Overriding EmailRecieved without loosing the Base EmailRecieved functionality - sharepoint

I have a document library setup to recieve emails. The emails coming in have a single picture and a csv file which I use for some processing.
The override emailrecieved works perfectly but of course as I override I lose the nice SharePoint functionaliy that saves the incomming email as configured in the settings.
It was my understanding that I could call MyBase.EmailRecieved in my event for the underlying functionality to still work. This however is not working and no record of the email coming in is getting retained.
For now I am explicitly creating an audit trail but I would like to rely on SharePoints existing functionality as I believe it will be more robust.
What am I doing wrong with the MyBase.EmailRecieved call? Or what can I do instead if this doesnt work?
Thanks in advance.

When writing your own EmailReceived event receiver you will loose the default functionality.
What you will have to do is to implement this default functionality yourself. Let me give you a simple example. The following example saves all mail attachments to the list if they are *.csv files. You can do the same with the emailMessage and save it to the list as well. As you can see it is as easy as to add Files.Add to add a file to a document library.
public override void EmailReceived(SPList list, SPEmailMessage emailMessage, string receiverData)
SPFolder folder = list.RootFolder;
//save attachments to list
foreach (SPEmailAttachment attachment in emailMessage.Attachments)
if (attachment.FileName.EndsWith(".csv"))
var attachmentFileName = attachment.FileName;
folder.Files.Add(folder.Url + "/" + attachmentFileName, attachment.ContentStream, true);


Firebase doc changes

thanks for your help, I am new to firebase, I am designing an application with Node.js, what I want is that every time it detects changes in a document, a function is invoked that creates or updates the file system according to the new structure of data in the firebase document, everything works fine but the problem I have is that if the document is updated with 2 or more attributes the makeBotFileSystem function is invoked the same number of times which brings me problems since this can give me performance problems or file overwriting problems since what I do is generate or update multiple files.
I would like to see how the change can be expected but wait until all the information in the document is finished updating, not attribute by attribute, is there any way? this is my code:
let botRef = firebasebotservice.db.collection('bot');
botRef.onSnapshot(querySnapshot => {
querySnapshot.docChanges().forEach(change => {
if (change.type === 'modified') {
console.log('bot-changes ' + change.doc.id);
const botData = change.doc.data();
botData.botId = change.doc.id;
The onSnapshot function will notify you anytime a document changes. If property changes are commited one by one instead of updating the document all at once, then you will receive multiple snapshots.
One way to partially solve the multiple snapshot thing would be to change the code that updates the document to commit all property changes in a single operation so that you only receive one snapshot.
Nonetheless, you should design the function triggered by the snapshot so that it can handle multiple document changes without breaking. Given that document updates will happen no matter if by single/multiple property changes your code should be able to handle those. IMHO the problem is the filesystem update rather than how many snaphots are received
You should use docChanges() method like this:
db.collection("cities").onSnapshot(querySnapshot => {
let changes = querySnapshot.docChanges();
for (let change of changes) {
var data = change.doc.data();

How to open in a IOS App a specific view based on a file extension that an user have on a attachment (swift)

Good morning everyone I need your help (again); I have created an application that generates to files with two different file extensions as listed below:
First extension: .myexport (which is use to share all the information stored in the local core-data storage)
Second extension: .myshare (which is use to share a specific record from the local core-data storage).
The main idea in here is that an user can send by email a file if he wants to share that information with another device (a friend device for example), so when the other user receives the email with the attachment, this should open in View A (base on the image below) and import the file content in the new device. But also the user can send as attachment a specific record to another user and when the second user receives the email and opens the attachments the file should open in View B (based on the image below) so the user won't import this information but can review and modify the information and send it back to the original person.
The idea of the 2 files is because the application must do stuff differently depending of the information received.
If this is possible may I ask you for some code sample of how to achieve this?
Here is the image sample of how the storyboard is organized.
Thanks in advances for your help.
Hi I figure it out based on a post related to push notification.
Here is the code that I use to deal with the attachment part; the change is in the AppDelegate.swift file
func application(application: UIApplication, openURL url: NSURL, sourceApplication: String?, annotation: AnyObject) -> Bool {
//url contains a URL to the file your app shall open
do {
if (url.path!.hasSuffix("fileext1")){
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let vc = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("AddComment") as! AddCommentViewController
vc.imported = true
window?.rootViewController = vc
else if (url.path!.hasSuffix("fileext2")){
let result = try General.SaveXmlToCoreData(url.path!)
catch let error as NSError {
return true

How can I change Magento theme via query string?

Is it possible to change Magento template via query string?
I am developing a custom template and sometimes I want to check if I broke something, so I want to change via query string the theme for the default one.
I am looing for something like this:
Does something like this exists?
You could write an observer that is listening to event <controller_action_predispatch>
The observer method could look like this:
public function changeTheme(){
if (Mage::app()->getRequest()->getParam('layout_switch') == '1'){
Then you would just need to call your page with e.g.
The short answer is no you can't (as far as I know)
However if it's your local installation (which you use only as a development enviroment!) you can use a trick:
Create another Store view and assign whatever theme you want to that store view and then access it like yourstore.com/?___store=storecode
as simple as 1-2-3.:) Create a new dev theme and copy all the files from the current live theme to the new one (both app/design and sking). Then observe controller_action_predispatch event and then in the observer function simply:
$controllerAction = $observer->getControllerAction();
if ($controllerAction->getLayout()->getArea() == Mage_Core_Model_App_Area::AREA_FRONTEND) {
$ipAddress = Mage::helper('core/http')->getRemoteAddr();
$ipAddresses = array('xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx');
if (in_array($ipAddress, $ipAddresses)) {
Very helpful for design tweaks indeed. After the work is finished the observer should be disabled or module deactivated until next time

Monotouch/iPhone - Call to HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream() connects to server when HTTP Method is DELETE

My Scenario:
I am using Monotouch for iOS to create an iPhone app. I am calling ASP.NEt MVC 4 Web API based http services to login/log off. For Login, i use the POST webmethod and all's well. For Logoff, i am calling the Delete web method. I want to pass JSON data (serialized complex data) to the Delete call. If i pass simple data like a single string parameter as part of the URL itself, then all's well i.e. Delete does work! In order to pass the complex Json Data, here's my call (i have adjusted code to make it simple by showing just one parameter - UserName being sent via JSON):
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create("http://localhost/module/api/session/");
req.ContentType = "application/json";
req.CookieContainer = jar;
req.Method = "Delete";
using (var streamWrite = new StreamWriter(req.GetRequestStream()))
string jSON = "{\"UserName\":\"" + "someone" + "\"}";
HttpWebResponse res = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();
on the server, the Delete method looks has this definition:
public void Delete(Credentials user)
where Credentials is a complex type.
Now, here's the issue!
The above code, gets into the Delete method on the server as soon as it hits:
And hence the parameter sent to the Delete method ends up being null
And here's the weird part:
If i use the exact same code using a test VS 2010 windows application, even the above code works...i.e it does not call Delete until req.GetResponse() is called! And in this scenario, the parameter to the Delete method is a valid object!
Any ideas or Is this a bug with Monotouch, if so, any workaround?
if i change the Delete definition to public void Delete(string userName)
and instead of json, if i pass the parameter as part of the url itself, all's well. But like i said this is just a simplified example to illustrate my issue. Any help is appreciated!!!
This seems to be ill-defined. See this question for more details: Is an entity body allowed for an HTTP DELETE request?
In general MonoTouch (based on Mono) will try to be feature/bug compatible with the Microsoft .NET framework to ease code portability between platforms.
IOW if MS.NET ignores the body of a DELETE method then so will MonoTouch. If the behaviour differs then a bug report should be filled at http://bugzilla.xamarin.com

Upload document to specific folder in a SharePoint Document library using WebClient

I have some client side code that uploads an Outlook email to a document library and as long as the path is pointing to the root of the doc library it works just fine.
#"https://<server>/sites/<subweb>/<customer>/<teamweb>/<Documents>/" + docname;
is the projectUrl in this function :
public bool SaveMail(string filepath, string projectUrl)
using (WebClient webclient = new WebClient())
webclient.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
webclient.UploadFile(projectUrl, "PUT", filepath);
catch(Exception ex)
//TO DO Write the exception to the log file
return false;
return true;
but I have not been able to figur out how to upload to an existing folder i.e. "Emails" in the same document library.
Not even Google seems to know the answer :-)
Note: I know that I could use something like the Copy web service within SharePoint to move the file to its final destination, but that is more like a workaround.
When will I learn not to work that late into the night :-(
Sorry about that question. Igalse is right, I just needed to add "emails/" to the URL. I could swear that I had tried that, but then again it sure looks like I didn't.
With your code I just added /Emails/ to the projectUrl and the upload worked just fine. Have you tried that? Maybe you have permission problem.
