)
Next k
a example of the values i want to split are:
tried debug.print to pinpoint where the errors are, but column value is correctly identified, loop looks fine, not sure where went wrong
Where is lRow. startZip_col inititalized? Define and initialize your variables/Objects correctly.
Fully qualify the cells else it may refer to active sheet which may not be the sheet you think it is. For example ws.Cells(k, startZip_col).Value where ws is the relevant worksheet.
Before splitting, check for the existence of :
Option Explicit
Sub Sample()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim lRow As Long
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim ZipCol As Long
Dim ZipString As String
Dim ZipResult As Variant
'~~> Change this to the relevant sheet
Set ws = Sheet1
'~~> Change this to the releavant column
ZipCol = 1
With ws
'~~> Get the last row in Col A. Change to relevant column
lRow = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To lRow
ZipString = .Cells(i, ZipCol).Value
'~~> Check if the string contains ":"
If InStr(1, ZipString, ":") Then
ZipResult = Split(ZipString, ":")
'.Cells(1, ZipCol) = ZipResult(1)
'~~> For testing
For j = LBound(ZipResult) To UBound(ZipResult)
Debug.Print ZipResult(j)
Next j
End If
Next i
End With
End Sub

How to find each item in a column in a delimited list from a UserForm textbox

I'm creating a UserForm with a textbox that the user will fill in with a list of names delimited by "; ". These names are found in Column D on my sheet. For each name, I'd like to copy and paste the whole row to another sheet and then delete the row in the original sheet. I am running into a couple of roadblocks that I haven't been able to solve.
Private Sub OK_Click()
Dim x As Integer
Dim PINamesArray As String
Dim size As Long
Dim SearchRange As Range
Dim FindRow As Range
Set SearchRange = Range("D5", Range("D2000").End(xlUp))
PINamesArray = Split(Me.PINames, "; ")
size = UBound(PINamesArray) - LBound(PINamesArray) + 1
For x = 1 To size
Set FindRow = SearchRange.Find(x, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
RTBM = FindRow.Row
.Paste Worksheets("Dropped-NotSelected").Cells(ERow, 1)
RTBM.Delete Shift:xlShiftUp
End Sub
I want the Find function to look for the item in the delimited list that corresponds to that integer, not the integer itself.
I know that there are probably multiple aspects of this code that aren't right, but I'm having trouble finding good examples to base off of.
Give this a shot - I had to change some variables around (and fix a lot of weird typos you had going on), but this worked in my testing:
Option Explicit
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim x As Long, ERow As Long
Dim PINamesArray As Variant
Dim size As Long
Dim SearchRange As Range
Dim FindRow As Long
Set SearchRange = Range("D5:D2000")
ERow = 1
PINamesArray = Split(Me.PINames, "; ")
size = UBound(PINamesArray) - LBound(PINamesArray) + 1
For x = 1 To size
On Error Resume Next
FindRow = SearchRange.Find(What:=PINamesArray(x)).Row
On Error GoTo 0
If FindRow <> 0 Then
Worksheets("Dropped-NotSelected").Cells(ERow, 1).PasteSpecial
ERow = ERow + 1
Rows(FindRow).Delete Shift:=xlShiftUp
End If
Next x
End Sub

Search string in a range (text template) and replace from dynamic rows

Currently I have a template which is in range called rngP1.
And this contains a text below:
"This is to confirm that strTitle has been enacted on strDate for strCompany."
Basically, I have a data in another sheet that will be used to replace these 3 strings from my template:
So what I would like to happen is that in every row data it will search strings strTitle, strDate, and strCompany and replace them according to the data of each row.
I have a code already, however, it doesn't work as I expected:
Sub example()
Dim wsMain As Worksheet
Set wsMain = Sheets("Main")
Dim wsTemplate As Worksheet
Set wsTemplate = Sheets("Template")
Dim textToReplace As Variant
Dim array_example()
Dim Find_Text As Variant
Dim str As String
last_row = wsMain.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row 'Last row of the data set
ReDim array_example(last_row - 1, 2)
Find_Text = Array("strTitle", "strDate", "strCompany")
str = wsTemplate.Range("rngP1").Value
'Storing values in the array
For i = 0 To last_row - 1
array_example(i, 0) = wsMain.Range("A" & i + 2)
array_example(i, 1) = wsMain.Range("C" & i + 2)
array_example(i, 2) = wsMain.Range("D" & i + 2)
For i = LBound(array_example, 1) To UBound(array_example, 1)
For j = LBound(array_example, 2) To UBound(array_example, 2)
For a = 0 To UBound(Find_Text)
str = Replace(str, Find_Text(a), array_example(i, j))
Next a
Next j
MsgBox str
Next i
End Sub
Wrong Output:
It should be:
This is to confirm that Title1 has been enacted on 13-October-18 for Company X.
And next one would be the next row which is title 2. So on and so fort.
If you have an alternative way to do it, I appreciate it.
Here is a working example:
You can push the data range from a worksheet into an array with one line without looping
DataArr = wsMain.Range("A2:D" & LastRow).Value
You need only 2 loops for the replacing:
one to loop through the data rows
one to loop through the variables to replace
Your template str was not initialized within the loop, but you need a fresh template for every data row.
Note that the array loaded from the range starts counting from 1 but the variables array starts counting from 0.
Option Explicit
Sub Example()
Dim Template As String
Template = "This is to confirm that strTitle has been enacted on strDate for strCompany."
'load your template string from worksheet here!
Dim Variables As Variant 'variables to be replaced
Variables = Array("strTitle", "strDate", "strCompany")
Dim wsMain As Worksheet
Set wsMain = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Main")
Dim LastRow As Long 'this method is more reliable to find the last used row
LastRow = wsMain.Cells(wsMain.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Dim DataArr As Variant 'load the complete data range into an array
DataArr = wsMain.Range("A2:D" & LastRow).Value
Dim Output As String
Dim iRow As Long, iVar As Long
For iRow = LBound(DataArr, 1) To UBound(DataArr, 1) '1 to LastRow
Output = Template 'initialize with the template!
For iVar = LBound(Variables) To UBound(Variables) ' 0 to 2
Output = Replace(Output, Variables(iVar), DataArr(iRow, iVar + 1))
Next iVar
Debug.Print Output
Next iRow
End Sub

Excel VBA TRIM macro not trimming email addresses

I have a macro that trims all cells in the currently selected column, when I use it on normal text, names, postcodes etc it works just fine, but when its used to trim an email address column it isn't removing trailing spaces.
' This needs trimming ' becomes 'This needs trimming' but
'thisneeds#trimming.to ' stays as 'thisneeds#trimming.to '.
This is the macro,
Dim mycell
mycell = ActiveCell.Address
response = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to trim column " & Split(mycell, "$")(1) & "?", vbYesNo)
If response = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
Dim arrData() As Variant
Dim arrReturnData() As Variant
Dim rng As Excel.Range
Dim lRows As Long
Dim lCols As Long
Dim i As Long, j As Long
lRows = Selection.Rows.Count
lCols = Selection.Columns.Count
ReDim arrData(1 To lRows, 1 To lCols)
ReDim arrReturnData(1 To lRows, 1 To lCols)
Set rng = Selection
arrData = rng.Value
For j = 1 To lCols
For i = 1 To lRows
arrReturnData(i, j) = Trim(arrData(i, j))
Next i
Next j
rng.Value = arrReturnData
Set rng = Nothing
I can't understand why it works for every column but not email addresses.
You can get by without reinventing the wheel.
Please use this function as sample code to proceed.
Public Function TrimStr(inputStr As String) As String
TrimStr = WorksheetFunction.Trim(inputStr)
End Function
I have tried it with your example and others, and all sorts of spaces are removed.

Interlaced loop to compare conditions and sum matches

I want to compare the content of two ranges in a worksheet to two strings on another worksheet. In the case of both conditions are met, the cell next to it has to be summes up with all prior matches.
The code that works fine with comparing it to one criteria:
Sub Makro1()
Dim FB As String
FB = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Form").Range("B3").Value
Dim MyRangeA As Range
Dim A As Range
Dim MyTotal As Long
Dim LastRow As Long
MyTotal = 0
LastRow = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Downloads").Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "F").End(xlUp).Row
Set MyRangeA = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Downloads").Range("F3:F" & LastRow)
For Each A In MyRangeA
If A.Value = FB Then
MyTotal = MyTotal + A.Offset(, 1).Value
End If
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Downloads").Range("K3") = MyTotal
End Sub
However, I just cannot figure out how to insert another criteria to my range. This is my current try that doesn't work:
Sub Macro1()
Dim FB As String
Dim MTH As String
FB = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Form").Range("B3").Value
MTH = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Form").Range("B5").Value
Dim MyRangeA As Range
Dim A As Range
Dim MyRangeB As Range
Dim B As Range
Dim MyTotal As Long
Dim LastRow As Long
MyTotal = 0
LastRow = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Downloads").Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "F").End(xlUp).Row
Set MyRangeA = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Downloads").Range("F3:F" & LastRow)
Set MyRangeB = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Downloads").Range("D3:D" & LastRow)
For Each A In MyRangeA
For Each B In MyRangeB
If B.Value = MTH Then
MyTotal = MyTotal + A.Offset(, 1).Value
End If
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Downloads").Range("L3") = MyTotal
End Sub
Can anyone help my out with this one?
As Charles Williams wrote you could use SUMIFS. You can use it within your VBA routine if you are happy with case insensitive matching:
MyTotal = WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(MyRangeA.Offset(, 1), MyRangeA, FB, MyRangeB, MTH)
Or, if that is problematic, you could loop testing each item. However, depending on the size of your data, it is usually measurably faster to read everything into a VBA array, and loop through that, rather than going back to the worksheet for each item. In addition, it is generally faster to iterate by index For I = 1 to n ... Next I than to go through a For Each Someobject ... Next Someobject type of iteration. So if you did not want to use the above, I would try a code snippet similar to:
Dim I As Long
Dim vData As Variant
vData = Union(MyRangeA, MyRangeA.Offset(, 1), MyRangeB)
For I = 1 To UBound(vData)
If vData(I, 1) = FB And vData(I, 3) = MTH Then
MyTotal = MyTotal + vData(I, 2)
End If
Next I
Depending on your requirements, you might also, for the latter, consider adding
Option Compare Text
to the top of your macro.
